2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 4-2 Challenging Yourself Ⅱ Man and Pets(重庆大学版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 4-2 Challenging Yourself Ⅱ Man and Pets(重庆大学版)

发布时间:2017-03-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * * * * * * 课前预习 核心考点 对应演练 Challenging Yourself Ⅱ Man and Pets -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- 重点单词 核心句式 2 3 1 1.adopt v.收养;采取;采纳 adopted adj.收养的;领养的 领悟高考·究考法 诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分的含义 (1)Before I was two,I was adopted by an Anglo couple.(2017江苏,阅读理解) 两岁之前,我被一对盎格鲁夫妇收养。 (2)Our school has adopted a new teaching method. 我们学校采用了一种新的教学法。 (3)His adopted son went abroad last week. 他的养子上周出国了。 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 2 3 1 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 2 3 1 2.amuse vt.使发笑;给……提供娱乐;消遣 amusing adj.有乐趣的 amusement n.乐趣;娱乐 amused adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的 领悟高考·究考法 完成或翻译句子 (1)Not everyone experiences anger in the same way,what angers one person may  amuse   another .(2017江苏,阅读理解)  并不是每个人都以同样的方式体验愤怒,让一个人愤怒的事也许会逗乐另外一个人。 (2)Pets are playful animals and they amuse us.(2017陕西,六选五) 宠物是有趣的动物,它们逗我们乐。 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 2 3 1 (3)We were all greatly  amused   to   hear  about him sitting on the wet paint.  听说他坐了一屁股油漆,我们都被逗乐了。 (4) To   our   amusement ,the teacher sang a funny song during the class.  令我们觉得有趣的是,老师在课堂上唱了一首滑稽的歌。 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 2 3 1 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 2 3 1 3.entertaining adj.有趣的;愉快的 领悟高考·究考法 语法填空 (1)Another argument against television is that it replaces reading as a form of  entertainment (entertain).(2015 广东,阅读理解)  (2)I had an  entertaining (entertain) evening in Beijing.  (3)Our friends entertained us  to  dinner last night.  (4)He entertained us for hours  with  his stories and jokes.  -*- 重点单词 核心句式 2 3 1 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 2 3 1 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 In America,there are more households with pets than those with children. 在美国,养宠物的家庭比养孩子的多。 分析提炼·究考法 more than...比……多 more than...表示“超过,多于”。 “more than+名词”表示“不仅仅是,不只是”。 “more than+形容词/副词”表示“非常,十分”,与very同义。 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 more than之后的从句含有can或could时,常表示否定意义。此时,从句中的谓语动词必须是及物动词,并且与主句的主语为逻辑上的动宾关系。 more...than...意为“与其……不如……,是……而不是……”,表示自身的比较。 no more than=only意为“只有,仅仅”;not more than常用于数词之前,意为“至多,不超过”,其意义相当于at(the) most。 -*- 重点单词 核心句式 领悟考法·用考点 诵读或翻译句子,体会黑体部分的含义 (1)More students than ever before are taking a gap year(间隔年) before going to university.(2015课标全国Ⅱ,阅读理解) 选择间隔一年再上大学的学生比以往任何时候都多。 (2)It was also much more than we could afford,but far less than the original asking price.(2015天津,完形填空) 这仍然远远超出我们的购买能力,但是比起最初的要价低多了。 (3)与其说约翰聪明,不如说他勤奋。 John is more diligent than clever.  (4)There is room for no more than three cars. 这地方只能停放三辆汽车。 -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.There is no doubt that it is easy  to deliver (deliver) films over the Internet.  2.Newspapers  are delivered (deliver) every day.  3.Don’t worry.We can deliver the goods  to  your door.  4.The father is anxious  about  his son’s study.  5.Mary was anxious  for  father’s love.  6.His  anxiety (anxious) for success led him to work hard.  7.The secret is more  than  we can let out.  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅱ.短语填空 provide for (be) eager to communicate with after all at least 1.If I can’t make a living at painting, at least  I can teach someone else to paint.  2.They worked hard to  provide for  their large family.  3.He  is  always  eager to  win.  4.I immediately  communicated with  the police.  5.Don’t blame on him;after all,he is a green hand.  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅲ.完成句子 1.我们很可能轻松地通过这次考试。 We are likely  to   pass   the   exam   with   ease .  2.她是我们班第一个当老师的人。 She was  the   first   in   our   class   to   be   a   teacher .  3.众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。 As is known to all, China   is   a   developing   country .  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ 4.我关心他们的健康,毕竟他们是我的朋友。 I care about  their   health ;they are my friends after all.  5.他在会上发表了重要演说。 He  delivered   an   important   speech  at the meeting.  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅳ.语篇填空 Allyson Ahlstrom is just 14 years old this year.She has started 1. an  organization that has become well known all over the country.  One day,Allyson was reading a book 2. called (call) Generation Change at home.The book was about different service projects that 3.teenagers(teenage) across the country led.Some of them were as young as 12.4.While she was reading the book,Allyson was greatly inspired.She decided to do something to help others,too.After 5. thinking (think) for days,she decided to give some clothes to some girls who were in need.At first,she just wanted to give ten girls new clothes.But seeing how

  -*- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ

  6. happily (happy) the girls reacted when they 7. were given (give) the dresses,she decided to do more.So she started Threads for Teens and hasn’t stopped giving clothes to poor women and girls in the United States 8. since  then.And Ahlstrom doesn’t want to stop there.She 9. wants (want) to make the organization become an international one and help poor women and girls all over the world.  Ahlstrom has set a good example to us.Such a young girl can be so 10. helpful (help) to others,and why can’t we?  * 课前预习 核心考点 对应演练 * * * * * * *


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