2017届高考英语一轮复习知识梳理练习:必修3 Unit 8 Adventure(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习知识梳理练习:必修3 Unit 8 Adventure(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 8 Adventure


  Part A



  Genetically modified (转基因的)foods have become a focus point of agriculture throughout the news today.This has an effect on many different aspects of the agriculture world.From the seed dealer,to the farmer that buys the seed,to the workers that the farmer sells grains to,all are affected by the new technologies that are involved in this part of production agriculture.

  Genetically modified foods have come under heavy fire lately.There are some countries that are against buying these types of foods.They are being tested for safety by the best scientific experts in Europe,the US and the rest of the world.They are not for sale until they have gone through this complete safety process.Since they are new products,and any slight problem with them could affect a whole country,these tests are very necessary.

  These safety tests are carried out because of the new rules that were made with the Novel Foods Regulation.Begun in May of 1997,the Novel Foods Regulation set up an EU-wide pre-market system for all novel foods.A novel food is described as one that has not been eaten by EU consumers widely in the past.By setting up this program the EU hopes to keep its consumers safe from any possible side effects of any new food products.

  There are a variety of ways in which genetic modification has helped food producers.They can improve the nutritional value or the storage conditions of the food.Today there are only two genetically modified foods that have been allowed for use—these are GM soybean and GM maize.

  Despite any safety checks,many people are still cautious about eating genetically modified foods.By providing these people with the necessary information,we can allow them to make decisions about these foods.


  1.What do we know about the novel food?

  A.It’s very popular in EU.

  B.It’s bad for people’s health.

  C.It’s a new kind of food.

  D.Its story has been published.

  2.Genetically modified foods are allowed to be sold if they are . 

  A.tested for safety B.of high quality

  C.more nutritional D.grown in Europe

  3.From Paragraph 2,we can learn that genetically modified foods . 

  A.do no harm to people

  B.have caused some problems

  C.are well received after being tested

  D.are criticized and attacked by many people

  4.What’s the writer’s attitude towards genetically modified foods?

  A.We should warn people that they are too dangerous to be eaten.

  B.We should give people information about them so that they can decide whether to buy them.

  C.We should encourage people to eat them because they are more nutritional.

  D.We should tell people that they are trying to fool the farmers.


  1.C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“A novel food is described as one that has not been eaten by EU consumers widely in the past.”可知,新型食品指的是还没有被欧盟成员国的消费者广泛食用的产品。

  2.A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“They are being tested for safety...this complete safety process.”可知,在证实它们的安全性之前,转基因食品是禁止销售的。

  3.D 细节理解题。根据第二段第一、二句“Genetically modified foods have come under heavy fire lately.There are some countries that are against buying these types of foods.”可知,转基因食品最近受到了强烈的抨击,一些国家反对销售转基因食品。

  4.B 观点态度题。根据文中最后一句“By providing these people with the necessary information,we can allow them to make decisions about these foods.”可知,作者认为有关部门应提供有关转基因食品的必要信息,让人们自己来决定是否购买转基因食品。


  Children can make some pretty lofty(崇高的) statements and grand promises.And an 8-year-old boy who promised to get his dad his dream car was no exception,but then he actually made good on his word.

  A Reddit user going by the username Belairboy wrote that when he was 8 years old,he told his dad he would buy him a 1957 Chevy Bel Air on his 57th birthday.

  “He grew up poor in a family of seven children.He never thought he would be able to own his dream vehicle but would talk about it all the time,” Belairboy wrote.

  Then the day came.

  He tricked his father to look in the garage while the older man was trying to fix a cornhole(一种在草坪上玩的游戏) board.When the dad finally looked up from his project and his son said “Happy birthday”,all the father could say in a whimpering(呜咽) tone was “no”,as he tearfully went in for a hug.

  “Oh my,oh my.This is real.This is real,” the father said as he climbed into the driver’s seat.“You’re kidding me.This is spotless,man.”

  Later,Belairboy revealed that he has hung onto the car for two years to make the promise come true.

  “We would talk about older vehicles so as to gauge how much he would enjoy it...I would show him pictures of it from the listing I found,unknown to him that it would actually be his one day,” Belairboy wrote.“He would get so excited and talk about owning something like that but that he ‘knew he never would be able to’,little did he know.”

  1.Belairboy’s father never thought he could own a car because . 

  A.he thought his son wouldn’t follow the promise

  B.his family is very poor

  C.he has six sisters and brothers

  D.he can’t drive a car

  2.When Belairboy’s father saw the car in the garage,he was very . 

  A.sad B.excited

  C.moved D.angry

  3.What can we infer according to the passage?

  A.Few children can follow the lofty promise.

  B.The father believed his son would really buy the car.

  C.The father and son chose the car together.

  D.Belairboy sent her father the car two years ahead.

  4.The story was originally found . 

  A.in a newspaper B.in a story book

  C.in a TV program D.on a website


  1.B 细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知,父亲成长于一个有7个孩子的穷苦家庭。他总是谈论他梦想的汽车,却从没想过自己可以拥有它。所以家庭贫穷应该是他没想过自己可以拥有一辆汽车的原因。

  2.B 推理判断题。根据第五、六段中父亲看到车之后的表现,结合前文父亲对车的向往可判断,父亲意外收到这样一份生日礼物,且是儿子兑现了8岁时许下的诺言,他自然是非常的兴奋和激动。

  3.A 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“but then he actually made good on his word”可知,Belairboy兑现了他8岁时许下的诺言。结合转折连词but可判断,很少有人能兑现自己儿时的重大承诺,故选A项。

  4.D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“A Reddit user going by the username Belairboy wrote that...”可知,这是一位昵称为“Belairboy” 的用户在美国社交资讯网站红迪网上写的一个帖子。


  Freeflyers:modern skydivers

  Have you experienced the 1.(thrill) sport—freeflying?Imagine falling towards the planet Earth at an awesome speed of 300 kilometers per hour.You start your fall from over four kilometers above the Earth.And you have less than one minute before you pull your parachute(降落伞)cord.You are falling 2. fast that just turning your head can send you off in a different direction.This is the wild side of a sport that has not found its limit—freeflying. 

  Freeflying 3.(base) on the more traditional skydiving,4. of which are eye-catching.However,it is more terrifying to watch freeflyers create formations and movements.Freeflyers,5. the name suggests,enjoy the more spontaneous(即兴的)thrill of doing their own things. 

  The wildest trip for a freeflyer is falling ‘head down’.Falling ‘head first’ requires a great deal of control,which means 6.(travel) not only fast but also 7.(steady).Even the 8.(slight) movement has a great effect on your direction. 

  They wear the amusing jumpsuits,strange helmets and smaller parachutes.9.(actual),their parachutes are about one quarter the size of the traditional skydiver’s parachutes.It is only in the last few years 10. freeflying has gained any real public acceptance. 



  3.is based。be based on意为“以……为基础”,主语是单数,故填is based。句意:高空自由飞行运动是以较传统的高空跳伞为基础的。


  5.as。as the name suggests为固定搭配,意为“顾名思义”。

  6.travel(l)ing。mean doing sth.意为“意味着做某事”。句意:这意味着飞行既要快又要稳。




  10.that。强调句基本结构:it is/was+被强调部分+that+其他。此处强调的是时间状语,意为“只是在近几年,高空自由飞行才得到一些公众的认可”。

  Part B


  We tend to think that the happiest people are the ones who have all the good things—money,looks,health,love,friends,success,shiny cars,big beautiful houses,but is that really true?I have 1  so many “poor” and “rich” people while traveling around the world.I can tell you that often the people who had 2  seemed much 3  than the people who had more. 

  About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate student in college,I was 4  as an intern(实习生) in the 5  of my University’s Museum of Natural History.One day,while operating the cash register,an elderly couple 6  with a little girl in a 7 .As I took a closer look at this girl,I 8  she had no arms or legs,just a head,neck and torso(躯干).She was 9  a little white dress with red dots. 

  As the couple wheeled her up to the 10 ,I was looking down at the register.I 11  my head toward the girl and gave her a wink(眨眼).As I 12  the money from her grandparents,I looked back at the girl,who was giving me the largest 13  I had ever seen.All of a sudden,her disability was 14  and all I saw was a beautiful little girl,whose smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me a 15  new sense of what 16  was all about. 

  At that time,I was a poor and unhappy college student.The little girl 17  me into her world,a world of smiles,love and warmth.Now I’m a successful business person.Whenever I start to feel 18  and think about the troubles of the world,I 19  that little girl and the remarkable 20  about life that she taught me. 

  1.A.called B.caught

  C.met D.welcomed

  2.A.much B.less

  C.none D.best

  3.A.happier B.sadder

  C.healthier D.richer

  4.A.purchasing B.working

  C.regarded D.described

  5.A.classroom B.waiting room

  C.hotel D.store

  6.A.interrupted B.disappeared

  C.entered D.left

  7.A.wheelchair B.suitcase

  C.backpack D.handbag

  8.A.declared B.imagined

  C.admitted D.realized

  9.A.putting on B.taking off

  C.wearing D.dressing

  10.A.counter B.boundary

  C.harbor D.pedestrian

  11.A.lost B.turned

  C.buried D.shook

  12.A.paid B.spent

  C.cost D.took

  13.A.wink B.sigh

  C.smile D.glare

  14.A.gone B.serious

  C.weak D.pitiful

  15.A.slightly B.completely

  C.nervously D.hardly

  16.A.disability B.communication

  C.service D.life

  17.A.forced B.persuaded

  C.permitted D.brought

  18.A.down B.up

  C.out D.in

  19.A.inform B.acknowledge

  C.remember D.recognize

  20.A.motto B.lesson

  C.history D.nature


  1.C call“打电话”;catch“捕捉”;meet“遇到”;welcome“欢迎”。根据常识可知,旅行期间可能会“遇到”许多“穷人”和“富人”。故选择C项。

  2.B 句意:我可以告诉你,通常拥有的少的人似乎比拥有的多的人要幸福得多。由句末的“more”可推知此处应选择其反义词less。

  3.A 由文章首句中的“happiest”和“but is that really true?”可知,本文谈论的是幸福观的问题,应选择A项。由下文示例也可得知答案。

  4.B 由下文提到的“operating the cash register”可知,“我”在实习,答案为B项。purchase“购买”;regard“认为”;describe“描述”。

  5.D 根据“the cash register”和“As I 12  the money from her grandparents...”可知,“我”的实习场所是就读的大学自然历史博物馆的附属“商店”,故选D项。 

  6.C interrupt“打扰”;disappear“消失”;enter“进入”;leave“离开”。C项与下文语境相符。

  7.A 下一段首句“As the couple wheeled her up to...”说明,小姑娘是坐在轮椅上的。

  8.D 当“我”再仔细地看了看这位小姑娘后,“我”“意识到”她只有头、颈和躯体,没有四肢。declare“宣布,声明”;imagine“想象”;admit“承认”;realize“意识到”。D项符合语境。

  9.C 她穿着一件白底红点的衣服。put on“穿上”,take off“脱下”,dress“穿衣”,三者均表示动作。此处指“我”看到的小姑娘当时穿着的状态,故选择C项。

  10.A 当老夫妻将她推到柜台前面的时候,“我”正低头看着收银机。counter“柜台”;boundary“边界,分界线”;harbor“海港”;pedestrian“人行道”。

  11.B “我”转头看看她并对她眨眨眼。lose one’s head“惊慌失措”;turn one’s head“转头”;bury one’s head“埋头”;shake one’s head“摇头”。B项承接上文文意,且与方向词toward搭配。

  12.D 当“我”向她的爷爷奶奶收钱时又看了看她,她给了“我”一个“我”见过的最灿烂的笑容。take在此意为“接受,取”,D项符合语境。

  13.C 由下文的“whose smile just melted me...”可知答案为C项。wink“眨眼”;sigh“叹息”;glare“瞪眼,怒目而视”。

  14.A 刹那间,她在“我”眼中不再残疾,而是一个美丽的女孩,她的笑容融化了“我”,让“我”瞬间对生活有了一种全新的感受。gone“不复存在的”;serious“严重的”;weak“虚弱的”;pitiful“令人同情的,可怜的”。A项与后半句文意一致。

  15.B 由下段中的“At that time,I was a poor and unhappy college student...a world of smiles,love and warmth.”可推知,“我”对生活有了一种全新的感受。slightly“轻微地”;completely“完全地”;nervously“紧张地,焦急地”;hardly“几乎不”。

  16.D 文章最后一句“...about life that she taught me.”暗示了答案。

  17.D 她将“我”从一个不快乐的穷学生带进了她的世界,一个充满了笑容、爱和温暖的世界。force“迫使”;persuade“说服”;permit“允许”;bring“带入”。D项符合文意。

  18.A 每当“我”感到沮丧或有烦心事时,“我”就会想起那个女孩,想到她给“我”上的有关人生的非凡一课。down在此为形容词,意为“沮丧的,伤心的”。

  19.C inform“通知,告知”;acknowledge“承认”;remember“想起,记得”;recognize“认出”。C项符合语境。

  20.B teach me a lesson about life“给我上的关于人生的一课,关于人生我所借鉴的”。


  How to communicate effectively

  Effective communication is a must for everyone who hopes to be successful.It helps express your thoughts and improves your career prospects (前景) as well as strengthens relationships.Therefore,it’s necessary to work hard to improve your communication skills.

  ●  1   

  Before you are ready to talk to a group of people,you should think about what you are going to talk about.Although a printed copy of a speech may not be always necessary,highlighting a few important issues in your mind is a must. 2  And it reduces the possibilities of getting away from the main issues. 

  ●Choose your words.

  Choice of words is the most important part of any communication.Simple and clear words are appropriate for the issue you are discussing.Needless to say,words that could make your audience unpleasant are best kept out of the communication.Most people tend to be careful about their language while at work.However,when they get home they often use colorful language. 3   

  ●Body language.

  Many people use body language by mistake and end up making a fool of themselves.Body language means keeping eye contact and using hand gestures only wherever required. 4  This will make your talk more of a stage performance and defeat its purpose. 

  ●Listen and concentrate.

  Communication is an exchange of ideas.Once you are done with your part,listen carefully to what other people plan to say. 5  Get rid of all distractions(分散注意力的事物) such as a phone before you begin communication.A distraction not only disturbs your focus,but also causes your audience’s attention to wander. 

  A.Gather your thoughts.

  B.Prepare a copy of a speech.

  C.Negative words may hurt your loved ones beyond your imagination.

  D.This will help you remain focused throughout your communication.

  E.If you are giving a speech,it is important that you focus on that activity only.

  F.Effective communication is a gradual process and requires efforts on your part.

  G.Remember,there is no need to speak every word with a gesture or facial expression.


  1.A 该空所填内容是本段的主题句。根据下文中的“you should think about what you are going to talk about”可知本段建议在演讲之前要做好准备,理清思路。

  2.D 根据上文“highlighting a few important issues in your mind is a must”以及下文“And it reduces the possibilities of getting away from the main issues.”可知,空格处介绍的是提前在脑海里面勾画出演讲重点的好处,D项符合语境。

  3.C 根据上一句“However,when they get home they often use colorful language.”可知,空格处指出上句中这种做法的弊端,C项承接上文,符合语境。

  4.G 本段主要介绍和肢体语言相关的内容,与此主题相关的只有G项“记住,没有必要每说一句话都带有手势或面部表情”。

  5.E 根据下文中的“Get rid of all distractions”可知,空处强调在演讲时要专注于演讲本身,E项符合语境。


  Your problem is common one among middle school students.Maybe the following advices can help you.First in all,believe in yourself.Your greatest problem is that you lack self-confidence.The first thing you must do it is to smile at your classmates.One smile speaks loud about your wish to make friends than any word.Your smile will show that you are friendly to him.Next,trying talking with a student who is as shy as you or who share the same interests with you.You can discuss your studies with a classmate,and you can also talk about your hobbies as well.Unless anyone is in trouble,you should be ready to help him or her.Once you have confidence,you can make as many friends as possibly.




  3.第3句:第一个in→of。first of all为固定短语,意为“首先,第一”。

  4.第5句:删除it。you must do是省略了关系代词的定语从句,本句主语是the first thing。故删除it。


  6.第7句:him→them。此处指代上文中的your classmates,应用them。


  8.第8句:share→shares。关系代词who指代a student,是单数名词,所以谓语动词需用第三人称单数形式。

  9.第10句:Unless→If。anyone is in trouble是假设条件,应用if引导条件状语从句。

  10.第11句:possibly→possible。as...as possible为习惯搭配,意为“尽可能……的”。


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