2017届高考英语一轮基础知识复习课件:选修7 Unit 4 Sharing(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮基础知识复习课件:选修7 Unit 4 Sharing(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  4.participate vt. 参与;参加 归纳拓展 participate in 参加 participate with sb. in (doing) sth. 同某人一起参加/参与(做)某事 participant n. 参加者 participation n. 参与;分担 辨析 join/join in/attend/take part in/participate in

  词汇 含义 join 指加入某团体、组织,成为其中一员 join in 加入某一小型活动,如talk, discussion, game等 attend 出席,参加,指参加会议、讲座、婚礼、上课、听报告等,表示“在场、出席” take part in 参加有组织的,严肃、重大的活动、比赛等,重在说明主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用 participate 正式用语,指参加较重要的活动并在其中发挥积极的作用

  (2)完成句子。 当很多同学犹豫着是否参加比赛时,我却十分高兴地对班长说“可以”。 While most of my classmates were hesitating ________ ________ ________ ________ the competition, I said “yes” to our monitor with great pleasure.

  (3)用participate的相关词语完成下列小片段。 I ①________________ a rescue party and saved some survivors from an earthquake. Wherever a survivor was helped out of the rubble, all ②__________________ would jump with joy. ③__________________ the victims in their sufferings, I came to realize the value of life. This rescue ④__________________ added to my life experience.

  答案:(1)①take part in/participate in ②attending ③join in ④join (2)whether to participate in (3)①participated in ②participants ③Participating with ④participation

  5.distribute vt. 分配;分发;散布 归纳拓展 distribute sth. to/among ... 在……中分发…… distribute sth. over 分配/散布…… 答案:①are distributed ②among/to

  6.operate vi.工作;运转;动手术 vt. 操作 归纳拓展 operate sth. 操作/管理/经营 operate on sb. 给某人动手术 perform an operation 做手术 be in operation 运转中;操作中 come/go into operation 开始运转;实施起来 put/bring sth. into operation 使某事开始运作 答案:①easy to operate ②are operated on 1.hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 归纳拓展 hear of/about 听说 hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做了某事 hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人在做某事 hear sth. done 听到某事被……

  ④I have often heard this song ________(sing), but I have never heard you ________ (sing) it. 答案:①hasn't been heard from ②whispering ③heard about him before ④sung; sing

  2.be dying to do sth. 极想做某事;渴望做某事 归纳拓展 表示“渴望做某事”的短语:long to do sth., desire to do sth., be eager to do sth., have an desire to do sth.等;表示“极想得到某物”的短语:long for sth., be dying for sth., be thirsty for sth., have a strong desire for sth.等。 答案:①to learn ②for

  3.in need 在困难中;在贫困中 归纳拓展 in (great) need of (急切)需要 There is no need to do sth. 没必要做某事  第一部分 选修七  路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 人教版 · 高考总复习 Unit 4 Sharing

  选修七 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.快速识记 1.__________ n.概念;观念 2.__________ n.周年纪念(日) 3.__________ n.宇航员;太空人 4.__________ n.门诊部;小诊所 5.__________ adj.遥远的;偏僻的 6.__________ vt.& vi.嗅;闻;用鼻子吸 7.__________ conj.否则;不然 adv.用别的方法 8.__________ vt.& vi.点击;(使)发出咔嗒声 n.咔嗒声 concept anniversary astronaut clinic remote sniff otherwise click 9.__________ vt.& n.购买;买 →(同义词)__________ v.买 10.__________ vt.捐赠 →____________ n.捐赠;捐款;捐赠物 11.__________ n.安全;保障 →____________ adj.安全的;稳当的 12.__________ n.安排;排列 →____________ vt.安排;排列;整理 13.__________ n.矩形;长方形 →____________ adj.长方形的;矩形的 purchase


  donate donation security secure arrangement arrange rectangle rectangular 14.__________ adj.有关的;切题的 →(同义词)_________________________ adj.有关的 15.__________ vt.分配;分发 →____________ n.分配;分发;分布状态 16.__________ n.特权;特别优待 →____________ adj.享有特权的;优先的 17.__________ vi.参加;参与 →____________ n.参与;参加;分享 →____________ n.参与者;参赛者 relevant


  distribute distribution privilege privileged participate participation participant 18.__________ vt.& vi.调整;(使)适合;校准 →____________ adj.可调节的 →____________ n.调节;调整 19.__________ adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 →____________ n.志愿者 →____________ adv.自愿地;无偿地;自动地 20.__________ vi.工作;运转 vt.操作 →____________ n.操作;经营;手术 →____________ n.操作员;接线员;话务员;经营者 adjust adjustable adjustment voluntary volunteer voluntarily operate operation operator B.归类巧记 1.与“经济生活”有关的高频单词小结 ①distribute vt. 分发;分配;分布 ②export vt.& vi. 出口;输出 ③invest vt.& vi. 投资 ④import vt. 进口;输入 ⑤bid vt. 出价;投标 ⑥compete vi. 竞争

  2.以“­ty”结尾的高频名词荟萃 ①security 安全 ②necessity 必需品;需要 ③similarity 相似(性) ④possibility 可能性 ⑤prosperity 兴旺;繁荣

  3.“v. ...to ...”结构的短语全扫描 ①adjust ... to ... 调节……以适应…… ②devote ... to ... 把……投身到…… ③adapt ... to ... 使……适应于…… ④addict ...to ... 使……对……上瘾 ⑤apply ...to ... 把……应用于…… ⑥prefer ...to ... 喜欢……胜过…… ⑦compare ...to ... 把……比作…… ⑧link ...to ... 把……与……联系上 Ⅱ.高频短语 1.收到……的来信 ________________________ 2.极想;渴望 ________________________ 3.不久前的一天 ________________________ 4.调整;(使)适合 ________________________ 5.干透;使完全变干 ________________________ 6.干涸 ________________________ 7.在困难中;在危急中 ________________________ 8.多达;胜任 ________________________ 9.偶然遇到 ________________________ hear from ... be dying to the other day adjust to dry out dry up in need up to come across

  10.参与;参加 ________________________ 11.老实说 ________________________ 12.突出 ________________________ 13.一个新搭建的台 ________________________ 14.起作用;有影响 ________________________ 15.代表 ________________________ 16.缝纫机 ________________________ 17.箱式图书馆 ________________________ 18.肯定 ________________________ 19.列一个……表 ________________________ 20.拍照 ________________________ participate in to be honest stick out a newly­made platform make a difference on behalf of a sewing machine trunk library for sure make a list of ... take photos of

  Ⅲ.佳句填空 1.________ I reach the school grounds there are lots of “good mornings” for me ________ the boys. Many of them have walked a long way, sometimes ________ two hours, to get to school. 每次当我走到学校操场的时候,迎接我的是男孩子们一片“早上好”的声音。他们中很多人走了很长的路,有时候要走两个小时才能到学校。

  2.________ ________ ________ I ________(show)the boys the weekly chemistry experiment ________, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling over everywhere. 不久前的一天,我正在给孩子们做每周一次的化学实验演示,我还没有明白是怎么回事,混合物就到处冒气泡了。 3.Sometimes I wonder ________ relevant chemistry is to these students, most of ________ will be going back to their villages ________ Year 8. 有时候,我真想知道,化学对这些孩子究竟有多大的用处,他们中的大部分人在八年级后将回到他们的村庄。

  4.We walked for ________ ________ ________ ________ hours to get there—first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down ________ steep path to the valley below. 我们步行了两个半小时才到达那里——先是爬山,爬到山脊我们看到了奇妙的景色,然后下一个陡坡,一直走到下面的山谷。

  5.________(let)you know that I am thinking of you, I have purchased ________ gift from the World's Most Useful Gift Catalogue for you to give to some of the world's ________(poor). 为了让你知道我在想着你们,我从“世界上最有用的礼物清单”中购得一份礼物,请你转送给世界上最穷苦的人。 答案:1.When; from; up to 2.The other day; was showing; when 3.how; whom; after 4.two and a half; a 5.To let; a; poorest

  Ⅳ.语法过关 限制性定语从句 1.Such things ________ you described in the report seldom happen now. 2.—Where did you meet Ms Slade from the US yesterday? —It was in that market________ we often buy things. 3.Would you be kind enough to help the boy for ________ Chinese is really hard to learn?

  4.This is the best book________ I have been looking for all this year. 5.The time is not far away________ morden communications will become widespread in China's vast countryside. 答案:1.as 2.where 3.whom 4.that 5.when Ⅴ.语篇填空 Science is my most ①________(challenge) subject as my students have no concept of doing experiments. In fact there is no equipment, and ②________ I need water I have to carry ③________ from my house in a bucket! The other day I ④________(show) the boys the weekly chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the ⑤________(mix) was bubbling over everywhere! The boys ⑥________had never come across anything like this before started jumping out of the windows.

  Sometimes ⑦________ wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students, most of ⑧________ will be going back to their villages ⑨________ Year 8 anyway. To be honest, I doubt ⑩________ I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all.

  答案:①challenging ②if ③it ④was showing ⑤mixture ⑥who ⑦I ⑧whom ⑨after ⑩whether 考点探究演练 1.adjust vi. & vt. 调整;(使)适合;校准 归纳拓展 adjust sth. (to sth.) 调整(以适应/适合) adjust to (doing sth.) 适应(做)某事 adjust/adapt oneself to sth. 使自己适应于 make adjustment to ... 对……作调整

  ③We have made an ________(adjust) to our price and give you a special discount of 3 percent. 我们对价格做了调整,给你们百分之三的特殊优惠折扣。 ④However, I think that you will quickly adjust ________ them although the weather and the food are different from yours. 然而,虽然天气、食物与你以往有所不同,我相信你会很快适应的。 答案:①adjusting ②living ③adjustment ④to

  2.donate vt. 捐赠;赠予 归纳拓展 donate blood 献血 donate (money, goods, etc.) to ... 捐(钱、物等)给…… make a donation (to ...) (为……)作捐赠 答案:①donated blood ②to ③made a generous donation

  3.voluntary adj. 自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 归纳拓展 volunteer for sth. 主动承担;自愿/无偿给予/提供 volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事 be voluntary to do sth. 自愿做某事 voluntary blood donation 无偿献血

  ③A great many people from all parts of our homeland ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(自愿参与) the disaster relief work. 答案:①volunteer for the project ②Voluntary blood donation ③volunteered to/were voluntary to participate in


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