2016届高三英语二轮复习课时训练:4 2阅读理解+阅读填空+语法填空-查字典英语网
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2016届高三英语二轮复习课时训练:4 2阅读理解+阅读填空+语法填空

发布时间:2017-03-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  训练4 2阅读理解+阅读填空+语法填空




  I’m a single mummy blogger.I had been unemployed since November 2011,and eventually started to cook for myself and my three­year­old son on an extremely low budget last summer.

  I wrote on my blog back in July 2017,in a post titled Hunger Hurts,that poverty is the sinking and choking feeling when your two­year­old son finishes his one bowl of porridge and says,“Can I have some more please,Mummy?”

  With only £ 6 a week,I started to work out my meals.A carrot and bean soup,the carrot,cumin (土茴香籽)and bean hamburger,and onion pasta sauce(意大利面酱).I began to post the recipes on my blogs.Then the Sure Start Children’s Centre referred me to my local food_bank for help.As a result,I could write more recipes with 4 more pounds a week to buy more materials.The response was unbelievable.People struggling financially said how much it helped to see recipes made using basic ranges from supermarkets.

  There was also criticism.People called my costings dishonest,because “you can’t buy half an onion”.I’ve explained that I’ll use one half for lunch in a soup,and the other half for dinner.Then there’s the £ 3.48 bottle of red wine I put in my dishes.In fact that bottle lasted well over a month.Apparently,that’s still extravagant(奢侈的).

  I’ve never sold it as an ideal life—simply how I dealt with mine.Something had to change,so I changed it,and I wrote about it.

  Life has taken unexpected turns.I have spoken in Parliament (议会) on food poverty,and been interviewed for an Oxfam report on food banks.Penguin has signed me to write a book.Readers keep asking if I will still live on such a tight budget.Surely yes because I will never forget the tears and happiness I have gone through.

  1.What kind of person is the author?

  A.Positive and smart.

  B.Humorous and energetic.

  C.Practical but extravagant.

  D.Skillful but dishonest.

  2.What makes the author’s blog attractive to so many readers?

  A.Articles dealing with an ideal life.

  B.The way of feeding her son.

  C.Practical recipes posted on her blog.

  D.The terrible feeling of being poor.

  3.What does the “food bank” in the third paragraph probably do?

  A.Sell food to local people.

  B.Post blogs of creative food recipes.

  C.Educate hungry children.

  D.Offer financial help to poor people.

  4.We can infer that the author’s book will probably focus on________.

  A.how to get rid of poverty

  B.how to be an honest blogger

  C.how to avoid being extravagant

  D.how to live on a tight budget

  【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文。题材为网上博客。作者于2011年11月开始失业,作为一个单身母亲,她不得不靠微薄的救济金维持生活。然而她通过写博客将自己的痛苦经历和自己与儿子一周只花6英镑的食谱发到网上后引起了人们的关注,这使得她得以在议会讲话。此外,一家出版社还向她约稿让她写一本书。



  3.解析:选D。事实细节题。根据第三段的“As a result,I could write more recipes with 4 more pounds a week...”可知food bank是一家向穷人提供经济帮助的机构。故答案为D项。



  When Joshua Blue,a head teacher at the Kennedy,hosts a lecture for his students,he wears a light violet­colored tie.“You don’t want so many bright colors that the kids will get distracted,” said Blue.Colors give off very specific signals,and different tie


  stand for very different impacts.Wondering what color tie to wear to your next meeting? Here’s how to choose the perfect color tie for every occasion:

  All powerful reds

  It’s not a coincidence (巧合) that many politicians wear red­colored ties with light shirts and darker suits.“Red is the powerful color,”

  said Mark Woodman,a trend analyst who studies color in Laurel,Maryland.“There’s something about red that always comes back to strength and passion.” But the tone of your reds matters,too.Darker reds can help build trust,while lighter red and pink ties can be more of a statement about your personal style and be associated with creativity.When you want to convey a sense of ambition,consider a shiny red.

  Royal purples

  Ross Znavor,an executive in financial services in New York,wears purple ties rather than red to business meetings because the color shows a bit of self­confidence and helps him create lasting first impressions.Purple,traditionally a sign of royalty and wealth,is becoming more acceptable in the workplace.

  Black affairs

  “While you might not wear them to meetings on a regular basis,wearing black ties to a cocktail party or even a dinner is unique and attractive,” said Zyla.But remember: the formal black color can feel aggressive in many situations.“Avoid it if you are a green­hand at work,” Zyla said.

  Right blues

  Afraid of sending the wrong message with your tie color?Consider blue as the all­purpose tie.Blue ties are a good investment because the color reminds people of the sky and ocean.“Blue is the safest color to wear,” Lindsay said.

  5.Why do many politicians prefer red­colored ties?

  A.Because they often wear light shirts and darker suits.

  B.Because they want to get promoted.

  C.Because red is related to strength and passion.

  D.Because red gets their message across easily.

  6.Who will probably choose the purple ties?

  A.Politicians. B.Businessmen.


  D.Head teachers.

  7.What color tie will you consider if you are a green­hand at work?





  【语篇解读】 每一种颜色都会传递不同的信息,产生不同的影响。在想下一次开会要系什么颜色的领带吗?本文能帮你选出匹配每个场合的最佳颜色的领带。

  5.解析:选C。由第二段中的“Red is the powerful color”和“There’s something about red that always comes back to strength and passion.”可知选C。

  6.解析:选B。由第三段中的“business meetings because the color...Purple,traditionally a sign of royalty and wealth,is becoming more acceptable in the workplace”可知,紫色会让职场人士显得自信,从而获得良好的第一印象,象征尊贵。所以最有可能选择紫色领带的应该是商业人士。

  7.解析:选D。综合全篇可以看出红色领带适合政治家;紫色领带适合商业人士;而新人应避免戴黑色领带,由最后一段中的“Consider blue as the all­purpose tie.”和“Blue is the safest color to wear”可知,对于新手来说,戴蓝色领带最为保险。


  Everyone can benefit a lot from reading books.The following is about the various benefits of reading books.

  1.____________ Whenever you read something,you learn information that you otherwise wouldn’t have known.It can be a fact about history or a theory you didn’t know existed.If you want to learn new words,reading books is a great way to enlarge your vocabulary.

  2.____________ Similar to solving puzzles,reading books allows your mind to practice its processing skills.Going without books for too long will turn your mind into a whirl(混乱).

  One of the primary benefits of reading books is its ability to develop your critical thinking skills.3.____________ Wherever you are faced with a similar problem in real life,your mind is able to put its mystery­solving skills to a test.

  One of the real benefits of reading books is that the information in it can be accessed over and over again.For example,reading a cookbook allows you the luxury of reviewing the procedures whenever you need to.4.____________ Don’t even think about writing the information down because you may lose the paper you wrote down on sooner or later.

  These are just some of the wonderful benefits of reading books.5.____________ If you can’t even go outside,you can download free e­books online and read them on your computer.That way,you can see how advantageous reading can be for yourself.

  A.Reading books keeps your mind active.

  B.You can improve your memory by reading.

  C.Reading books provides you with new knowledge.

  D.Following a recipe from a cooking show will be difficult.

  E.Reading mystery novels,for example,sharpens your mind.

  F.Reading keeps your mind in good condition.

  G.Why don’t you drop by the bookstore or library and pick a book up?



  Each year the International Food Policy Research Institute releases a Global Hunger Index report.1.____________ 2017 report shows the African nation of Burundi has the


  (high) level of hunger worldwide.

  More than 10 years of war,along with overpopulation,has

  3.____________ (strong) affected the nation’s economic and nutritional conditions.Continued rising demand


  limited resources creates serious problems for Burundi.

  Along many of the hillsides in Burundi’s Northern Province,workers are digging and planting.They hope to stop fertile soils


  (slide)away in what is considered the hungriest place on earth.

  Now,more than 5,700 local farmers are paid by the United Nations World Food Program


  (work) other people’s lands.Fifty­year­old Matthias Bukuru is one of the farmers.He says that the $1.25 wage he earns is a fortune


  (compare) to his past.He says he once worked on a farm and was paid just 12 cents a day.He says that amount would only buy him a small number of sweet



  The report says in East Asia and Southeast Asia hunger is common.9.____________,in Thailand,Cambodia and Vietnam,the hunger situation has improved.Angola,Bangladesh,Chad and Ghana saw big improvement in dealing with the issue of hunger.So


  Malawi and Rwanda.







  4.考查介词。demand for...为固定搭配,意为“对……的需求”。




  6.考查非谓语动词。pay sb.to do sth.花钱雇某人做某事。此处考查其被动形式sb.is paid to do sth.。

  to work



  8.考查名词单复数。空前有a small number of修饰,所以potato需使用复数形式。







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