2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 4-1 Challenging Yourself Ⅰ Exploring the Wonders(重庆大学版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 4-1 Challenging Yourself Ⅰ Exploring the Wonders(重庆大学版)

发布时间:2017-03-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * * 课前预习 核心考点 对应演练 Challenging Yourself Ⅰ Exploring the Wonders -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- 核心短语 核心句式 be acknowledged by被承认 领悟高考·究考法 诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分的含义 (1)Computer is acknowledged by young people to be the most important tool at present. 年轻人认为电脑是现在最重要的工具。  (2)The driver acknowledged my instructions but did not move off.(2017福建,完形填空) 司机明白了我的要求,但他没有发动汽车。 -*- 核心短语 核心句式 (3)She stood back and acknowledged the applause of the crowd. 她往后一站,向观众的掌声致谢。 (4)He acknowledged having denoted money to the flooded area. 他承认给洪灾地区捐过款。 -*- 核心短语 核心句式 -*- 核心句式 核心短语 2 1 1.The first step to learning about the future is to learn about the past. 了解未来的第一步就是了解过去。 分析提炼·究考法 不定式作表语,表示主语的具体内容,如职业、职责或性质等,也可以表示目的、愿望等。动词-ing形式作表语时,句子的主语通常是表示无生命的事物的名词或what引导的名词性从句。表语与主语通常是对等关系,表示主语的内容。动词-ed形式作表语表示主语所处的状态或感受,很多已转化为形容词。 -*- 核心句式 核心短语 2 1 领悟考法·用考点 完成句子 (1)Anyhow my goal is  to   provide  humans with a life of high quality.  总之,我的目标就是为人类提供高质量的生活。 (2)His job is  teaching   English .  他的工作是教英语。 (3)What you said is really  inspiring .  你所说的确实鼓舞人心。 (4)The stick is  burnt .  木棒燃烧过了。 -*- 核心句式 核心短语 2 1 2.It is said that their length,if connected end to end,would encircle half of the globe... 据说如果把它们连接在一起,总长度可以围绕地球半圈…… 分析提炼·究考法 if connected end to end作插入语,connected end to end是过去分词作状语,加上连词if实际是省略了they were的状语从句。这里用的是虚拟语气,故用would。在时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句中,如果谓语动词包含有动词be,并且从句的主语和主句的主语一致,或者从句主语是it时,通常把从句的主语和动词be一并省略。 -*- 核心句式 核心短语 2 1 领悟考法·用考点 完成句子 (1)They may even do the same thing  while   crossing   a   road  at a pedestrian crossing or elsewhere.(2015湖南,阅读理解)  在人行横道或其他地方过马路时,他们可能甚至会做同样的事情。 (2)Anyone,once  tested (被测出)positive for the virus,will receive free medical treatment.  任何人一旦被测出对病毒呈阳性,将会接受免费的药物治疗。 -*- 核心句式 核心短语 2 1 (3)She worked extremely hard though  still   in   poor   health .  她尽管身体不好,工作起来还是极其卖力。 (4)She hurriedly left the room  as   if   angry .  她急忙离开了房间,好像很生气的样子。 -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Many of my former students wrote  to acknowledge (acknowledge)my help during their schooling.  2.They are  exploring (explore) ways of solving the problem.  3.Most of the country will be dry,but there may be some rain  locally (local).  4.We need to start thinking  globally (globe).  5.There is not much  agricultural (agriculture)land in Shanghai.  Ⅳ -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅱ.短语填空 dig out by means of in search of located in at the base of 1.They succeeded  by means of  hard working.  2.The park is  located in  the center of the city.  3.It is not easy to  dig out  the past.  4.We camped  at the base of  the mountain.  5.He went  in search of  a doctor for his sick wife.  Ⅳ -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅲ.完成句子 1.小男孩的计划是先做作业。

  The boy’s plan is  to   do   his   homework   first .  2.他做作业的时候经常听音乐。 He often listens to music  when   doing   homework .  3.这座城市三面环山。 The city is  surrounded  on three sides by mountains.  4.你做的演讲很有趣而且很鼓舞人。 The speech you delivered is  very   interesting   and   encouraging .  Ⅳ -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅳ.语篇填空 There was a little mouse staying at home all day.It 1. daren’t/didn’t dare(to) (dare) go out,even at night.“The cat is 2. such  a terrible animal.He’ll eat me.”It always said,with a sense of horror.  God sympathized with the little mouse very much,so he 3. turned (turn) it into a cat.  But the cat 4. which/that  was previously a mouse turned out to be afraid of dogs.  “Dogs always appear 5. cruel (cruelly).What can I do if I happen to encounter him?”  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ So God turned it into a dog.But it then began to be scared of tigers.And 6. trying (try) his best,God turned it into a tiger.  To his surprise,again the tiger said 7. with  its legs shaking,“The hunter’s gun can kill me at 8. any  time.”  At last,God was so angry that he turned it back to the mouse.He said,“You’re a mouse after 9. all .Even if I turned you into a hunter,you 10. would be (be) in fear of mice.I cannot help you because you only have a mouse’s heart.”  * * * * * 课前预习 核心考点 对应演练 * * * * * * *


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