2017届高考英语一轮基础知识复习课件:必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮基础知识复习课件:必修2 Unit 1 Cultural relics(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  3.worth n. 价值 adj. 值钱的,值得的 归纳拓展 be (well)worth doing/n. 很值得做/值…… be worthy of sth.值得…… be worthy to be done/of being done 值得做 It's worthwhile doing/to do sth. 做某事是值得的 (2)一句多译。 他的想法值得考虑。 ①________________________________(worth) ②________________________________(worthy) ③_______________________________(worthwhile) 答案:(1)①worthy ②worth ③worthwhile (2)①His idea is worth considering. ②His idea is worthy of consideration/being considered/to be considered. ③It is worthwhile to consider/considering his idea. 4.survive vt. & vi. 幸免;幸存;生还;比……活得长 归纳拓展 (1)survive sth. 幸免于…… survive the war/an earthquake 从战争/地震中幸存 survive sb. 比某人活得时间长 survive on 靠……生存 (2)survivor n. 幸存者 survival n. 幸存;生存 [巧学助记] Mastering some basic skills will greatly increase your chances of survival. Last week, thanks to the skills he and his tour pal succeeded in surviving the terrible floods and they were the only two survivors. 掌握一些基本技巧能够极大增加你的逃生几率。上周,多亏了他们掌握的技巧,他和他的驴友才成功地从那场可怕的洪水中幸存下来,他们是仅有的两个幸存者。 ③The 10­year­old girl was one of the three children known ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 这个10岁的小女孩是已知的从这次灾难中幸存下来的三个儿童之一。 ④_____ _____ _____ ______ _______ ______, a sportsman needs to train constantly to keep himself in the best condition. 为了在体育界生存,运动员需要不停训练来保持最佳状态。 答案:①survived her husband by 10 years ②are to survive ③to have survived from the disaster ④To survive in the sports world 5.remove vt. 去掉;开除;脱掉;移动;搬开 vi. 迁居;搬家 归纳拓展 remove ... from ... 把……从……搬走 remove from ... to ... 从……搬到…… remove sb. from ... 把某人从……职位免职 remove one's doubt/trouble 消除某人的疑虑/烦恼 辨析 remove/move 词语 含义 remove 着重于离开或脱离原来的位置、处所、职位、职业等,多是有意识地移动。remove作“搬家”讲时无被动语态 move 主要指改变位置或姿势。用于搬家时,move比remove常用 [巧学助记] 对比记忆remove与move ②The top official ________ ________ ________ ________ last week. 那位高官上周被免职。 ③His words ________ ________ ________. 他的话消除了我的疑虑。 答案:①to remove the bag from her shoulder ②was removed from office ③removed my doubt

  6.select vt. 挑选;选择 归纳拓展 select sth./sb 挑选某物/选拔某人 select sb. to do sth. 选中某人做某事 select ... to be/as 选举某人担任……;挑选……用作 select sb./sth. from/among ... 从……中挑选某人/某物

  7.sink vi.下沉;沉下 vt.使……下沉 归纳拓展 sink into...坐在…… sink in/sink into sth.(指液体)渗入(某一物质)被吸收;(指话语等)完全理解 be sunk in sth.陷入或堕入(某状态)(尤指绝望或沉思) [巧学助记]

  ③I sank (down) ________ an armchair. 我一下子坐在扶手椅上。 ④Rub the cream on your skin and let it ________ ________. 把这种软膏搽在皮肤上,让它渗进去。 答案:①sink ②made the wall sink ③into ④sink in 8.apart adv.分离地;分别地 归纳拓展 apart表示“(时间或空间)分开,相间隔”,既可表示相隔多长时间,也可表示相隔多远。 take apart 拆开 tell apart 分辨出;区分开 fall apart 破碎 live apart 分开住 set apart 分开;与众不同 apart from 除……外 1.in return 作为回报 归纳拓展 in return for 作为对……的回报 return ... for ... 以……回报…… return like for like 以牙还牙 in turn 逐次;反过来 “in+n.”短语: in case以防;万一 in advance事先;提前 in store必将发生 in danger处于危险中 in order井井有条 in place在正确位置 in sight/view看得见 in reality/fact事实上

  in all总共 in short/brief简言之 in vain徒劳地 in particular特别地 2.in search of 为了搜寻,寻找 归纳拓展 词语 含义 in search of 为介词短语,表示“寻找”时,在句中可作状语、定语、表语、宾语补足语等,也可用in a/the/one's search for来替换 search 作及物动词表“搜查”,宾语可以是人,意为“对某人进行搜身”,如果宾语是表地点的名词,则意为“搜查某个地方” search for 意为“搜寻”,常指花费很大的力气去寻找某个特定的人或物,相当于look for search...for... 意为“为寻找……而搜查……” “in+n.+of”结构: in memory of为了纪念 in favor of支持;赞同 in honour of为了纪念;为向……表示敬意 in view of鉴于;由于 in terms of谈及;就……而言;在……方面 in case of以防;万一 in need of需要 in place of代替;取代 (2)用search及其短语填空。 ①Since the 1970s, scientists have been ________ ________ ________ ways to link the brain with computers. ②Many neighbours joined the couple, ________ ________ the missing boy. ③The police started off ________ ________ ________ the possible clues which would help find the suspects. ④They have ________ every room in the hotel, but found nothing valuable. ⑤The police ________ the house ________ the hidden drugs.

  答案:(1)searching; for; searching for; in search of (2)①in search of ②searching for ③in search of ④searched ⑤searched; for

  3.belong to 属于;为……的一员 归纳拓展 (1)belong to表示“是……的财产;是……的组成部分;是……的成员(属于)”,不用于被动语态和进行时态。 (2)belongings n.财产;所有物;相关事物

  ②Put it back where it ________. 把它放回应放的地方。 ③Having sold most of his ________, he almost had nothing left in the house. 他已经卖掉了大部分财物,房子里几乎什么都没有留下。 答案:①belongs to;belonging to ②belongs ③belongings  第一部分 必修二

    路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 人教版 · 高考总复习 Unit 1 Cultural relics 必修二 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.快速识记 1.________ vi.下沉;沉没 2.________ vi.属于→_________ n.所有物;财产 3.________ adj.木制的→________ n.木材;木头 4.________ n.& vt.设计;构思→________ n.设计师 5.________ adj.非正式的→(反义词)________ adj.正式的 6.________ n.& vt.怀疑→________ adj.可疑的;令人生疑的 7.________ vt.移动;搬开→________ n.免职;移动;排除;消除 sink

  belong belongings wooden wood design designer informal formal doubt doubtful remove removal 8.________ n.& vt.争论;争辩;辩论→________ n.讨论者;辩论家 9.________ n.入口→________ vt.进入→(反义词)________ n.出口 10.________ adj.稀有的;稀罕的→________ adv.很少地;罕有地;难得 11.________ adj.值得的 n.价值→(反义词)________ adj.无价值的;不值钱的 12.________ vi.爆炸→________ n.爆炸→________ adj.易爆的 debate debater entrance enter exit rare rarely worth worthless explode explosion explosive 13.________ vt.挑选;选择→________ n.选择;挑选→________ adj.选择性的 14.________ n.证据;根据→________ adj.明显的→___________________ adv.显然;明显地 15.________ adj.文化的→________ n.文化→________ adv.从文化角度;文化意义上地 16.________ vi.幸免;幸存;生还→________ n.幸存;生存→________ n.幸存者;生存者 17.________ adj.奇特的;异样的 vt.想象;设想;爱好→________ n.空想家;爱好者 select selection selective evidence evident evidently (=obviously) cultural culture culturally survive survival survivor fancy fancier

  18.________ vt.装饰;装修→________ n.装饰;装修→________ adj.可作装饰的;装饰的 19.________ vt.使吃惊;惊讶→________ adj.令人吃惊的→________ adj.吃惊的;惊奇的→__________ n.惊异;惊愕 20.________ adj.以前的;从前的;前者的→(反义词)________ adj.后者的;后面的;较后的 decorate decoration decorative amaze amazing amazed amazement former latter

  B.归类巧记 1.“文化与传统”家族 ①culture n.文化;文明 ②cultural adj.

  文化的 ③custom n.

  习惯;习俗 ④tradition n.

  传统 ⑤civilization n.


  2.“争论”相关词一览 ①debate v.& n.

  辩论; 争论 ②argue v.

  争论 ③discuss v.

  讨论 ④quarrel v.& n.

  争吵 ⑤dispute v.& n.

  争论 ⑥conflict v.& n.


  3.含后缀­ence的名词集锦 ①evident→evidence

  证据 ②consequent→consequence

  结果 ③convenient→convenience

  便利;方便 ④different→difference

  差异;不同 ⑤absent→absence

  缺乏;缺席 ⑥competent→competence


  4.含后缀­al的名词荟萃 ①survive→survival

  幸存 ②remove→removal

  移除 ③arrive→arrival

  到达 ④refuse→refusal

  拒绝 ⑤propose→proposal

  提议 ⑥approve→approval

  批准;同意 Ⅱ.高频短语 1.寻找(介词短语) ________ 2.属于 ________ 3.作为报答/回报 ________ 4.处于交战状态 ________ 5.少于 ________ 6.拆开 ________ 7.看重;高度评价 ________ 8.对……感到惊讶 ________ 9.从……中挑选…… ________ in search of belong to in return at war  less than take apart think highly of be amazed at select...from... 10.装饰着…… ________ 11.值得做 ________ 12.为……设计 ________ 13.一群;一队 ________ 14.充当;用作 ________ 15.给……增加细节 ________ 16.被认为是 ________ 17.放进里面 ________ 18.关注;在乎 ________ 19.而不是 ________ 20.借助……的光线 ________ be decorated with be worth doing be designed for a troop of serve as add more details to be considered as/to be put inside care about rather than by the light of Ⅲ.佳句填空 1.Look at the pictures below and discuss ________ they are and ________ they are cultural relics or not. 看下列图片,讨论它们是什么并判断它们是否是文化遗产。 2.This was a time ________ the two countries were ________ ________. 这正值两国交战时期。 3.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg.


  4.For example, ________ can be proved that China has more people than any ________ country in the world.

  比如,中国的人口比世界上任何一个其他国家的人口都多,这是可以得到证实的。 5.________ ________ ________ think they should give it to any government.


  6.In a trial, ________ judge must decide which eyewitnesses ________(believe) and which not to believe.

  在审判中,法官必须判定哪些证人可以相信,哪些证人不能相信。 答案:1.what; whether 2.when; at war 3.There is no doubt that 4.it; other 5.Nor do I 6.a; to believe

  Ⅳ.语法过关 定语从句(Ⅲ) 1.Suddenly I heard a man shouting at a driver,________ car was blocking the street. 答案:whose 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,a driver是先行词,后面的定语从句中缺少定语,故用whose引导,指代 the driver's。

  2.The air quality in our city, ______ is shown in the chart, has declined over the last three months. 答案:as 考查定语从句。句意为:从图表中可以看出,我们城市的空气质量在过去的三个月中有所下降。空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的内容,且从句位于主语与谓语之间,应用as引导。

  3.I am looking for a position ________ my research and writing skills can be made good use of. 答案:where 考查定语从句。句意为:我正在找一份能充分利用我的研究和写作才能的工作。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词a position,它在从句中作抽象地点状语,因此,应用关系副词where来引导定语从句。 4.He was punished severely for making a call while driving on January 1,2017, ________ the new traffic rules took effect. 答案:when 考查定语从句。句意为:他在2017年1月1日因开车打电话而受到严厉处罚,这一天新的交通法规开始实施。定语从句的先行词是January 1,2017,定语从句中缺少时间状语,故用when。 5.Her son was accused of

  cheating by the police, ________ made it difficult for her to go to sleep. 答案:which 考查定语从句。句意为:她的儿子被警察指控犯了诈骗罪,这使她睡不着觉。此处which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个内容。 Ⅴ.语篇填空 ①________ September 1941, the Nazi army was near St Petersburg. This was a time ②________ the two countries were ③________ war. Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects ④________ the Amber Room. However, some of the Nazis ⑤________(secret) stole the room itself. In less than two days 100,000 pieces⑥________(put) inside twenty­seven wooden boxes. There is no doubt ⑦________ the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, ⑧________ was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. After that, ⑨________ happened to the Amber Room remains ⑩________ mystery. 答案:①In ②when ③at ④from ⑤secretly ⑥were put ⑦that ⑧which ⑨what ⑩a 考点探究演练 1.design n.& vt. 设计;图案;构思;计划 归纳拓展 design sth. for sb. 为某人设计…… be designed for sth./sb. 为……而设计 be designed to do sth. 目的在于,为了 be designed as ... 打算做……用 by design(=on purpose) 故意地 designer n. 设计者,构思者 ③Do you think that he didn't turn up by accident or ________ ________? 你认为他没有露面纯属巧合还是有心为之? ④This book which ________ ________ ________ ________ children read turns out to be a success. 打算用来帮助孩子阅读的这本书很成功。 答案:①designed for ②is designed to test ③by design  ④is designed to help 2.doubt n. 怀疑;疑惑 vt. 怀疑;不信 归纳拓展 in doubt 怀疑的,不能肯定的 without/beyond doubt 毫无疑问,不容置疑 have no doubt about/of 不怀疑,相信 cast doubt(s) on sth. 对……提出质疑 there is no doubt that ... 毫无疑问…… [温馨提示]肯定句中,doubt后接if或whether引导的宾语从句;否定句或疑问句中,doubt后接that引导的宾语从句。

  ③________ ________, women can hold up half the sky. 毫无疑问,妇女能顶半边天。 答案:①had no doubt about(=didn't doubt) ②There is no doubt that; whether it is necessary to rebuild ③Without doubt  第一部分 必修二



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