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发布时间:2017-03-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  6. give

  give away

  赠送; 泄露; 分发

  give back


  give in

  屈服; 让步; 投降; 认输

  give out

  分发; 发出; 公布; 用尽

  give up

  放弃 7. go

  go against 违背; 不利于; 反对

  go ahead 开始(做某事); (表同意)

  go around 参观; (消息)传播

  go by

  过去; 经过

  go down

  下降; 下沉

  go on

  继续; 发生; 进行

  go over

  复习, 仔细检查

  go through 穿过; 经历; 仔细检查

  go with


  go without

  没有……也行 8. hold

  hold back

  犹豫; 隐瞒; 阻止

  hold on=hang on

  别挂断; 等一会儿;


  hold out

  坚持; 伸出

  hold up

  举起; 阻挡, 使耽搁

  hold on to

  紧紧抓住; 保留; 不放弃 9. keep

  keep away from

  远离; 避开

  keep back

  留下; 隐瞒; 克制(感情)

  keep on

  继续; 坚持下去

  keep out of

  置身于……外; 避开

  keep up

  保持; 继续; 不低落

  keep up with


  keep an eye out for

  密切注意; 留心; 警惕

  keep an eye on

  照看; 密切注视 10. leave

  leave alone

  不打扰; 不理, 不管

  leave behind 留下; 丢下, 丢弃

  leave out

  遗漏, 忽略 11. look

  look around


  look away from


  look into

  调查; 窥视

  look back on/upon


  look up

  查找, 查询; 向上看

  look up to

  尊敬; 敬仰

  look down upon

  歧视, 看不起

  look forward to

  盼望; 期待

  look through

  浏览; 快速查看

  look out (for)

  当心, 留意, 小心

  look on

  旁观 12. make

  make use of


  make up

  组成; 编造; 化妆; 和解

  make up for

  补偿; 弥补

  make for

  走向; 有助于; 促成, 导致

  make sense

  有意义; 有道理; 讲得通

  make sense of

  理解; 弄明白

  make out

  理解; 分辨出, 辨认出

  make it

  成功 13. put

  put aside

  撇开; 暂不考虑; 储蓄

  put away

  收拾, 整理; 储存

  put back

  把……放回原处; 推迟

  put forward

  提出; 拨快

  put down

  记下, 写下, 镇压

  put out

  伸出; 扑灭; 生产; 出版

  put up

  建造, 张贴; 提供住宿

  put up with

  忍受; 容忍

  put on

  穿上, 增加, 上演 常见的跟双宾语的及物动词主要有: 1. 直、间接宾语易位需加to的动词:bring, give, hand, pass, post, promise, read, return, show, teach, tell, lend等。 2. 直、间接宾语易位需加for的动词:buy, choose, cook, draw, find, fetch, make, order, paint, purchase, save, spare等。 3. 既可加to,也可加for的动词:do, get, play, sing等。

  常见的不及物动词主要有:ache, agree, apologize, appear, arrive, come, go, cry, dance, die, disappear, dream, exist, fall, flow, graduate, sit, stand, stay, wait, rise, lie, happen等。 二、延续性动词与终止性动词 延续性动词可用于完成时,与以下几种时间状语连用:for +一段时间,since +时间点,since +一段时间+ ago,since +从句(一般过去时)等。常见的这类动词有:have, possess, keep, know, learn, live, read, sleep, wait, work, look, hear, smell等。 终止性动词不可用于现在完成时,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,其否定形式多与until / till连用,构成“not +终止性动词+ until / till ...”的句型,意为“直到……才……”。如:

  I will not go to bed until I finish drawing the picture tonight.

  三、常见的短语动词有以下五种: 1. 动词+介词

  “动词+介词”构成的短语相当于一个及物动词,后面跟宾语。在被动语态中,整个短语不可分开。这类短语动词常用的有:agree with, burst into, call on, consist of, deal with, depend / rely on, die of / from, dream of, feel like, get into, hear from, insist on, look  / stare  / glare at, prepare for, result in, set about等。 2. 动词+副词 1)及物动词+副词。这类短语动词常用的有:cut off, take down, put out, take over, turn down, turn over, throw away, figure out等。 2)不及物动词+副词。后面不跟宾语,没有被动语态。这类短语动词常用的有:die away, give in, go ahead, hold on, run away, stand out等。 3. 动词+名词+介词。这类短语动词常用的有:catch sight of, compare notes with, declare war on / upon, get rid of, have a word with, make fun of, make use of, make preparations for, pay attention to, take care of, take hold of, take advantage of, take charge of等。 4. 动词+副词+介词。这类短语动词常用的有:catch up with, come up with, date back to, put up with, go in for, run out of等。 5. be +形容词+介词。这类短语动词常用的有:be accustomed / used to, be afraid of, be devoted to, be fond of, be familiar with, be famous for, be fit / suitable for等。 动词及其词组的灵活运用是英语的特色,也是难点,每年均为重点。历年高考试题中动词所占的比例最大,设题时都是给出不同的动词或短语来测试考生在具体语境中对动词(短语)意义的理解和运用。考点主要包括: 1. 动词词义辨析。包括常见动词用法辨析、近义词辨析、词形相近词辨析和用法相近词辨析。 The watch was very good, and he _____ 20 percent down for it. 

  A. paid                             B. cost

  C. bought                       D. spent

  2. Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to _____ the soul of Qu Yuan.

  A. remember                B. remind      

  C. recover                    D. recall


  D 2. 动词短语辨析。主要包括同根动词短语的辨析、同根介词或副词的动词短语的辨析、 不同动词构成的动词短语的辨析以及“动词+副词+介词”短语的辨析。在动词词组的测试中,绝大多数为基础动词,出现频率较高的词有:get, turn, make, put, go, give, break, cut, come, look, keep, bring, show, pick, hold, fall, carry, pull, catch, call, take等。 除了考查其基本含义辨析外,更注重动词(短语)的新义和引申义,如: polish抛光, 磨光(本意)→修正,文饰(引申); sniff嗅,闻(本意)→鄙视地说(引申); break down发生故障,失灵,失效(本意)→坍塌,崩溃,瓦解,中断,中止(引申); look into向里面看(本意)→调查, 研究(引申),同时还有“浏览”之意; work out基本意思为“解决, 算出, 制订出”,还有“锻炼”的意思。 Ralph W. Emerson would always _____ new ideas that occurred to him.  A. set off                    B. set about C. set up                    D. set down D 3. 考查无关联的动词辨析


  It is widely acknowledged that students should be _____ in terms of overall quality.

  A. supported             B. matched

  C. evaluated              D. controlled C

  4. 考查动词搭配


  My parents always _____ great importance to my getting a good education. 

  A. have                      B. attach

  C. accept                    D. pay B

  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Top graduates from universities are _____ by major companies. 

  A. chased                         B. registered

  C. offered                        D. compensated A 2. —Dad, I don’t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job.

  —I see. I’ll go right away and _____. 

  A. pay him back                  B. pay him off

  C. put him away                  D. put him off 3. The two countries are going to meet to _____ some barriers to trade between them. 

  A. make up                       B. use up

  C. turn down                     D. break down B D 4. As a grassroots singer, she reads everything she can _____ concerning music, and takes every opportunity to improve herself. 

  A. catch sight of         B. get hold of

  C. take charge of       D. make mention of

  B 5. Last week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _____ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later. 

  A. share                            B. realize

  C. ignore                           D. cause

  C  6. No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected will happen.

  A. prove                               B. imply

  C. demand                           D. predict 7. How could you _____ such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months?  

  A. turn off                              B. turn in

  C. turn down                         D. turn to D C 8. Terry, please _____ your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you. 

  A. look up from            B. look into

  C. look back on             D. look through 9. Shakespeare’s writing is still popular today. It has really _____ the test of time. 

  A. failed                             B. stood

  C. taken                             D. conducted A B 10. Seeing the big crowd coming towards him, he started to run down the hill, but _____ and went down on his hands and knees in the melting snow. 

  A. slipped                      B. skied

  C. signalled                   D. sank A 热点考向 1

  动词词义辨析  1. 主要考点: 考查常见动词词义辨析。强调语言的情境化, 把动词放在语境中进行考查。 2. 突破技巧: 这类试题的选项往往结构相同, 词形或意义相近。要做好这类试题, 必须从各个动词的语意差别、用法特点等方面入手, 然后结合题意选用合适的动词。 热点考向 2

  高频动词短语意义辨析  主要考点: 考查主要集中于高频的动词短语, 如break, bring, call, come, get, go, make, take, turn, put, pick, hold, keep, look, carry, set, cut, show, pull等构成的短语。需要特别关注:

  1. break

  break away from 放弃, 打破; 脱离关系

  break down

  发生故障; (计划等)失败;

  (精神、身体)垮掉; 分解

  break in

  闯入, 插嘴

  break into


  break out

  (战争、瘟疫等)爆发, 突然发生

  break up

  打碎, 分手, 分开, 关系破裂 2. bring

  bring about

  导致, 造成, 引起

  bring down

  使倒下, 使降低

  bring in

  引进; 带来; 赚得; 收获

  bring forward

  提出; 提前

  bring out

  出版; 生产; 使显现

  bring up

  抚养, 教育; 提出; 呕吐 3. call

  call for

  要求; 需要; 去取或去接

  call back

  回电话; 回忆起

  call in

  召集; 请; 召来; 顺便来访

  call up

  打电话给; 召集; 使想起

  call off


  call on

  号召, 拜访 4. come

  come about


  come to

  苏醒; 总计

  come across

  偶遇; 无意中发现

  come true

  实现, 成为现实(不及物)

  come out

  出版; 结果是

  come up


  come up with


  come on

  (催促)快点; (鼓励)加油;

  (不耐烦)得了, 算了吧!

  5. get

  get across

  解释清楚; 使……被理解

  get away from

  避免; 摆脱, 逃离

  get away with 侥幸成功; 侥幸做成

  get around

  四处走动; 传播开来

  get down to


  get along/on with

  进展; 与……相处

  get over

  克服; 恢复

  get rid of

  摆脱; 除去

  get through

  通过; 完成; 接通电话


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