2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修3 Module1 Europe(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修3 Module1 Europe(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 1 Europe


  1.The town where my uncle lives lies the coast of the East Sea. 

  2.The hospital, (situate) in the western part of the city,can be reached by many bus lines. 

  3.In the north of our town (stand) an old temple,which dates back to the Ming Dynasty. 

  4.—Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?

  —No,but we (try)to get in touch with them ever since. 

  5.The dictionary as well as the grammar books that have bookmarks in them (belong) to Jane. 

  6.(2017山东淄博五中10月质检,9) (compare)with other workers,the boss finds,Hank is a more satisfying worker in his company. 

  7.(2017浙江温州十校期中联考,35)Drunk driving,which was once a frequent occurrence,is now control. 

  8.(2017湖南衡阳八中第二次月考,24)It was reported that an agreement (reach)between the two companies and that they would carry out a project together. 

  9.(2017山东文登期中,6)He’ll never forget his stay in the park he found his cellphone which had gone missing days before. 

  10. (face)with Japanese provocative(挑衅的)activities aimed at splitting the Diaoyu Islands from the motherland—China,we will not sit by and do nothing. 


  We commonly hear this statement that the difference 1 life and school is that in school you 2 (teach)the lessons first and then the tests follow but in life the tests are given first and then the lessons follow. 3 (depend)on how good we feel in life’s tests,we 4 experience the joy of success or we learn a cruel lesson. 

  There is a similarity in our process of learning both in school and in life itself.Just as in school we have to repeat the year if we haven’t studied 5 (proper),in life too.We find our 6 (challenge)that we haven’t quite mastered keep repeating themselves though in different forms.So why do these situations reappear? 

  This is the same reason 7 we fail at school.When we do not learn the lessons that are 8 (learn)from the past experiences,and when we do not prepare well for future,then we find 9 (us)poorly equipped to face the situations that come to test us.This condition naturally increases the possibilities of our failing. 10 ,we need to be prepared to learn them.  


  When Joe was driving home one evening on a country road,he saw an old lady on the side of the road.He 1 in front of her car and got out.Even with the 2 on his face,she was worried.She looked poor and hungry.He knew 3 she felt.He said,“I am here to help you,madam.Why don’t you wait in the car where it’s warm? 4 ,my name is Joe.” 

  She had a 5 tire.Joe crawled under the car and changed the tire.But he got 6 and his hands hurt.She could not thank him 7 and asked him how much she 8 him.He told her that if she really wanted to 9 him back,the next time she saw someone who needed help,she could give that person the 10 they needed. 

  She drove off.A few miles down the road the lady saw a small  11 .She went in.The waitress had a sweet smile,and was nearly eight months  12 .The old lady 13 how someone like her could be so kind to a 14 .Then she remembered Joe.After the lady finished her meal,the waitress went to get her 15 from a hundred-dollar bill.But she stepped right out the door. 

  When the waitress came back,she noticed something 16 on a napkin(餐巾纸),“I am helping you because someone once helped me.If you really want to pay me back,here’s what you do—Do not let the 17 of love end with you.” 

  That night when she got home,she was 18 the money and what the lady had written.She and her husband needed money with the baby  19 next month.She knew how worried her husband was,and as he lay 20 next to her,she whispered,“Everything’s going to be all right.I love you,Joe.” 

  1.A.stood B.drove C.stopped D.waved

  2.A.anxiety B.surprise C.sorrow D.smile

  3.A.why B.how C.what D.whether

  4.A.By the way B.In addition

  C.By chance D.In return

  5.A.poor B.flat C.round D.used

  6.A.excited B.thirsty C.satisfied D.dirty

  7.A.much B.however C.enough D.further

  8.A.returned B.lent C.owed D.appreciated

  9.A.take B.pay C.hold D.charge

  10.A.assistance B.money

  C.expense D.ability

  11.A.store B.hospital C.cinema D.restaurant

  12.A.elder B.experienced

  C.pregnant D.served

  13.A.imagined B.doubted C.wondered D.expected

  14.A.woman B.customer C.tourist D.stranger

  15.A.receipt B.change C.payment D.check

  16.A.written B.printed C.drawn D.copied

  17.A.chain B.relation

  C.devotion D.story

  18.A.putting away B.thinking about

  C.turning in D.looking after

  19.A.right B.extra

  C.strange D.due

  20.A.sleeping B.chatting

  C.arguing D.drinking



  In his 1930 essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren”,John Keynes,a famous economist,wrote that human needs fall into two classes:absolute needs,which are independent of what others have,and relative needs,which make us feel superior to our fellows.He thought that although relative needs may indeed be insatiable(无止境的),this is not true of absolute needs.

  Keynes was surely correct that only a small part of total spending is decided by the desire for superiority.He was greatly mistaken,however,in seeing this desire as the only source of insatiable demands.

  Decisions to spend are also driven by ideas of quality which can influence the demand for almost all goods,including even basic goods like food.When a couple goes out for an anniversary dinner,for example,the thought of feeling superior to others probably never comes to them.Their goal is to share a special meal that stands out from other meals.

  There are no obvious limits to the escalation of demands for quality.For example,Porsche,a famous car producer,has a model which was considered perhaps the best sports car on the market.Priced at over $120,000,it handles perfectly well and has great speed acceleration.But in 2004,the producer introduced some changes which made the model slightly better in handling and acceleration.People who really care about cars find these small improvements exciting.To get them,however,they must pay almost four times the price.

  By placing the desire to be superior to others at the heart of his description of insatiable demands,Keynes actually reduced such demands.However,the desire for higher quality has no natural limits.

  1.According to the passage,John Keynes believed that . 

  A.desire is the root of both absolute and relative needs

  B.absolute needs come from our sense of superiority

  C.relative needs alone lead to insatiable demands

  D.absolute needs are stronger than relative needs

  2.What do we know about the couple in Paragraph 3?

  A.They want to show their superiority.

  B.They find specialty important to meals.

  C.Their demands for food are not easily satisfied.

  D.Their choice of dinner is related to ideas of quality.

  3.What does the underlined word“escalation”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

  A.Understanding. B.Increase.

  C.Difference. D.Study.

  4.The author of the passage argues that . 

  A.absolute needs have no limits

  B.demands for quality are not insatiable

  C.human desires influence ideas of quality

  D.relative needs decide most of our spending


  1.off 句意:我叔叔居住的城镇位于东海之滨。考查介词。off表示“离开;(时空上)离,距”。

  2.situated 句意:坐落在城市西部的医院,可以通过许多公交线路到达。考查非谓语动词。situated意为“坐落在,位于”,situated in the western part of the city作后置定语,修饰主语The hospital。

  3.stands 句意:在我们镇的北部矗立着一座建于明代的古庙。考查完全倒装句式。句中的In the north of our town为介词短语表地点,位于句首,故句子要用完全倒装。

  4.have been trying 句意:——昨天你们在山上找到那对失踪的夫妇了吗?——没有,但自那以来我们一直在试图与他们取得联系。考查动词时态。ever since意为“自那以来”,且此处动作可能还会持续下去,所以应用现在完成进行时。

  5.belongs 句意:那本词典和那些里面有书签的语法书是Jane的。考查主谓一致。设空处应为整个句子的谓语动词,其单复数形式应与 as well as前面的主语的单复数形式保持一致,故填belongs。

  6.Compared 句意:和其他工人相比较,老板发现在他的公司汉克是一个更令人满意的员工。考查非谓语动词作状语。表达“与……相比较”应该用compared with。

  7.under 句意:酒驾,这个在过去经常发生的事情现在被控制住了。考查介词短语。under control被控制住,处于控制之中。

  8.had been reached 句意:据报道这两家公司已经达成了一份协议,他们将会共同实施一项工程。考查动词时态和语态。根据语境可知空格处的动作应该发生在was reported之前,属于过去的过去,且agreement与reach之间为被动关系,故用过去完成时的被动语态。

  9.where 句意:他永远不会忘记在那个公园里的那次逗留,在公园里他找回了几天前丢失的手机。考查定语从句。先行词是the park,先行词在从句中作地点状语,应该用关系副词where。

  10.Faced 句意:面对日本企图把钓鱼岛从中国分离出去的各种挑衅活动,我们绝不会坐视不管。考查非谓语动词作状语。根据固定搭配be faced with(面对……)可知,答案为Faced。


  [语篇解读] 无论是在学校生活还是在日常生活中,学习是无止境的。在学习中,不仅能掌握知识,还能开阔视野,提高应对困难的能力。

  1.between 考查介词。此处表达的是生活和学校的区别,the difference between A and B 表示“A和B的区别”。

  2.are taught 考查时态和语态。根据句意可知,在学校你是被教的,且本文都是叙述一般事实,故用一般现在时的被动语态。

  3.Depending 考查非谓语动词。句子的主语we是depend的逻辑主语,所以用Depending。

  4.either 考查连词。我们要么经历成功的快乐,要么学到残酷的教训,either...or...表示“要么……要么……”。

  5.properly 考查副词。study是实义动词,需用副词修饰,故用properly。

  6.challenges 考查名词复数。challenge是可数名词,由keep可知此处用复数形式。

  7.why 考查定语从句。设空处引导定语从句,从句结构完整,且先行词为reason,故填why。

  8.to be learnt 考查非谓语动词。此处表达的是“应该从过去的经历中学到的教训”,因此用不定式的被动形式。

  9.ourselves 考查代词。本句的主语是we,再次提及需用ourselves指代。

  10.Therefore/Thus 考查副词。设空处前后是因果关系,故用Therefore或Thus承接上下文。


  [语篇解读] Joe在开车回家的路上帮助了一位急需帮助的老太太,并告诉老太太要把这份爱心传递下去。就在当天老太太就把爱心传递了下去,而且给了一个意想不到的人。这个人是谁呢?

  1.C 句意:他在她的车前停下来并下了车。根据情景:看到路边有一位老太太,后文他帮助老太太更换轮胎,由此可知:他停下车,答案为C项。

  2.D 句意:即使他的脸上带着微笑,老太太还是很担心的样子。anxiety焦急、忧虑;surprise惊讶、惊奇;sorrow悲伤、悲痛。这三项与情景不符。

  3.B 根据情景:老太太看起来很饿很可怜的样子,所以Joe很明白老太太现在是什么感觉。how she felt感觉如何。

  4.A 句意:顺便说一下,我叫Joe。by the way顺便说一下、顺便问一句;in addition此外、另外;by chance偶然;in return作为回报。

  5.B 句意:她的轮胎瘪了。a flat tire瘪了的轮胎。

  6.D 句意:但是他弄得浑身很脏,手也受伤了。根据情景:钻到车下更换轮胎,自然会弄得浑身很脏(dirty)。excited激动的;thirsty口渴的、渴望的;satisfied令人满意的。

  7.C 句意:她不知道该如何感谢Joe了,于是问道她欠他多少钱。

  8.C 根据上下文可知此处表达:欠某人多少钱:owe sb.+money。

  9.B 句意:他告诉她如果真的想偿还的话……。pay sb.back偿还某人,还某人的债。

  10.A 根据该句中的help可知此处应该是用它的同义词:assistance。

  11.D 根据后文的情景:After the lady finished her meal可知此处是老太太走进一家饭馆,答案为D项。

  12.C 根据后文的the baby 19 next month可知,现在这个服务员怀孕八个多月了,答案为C项。 

  13.C 根据情景可知老太太和这个服务员并不认识,她是在想(wonder)像她这样的人如何对一个陌生人(stranger)好呢。

  14.D 根据第13题解析可知答案为D项。

  15.B 根据情景和第15空后的a hundred-dollar bill可知:服务员去给老太太找零钱(change)。

  16.A 根据情景可知服务员发现了写在(write)餐巾纸上的字。

  17.A 句意:如果你真的想偿还我的话,就这样去做——不要让爱的链条在你这儿中断了。此处描述:人与人之间互相帮助的一条链条(chain)。

  18.B 句意:那天晚上回到家,她开始思考这些钱和老太太写的东西。put away收起来、把某物放好;think about思考、认真考虑;turn in上交;look after照料、照看。

  19.D 句意:下个月孩子就要出生了,她和丈夫需要这笔钱。due预期。此处表达:孩子即将在下个月出生。

  20.A 根据情景:她丈夫躺在她身边睡着了,她才轻轻地说道……。答案为A项。


  [语篇解读] 本文为议论文。题材为社会生活类。有人认为人的相对需求是无止境的,绝对需求是有限的,其实不然。

  1.C 细节理解题。根据第一段的第二句中的may indeed be insatiable可知答案。

  2.D 细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句可知夫妇俩外出吃饭不是抱有要高人一等的想法,而是想吃质量高的大餐(that stands out from other meals),所以选D。

  3.B 词义猜测题。根据下文的例子可知画线单词的意思应是“增加,增长”。

  4.A 主旨大意题。根据文章的主旨句即第二段的最后一句以及全文的最后一句可知答案。


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