Iron mighty Game of Thrones will soon be back on our screens.
And as well as lashings of violence, naughty words, nudity, general mayhem, intrigue and fiery dragons, the telly titan has also introduced us to many worldly wonders.
Many of the spectacular locations featured on the show aren't just a product of green screen.
The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are in fact shot only a matter of hours from the UK - and make ideal holiday destinations for Thrones fans.
比如维斯特洛大陆上的七大王国的取景地,就在离英国只约几小时车程的地方 — 这无疑为《权力的游戏》的粉丝提供了一处绝佳度假胜地。
1. Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland
巨人之路 - 北爱尔兰
A natural wonder like no other that's also home to top Game of Throne's moments (Photo: Moment RF)
40,000 pieces of interlocking volcanic rock columns make up the area of Giant's Causeway - the result of an ancient volcanic eruption in the days of yore.
巨人之路由4万根火山岩石柱交错聚集而成 — 受到古时火山喷发作用影响。
The vast area is home to numerous memorable Game of Throne's moments, so make sure to book out a whole day to squeeze in all the sights.
2. Aït Benhaddou, Morocco
阿伊特本哈杜杜古城 - 摩洛哥
Game of Thrones is a big fan of a slave city... and Essaouira is no exception
Essaouira on Morocco's West Coast has made a great backdrop for plenty of TV and cinema gold, which is hardly unsurprising considering that the French-inspired fortress port looks straight out of a fantasy novel.
Game of Thrones fans will recognise the scenery as the dilapidated Astapor, home to the Eunuch slave soldiers known as the Unsullied, where Daenerys is almost assassinated.
《权力的游戏》的粉丝们应该能认出这个地方,剧中它名叫阿斯塔波,是阉人奴隶士兵 — 无垢者的家乡,龙母丹妮莉丝险些丧命于此。
You can see the land in all its peaceful, natural glory, rather than behind the drama of the famous Siege of Astapor.
Just make sure you don't fall victim to the horrific bloody flux...
3. Dubrovnik, Croatia
杜布罗夫尼克 - 克罗地亚
Beautiful Dubrovnik was used for King’s Landing and Purple Wedding
The filming site for King’s Landing, this gorgeous city is the backdrop to the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.
It’s the site of betrayals, a beheading, the fateful Purple Wedding when King Joffrey’s drink is poisoned and his uncle Tyrion is accused of being the assassin, and Cersei’s very public humiliation by the High Sparrow.
这里可谓叛乱之地 — 断头、重大事件“红色婚礼”、乔佛里国王饮下毒酒暴毙身亡、其舅提利昂(小恶魔)被指控为刺客、瑟曦遭到大麻雀公开羞辱,统统都在这里发生。
4. Almeria, Spain
阿尔梅利亚 - 西班牙
Game of Thrones fans can follow in their favourites' footsteps
Revealed as one of the new locations for GoT’s fifth and sixth series, the versatile province of Almeria is in south-eastern Spain and was used for scenes in the cities of Meereen and Dorne and the Dothraki Sea (not a sea of course, a vast steppe).
坐落在西班牙东南部的多功能省份 — 阿尔梅利亚,是《权力的游戏》第5、6季中一处全新的外景拍摄地,弥林城、多恩城和多斯拉克海(不是真的海,是一片大草原)就取景于此。
5. Sunset in Monsul Beach, Cabo de Gata, Almeria
蒙索海滩之夕阳 - 阿尔梅里亚,卡沃德加塔
The best time of year is July and August, though for the best prices avoid school holidays. And Dothraki horsemen.
6. Seville, Spain
塞维尔 - 西班牙
It was in Seville where Jorah saved Daenerys (before she flew off on her dragon obvs).
The GoT producers clearly like Spain. Featured in the fifth series, Seville is the flamboyant Andalusian capital and home to the Moors’ serene Royal Alcazar, one of the country’s most beautiful royal palaces which doubles as Dorne’s palace.
《权力的游戏》的制作者显然对西班牙情有独钟。该剧第5季聚焦塞维尔,它是西班牙一个富硕的自治区 — 安达卢西亚 的首府。这里有着西班牙最漂亮的皇家宫殿 — 摩尔人庄严的皇家城堡,而剧中多恩王国的宫殿便取景于此。
7. Architecture in the Royal Alcazar of Seville
The cast stayed at the iconic Alfonso XIII hotel during filming in Seville – a place favoured by Hollywood’s elite and renowned for its baroque-style courtyard, decorative brickwork and wrought-iron features.
在塞维尔拍摄期间,演员们住在阿方索十三世喜达屋豪华精选酒店 — 好莱坞巨星力荐之地。这里以巴洛克风格宫廷、装饰性砖墙和铸铁工艺闻名。
8. Reykjavik, Iceland
雷克雅末克 - 冰岛
Visit Icelandic site where Jon Snow and Ygritte romanced
Iceland is where the Wall and ‘north of the Wall’ were filmed. You want Wildlings and White Walkers? This is the place.
It’s an essential part of the GoT pilgrimage and, since the series’ inception in 2011, Icelandic guides have been taking travellers based in capital Reykjavik on tours of the region to see locations such as the cave where Jon Snow and Ygritte had their first romantic encounter and where Samwell Tarly and Lord Commander Mormont were attacked by those pesky undead.
Rugged Iceland is place to be to look out for Wildlings and White Walkers
However, spring and autumn are the seasons to aim for if you want to enjoy less hostile weather at more reasonable prices.
It’s a haven for sightseers and nature lovers, and there is a tour for everyone – from walking to whale watching and volcanoes.
Many can be booked in advance and some even include overnight camping.
But check the weather. Prepare for anything. Dragonglass at the ready...
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