2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修3 Module6 Old and New(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮复习单元能力检测:必修3 Module6 Old and New(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 6 Old and New


  1.Nigel couldn’t hold his curiosity and opened the mysterious box,eager to know what was inside it. 

  2.Tom has always dreamed coming to China,and now the dream has come true. 

  3.The new suspension bridge (design)by the famous architect is under construction now,which will be completed in 2015. 

  4.—We drove too fast in the street and (narrow)missed hitting the car in the other direction. 

  —You’re lucky but be careful next time.

  5.I’ll never forget the days when I studied hard in my senior high school, changed my whole life. 

  6.(2017辽宁实验中学10月月考,21)The cakes are delicious.I’d like to have third one,because second one is rather too small. 

  7.(2017黑龙江哈尔滨九中9月月考,21)On a (freeze)morning the little match girl was found (freeze)at the corner of the street. 

  8.(2017重庆一中期中,21) earlier online survey shows that quantity of Chinese believe Yuan Longping deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to fighting world hunger. 

  9.(2017江西赣州期中联考,24)At first he refused to admit he had stolen but when he was shown the videotape,he broke and admitted everything. 

  10.(2017福建高考压轴卷,26) (remind)not to drive after drinking,some drivers are still trying their luck,which is really dangerous. 



  In order to know a foreign language thoroughly,four things are necessary.Firstly,we must understand the language when we hear 1 spoken.Secondly,we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. 2 ,we must be able to read the language,and fourthly,we must be able to write it.We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct. There is no easy way to success 3 language learning. 4  good memory is of great help,but it is not enough only 5 (memorize)rules from a grammar book.It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and 6 (them)meanings,studying the dictionary and so on.We must learn by using the language. 7 we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized,we are not really learning the language.“Learn through use”is a good piece of 8 (advise)for those 9 are studying a new language.Practice is important.We must practice speaking and 10 (write)the language whenever we can.  



  Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains.They reached the top 1 ,but on their way back conditions were very 2 .Joe fell and broke his leg.They both knew that if Simon 3  alone,he would probably get back 4 .But Simon decided to risk his 5  and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳). 

  As they 6  down,the weather got worse.Then another 7  occurred.They couldn’t see or hear each other and, 8 ,Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁).It was 9  for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up.Joe’s 10  was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. 11 ,after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold,Simon had to 12 .In tears,he cut the rope.Joe 13  into a huge crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below.He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain.He couldn’t walk,but he 14  to get out of the crevasse and started to 15  towards their camp,nearly ten kilometers 16 . 

  Simon had 17  the camp at the foot of the mountain.He thought that Joe must be 18 ,but he didn’t want to leave 19 .Three days later,in the middle of the night,he heard Joe’s voice.He couldn’t 20  it.Joe was there,a few meters from their tent,still alive. 


  A.hurriedly B.carefully C.successfully D.early

  2.A.difficult B.similar C.special D.normal

  3.A.climbed B.worked C.rested D.continued

  4.A.unwillingly B.safely

  C.slowly D.regretfully

  5.A.fortune B.time C.health D.life

  6.A.lay B.settled C.went D.looked

  7.A.damage B.storm C.change D.trouble

  8.A.by mistake B.by chance C.by choice D.by luck

  9.A.unnecessary B.practical C.important D.impossible

  10.A.height B.weight C.strength D.equipment

  11.A.Finally B.Patiently C.Surely D.Quickly

  12.A.stand back B.take a rest

  C.make a decision D.hold on

  13.A.jumped B.fell C.escaped D.backed

  14.A.managed B.planned C.waited D.hoped

  15.A.run B.skate C.move D.march

  16.A.around B.away C.above D.along

  17.A.headed for B.traveled to

  C.left for D.returned to

  18.A.dead B.hurt C.weak D.late

  19.A.secretly B.tiredly C.immediately D.anxiously

  20.A.find B.believe C.make D.accept


  Many of us know the important of saving water. And we are now wasting a large amount of water in our daily life.About 70% of the water was used in a family every day can be saved if we follow the tip below.

  First,use recycled water.Second,when you are taking a bath,turn off the tap a little bit.Remember to shut it off in time if you are not using them.Third,when you are washing dishes,use some pieces of paper to cleaning them first,and then use water to wash them,which will save many water.Only when everyone takes active part can we really save our limiting water resources.


  1.back 句意:Nigel不能抑制住他的好奇心,打开了这个神秘的盒子,急于要知道里面是什么东西。考查动词短语。hold back阻止,隐瞒,抑制。

  2.of 句意:Tom一直梦想来中国,现在梦想实现了。考查动词短语。dream of/about doing sth.表示“梦想做某事”。

  3.designed 句意:由这位著名建筑师设计的新的吊桥现在正在建造中,将于2015年完工。考查非谓语动词。由设空后的by和句意可知bridge和design是被动关系,故用designed。

  4.narrowly 句意:——我们在街上开得太快了,差一点撞上迎面开来的车。——你们很幸运,但下一次要注意。考查副词。narrowly“勉强地;差一点”,符合题意。

  5.which 句意:我永远不会忘记我在高中努力学习的日子,这改变了我的一生。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the days,且在从句中作主语,故用关系代词which。

  6.a;the 句意:这些蛋糕非常好吃,我还想再吃一个,因为第二个太小了。第一个空表示:再一、又一,没有顺序概念,要用不定冠词+序数词;第二个空表示:第二个,有顺序概念,要用定冠词。

  7.freezing;frozen 句意:在一个寒冷的早上,卖火柴的小女孩被发现冻僵在街角处了。考查形容词。第一个空表达:寒冷的,应该用形容词freezing;第二个空表达人被冻僵了的状态,应该用形容词frozen。

  8.The;a 句意:早期进行的网上调查表明很多中国人认为袁隆平应该获得诺贝尔和平奖,因为他在与世界饥饿作斗争中做出了巨大贡献。考查冠词。根据语境可知第一个空特指人们都知道的事,应该用定冠词the;第二个空是固定搭配a quantity of大量的,许多。

  9.down 句意:开始他拒不承认偷了东西,但是在被出示了录像后他崩溃了,承认了一切。考查动词短语。break down崩溃、失败。

  10.Reminded 句意:尽管被提醒不要酒后开车,一些司机仍然心存侥幸,这是十分危险的。考查非谓语动词。这里remind和逻辑主语some drivers之间是被动关系。故填过去分词。


  [语篇解读] 本文介绍了学好外语应该做的四件事情:听懂,会说,能读,会写。

  1.it 考查代词。it指代前面的the language。

  2.Thirdly 考查副词。根据文中的Firstly,Secondly和 fourthly可知这是第三点,故用Thirdly。

  3.in 考查介词。在语言学习方面没有取得成功的简便方法。

  4.A 考查冠词。 好的记忆力有助于学习,memory是可数名词,故用不定冠词a表泛指。

  5.to memorize 考查非谓语动词。不定式作真正主语,it为形式主语。

  6.their 考查代词。指代前面的words。

  7.If 考查条件状语从句。根据句子前后之间的关系可知此处由if引导条件状语从句。

  8.advice 考查名词。一条建议,此处应该用名词形式。

  9.who 考查定语从句。此处引导定语从句,先行词是those,关系词在从句中作主语且指人,故用who。

  10.writing 考查动名词。练习做某事通常用practice doing sth.。


  [语篇解读] 本文为记叙文,题材是人物故事类。两名勇敢的攀登者成功地从修拉格兰德西坡登顶,然而在返回的路程中,发生了意想不到的情况。

  1.C 连词but提示上下文之间存在转折关系。下文提到Joe在回来的路上摔伤了腿,由此判断回程艰难,登顶成功(successfully)。

  2.A 他们成功登顶,但是在返回的路上情况变得艰难起来。

  3.D 根据上文on their way back以及下文get back可知,这里指Simon继续返回,而“攀登”“工作”“休息”均与文意不符。

  4.B Simon是有可能独自安全(safely)返回的。A:不情愿地;C:缓慢地;D:懊悔地。

  5.D 但是Simon决定冒生命危险用绳子将Joe放到山下去。risk one’s life意为“冒生命危险”。

  6.C 当他们下降(go down)时,天气越发恶劣起来。lie down躺下;settle down安顿下来;look down俯视。

  7.D 根据下文可推断出,这里指又一件麻烦事(trouble)发生了。A:损坏;B:暴风雨;C:改变。

  8.A 根据上文“他们既看不到彼此也听不到彼此的声音”推断,这里指Simon错将Joe放到了峭壁的边缘。A:错误地;B:偶然地;C:出于自己的选择;D:侥幸。

  9.D 根据下文可知,Simon最终割断了绳子,由此推断:Joe爬上来或是Simon把他拉上来是不可能了。

  10.B Joe的体重(weight)正慢慢将Simon拽向峭壁。A:高度;C:力量;D:设备。

  11.A 终于(Finally),在黑暗与彻骨的寒冷中挣扎一个多小时之后,Simon不得不作出抉择。B:耐心地;C:必定;D:迅速地。

  12.C 根据下文“Simon流着泪割断了绳索”可知,这就是他作出的决定(make a decision)。A:退后;B:休息一会儿;D:不挂断电话,坚持住。

  13.B 割断绳子后,Joe落入(fall into)冰层下面的一个巨大的裂缝中。

  14.A 根据下文started to...towards their camp可推断出,Joe设法离开了那个裂缝。manage to do意为“做成;设法完成”。

  15.C 根据上文“He couldn’t walk”可推断出,move(移动,挪动)一词最符合语境。A:跑;B:滑冰;D:行军,前进。

  16.B 营地离此处将近10公里远。副词away表示“在(某距离)处”。

  17.D Simon已经返回(return to)山脚下的营地。A:前往;B:去……(旅行);C:动身去。

  18.A 根据文章最后一句中still alive可推断出,Simon原以为Joe一定是死了。

  19.C 根据下文时间状语Three days later可推断出,这里指Simon并未立即(immediately)离开营地。A:秘密地;B:疲倦地;D:焦虑地。

  20.B 三天后的夜里,Joe竟然奇迹般地活着回到了营地,这当然是令Simon难以置信的,故答案选B。


  1.第一段第一句中的important改为importance 考查名词。saving water作定语,修饰的是前面的名词,所以用importance。

  2.第一段第二句中的And 改为But 考查行文逻辑。前后句子在逻辑上为转折关系,所以用But。

  3.第一段第三句中的was去掉 考查非谓语动词。used in a family every day为过去分词短语作后置定语,表示被动意义,所以was多余。

  4.第一段第三句中的tip改为tips 考查名词的复数。tip为可数名词,从下文看,给出了三个提示,所以这里用复数。

  5.第二段第二句中的off改为down 考查固定短语。根据句意“……把水龙头调小点”,可知用turn down。

  6.第二段第三句中的them改为it 考查代词。指代前面提到的the tap,为单数概念。

  7.第二段第四句中的cleaning改为clean 考查非谓语动词。不定式作状语。

  8.第二段第四句中的many改为much 考查形容词。water“水”,为不可数名词,所以用much修饰。

  9.第二段第五句中的takes后加an 考查冠词。take part“参加”,如果part前面有形容词出现时,则需要加不定冠词。

  10.第二段第五句中的limiting改为limited 考查形容词。limited为形容词,意为“有限的”,修饰water resources。


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