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发布时间:2017-03-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  阶段滚动补偿练 三


  1. (2015·温州模拟)This is______third time that I’ve been to Wenzhou. I want to be there______fourth time.

  A. the; /B. the; theC. the; aD. a; a

  【解析】选C。句意: 这是我第三次去温州。我还想再去那儿一次。the+序数词+time表示“第……次”, a+序数词+time表示“又一次”。

  2. —He’s always associating himself with those dishonest boys!

  —A man is known by the______he keeps.

  A. reference B. company

  C. distinction

  D. occupation

  【解析】选B。句意: ——他总是与那些不诚实的男孩子们交往! ——近朱者赤, 近墨者黑。keep sb. company“与某人做伴”, 符合题意。reference“查阅”; distinction“区别”; occupation“职业; 占有; 消遣”。

  3. The poor little boy longed for a pretty toy train, ______his father could never afford.

  A. that B. the one

  C. one

  D. it

  【解析】选C。one是前文中的“a pretty toy train”的同位语, 同时它又是其后定语从句的先行词。that作为关系代词, 不能引导非限制性定语从句; 如that为指示代词的话, 相当于the+单数名词。the one相当于the+单数的可数名词。it只能指代前文提到的那个事物。

  4. (2015·嘉兴模拟)—I haven’t passed the certificate test.

  —Have you ever considered the fact that your devotion to the training is not______?

  A. accessible

  B. excessive

  C. available

  D. adequate

  【解析】选D。句意: ——我还没有通过证书考试呢。——你考虑过你训练量不足这个事实吗? adequate足够的; accessible易接近的, 可进入的; excessive过分的; available有效的, 可利用的。

  5. Great inventors don’t______graduate from famous universities. Some didn’t even go to university.

  A. really B. nearly

  C. necessarily

  D. likely

  【解析】选C。句意: 伟大的发明家并不一定毕业于著名的大学。有些甚至没有上过大学。really“真正地”; nearly“几乎”; necessarily“必要地”; likely一般用作形容词, 意为“可能的”。

  6. (2015·启东中学模拟)The incomes of skilled workers went up. ______, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.

  A. Moreover B. Therefore

  C. Meanwhile

  D. Otherwise

  【解析】选C。句意: 熟练工人的收入在上升, 与此同时, 非熟练工人的收入在降低。moreover“而且; 此外”; therefore“因此”; meanwhile“同时”; otherwise“否则; 要不然”。

  7. (2015·嘉兴模拟)Greatly interested in the voluntary work, William and about 200 more college students______the application to the committee last week.

  A. submitted

  B. permitted

  C. admitted

  D. limited

  【解析】选A。句意: 由于对志愿工作很感兴趣, 上周威廉和大约200多名其他大学生把申请提交给了委员会。submit提交; permit允许; admit承认; limit限制。

  8. David was injured and______with William in the second half of the football match.

  A. scheduled B. prepared

  C. reserved

  D. substituted

  【解析】选D。句意: 戴维在足球赛中受了伤, 并在下半场被威廉替换下场。schedule“安排; 将……列表”; prepare“准备”; reserve“储备; 保留; 预约”; substitute“代替; 替换”。

  9. When it ______ air pollution, Beijing faces the three “C” s, cars, coals and construction, which lead to Beijing’s air pollution.

  A. refers to

  B. comes to

  C. happens to

  D. speaks to

  【解析】选B。句意: 当提到空气污染时, 北京面对的是3C, 即汽车、煤炭和建筑, 这些导致了北京的空气污染。when it comes to. . . 为固定用法, 意为“当提到……”。

  10. In addition to the farming they______since the 1990s, the Smiths have started a small business.

  A. have done B. had been done

  C. were doing

  D. have been doing

  【解析】选D。句意: 除了从20世纪90年代就开始一直从事的农业, 史密斯一家还做起了小生意。have been doing是现在完成进行时, 表示从过去某个时间就开始一直持续到现在, 并且还将持续下去的动作。

  11. (2015·盐城模拟)—When are you leaving for Chicago?

  —As soon as I______the project.

  A. are completing B. completed

  C. will complete

  D. complete

  【解析】选D。句意: ——你什么时候去芝加哥? ——我一做完这项工程就去。此处as soon as引导时间状语从句, 用一般现在时表示将来。

  12. (2015·杭州三模)A recent research shows that there______volcanic activities on the moon and Mars. However, they no longer exist now.

  A. had been B. has been

  C. were

  D. would be

  【解析】选C。句意: 最新的研究表明月球和火星上过去有火山活动。然而现在它们不再存在了。由However, they no longer exist now. 可知应用一般过去时。

  13. —It’s so cold here! Why not close the door?

  —Sorry. It______. I’ll have it repaired as soon as possible.

  A. won’t shut B. won’t be shut

  C. doesn’t shut

  D. isn’t shut

  【解析】选A。句意: ——这里太冷了! 为什么不关上门? ——很抱歉, 门关不上, 我会尽快找人来修理。won’t与某些动词连用, 表示主语所处的状态, 而非强调动作本身, 一般用主动形式表示被动含义。

  14. (2015·南通模拟)You are so dependent that I’m afraid you can’t adjust yourself to ______ alone for a time.

  A. leave B. leaving

  C. be left

  D. being left

  【解析】选D。句意: 你太依赖别人了, 恐怕你不能调整自己独处一段时间。adjust oneself to . . . 中to是介词, 排除A和C; you与leave alone之间为动宾关系, 故答案选D。

  15.—Tom, you get dead drunk again!

  —______? It’s none of your business.

  A. So what B. How come

  C. Why not

  D. What for

  【解析】选A。句意: ——汤姆, 你又喝得烂醉如泥! ——那又怎样? 不关你的事。So what? “那又怎样? ”How come? “为什么? ”Why not? “为什么不? ”What for? “什么原因? ”

  16. If you______that film late last night, you wouldn’t be so sleepy.

  A. didn’t see B. haven’t seen

  C. wouldn’t have seen

  D. hadn’t seen

  【解析】选D。句意: 如果你昨晚没有看那部电影到很晚, 你就不会这么困乏了。根据空格后面的last night可知是对过去事实的推测, 所以使用hadn’t done结构。

  17. (2015·苏州模拟)As a matter of fact, ______family conflict happens at an early age will cast a certain shadow on infants.

  A. wherever B. whatever

  C. whichever

  D. whenever

  【解析】选B。句意: 事实上, 早年不管什么样的家庭冲突都会给幼儿留下一定的阴影。空处引导主语从句, 且从句中family conflict缺少定语, 排除wherever和whenever, 再分析句意可知应选whatever。

  18. Whenever a natural disaster happens, we should offer______help we could to those victims.

  A. however B. whatever

  C. whenever

  D. whichever

  【解析】选B。句意: 无论自然灾害什么时候发生, 我们都应该给那些受害者们提供我们能提供的任何帮助。此处应用whatever来引导宾语从句, 同时whatever在宾语从句中作help的定语。故选B项。

  19. (2015·常州模拟)—The contest is drawing near, and I feel very nervous.

  —______. So long as you try your best, it doesn’t matter whether you win or not.

  A. Take your time

  B. Take it easy

  C. Don’t mention it

  D. It’s hard to say

  【解析】选B。句意: ——比赛就要开始了, 我很紧张。——别担心。只要你尽全力了, 赢不赢没有关系。Take your time“慢慢来, 别着急”; Take it easy“别担心”; Don’t mention it“没关系”; It’s hard to say“很难说”。

  20. (2015·杭州模拟)Easy as the problem is______, I’m still worried about______ another breakdown.

  A. worked out; there is

  B. to work out; there being

  C. working out; it is

  D. to be worked out; it being

  【解析】选B。as引导的是让步状语从句, 故从句采用了倒装语序, “主系表”后跟不定式作状语; about为介词, 故后跟there be结构的动名词形式。


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