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发布时间:2017-03-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  A man died and was on his way to another


  , either the heaven or the hell. He saw an extremely


  palace half way and the owner of the palace


  him to stay and live in the palace.

  The man said, "I have been working

  4 during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep


  any work."

  The owner of the palace said, "


  , there is nowhere else better than here for you. There is a wealth of


  in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone




  , you can rest assured(放心) that


  needs to be done by you." Then, the man settled down in the palace.

  At the beginning, the man felt very


  at the rotation(轮流) of eating and sleeping. But

  12 , he felt a bit lonely and void. So he went to the owner and groaned, "It is very


  to live by just eating and sleeping every day. Now I show no


  in this kind of life any more. Could you help me find a



  The owner replied, "


  , there is no job here at all."

  After another several months, the man could not


  the present life and went to the owner


  , "I really could not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would


  to go to the hell instead of living here."

  The owner of the palace smiled contemptuously(轻蔑地), "Do you think it is Heaven here? It is


  the hell!"

  1.A.world B.house C.place D.hospital

  2.A.summer B.fairy-tale C.royal D.splendid

  3.A.asked B.warned C.forced D.demanded

  4.A.comfortably B.hard C.honestly D.unpaid

  5.A.apart from

  B.besides C.without D.out of

  6.A.If any B.If so C.If necessary D.If possible

  7.A.jewels B.tastes C.books D.food

  8.A.stopping B.asking C.noticing D.meeting

  9.A.However B.Otherwise C.Anyway D.Moreover

  10.A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something

  11.A.surprised B.happy C.mad D.frightened

  12.A.easily B.carefully C.confidently D.gradually

  13.A.strange B.enjoyable C.boring D.relaxing

  14.A.interest B.trust C.patience D.curiosity

  15.A.partner B.way out C.meaning D.job

  16.A.That’s right B.Cheer up C.Sorry D.Never mind

  17.A.bear B.lose C.handle D.risk

  18.A.indeed B.already C.always D.again

  19.A.hope B.prefer C.promise D.expect

  20.A.no longer B.also C.actually D.still




  3. A考查动词辨析。ask sb. to do sth.意为:请某人做某事。句意为:宫殿主人邀请他留下来,住在宫殿里。asked要求;邀请,符合情景。其他各项也可以跟sb. to do sth.结构,但是意思不符合语境。warn警告,force强迫,demand要求。

  4. B考查形容词的辨析。这里表达的意思是:我一生都在努力的工作,现在只想吃就吃饭睡觉,不想干任何工作。work hard 努力工作,符合句意。comfortably舒服的,honestly诚实的,unpaid无报酬的,均不符合句意。

  5. C考查介词短语。without any work什么活也不干。任符合句意。句意见上一题。apart from和besides意为:除了……之外,还有。out of离开,在……外面。

  6. B考查语境化选词。根据上文,now I just want to eat and sleep without any work." 现在只想吃饭睡觉,不想干任何工作。下文,如果是这样的话(if so),没有任何地方比这儿更适合你了。If so如果这样的话,so替代上文的“just want to eat and sleep without any work”。

  7.D考查名词辨析。根据下文的“you can eat whatever you want” 可以吃任何你想吃的,可知在宫殿里储存了大量的食物,jewels珠宝, tastes味道;品味,books书,都不符合语意。

  8. A考查动词辨析。这里表达的意思是:在宫殿里吃任何想吃的食物,没有人阻止。所以选stop意为:阻止。ask请求,notice注意, meet会见,均不符合句意。

  9. D 考查副词辨析。很显然,上文“没有人阻止”和下文“不需要他做任何事情”之间是递进关系,所以用Moreover,意思是:而且。

  10.C考查代词辨析。根据句意,没有事情需要他做,故选nothing。anything任何事情 everything一切事情,something某些事情,均不符合句意。

  11.B考查形容词辨析。由but可以看出,根据句意,该句与下文“he felt a bit lonely and void.(感到空虚寂寞)”形成转折关系,在此处他对轮流着吃饭睡觉应该感到非常愉快。故选happy,意思是:愉快的,高兴的。

  12.D考查副词词义辨析。由常识可知:时由开始的对这种生活感到愉快,到感到空虚寂寞,这是一个是一个逐渐变化的过程。所以选gradually,意为:逐渐的,渐渐地。surprised感到惊讶的, happy幸高兴的,mad疯狂的,均不符合句意。

  13.C考查形容词词义辨析。有上句提到的 “lonely and void”,可知,每天除了吃就是睡的生活是很无聊。故选boring无聊的。strange奇怪的, enjoyable快乐的,relaxing令人放松的,均不符合句意。

  14.A考查名词。根据上文,既然这种生活变的很无聊,就会对这种生活失去兴趣。no interest 没有兴趣;失去兴趣,符合语境。trust信任,patience耐心,curiosity好奇,心均不符合句意。

  15.D考查名词。根据下文,主人回复他这儿没有任何工作,可知他想请主人帮他找份工作。Find a job找一份工作,符合句意。

  16. C 考查语境话选词。语境为:主人很遗憾的回复他,这儿没有任何工作。所以选Sorry,意思是:遗憾的,抱歉的。That’s right没错;就是这样了,Cheer up使振奋,Never mind没关系;均不符合句意。

  17A.考查动词。could not bear不能忍受。句意为:又过了几个月后,他再也不能忍受目前的生活了。Lose丢失、逝去,handle处理,risk风险、危险、冒险,不符合句意。

  18. D考查副词辨析。前文“So he went to the owner and groaned”告诉我们:他去找过他的主人,这里表达的意思是:他再一次去找主人。只有again再一次、又一次,符合语境。Indeed的确, already已经,always一直,总是。19.B考查动词辨析。prefer宁愿。句意为:如果你不给我份工作,我宁愿离开这里去地狱。hope 希望,期望;promise许诺,允诺;expect预期,期望。

  20. C考查语境化选词。Actually实际上。句意为:你认为这里是天堂吗,这里实际上是地狱。no longer不再;also也,still仍然。


  “Today is the day I start the big diet (节食),” I told my wife as I raised my hand and

  __1__, “No chocolate today!”

  “Oh, has the hospital gift shop


  selling it?” she asked.

  “No,” I said. “I'll just have to


  my strong determination.”

  But when I arrived at the hospital, my little friend Benton had been there

  __4__. I knew my promise would


  disappear. Because if Benton had things his way, I'd always be eating a piece of candy from the


  bag he often shared with me.

  Benton was an eight­year­old boy who was


  because of a kind of cancer, which caused him to live in the darkness, when he was fifteen


  old. For the next twenty­six months, he was in and out of our hospital. For nearly four years, it seemed


  Benton could beat the disease, until one Friday afternoon in April 2009, when he


  a headache and lost


  on his right side. His mom


  him to the hospital.

  Over the next several months, Benton came to our

  __13__ many more times. Each time he came, we


  say hello, while Benton answered the


  by holding out a candy from his bag.

  So, on that first day of my diet, I went to his room and found Benton lying in his bed, his eyes


  but not looking into this world.

  “We brought his candy bag with us. Would you like to have some?” his mother asked.

  Without thinking of my diet, I


  into the bag and pulled out the first piece my fingers touched. It was my favorite as if Benton had saved one last piece


  me. At home that evening, I answered a phone about Benton's

  __19__. As I __20__

  it up, I opened the candy and ate it.

  1. A. shouted

  B. answered

  C. stated

  D. promised

  2. A. stopped

  B. continued

  C. kept

  D. tried

  3. A. base on

  B. depend on

  C. insist on

  D. keep on

  4. A. once

  B. yet

  C. again

  D. early

  5. A. suddenly

  B. quickly

  C. quietly

  D. shortly

  6. A. bottomless

  B. countless

  C. endless

  D. beltless

  7. A. ill

  B. injured

  C. deaf

  D. blind

  8. A. years

  B. seasons

  C. months

  D. days

  9. A. even though

  B. as though C. if only

  D. as with

  10. A. found

  B. developed

  C. managed

  D. provided

  11. A. movement

  B. touch

  C. motion

  D. sight

  12. A. hurried

  B. brought

  C. rushed

  D. carried

  13. A. home

  B. room

  C. office

  D. hospital

  14. A. would

  B. could

  C. should

  D. must

  15. A. meeting

  B. greeting

  C. encouraging

  D. praising

  16. A. closed

  B. glimpsed

  C. glared

  D. opened

  17. A. ran

  B. touched

  C. reached

  D. felt

  18. A. at

  B. for

  C. with

  D. on

  19. A. illness

  B. blindness

  C. death

  D. sadness

  20. A. put

  B. hung

  C. set

  D. gave


  1.D promise“允诺,许诺”。我举起手向妻子保证今天不吃巧克力。下文信息I knew my promise would...也有暗示。

  2.A stop doing sth.“停止做某事”。听说我要节食,不再吃巧克力,妻子诙谐地问是不是医院的礼品店不卖巧克力了。

  3.B depend on“依靠,依赖,取决于”。我依靠我强烈的决心节食。

  4.C 当我到医院时那小孩儿又在那儿了。

  5.B quickly“快,迅速地,很快地”。这个小孩子在那儿,我明白我节食的承诺很快就会消失。注意,shortly“不久,不多时”,不符合文意。

  6.A bottomless“取之不尽的,无限的”。这里讲包中的糖似乎取之不尽。

  7.D blind“瞎的”。后文中的信息which caused him to live in the darkness有暗示。

  8.C 首先应排除years,如果Benton 15岁时患病,就与本段开头的“an eight­year­old boy”矛盾了。下一句“For the next twenty­six months, he was in and out of our hospital.”有暗示。

  9.B as though/as if“好像,似乎,仿佛”。看起来Benton似乎能击败病魔……。

  10.B develop“(开始)患(病)”。2009年4月的一个星期五的下午Benton开始头痛。

  11.A movement“行动,移动,行进,运动”。Benton右侧身体无法移动,失去知觉。注意:motion表示“(物体的)运动,移动,(天体的)运行;动作,姿态,手势;动机,意向”。如:The train was in motion.火车开动了。All her motions were graceful.她的一举一动都很优雅。He did that of his own motion.他出于自愿做了那件事。

  12.C rush此处用作及物动词,意为“快速运输,速送”。

  13.D 上文提到Benton的母亲将他送到医院,因此这里是说,在接下来的几个月里,他又多次来我们医院。

  14.A would用于表示习惯性动作,如:On Sundays he would sleep late.每逢星期天他总睡懒觉。文中讲Benton来医院时,我们总向他问好。

  15.B greeting“问候,招呼”。我们向Benton问好,他则常给我们糖。

  16.D opened“开的,敞开的,不闭塞的”。后文信息but not looking into this world有暗示,注意句中信息词“but”。

  17.C reach“伸手(或脚等)够到,触及”。我的手伸进包,取出我手指接触到的那颗糖。

  18.B for“为了,为……目的”,此处表示对象或目的。这是一颗我最喜欢吃的糖,好像是Benton特意为我留下的。

  19.C 不幸地是我那个晚上在家里接到了Benton死去的噩耗。

  20.B hang up“挂断电话”。我挂断电话,剥开那颗糖,吃掉了(暗示回味我和Benton的这段经历)。


  More Than I Had Dreamed Of

  From the time I was seven, I had a dream of becoming a member of the Students Union.I always


  my school leaders for taking responsibility for all of us.So I dreamed of being a leader.

  Years flew by, and soon I was able to participate in the elections,


  I would win.But the reality struck that I hadn't had a chance.I wasn't pretty.Girls across the school hardly knew me.I just did not have what it


  to win a school election.I was



  As I cried in my room that evening, I


  took a deep breath and decided I wouldn't stop dreaming.I decided that I would


  for elections again in my final year at school—and I would win.

  I recognized that my


  had a lot of things in their favor.What were the


  that would work in my favor? I had good grades, and I was friendly and helpful.And my biggest


  was the faith I had.I would not allow my


  appearance to hold me back from putting my best foot forward.That evening, I


  my election plans a whole year in advance.

  I realized that girls would have to get to know me and recognize that I had the ability to


  them.I loved making friends and I liked being helpful,


  I decided that perhaps I could use these qualities to work to my advantage.In order to learn how to present a great election


  , I also attended a course on effective public speaking.

  The day after the election, when the principal announced I won the second highest number of votes, the students


  .That joy on the faces of all my friends showed me that my victory was



  Suddenly, I realized that I had


  much more than I had dreamed of.I had made many new friends and had helped people


  the way.I had won the


  and love of my school-mates and they knew me as somebody who would stand by them.I was able to put a smile on their faces and


  their day.

  1.A.admired B.remembered C.praised D.believed

  2.A.praying B.planning C.calculating D.judging

  3.A.assessed B.provided C.meant D.took

  4.A.concerned B.depressed C.surprised D.confused

  5.A.gradually B.immediately C.suddenly D.impatiently

  6.A.pay B.stand C.speak D.wait

  7.A.competitors B.companions C.enemies D.schoolmates

  8.A.cases B.methods C.examples D.points

  9.A.problem B.strength C.worry D.dream

  10.A.young B.personal C.special D.plain

  11.A.began B.discussed C.announced D.cancelled

  12.A.recommend B.accompany C.represent D.support

  13.A.but B.and C.so D.or

  14.A.campaign B.speech C.ceremony D.promise

  15.A.nodded B.gathered C.cheered D.cried

  16.A.only B.still C.almost D.also

  17.A.accomplished B.accumulated C.devoted D.developed

  18.A.by B.to C.in D.along

  19.A.appointment B.acceptance C.election D.reputation

  20.A.enrich B.bless C.brighten D.expand

  【答案与解析】文章介绍了作者为了实现能够进入学生会的梦想,并最终赢得了选举,顺利的进入了学生会,实现了儿时的梦想的同时,也收获了很多。。1.A考查动词辨析。根据“So I dreamed of being a leader”(所以我梦想成为一个领导者),我总是羡慕学校的领导们对我们所有人负责。A.dmired“钦佩、羡慕”符合句意。2. A考查动词辨析。语境为:祈祷我能赢,但现实的打击使我没有机会。praying“祈祷”,符合作者想赢得选举的心态。planning“计划”,calculating“计算”,judging“判断”,均不符合文意。

  3.D考查动词辨析。it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式:to win a school election。这里指的是赢得学校的选举需要什么。take“需要、花费”,符合句意。assess“对进行评估”, provide“提供,给予”, mean“意味,意思”。

  4.B。考查形容词辨析。根据上题,作者不知道那什么来赢得选举,所以感到沮丧。B.depressed“沮丧的”,符合作者的心情。concerned“关心的”, surprised“感到惊讶的”, confused“困惑的”,均不能表达作者此时的心情。

  5.C考查副词辨析。suddenly突然。句意:我突然做了一个深呼吸并决定不放弃梦想。符合作者鉴定的态度。gradually“渐渐地”,immediately“立即”, impatiently“无奈地”,不能表达作者的态度。

  6.B考查动词短语搭配。stand for elections为固定搭配,意为:参选。语境为:我决定在我上学的最后一年重新参选---并将要在选举中胜出。

  7.A 考查名词辨析。由语境可知,该空指的是下文提到的我的竞争对手们,也就是 “competitors”(竞争对手)。句意:我意识到我的竞争对手有很多事情战友优势。companions“同伴”, enemies“敌人”,schoolmates“同学”,均不符合。

  8.A 考查名词辨析。这里承接上文,意思是:我有优势的事情是什么? “cases”(情况;实例)代上文提到的“a lot of things”。

  9.B考查名词辨析。句意:我最大的长处是我有信念。由上文的“in their favor ,in my favor”可知,这里谈论的是优势,所以选strength,意为“长处”。problem“问题”,worry“担心”, dream“梦想”,均不符合文意。

  10.D考查形容词辨析。作者不想让自己普通的的外表阻碍自己将最好的一面展现出来。plain“普通的”。 作者在列举长处时,没有提到自己的相貌。由此可以推知,她的相貌应该不占优势,由此可知答案。11.A考查动词辨析。分析完优势后,作者开始着手预先制定自己的选举计划。began“开始;着手于”。12.C考查动词辨析。句意:我意识到女孩们开始了解我,并且认可我有能力代表他们。represent(代表),符合句意。

  13.C考查连词辨析。上文所提到的我的优势“loved making friends and I liked being helpful”与下文打算利用自己的优势构成因果关系。所以选so,意思是“因此”。

  14.B考查名词辨析。由下文的“public speaking”可知答案。“election speech”(选举演讲)。句意:为了学会在一个大型的演讲中如何表现自己,我还参见了一个高效公共演讲的培训。



  17.A考查形容词辨析。作者的本意只是在竞选中获胜,但获胜后作者突然意识到,除了实现了自己的梦想外,他还得到了友情、享受了一路走来朋友慢的支持和帮助,所以作者认为自己收获了比目标还要多的东西,所以选accomplish,意为:完成,实现。accumulate 积累;devote献身,develope发展。

  18.D考查副词辨析。Along the way一路走来),句意:在竞选的过程中,我交了许多新朋友, 并在前进的道路上帮助别人。

  19.B 考查语境化选词。14空前的election是原词复现,这里再次重复参选的结果:赢得了选举。语境为:我已经在选举中获胜,并赢得了同学们的关爱。



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