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发布时间:2017-03-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练8(必修2 Unit 3)



  This dog just may be the world’s largest pit bull(比特犬).Only 18-month-old,Hulk weighs 175 pounds.

  Despite his large size,his owners Marlon Grannan and his wife Lisa Grannan say Hulk is a sweet family dog and a best friend to their 3-year-old son Jordan.

  Online videos and photos of Hulk with their son in their New Hampshire home break down wrong views about pit bulls as cruel monsters(怪物).

  Grannan’s son can be seen riding Hulk,singing with him and sleeping with him.

  “He’s a wonderful and excellently trained dog,”Grannan said.“He plays with my kid,he’s great with the family and he’s so,so sweet.”

  “Because pit bulls are only in the media when bad things happen,this myth of them as monsters gets perpetuated(使永存),”Grannan added,“but it’s not true.They might not be for everyone,but with a good leader and proper training,they make amazing family and protection dogs.”

  Grannan and his wife are the owners of Dark Dynasty K9s,family-owned kennel(养狗场) that raises and trains American pit bulls as protection dogs for customers worldwide.Dark Dynasty K9s is also a member of the American Dog Breeders Association and the United Kennel Club.

  Grannan said,“Our goal is to make these dogs brave enough to be guard dogs,not for them to be uncontrollable and bite anyone.That is improper training.”

  He owns 12 pit bulls for training.All of them live and work with him at their 150-acre home and kennel.

  And yet,Hulk,the biggest of them all,has got the most attention.A video of him being weighed last month had over 7 million views as of Tuesday morning.

  “My hope is that with all this attention we can change people’s minds about pit bulls in a positive way,”Grannan said.

  1.Most people mistakenly think that pit bulls  . 

  A.are usually very large

  B.are dangerous for people

  C.can be sweet family dogs

  D.can be great working dogs

  2.We can infer that most people know about pit bulls mainly  . 


  A.from zoos B.from kennels

  C.from experience D.through the media

  3.Grannan and his wife  . 

  A.try to protect pit bulls

  B.aim to breed and train pit bulls

  C.are customers of Dark Dynasty K9s

  D.live by making videos and photos of animals

  4.Why did the Grannans upload the videos and photos of Hulk onto the Internet?

  A.To win support for their son.

  B.To advertise Dark Dynasty K9s.

  C.To teach people about real pit bulls.

  D.To show off their photographic skills.


  God’s Hotel

  Victoria Sweet

  When Sweet applied for a job at one of the country’s last almshouses(救济院),she had no idea she would stay there for 20 years,taking care of patients no other organization wanted while defending the hospital from those who consider it unnecessary.By recording her own experiences,Sweet’s book takes a hard look at healthcare problems while raising questions about the true role of doctors in our society.


  Chris Cleave

  It’s about three best friends and fierce competitors in Olympic-level cycling.Zoe,Kate,and Jack are splendid athletes,but when their feet are on the ground,they’re just like the rest of us:pretty much a mess.Gold discusses both excellent athletics and everyday life in depth.

  What Dies in Summer

  Tom Wright

  Texas teenager Jim and his family find Lee Ann,Jim’s cousin,half-frozen at their door one day,unwilling to say a word about why she left home.What none of them know is that by taking her in,they’ve put themselves in a killer’s path.This book is filled with an atmosphere of terror.

  The Newlyweds

  Nell Freudenberger

  It’s hard to imagine two worlds more different than Rochester,N.Y.and Bangladesh,a country in South Asia.So we know there’s culture shock coming when,after a sweet online courtship(恋爱期),George Stillman travels to Dhaka,the capital of Bangladesh,to bring Amina Mazid back to his hometown.This novel examines love and family—and the enormous different meanings two people can attach to those seemingly simple words.

  5.God’s Hotel differs from the other three books in that  . 

  A.it has a happy ending

  B.it is written by a teenager

  C.the author has written about her own life

  D.the author finished it with her family’s help

  6.What do we know about the main characters of Gold?

  A.They have won Olympic gold medals.

  B.They take part in team competitions.

  C.They are strong and handsome.

  D.They are very good friends.

  7.Who mainly deals with affection(情感) in his or her book?

  A.Tom Wright. B.Chris Cleave.

  C.Victoria Sweet. D.Nell Freudenberger.



  Airships were developed from principles of ballooning.1.  Unlike balloons,however,airships are driven by engine-powered propellers(螺旋桨) and controlled by rudders(方向舵). 

  Most airships are long and cigar-shaped.Some airships have a rigid frame(坚硬的艇架),while others are simply big balloons that rely on the gas to keep their shape.2.  The gas H2 is the most commonly used gas,though H2 has also been used in airships.A car,or gondola,often hung below the gas container,holds the airship’s staff and passengers.In some cases,the passenger compartment(密封舱) is actually within the frame of the airship. 

  3.  The gas inside the ship lifts the craft into the air and then engines propel the craft forward.The pilot uses the rudder to control the direction of the craft.While most of the ships are filled with the lighter-than-air gas,there are also two compartments filled with normal air.4.  To make the ship go up,the pilot reduces some of the normal air.Because that air is heavy,the ship becomes lighter and floats upward when it is reduced.To make the ship go down,the pilot can fill the compartments with more air. 

  The first propeller-driven airship flew in 1852 in France.Its engine was powered by steam.The first rigid airship,with a body made of the metal Al,was built in Germany in 1897.One of the most successful builders of rigid airships was Ferdinand von Zeppelin.5. 

  A.The gas H2 has great lifting ability.

  B.He completed his first rigid airship in 1900.

  C.Airships rely on several different features to enable them to fly.

  D.These are actually a type of lighter-than-air craft called an airship.

  E.The main section of an airship is filled with a gas that is lighter than air.

  F.Like balloons,they are filled with a gas that allows them to float in the air.

  G.The pilot can make the ship go up or down by controlling the amount of air in them.〚导学号95480039〛








  In the picture,a child is  
















  考点规范练8(必修2 Unit 3)


  1.B 细节理解题。由第三段中的“wrong views about pit bulls as cruel monsters”可知,大多数人误以为比特犬是危险的动物。

  2.D 推理判断题。由第六段开头的“Because pit bulls are only in the media when bad things happen,this myth of them as monsters gets perpetuated”可推断,大多数人主要是通过媒体来了解比特犬的。

  3.B 细节理解题。由第七段开头的“Grannan and his wife are the owners of Dark Dynasty K9s,family-owned kennel that raises and trains American pit bulls”可知。

  4.C 细节理解题。由最后一段中的“My hope is that with all this attention we can change people’s minds about pit bulls in a positive way”可知,Grannan和妻子之所以把Hulk的视频和照片放到网上是为了使人们了解真正的比特犬。


  5.C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“By recording her own experiences,Sweet’s book...”可知,God’s Hotel是一本自传。根据另外三本书的作者及书中主人公的介绍可知,这三本书的主人公都不是作者本人。

  6.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“It’s about three best friends”可知答案。

  7.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“a sweet online courtship”及“This novel examines love and family”可知,最后一本书描述了爱和家庭,是有关情感方面的,其作者是Nell Freudenberger。


  1.F 根据本空前一句中的“developed from principles of ballooning”和本空后一句中的“Unlike balloons,however”可推测,本空是说飞艇和气球的相似之处:它们都充满了能让它们飘浮在空中的气体。

  2.E 根据本段内容可知,本段主要介绍飞艇的构造。结合本句前已经介绍了飞艇的外部构造及本空后的“The gas...”可推测,本空介绍“飞艇的主要部分(即飞艇内部)充满了比空气轻的气体”。

  3.C 根据本空后的“The gas inside the ship lifts...engines propel the craft forward.The pilot uses the rudder to control the direction of the craft”及随后说明飞行员如何控制飞艇升降可知,本段主要讲解“飞艇靠不同的部分使它们飞行”。

  4.G 根据本空后的“To make the ship go up,the pilot reduces some of the normal air...To make the ship go down,the pilot can fill the compartments with more air”可知,“飞行员可以通过控制(密封舱)内空气的容量让飞艇上升或者下降”。

  5.B 根据本段中两次出现的first可知,本段介绍飞艇发展史上的“第一”。B项中的He指的就是本空前的“Ferdinand von Zeppelin”,“completed...rigid airship”符合其“...builders of rigid airships”的身份,而且first也符合本段语境。

  .In the picture,a child is carrying a huge schoolbag marked with pressure and the national college entrance examination on his back.The bag is so heavy that the child kneels on the floor. 

  Because of the national college entrance examination,many children are under more pressure than they can bear.Apart from endless schoolwork,their parents give a lot of assignments to them,which makes them even more worried.

  To reduce children’s pressure,firstly,children need to know the result isn’t important as long as they try their best.Secondly,a practical target should be set.Then parents can relax and let children study at their own pace.Only in this way,will children perform better.


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