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发布时间:2017-03-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1. (2015·绍兴三模)—How are you getting along? I haven’t seen you for ages.

  —______I have moved to the countryside.

  A. I’m on the top of the world.

  B. Fancy meeting you here.

  C. What brought you here?

  D. How is the world treating you?

  【解析】选B。句意: ——你过得怎么样? 我好几年没见你了。——没想到在这儿遇见你。我搬到乡下去了。Fancy meeting you here没想到在这儿遇见你; I’m on the top of the world我快乐极了; What brought you here? 什么风把你吹来了? How is the world treating you? 你运气怎么样?

  2. For quite a few students, their teacher’s advice is more important than______of their parents.

  A. one B. thatC. itD. any

  【解析】选B。根据语境, 可知句子表达的是“their teacher’s advice(老师的建议)“比”父母的建议(the advice of their parents)”重要, 此处用that替代the advice, 避免重复。

  3. Children with______stable family do better at school, according to______report published by the Sutton Trust.

  A. 不填; a B. a; a

  C. the; a

  D. a; 不填

  【解析】选B。句意: 根据Sutton Trust出版的一个报告, 拥有一个稳定家庭的孩子在学校做得更好。两空都表示泛指, 故都应用不定冠词a。

  4. Although at times learning to play the piano was tiring for me, it was well worth the______.

  A. effort B. strength

  C. intelligence

  D. preparation

  【解析】选A。句意: 尽管学习弹钢琴有时对我来说很烦人, 但确实值得努力。effort“努力”, 符合题意。strength“力气; 优势”; intelligence“智力”; preparation“准备”。

  5. High school students are supposed to be______about public services, which will benefit them in the long run.

  A. curious B. anxious

  C. particular

  D. enthusiastic

  【解析】选D。句意: 中学生应该热心于公共服务, 从长远看这会对他们有利。curious“好奇的”; anxious“焦虑的; 渴望的”; particular“特别的”; enthusiastic“热心的”。

  6. How could she be so calm in front of so many people? It is really______me.

  A. across B. against

  C. beyond

  D. over

  【解析】选C。句意: 在这么多人面前, 她是如何做到这么沉着的? 我真想不通。beyond sb. 为固定表达, 意为“使某人无法想象(或理解)”。

  7. (2015·衢州模拟)If every citizen______a day’s pay to the Hope Project, there will be no student leaving school because of lack of money.

  A. provides B. donates

  C. presents

  D. withdraws

  【解析】选B。句意: 如果每个市民捐一天的工资给希望工程, 就不会有学生因缺少钱而辍学。donate捐赠; provide提供; present介绍, 呈现; withdraw收回, 撤销。

  8. It was two days before my mother flew to New York______I arrived home.

  A. when B. that

  C. after

  D. since

  【解析】选B。句意: 正是在母亲飞去纽约的前两天我回到了家。根据语境被强调部分是two days before my mother flew to New York, 将本句还原为普通句式为I arrived home two days before my mother flew to New York。

  9. (2015·无锡模拟)Every December Nobel Prizes______to people who have made outstanding contributions to the world.

  A. award

  B. are awarded

  C. awarded

  D. were awarded

  【解析】选B。句意: 每年十二月诺贝尔奖都会颁发给对世界做出杰出贡献的人。award与Nobel Prizes之间为动宾关系, 应用被动语态, 根据时间状语Every December可知应用一般现在时。

  10. ______, everyone present was amused by his adventure story in Africa.

  A. Absurd as might it sound

  B. As it might sound absurd

  C. As absurd it might sound

  D. Absurd as it might sound

  【解析】选D。考查倒装; 句意: 虽然它听起来荒诞, 在场的每个人都被他在非洲的冒险故事逗乐了。题干用了倒装句: 形容词/副词/动词/名词+as/though+主谓, 表示“虽然. . ”, 选D。

  11. There was no signal in that faraway village and all my attempts______you failed.

  A. to contact B. contacting

  C. contacted

  D. having contacted

  【解析】选A。句意: 在那个遥远的村庄没有信号, 因此我怎么也联系不上你。attempt(s)后面应用不定式作定语。

  12. (2015·常州模拟)—What do you think of his report on Information Technology?

  —Oh, excellent. It’s worth______.

  A. listening to B. being listened to

  C. listening of

  D. to be listened to

  【解析】选A。句意: ——你认为他的关于信息技术的报告如何? ——哦, 很好。值得听一听。be worth后跟doing时用主动形式表示被动含义。

  13. (2015·浙江金华十校联考)If it______tomorrow, I would stay at home watching TV.

  A. should rain B. rains

  C. was to rain

  D. will rain

  【解析】选A。句意: 如果明天下雨的话, 我将待在家里看电视。根据空格后面的tomorrow可知, 此处表示对将来的虚拟, 因此填should rain或were to rain。

  14. There is distinct evidence______some disorders of the body are connected with constant pressure in study.

  A. that B. which

  C. whether

  D. if

  【解析】选A。分析句子可知, 名词evidence后的从句说明了它的内容, 且同位语从句中成分和意义都完整, 故选that。

  15. (2015·宁波模拟)People become more aware that helping others is helping themselves. As a result, volunteering is becoming ______ popular in China.

  A. naturally B. abruptly

  C. narrowly

  D. increasingly

  【解析】选D。句意: 人们越来越清楚帮助别人就是帮助自己。因此, 志愿者服务在中国日益流行。increasingly越来越多地, 渐增地; naturally自然地; abruptly突然地, 唐突地; narrowly勉强地, 狭窄地。

  16. One important aim of our school is to prepare us for the future______we can face all the challenges with confidence.

  A. in case

  B. so that

  C. even if

  D. if only

  【解析】选B。句意: 我们学校的一个重要目标是让我们为未来做准备, 以便我们可以有信心地面对所有的挑战。so that“以便”, 引导目的状语从句。

  17. (2015·绍兴模拟)I first read the fashion magazine over a decade ago and______to it since.

  A. subscribed B. had subscribed

  C. have subscribed

  D. was subscribing

  【解析】选C。句意: 十多年前我第一次读这本时尚杂志, 从那时以来我一直订阅。表示过去发生的动作一直延续到现在, 甚至有可能继续延续下去应用现在完成时。

  18. (2015·苏锡常镇四市二模)—Believe it or not, I have met him before.

  —No kidding? ______you’ve never mentioned it?

  A. What for B. How come

  C. How about

  D. What if

  【解析】选B。句意: ——不管你信不信, 我以前见过他。——当真? 你怎么从来没提过? A项意为“为何目的”; B项意为“为什么, 怎么会”; C项意为“怎么样”; D项意为“要是……会怎么样”。

  19. ______by beautiful green mountains and located at the foot of Mount Lu makes it a famous tourist attraction.

  A. Surrounded B. Being surrounded

  C. Having been surrounded

  D. Surrounding

  【解析】选B。句意: 被美丽的青山环绕并且坐落在庐山脚下使这个地方成为一个著名的旅游胜地。根据句子结构分析, ______by beautiful green mountains and located at the foot of Mount Lu在句中作主语, surround与it是被动关系, 故用动名词的被动式。

  20. —I’m sorry. But for the heavy traffic, I could have been here on time.

  —______. I’m fed up with the same excuse!

  A. Oh, never mind

  B. Do tell me another

  C. You are welcome

  D. It doesn’t matter

  【解析】选B。句意: ——很抱歉。要不是交通堵塞, 我就会按时到这里了。——再编个别的借口。我对同样的借口感到厌倦了! Do tell me another“再编个别的借口”。Oh, never mind“哦, 不要紧”; You are welcome“不用谢”; It doesn’t matter“没关系”。


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