2016届高考英语二轮复习冲刺演练:第18练 完形填空+阅读理解+任务型阅读+短文改错(江苏专用)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮复习冲刺演练:第18练 完形填空+阅读理解+任务型阅读+短文改错(江苏专用)

发布时间:2017-03-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第18练 完形填空+阅读理解+任务型阅读+短文改错


  体裁:夹叙夹议 话题:人生追求 词数:290 时间:15′

  My daughter saw a colorful rainbow the other day.She asked me to __1__ the window and see it too.Looking at it,I was amazed at how its __2__ could still strike my middle-aged heart.I also remembered one of the times I ever saw a __3__ as a boy.

  I had been sitting in the house for an hour waiting for the rain to stop,so I could go out and __4__ with other kids.It had been raining constantly __5__ it would never end.When it __6__ stopped,I ran outside and was greeted with the wonderful sight of a rainbow across the sky.I had recently heard the old __7__ of leprechauns(小妖精) hiding a pot of __8__ at the end of a rainbow.__9__,I found out where the rainbow seemed to be touching the ground in the distance.I started to run quickly down the railroad tracks near our house running after the __10__.The quicker I ran,though,the __11__ the rainbow began to fade(逐渐消失).By the time I got there,the rainbow and its pot of gold were gone.

  __12__ that wasn't the last time I found myself running after the false treasure.Over the years I __13__ fame,success,money that I thought would bring me __14__.None of them did,however.It took me a long time to find the __15__ treasure that doesn't rust(生锈),break,fade,or __16__.That treasure is __17__.

  I welcomed this treasure into my heart,soul,and life and __18__ it with others,too.The more love I gave away,the more love I had within me.

  Our parents and friends love us so much.They are forever __19__ to light up our life with their love.__20__ the treasure with joy,and share it with others every day.

  【语篇解读】 一生忙于追逐名利、金钱、权力,就好像小的时候去追赶彩虹后面埋藏的金子,结果什么都没有。真正的财富是爱。爱别人,自己也会得到更多的爱。

  1.A.shut down

  B.look for

  C.break into

  D.look out of

  答案 D [根据下文“see it,too”可知,女儿叫“





  答案 B [彩虹的美仍然打动了“我”一个中年人的心。]





  答案 A [根据下文“at the end of a rainbow”可知,“我”也回想起自己





  答案 A [“我”坐在家里盼望雨停,这样就可以到外面去和其他孩子一起玩耍。]

  5.A.even if

  B.now that

  C.in case

  D.as if

  答案 D [雨不停地下,就好像永远不





  答案 C [当雨终于停了,“我”迫不及待地飞奔出去。]





  答案 B [根据下文“leprechauns”,可知“我”最近听到一个古老的传





  答案 B [根据下文“its pot of gold”可知,传说矮妖精在彩虹的末端藏了一罐金子。]





  答案 A [根据下文“I found out where the rainbow seemed to be touching the ground in the distance”可知,“我”对于此发现感到非常兴奋。]





  答案 C [“我”沿着家附近的铁路跑向彩虹接触地面的地方去寻找那财富。]





  答案 B [根据下文“the rainbow began to fade.By the time I got there,the rainbow and its pot of gold were gone”可知,“我”跑得越快,彩虹的颜色褪去得越快。]





  答案 D [根据下文“I found myself running after the false treasure”可知,悲哀的是,“我发现自己一直在追求那些错误的财富。]

  13.A.picked up

  B.ran after

  C.came across

  D.gave up

  答案 B [根据上文“I found myself running after false treasure”可知,一生中“我”追逐名利、成功和金钱等。]





  答案 A [“我”认为这些所谓的名利、成功和金钱能给“我”带来幸福。]





  答案 C [此处the true treasure”与上文的“the false treasure”相对应。]





  答案 B [根据上文“我”的经历可知,真正的财富是不会生锈、破碎、褪色或者消失的。]





  答案 D [根据下文“The more love I gave away,the more love I had within me.”可知,真正的财富是爱。]





  答案 C [根据下文“share it with others every day”可知,“我”与别人分享这种财富。]

  19.A.thankful B.readyC.afraid


  答案 B [我们的父母和朋友给我们爱,他们永远愿意用自己的爱照亮我们的生活。]




  答案 A [我们要接受这份爱,然后与别人分享。]


  体裁:记叙文 话题:最小瑜伽教师 词数:295 时间:5′

  Jaysea Devoe is a yoga instructor who has the challenging job of teaching restless preschoolers the ancient practice.Devoe knows a thing or two about childhood and focus,for she is only 12 years old and just recently became a certified yoga instructor after completing 200 hours of teacher training.She is believed to be the youngest certified female yoga instructor in the United States.

  In addition to her students aged 4 to 6,Devoe teaches teens and adults in her California beach town of Encinitas and is about to start a family yoga class.“I have the dream of being a yoga teacher for a long time because I love teaching so much,” says Devoe.

  “She only goes to school three days a week and we told her

  ‘You have to figure out what you want to do and you've got four days to do it,’” says Rick,Devoe's father.“‘And hopefully by the time you graduate from high school,you have a career path chosen.’”

  When Devoe told her father she wanted to teach yoga,Rick let her enter for a yoga training class.“Devoe was so interested in the training and she never missed a class.She works hard for her dream,”Rick says.“We were really thrilled that she became a certified yoga instructor after her teacher training came__to__fruition.”

  Devoe now works at a yoga studio.She was trained to teach adults yoga and is ready for moms and dads in her new family class.And she feels completely prepared to deal with the injuries that are often caused in the practice of yoga.

  As if teaching yoga to preschoolers,teens and adults isn't enough for a 12-year-old girl,Devoe also volunteers every week on a local farm.

  【语篇解读】 文章介绍了美国年龄最小的持Jaysea Devoe。

  21.What does Jaysea Devoe plan to do in the near future?

  A.To start a family yoga class.

  B.To volunteer on a local farm.

  C.To attend a yoga training class.

  D.To work at a yoga studio.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二段Devoe teaches teens and adults in her California beach town of Encinitas and is about to start a family yoga class.”可知,Devoe打算开设一个家庭瑜伽班。]

  22.It can be known from the passage that ________.

  A.Rick thought highly of yoga

  B.Devoe has great passion for yoga

  C.Devoe is not interested in her study

  D.Rick is not a responsible father

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第二段“‘I have the dream of being a yoga teacher for a long time because I love teaching so much,’ says Devoe.”以及第四段“Devoe was so interested in the training and she never missed a class.”可知,Devoe对瑜伽有很大的热情。]

  23.What does the underlined phrase

  “came to fruition” mean?





  答案 C [词义猜测题。根据第Devoe...just recently became a certified yoga instructor after completing 200 hours of teacher training.”可知,200个小时的教师训练结束后,Devoe成为一名持有资格证的瑜伽教师。由此可猜出画线短语的含义。]

  24.Which of the following is NOT true?

  A.Devoe is a kind-hearted girl.

  B.The story of Devoe inspires people to help those in trouble.

  C.Rick supported his daughter's decision to be a yoga teacher.

  D.Devoe has confidence in handling injuries caused by practicing yoga.

  答案 B [推理判断题。根据第四段“When Devoe told her father she wanted to teach yoga,Rick let her enter for a yoga training class.”可推知,Rick支持女儿成为一名瑜伽教师的决定。由此可知C项正确。根据第五段“And she feels completely prepared to deal with the injuries that are often caused in the practice of yoga.”可知,Devoe完全准备好处理练习瑜伽过程中导致的伤痛Devoe有信心处理练习瑜伽造成的伤痛。由此可知D项正确。再根据最后一段“Devoe also volunteers every week on a local farm.”可推知,Devoe是一个热心的女孩,由此可知A项正确。]


  A.It's good to wear a smile often.

  B.It's not wise to try too hard.

  C.You should have faith in yourself.

  D.You should develop other interests.

  E.You'd better know your own character first.

  F.You may not know that boys are just people too.

  How to Stop Being Boy Shy

  Shyness and feelings of insecurity towards the opposite sex are normal.It is part of growing up.Sometimes,adults even experience the same issues.If you're a young girl and you find that you're shy around boys,you're not alone.However,it doesn't mean that you always have to be that way.

  There are things you can do to start overcoming your shyness.Here are approaches you can take to stop being boy shy.

  25.________You need to develop your self-confidence and self-respect.You need to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself every morning that you're a good person and you have a lot of great qualities.Give yourself a mental pep talk (鼓舞士气的讲话) so you can start believing that boys and other girls will like you for who you are.It doesn't matter if you are not beautiful,have low grades or still have baby fat.If you want other people to start liking you,you need to like and accept yourself first.

  26.________Boys of your age are going through the same thing you are,so they also have feelings of insecurity and uncertainty.The boy may be shy too! The difference is that boys tend to cover up their shyness and insecurity by being more loud or lively.If you start thinking that you're all really the same at heart,you'll find that boys will be much more approachable.

  27.________If you would like to start winning friends and make an impression that you are approachable,smile when you make eye contact with someone.It's a signal to the world that you are friendly and are open.When you smile at someone,the boy know that you are accepting him.

  28.________When you're trying to get over your shyness around boys,don't go the other extreme and behave shamelessly.Just be yourself and don't be something or someone you're not.Don't agree to things in the conversation just to make him like you.Express your own opinions.Be original.You also don't need to dress in a strange manner to attract their attention.

  29.________There are many things to develop your self-respect and make you feel good about yourself.If you want to stop being boy shy or get over your shyness in general,then you need to develop yourself.Find things that interest you and explore it.If you love music,take singing classes or join the choir (合唱队).If you love art,start painting.Don't make your life move around boys because there are so many other things you should be focusing on.It's OK to work on your shyness,but it's shouldn't be your goal in life to get a boyfriend.

  It's up to you to get over your shyness around boys.Relax and take a deep breath so you know you look your best.Smile and be approachable so you don't have to be boy shy anymore.

  答案 25.C 26.F 27.A 28.B 29.D








  In China,whether old people should be helped when they have a fall seem a puzzling problem,but one experience has complete changed my view.

  Last Monday,on the way to home after school,I was walking on the road while I saw an old man fall to the ground.Without hesitation,I went over and tried to help him standing up,but he couldn't move.Seeing him seriously injured,I dialed 120.It was not long before ambulance came and took him to hospital.

  The following day,the old man's daughter was so thankful that he took out 1,000 yuan to reward me,and I politely refused it.Only after the incident did I began to realize that not all old man were evil enough to blackmail others.


  In China,whether old people should be helped when they have a fall

  a puzzling problem,but one experience has

  changed my view.

  Last Monday,on the way

  home after school,I was walking on the road

  I saw an old man fall to the ground.Without hesitation,I went over and tried to help him

  up,but he couldn't move.Seeing him seriously injured,I dialed 120.It was not long before

  ambulance came and took him to hospital.

  The following day,the old man's daughter was so thankful that

  took out 1,000 yuan to reward me, I politely refused it.Only after the incident did I to realize that not all old

  were evil enough to blackmail others.


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