2016届高考英语专题创新演练提升:板块1 词法连锁 第4讲 动词和动词短语-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语专题创新演练提升:板块1 词法连锁 第4讲 动词和动词短语

发布时间:2017-03-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第四讲 动词和动词短语


  ①(2017·高考课标Ⅰ卷 完形填空)For example,on Christmas morning,children are excited about__43__with their new toys.

  A.working B.living

  C.playing D.going

  ②(2017·高考课标Ⅰ卷 完形填空)The same is true of the young adults going to college.And then,how many__52__,who now complain(抱怨)about the long drives to work,__53__drove for hours at a time when they first__54__their driver's licenses(执照)?Before people retire,they usually__55__to do a lot of__56__things,which they never had__57__to do while working.

  54.A.required B.obtained

  C.noticed D.discovered

  55.A.need B.learn

  C.start D.plan

  解析:①43.C 根据该空后面的with their new toys可知孩子们是“玩耍”新的玩具,所以此处要用playing。

  ②54.B 成人“获得”驾照,因此要用obtained。require要求;notice注意到;discover发现。

  55.D 退休前他们通常打算(plan)做很多事情。


  1.(2015·高考天津卷变式)If you have any doubts about your health,you’d better____________(consult)your doctor at once.

  2.(2015·高考浙江卷变式)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal ____________ our emotions than for straight facts.

  3.(2015·高考福建卷变式)It is said that body language accounts ____________ 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent.

  4.(2015·高考陕西卷变式)Peter will take ____________ his post as the head lead of the travel agency at the end of next month.

  5.(2015·高考湖北卷变式)There is no doubt that this candidate’s

  advantage ____________(lie)in his ability to communicate with foreigners in English.

  6.(2015·高考湖北卷变式)Don’t worry.I’m sure your missing glasses will turn ____________ sooner or later.

  7.Sports,without which you remain ____________(poorly),mean a lot in life.

  8.The two countries are going to meet to break____________some barriers to trade between them.

  答案:1.consult 2.to 3.for 4.up 5.lies 6.up 7.poor 8.down


  1. We tried to advise father to give up drinking too much wine;but it didn't work.


  2.The expert suggests eat some fruits after dinner,and I recommend you to have some more apples.


  3.Sometimes it' s not easy to realize a man' s voice on the phone.


  4.Did he taught for 10 years by then?


  5.The flowers he planted were smelled sweetly.


  答案:1.advise→persuade 2.eat→eating 3.realize→recognize 4.Did→Had 5.去掉were,sweetly→sweet



  M:Can I help you,madam?

  W:Yes.Did you have this room checked before we moved 1.____________?The toilet doesn't seem to have enough power and the water doesn't drain in the shower.What do you have to say that?

  M:I'm extremely sorry to 2.____________(hear,listen)that.I'll attend to it right away.We usually 3.____________(check,test)every room before new guests enter.We've been busy in preparing 4.____________ a large conference.

  W:That's not what you should do,after all.One doesn't 5.____________(expectation)this sort of thing here.

  M:No,madam.I do 6.____________(pardon,apologize)to you for that.It's most unusual.We do try to check the rooms as thoroughly as possible.Anything else?

  W:Well,your air conditioning doesn't seem to be 7.____________(work)too well.It's so hot up there.

  M:I'll just try to make it work better and you'll 8.____________(see,find)it a little cooler in a short time.I'll also send someone right away to look at the toilet and shower.

  答案:1.in 2.hear 3.check 4.for 5.expect 6.apologize 7.working 8.find



  1.I_had an idea that the wallet had been stolen.

  →An idea ________________________ that the wallet had been stolen.

  2.As a_result,my brother was admitted into a famous university.

  →As it ________________________,my brother was admitted into a famous university.

  3.Plenty of memory work is_helpful_to your English study.

  →Plenty of memory work ________________________ your English study.

  4.Generally speaking,the kids are_eager for knowledge.

  →Generally speaking,the kids ____________________ for knowledge.

  答案:1.occurred to me 2.turned out 3.contributes to 4.have a strong appetite


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