2017届高考英语一轮复习知识梳理练习:必修1 Unit 2 Heroes(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习知识梳理练习:必修1 Unit 2 Heroes(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 2 Heroes


  Part A



  Death is natural,but do you have any idea of the process of dying?Modern scientists divide the process of dying into two stages—clinical or temporary death and biological death.Clinical death occurs when the vital organs,such as the heart or lungs,have ceased to function,but have not suffered permanent damage.The organism can still be revived(复活).Biological death occurs when changes in the organism lead to the “breaking up” of vital cells and tissues.Death is then unchangeable and final.

  Scientists have been seeking a way to lengthen the period of clinical death so that the organism can remain alive before biological death occurs.The best method developed so far involves cooling of the organism,combined with narcotic(麻醉的) sleep.By slowing down the body’s metabolism(新陈代谢),cooling delays the processes leading to biological death.

  To illustrate how this works,scientists performed an experiment on a six-year-old female monkey called Keta.The scientists put Keta to sleep with a narcotic.Then they surrounded her body with ice-bags and began checking her body temperature.When it had dropped to 28 degrees the scientists began draining(使流光) blood from an artery(动脉).The monkey’s blood pressure decreased and an hour later both the heart and breathing stopped:clinical death set in.For twenty minutes Keta remained in this state.Her temperature dropped to 22 degrees.At this point the scientists pumped blood into an artery in the direction of the heart and started artificial breathing.After two minutes Keta’s heart became active once more.After fifteen minutes,spontaneous(自发的)breathing began,and after four hours Keta opened her eyes and lifted her head.After six hours,when the scientists tried to give her a penicillin injection,Keta seized the syringe(注射器)and ran with it around the room.Her behavior differed little from that of a healthy animal.


  1.For a person who suffers from the clinical death. 

  A.he still has the possibility of getting back to life

  B.his most important organs are damaged

  C.he can not avoid final death

  D.he is still very much alive

  2.Scientists try to make the time of clinical death longer in order to. 

  A.slow down the body’s metabolism

  B.bring vital cells and tissues back to active life

  C.delay the coming of biological death

  D.cool the organism

  3.How did the scientists put Keta into clinical death?

  A.By surrounding her body with ice-bags and draining her blood.

  B.By lowing her blood pressure and stopping her heart from beating.

  C.By draining her blood,lowering her blood pressure and stopping her breathing.

  D.By putting her to sleep,lowering her temperature and draining her blood.

  4.All of the following indicate that the monkey has almost restored to her original physical state except the fact that. 

  A.her heart beat again

  B.she regained her normal breath

  C.she rejected a penicillin injection

  D.she acted as lively as a healthy monkey


  1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Clinical death occurs when the vital organs,such as the heart or lungs,have ceased to function,but have not suffered permanent damage.”可知,临床死亡的人的重要器官停止运转,但不会遭受永久损伤, 仍然有可能会复活。故选A项。

  2.C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Scientists have been seeking a way to lengthen the period of clinical death so that the organism can remain alive before biological death occurs.”可知,科学家在设法延长临床死亡的时间以便推迟生物死亡的到来。故选C项。

  3.D 细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三、四句“The scientists put Keta to sleep with a narcotic.Then they surrounded her body with ice-bags and began checking her body temperature.When it had dropped to 28 degrees the scientists began draining blood from an artery.”可知,科学家通过让Keta睡眠、降低体温以及抽光动脉的血液来使她进入临床死亡。故选D项。

  4.C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“At this point...and lifted her head.”及文章的最后一句可知,这只猴子自主呼吸、心脏跳动、睁眼、抬头,几乎恢复到之前的生理状态,此外它的一举一动与一只健康的猴子几乎无异。根据文章倒数第二句可知,这只猴子拒绝注射盘尼西林。故选C项。


  Nature is full of color,from rainbows and roses to butterfly wings and peacock tails.Even the fruits and vegetables you eat have different colors:blue blueberries,red strawberries,green broccoli,and orange carrots.

  Plants and animals often use color to attract attention.The substances responsible for these colors belong to a class of chemical called antioxidants(抗氧化物).Plants make antioxidant to protect themselves from the sun’s ultraviolet(UV)(紫外线)light.

  Ultraviolet light causes chemicals called free radicals(自由基)to form within plant cells.They can destroy parts of plant.Free radicals also have damaging effects on human beings.Some of these effects like wrinkled skin can be seen.The damage is caused by the free radicals attacking cells in our bodies.Certain cancers and heart disease are linked to free radicals.

  Our bodies have natural defences for fighting off free radicals.While we are young,our defences are pretty strong.However,they get weaker as we get older.The body’s built-in defences can only go so far without extra help.

  The key to fighting free radicals with fruits and vegetables is to mix and match colors.It’s like sunscreen(防晒霜)for the inside of your body.Go for a range of very bright colors.Colorful foods contain hundreds of healthy chemicals not found anywhere else.

  Research into how chemicals in blueberries affect the brain’s function in rats suggests that these chemicals may help our own brains work more efficiently.

  Don’t just blame the sun.Ultraviolet light isn’t the only source of free radicals.If you breathe polluted air such as smog,automobile exhaust(废气),or wasted gas from a factory,you take in chemicals that also cause such damage.And,the body itself produces free radicals as it processes food.

  1.Which of the following can not be known from the passage?

  A.Antioxidants are responsible for plant colors.

  B.Plants use color to attract attention.

  C.Antioxidants can protect plants from UV light.

  D.Antioxidants help free radicals to attack plants.

  2.In which order do the following facts occur?

  a.Wrinkled skin can be seen.

  b.UV light causes free radicals to form.

  c.Free radicals damage cells in our bodies.

  d.The sun gives out UV light.

  A.a,b,c,d B.d,b,c,a C.c,a,d,b D.d,b,a,c

  3.We need extra help for fighting off free radicals from fruits and vegetables because. 

  A.our bodies’ defences are not natural

  B.we are too young to defend ourselves

  C.our defences get weaker as we get older

  D.our bodies’ built-in defences can only go away

  4.Which of the following can not cause free radicals to form?

  A.Colorful food. B.UV light from the sun.

  C.Polluted air. D.The body itself.


  1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,A项、B项和C项是正确的,而D项不正确。故选D项。

  2.B 细节理解题。事情发生的先后顺序:先是太阳释放出紫外线,然后紫外线造成自由基的生成,接着自由基破坏我们身体的细胞,最后皮肤起皱纹。故选B项。

  3.C 细节理解题。根据第四段第三、四句“However,they get weaker as we get older.The body’s built-in defences can only go so far without extra help.”可知,应选C项。

  4.A 推理判断题。最后一段提到,紫外线、被污染的空气以及人体自身都会产生自由基。而由第五段第一句“The key to...and match colors.”可知,摄入不同颜色的食物可以帮助我们抵抗自由基的形成,故A项不符合文意,选A项。


  Dear fellow students,

  May I have your attention,please?Now I’d like to make a speech here.1. we know,waste has become a common phenomenon on campus.Some pour the remains of a meal when there is still much 2.(leave);others simply walk away after washing hands,leaving the water 3.(run);students leave the classroom every day 4. noticing whether fans are switched off.Has thrift(节俭),one of the most national traditions 5. developed from our long history gone?6. so,find it back! 

  We don’t have to take great pains to control waste,but actions and a grateful heart are needed;thank the water that runs through our fingers,and save it for poor Arabian or African countries struggling in water 7.(short);thank the light we enjoy,because children share a dim(昏暗的) lamp 8.(read) in poor areas;thank all the paper we are able to use,for trees are cut down to satisfy 9. needs;thank everything 10.(natural) can offer and everything we can own. 

  Live and act,so the tradition of thrift will never fade.

  1.As。As we know为固定搭配,意为“据我们所知”。


  3.running。leave...doing sth.结构,表示“使……一直做某事”。



  6.If。if so是省略表示法,指“如果这样的话”。

  7.shortage。water shortage为固定搭配,意为“缺水”。

  8.to read。此处应用不定式作目的状语。



  Part B


  I was a few years out of college when I took the postal exam and was hired in as a mail carrier.The Post Office 1  each carrier with pepper spray as a defense against aggressive dogs. 

  As time went on,I finally got a(n) 2  of my own.It was a walking route in a middle class 3 .I had no dog problems,except for one.Ginger lived at the end of a street,my 4  delivery before I rushed back to my truck.Nearly every warm day,she stood in front of her house, 5  it and the mailbox.She always greeted me with rapid-fire 6 . 

  In this case we would bring the mail back and 7  it “dog out”.The owner would then have to 8  to the post office to get the mail.But I knew the owner was a little 9  lady,who lived alone.I didn’t have the heart to make her 10  her mail in the post office.Besides,I wasn’t going to admit defeat to a ten pound ball of fur. 11 ,each day Ginger was out,we would do our own pas de deux(双人舞),until I had 12  the mail in the box and hurried away. 

  Then one day,I 13  to try a new way.I borrowed a dog biscuit from a fellow carrier.When I threw it to Ginger,she eyed it 14 ,as if I was trying to poison her.But,after I walked away,I turned back for a 15 ,and there she was,tasting the 16  cautiously! 

  Every day after that,I took Ginger a treat.It wasn’t long 17  she was greeting me with a full body 18 .We were friends.Now I’ve applied this 19  to other areas in my life.I wonder sometimes if we each,as individuals and as societies,should not reach too 20  for our pepper spray when we’d be better served to carry a pocket full of dog biscuits. 

  1.A.donates B.supplies

  C.decorates D.burdens

  2.A.channel B.exit

  C.route D.passage

  3.A.neighborhood B.farmland

  C.city D.village

  4.A.first B.former

  C.next D.last

  5.A.preventing B.guarding

  C.saving D.curing

  6.A.smiling B.shouting

  C.barking D.coughing

  7.A.mark B.carve

  C.miss D.signal

  8.A.phone B.explain

  C.reply D.go

  9.A.young B.old

  C.energetic D.healthy

  10.A.put aside B.throw away

  C.pick up D.hold out

  11.A.Therefore B.However

  C.Somehow D.Otherwise

  12.A.caught B.touched

  C.took D.placed

  13.A.demanded B.decided

  C.promised D.agreed

  14.A.happily B.trustfully

  C.doubtfully D.satisfyingly

  15.A.look B.rest

  C.chat D.wave

  16.A.poison B.mail

  C.spray D.treat

  17.A.after B.before

  C.since D.when

  18.A.roll B.drop

  C.wag D.push

  19.A.technique B.behavior

  C.instruction D.protection

  20.A.slowly B.bravely

  C.proudly D.quickly


  1.B 邮局给每位邮递员提供了辣椒喷剂,作为对凶犬的防备。donate“捐献”;supply“提供,供给”;decorate“装饰,装潢”;burden“(使)担负(任务、职责等)”。A项与介词to搭配,另外三项均与with搭配,但只有B项符合文意。

  2.C 由下文中的“a walking route”可知,此处表示“我”最终拥有了一条自己投送邮件的“路线”。channel“通道,海峡”;exit“出口,通道”;route“(送邮件、报纸、牛奶等的)固定路线”;passage“过道,走廊”。

  3.A 由“middle class”可知答案为A项。neighborhood在此意为“居民区,街区,城区”;middle class neighborhood指“中产阶层生活的社区”。

  4.D 金吉就住在这条街的尽头,是“我”递送最后一批邮件的地方,然后“我”就匆忙赶回邮车前。根据“a walking route”和“rushed back to my truck”可知选择D项。

  5.B 在几乎每个晴天里,它都会坐在房前,“守卫”着住宅和邮筒。prevent“阻止”;guard“守卫,守护”;save“挽救”;cure“治疗”。B项符合句意。

  6.C 她总是以连珠炮似的“吠叫”来招呼“我”。Ginger是一只犬,barking符合其行为特征。

  7.A 在这种情况下,我们总是把邮件带回去,并在上面标出“dog out”字样。mark“标示,标出”;carve“雕刻”;miss“错过”;signal“发出信号”。

  8.D 然后,狗的主人不得不去邮局取回邮件。根据下文内容,尤其是“...to make her 10  her mail in the post office.”可推知D项为正确答案。 

  9.B 由下文“I didn’t have the heart to make her...”可推断,狗的主人是一位老年人,故选择B项。energetic“精力充沛的”;healthy“健康的”。

  10.C “我”不忍心让她到邮局“取回”她的邮件。put aside“节省,保留”;throw away“扔掉,丢弃”;pick up“取回,收集”;hold out“伸出,坚持”。第三段第二句“...to the post office to get the mail.”暗示答案为C项。

  11.A 上文提出的两条理由(不忍心和不认输)与下文构成因果关系,故选择A项。therefore“因此,所以”;however“然而”;somehow“不知怎么地,莫名其妙”;otherwise“否则”。

  12.D 所以,每次金吉守在室外的时候,“我”总是与它像跳双人舞一样地来回周旋,直到把邮件放进邮箱为止,然后匆匆离开。place在此为“放置”之意,等于put。

  13.B 后来有一天,“我”决定尝试一种新的做法。demand“要求”;decide“决定”;promise“允诺”;agree“同意”。B项符合句意。

  14.C 由下文“...as if I was trying to poison her.”判断,应选择贬义色彩的C项。happily“快乐地”;trustfully“信任地”;doubtfully“怀疑地”;satisfyingly“令人满意地”。

  15.A “there she was,tasting the 16  cautiously”是“我”看到的景象,故选择A项。look“看”;rest“休息”;chat“聊天”;wave“挥手”。 

  16.D 由下一段第一句“...I took Ginger a treat.”可知D项正确。poison“毒药,毒物”;mail“邮件”;spray“喷剂,喷雾器”;treat“款待,特别待遇,馈赠物”。

  17.B It wasn’t long before...为固定句型,意为“不久之后……”。

  18.C 不久之后,金吉就全身摇摆着来迎接“我”了。roll“滚动”;drop“下落,下降”;wag“摇摆”;push“推动”。根据常识可知选择C项。

  19.A 现在,我把这种技巧运用到了生活中的其他领域。此处应选择与第四段中的“a new way”词义相近的选项,A项符合语境。technique“技巧”;behavior“行为”;instruction“指示,指令”;protection“保护”。

  20.D 有时“我”想知道,当我们,作为个人和社群,携带着狗饼干更有用的时候,是不是应该慢一些去拿辣椒喷剂呢?“not...reach too quickly for...”意为“不要太快地去拿……”,D项符合文意。


  Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady,gradual increases in the length of the runs. 1 ,buy the best-fitting,best-built running shoes you can find.No one can say which brand will work best for you or feel best on your feet,so you have to rely on your experience and on the feel of each pair as you shop.When you have found shoes that seem right,walk in them for a few days to double-check the fit. 2 .As always,you should stretch(伸展)at least ten minutes before each run to prevent injuries. 

  During the first week,do not think about distance,but run five minutes longer each day. 3 ,it is wise to take a day off to rest.But during the next week,set a goal of at least a mile and a half per run. 4 .After two weeks,start timing yourself. 5 .Depending on the kind of race you plan to enter,you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race. 


  A.After six days

  B.For a good marathon runner

  C.Before you begin your training

  D.With each day,increase the distance by a half mile

  E.If they still feel good,you can begin running in them

  F.Time spent for preparation raises the quality of training

  G.Now you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance and time


  1.C 根据后文“buy the best-fitting,best-built running shoes you can find”可知,该处是讲训练之前所做的准备。

  2.E 根据前文“在找到合适的鞋子后,试穿几天”可知E项“如果依然感觉良好,那么你就可以开始马拉松训练了”符合语境。

  3.A 根据后文的“it is wise to take a day off to rest”和“during the next week”可知,该处是指第一周的六天时间里的训练。

  4.D 根据前文提到的“每天都设定目标,至少跑一英里半”可知D项“接下来再每天增加半英里”符合语境。

  5.G 根据最后一句可知,根据自己要参加的比赛类型来制定自己的路程目标与时间,故选G项。


  Once I had to read a text-book which was so expensive for me to buy it.I couldn’t obtain it from the library and an only copy I could find was in a certain bookshop.So I will go along to the shop every afternoon and read a little of the book in a time.One day,therefore,I was disappointed to find the book missing from its usually place.He was about to leave when the owner of the shop waved at me.Expecting to be told off,I went towards him.To my surprise,the owner pointed to the book which placed in a corner.“I put it there in case anyone should buy it.” He said kindly,left me to continue my reading.

  1.第1句:so→too。固定句型“too+adj.+for sb.+to do...”表示“对于某人来说太……而不能做……”。


  3.第2句:an→the。the only copy意为“唯一的一册”。


  5.第3句:in→at。at a time意为“一次,每次”。


  7.第4句:usually→usual。usual place意为“老地方”。名词前需用形容词作定语。





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