2017届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习课件:Book 8 Unit 3(牛津译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语(江苏专用)一轮复习课件:Book 8 Unit 3(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

   (2)翻译句子 就金钱而言,这个工作没什么回报,但是我从中可以得到有价值的经验。

  The job is not very rewarding in terms of money,but I can gain

  valuable experience from it. 答案 (3)Clare has offered a


  100 to anyone who can find her lost cell phone. A.benefit

  B.cost C.reward

  D.price 解析 句意为:克雷尔提供100美元赏金给找到她手机的人。benefit利益,好处;cost钱,代价,花费,费用;reward报酬,报答,赏金,酬金;price价格,价钱。从信息句who can find her lost cell phone可判断是赏金,故选C项。 C 解析答案 (4)Martin was once

  the title of “Advanced Worker” for his excellent work in his company. A.paid

  B.prize C.rewarded

  D.awarded 解析 句意为:马丁曾因在公司的出色工作被授予“先进工作者”的称号。pay付钱;prize奖品;reward报答;award授予。be awarded the title of被授予……称号。

  D 解析答案 cut up切碎,剁碎 3. cut down (on)缩小;缩减(尺寸、数量等) cut across/through抄近路穿过 cut short中断,打断 cut off切(砍)掉;切断;隔绝 cut in插嘴 cut back (on)减少,削减 (1)He cut up the meat on his plate. 他把肉在盘子上切成小块。 (2)The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers are repairing one of the main pipes. 水供应已暂时被切断,因为工人们正在维修其中一个主管道。 She found it hard to keep both ends meet,so the hostess decided to

  on daily necessities. A.cut off

  B.cut down C.cut up

  D.cut back 解析 句意为:由于发现入不敷出,女主人决定削减日常必需品开支。cut off切断;cut down砍倒;cut up切碎;cut back on削减。故D项符合句意。 D 解析答案 多维训练 lay out布置,设计;铺开,展开 4. lay down放下;声明 lay aside储存;不去考虑;搁置一旁 lay off解聘 lay emphasis/stress on强调…… (1)Grace laid out the knives and forks at the table. 格雷丝把刀叉摆放在餐桌上。 (2)We came to the point at the last moment that the coach had laid stress on. 我们在最后一刻谈到了教练已经强调过的要点。 (1)用lay,lie的适当形式填空 ①The boy

  that the white hen

  a black egg and that he

  it in the box which

  under this bed. ②Her face fell when she heard that she would be

  off. ③The workers are

  pipes under the road. 多维训练 lied had laid had laid was lying laid 答案 laying (2)Across the Yangtze River

  more than one bridge,the Nanjing Changjiang Bridge being the first one. A.lay



  D.laid 解析 句意为:长江上有不只一座跨江大桥,南京长江大桥是第一座。题干是介词短语放在句首的完全倒装句。主语是more than one bridge并根据句意知,谓语用一般现在时及单数形式。 故选B。 B 解析答案 (3)The committee asked for these suggestions to be

  on paper,so that they might study them further. A.brought down

  B.handed down C.laid down

  D.put down 解析 句意为:委员会要求把这些建议记在纸上,这样他们可以进一步研究它们。bring down降低; hand down传递下去;lay down放下;put down记下,选D。 D 解析答案 accommodation n.住处;住宿;膳宿;和解;预定膳宿 5. (1)完成句子 ①

  (万一你住宿方面有问题的话),you could stay in my apartment in Beijing. ②The runway of this airport is undergoing expansion

  (以容纳大型飞机). 多维训练

  Should you have any problems with accommodation to accommodate large planes 答案 (2)The new apartment is large enough to

  over two hundred people. A.provide

  B.accommodate C.contain

  D.treat 解析 句意为:这所新公寓足够大,能容纳200多人。accommodate容纳,符合句意。

  B 解析答案

  admission n.(机构、组织等的)准许加入,进入权;入场费;承认,招认 (1)Most parks in our city are free.They don’t charge money for

  . A.agreement

  B.admission C.allowance

  D.permission 解析 句意为:我市绝大部分公园是免费的,入园不收费。agreement协定,协议;admission许可入场,准许进入;allowance津贴,补助,零用钱;permission允许,许可,准许。 B 解析答案 6. 多维训练 (2)The thief was

  to three years in prison after he admitted

  into Mrs.Robinson’s house that night. A.caught;to have broken B.caught;breaking C.sentenced;to break D.sentenced;breaking 解析 句意为:小偷在承认那天晚上闯入了Mrs.Robinson的家之后,被判处坐牢三年。sentence sb.to...判处某人……;admit后跟动名词作宾语。 D 解析答案 be off to动身前往…… 7. 特别提醒 表示“前往”的常见表达:head for;make for;leave for 特别提醒 keep off,be badly off,set off,be off to...,be off duty (1)He

  early so that he could get there on time. (2)They lit a fire to

  wild animals. (3)My family

  in those days. (4)You said he

  . (5)Not only will you pass the interview,but you will

  a better start. 多维训练 短语填空 set off keep off 答案 was badly off was off duty be off to

  Once it is stuck on,you can spray the different sections of the picture with paint. 一旦它被贴住,你就可以用颜料喷涂画的不同部分了。 8. once在本句中引导时间状语从句,意为“一旦……就……”。如果once引导的从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句中的谓语动词含有be动词的某种形式时,或从句为“it be...”形式时,从句中的“主语+be”或“it be”可以省略。 句型公式:once引导的时间状语从句 (1)They made up their mind that they would buy a new house once Larry changed jobs. 他们下定决心,一旦Larry换了工作他们就买新房子。 (2)Once broadcast,the TV play will be very popular with young people. 一旦开播,这部电视剧将会非常受年轻人的欢迎。 多维训练 (1)补全句中的省略成分 Once heard,the song will never be forgotten.

  ,the song will never be forgotten. (2)翻译句子 你一旦到这儿来,就要听从老师的。

  Once it is heard Once you are here,listen to your teacher. 答案 (3)I believe you will have a wonderful time here

  you get to know everyone else.(2015·陕西,20) A.though

  B.as if C.once

  D.so that 解析 句意为:一旦你认识了其他人之后,我相信你会在这儿过得愉快。once一旦,符合句意。故选C。 C 解析答案 (4)

  the damage is done,it will take many years for the farmland to recover.(2015·北京,32) A.Until

  B.Unless C.Once

  D.Although 解析 句意为:一旦造成损害,要花费许多年的时间耕地才能恢复。until直到;unless除非;once一旦;although尽管。由句意可知选C。 C 解析答案 返回 妙笔生花

  提高语用能力 写作素材 (关于观看展览) 微写作 1.上星期我和我的同学去了展览馆。 2.展览馆里有很多油画正在展出。 3.因为免费入场,很多人去那里欣赏抽象的油画。 4.通过看展品,我们学到了很多。 5.然后我们买了一些纪念品,然后高高兴兴地回家了。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用where引导的定语从句。 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

  Last week,my classmates and I were off to the gallery,where many oil paintings were being exhibited.Because of admission free,many people went there to enjoy abstract oil paintings.By watching the exhibits,we learned a lot.Then we bought some souvenirs and returned home happily. 答案 返回 来源:www.ziyuanku.com 来源:www.ziyuanku.com 来源:www.ziyuanku.com 来源:www.ziyuanku.com 来源:www.ziyuanku.com 来源:www.ziyuanku.com 来源:www.ziyuanku.com Book 8


  3 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 1 2 3 妙笔生花

  提高语用能力 4 话题词汇 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 1.painter n.画家 2.master n.大师 3.painting n.绘画;油画 4.beauty n.美 5.feature n.特点 6.landscape painting山水画 7.look alive栩栩如生 8.an art exhibition艺术展览 9.traditional Chinese paintings中国传统绘画 10.Western modern paintings西方现代绘画

  经典语篇 一些学校为了让学生有更多的时间学习文化知识,取消了美术课(art lessons)。你对此持反对意见,请从以下三个方面谈谈你的看法。 1.美术课可以培养我们的艺术品位; 2.欣赏艺术作品可丰富我们的生活; 3.美术课会营造更活跃的课堂氛围。 注意:1.词数150左右;

  2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:艺术品位artistic taste;氛围atmosphere 佳作欣赏 The problem mentioned above is rather common among many schools.There is no doubt that it is wrong to cancel art lessons.① Personally,I hold a firm belief for the following reasons. First,thanks to art classes,our artistic taste has been greatly improved.Through enjoying various art works in our free time,we add colors to our daily life.②

  What’s more,compared with other classes,art classes create a more lively atmosphere for us,in which we share more laughter and happiness. In a word,contacting with art gives huge benefits to our healthy growth.③ Our life is measurably better when we have access to art.It is art classes that are one of the necessary unavoidable parts in school teaching. 思维发散 1.用句型“It is by no means a good idea to do sth.”改写第①句


  3.用be of great benefit 改写第③句

  There is no doubt that it is by no means a good idea to cancel art lessons. In our free time we can enjoy various art works,adding colors to our daily life. 答案 In a word,contacting with art is of great benefit to our healthy growth. 返回 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 A.写作单词 1.




  摘要,概要 2.

  (vt.& vi.) 全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;

  承诺,保证 3.




  (adj.) 多变的,易变的

  abstract commit being changeable 答案 重点单词 5.

  (vt.& vi.) 计算;推测


  计算;预测,推测 6.





  (adj.) 值得做的,有益的;报酬高的 7.

  (n.) 路人,过路的人

  (pl.) calculate calculation reward rewarding passer-­by passers­-by 答案 8.





  承认;允许……进入;允许加入 9.

  (adj.) 令人不快的,令人厌恶的,令人愤慨的




  厌恶的,憎恶的,反感的 10.

  (n.) 住处;住宿,膳宿;和解,调解

  (vt.) 为(某人)提供住宿 11.

  (n.) 集体宿舍 admission admit disgusting disgust disgusted accommodation accommodate dormitory 答案 B.阅读单词 12.birthplace (n.)

  13.architecture (n.)

  14.output (n.)

  15.medium (n.)


  16.acute (adj.)

  17.cube (n.)

  18.rectangle (n.)

  出生地;发源地 建筑;建筑学 产量,输出量;输出 (艺术创作的)材料,形式;媒介,传媒 中等的 锐角的;强烈的;(疾病)急性的; 灵敏的;敏锐的 立方体,立方形 长方形,矩形 答案 19.consensus (n.)

  20.helicopter (n.)

  21.tank (n.)

  22.shadow (n.)

  23.starry (adj.)

  24.agent (n.)

  25.franc (n.)

  26.ankle (n.)

  27.suite (n.)

  共识,一致的意见 直升机

  坦克;(储存液体或气体的)箱,槽,罐 阴影,影子;阴暗处 布满星星的;像星星的,明亮的 代理人,经纪人 法郎 踝,踝关节 (旅馆)套房;一套家具 答案 28.spray (vt.)


  29.canal (n.)

  30.scenery (n.)

  31.chef (n.)

  32.dip (vt.& vi.)

  33.wrinkle (vt.& vi.)


  34.souvenir (n.)

  喷,喷洒,向……喷洒 喷剂;喷雾;浪花 运河;灌溉渠 风景,景色,风光 厨师,(尤指)主厨,厨师长 浸,蘸 (使)起皱纹 皱纹,皱褶,皱痕 纪念物,纪念品 答案 35.scholarship (n.)

  scholar (n.)

  36.cloth (n.)

  clothing (n.)

  clothes (n.)(pl.)

  奖学金 学者;奖学金获得者 布料,织物;(一块)布 衣服;(尤指某种)服装 衣服;服装 答案 1.

  从……到……,在……和……之间 2.

  渴望做某事 3.

  是……特有的;是典型的…… 4.

  在……以上,大于,超过 5.

  动身去…… 6.

  增强,积累,增多 7.

  预订 range from...to... be eager to do sth. be typical of upwards of be off to build up 答案 重点短语 make a reservation 8.

  被录取 9.

  切碎,剁碎 10.

  布置,设计;铺开,展开 11.

  剪出,剪下 12.

  试一试 13.

  用……做实验 gain admission to cut up lay out cut sth.out (of sth.) have a go (at) 答案 experiment with 1.He did


  sculptures and worked with all kinds of media. 他不仅绘画,还创作雕塑,利用各种材料创作作品。 2.Only on such a trip

  a better appreciation of European art. 只有在这样的旅行中你才能很好地欣赏欧洲的艺术。 not just paint but made can you gain 答案 经典句式 3.

  the dormitory the next morning

  we realized we had left our map in the room. 第二天早晨我们一离开宿舍,就意识到把地图落在宿舍里了。 4.After his graduation,this project was exhibited in art galleries all over China,

  . 他毕业后,这个项目在中国各地的艺术画廊展出,使他闻名全国。 5.

  it is stuck on,you can spray the different sections of the picture with paint. 一旦这经被贴住,你就可以用颜料喷涂画的不同部分了。 Hardly had we left when making him famous nationwide Once 答案 返回 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 commit vt.& vi.全心全意投入;犯罪,犯错;承诺,保证 1. (1)commit a crime犯罪 commit suicide自杀 commit oneself to (doing) sth.=be committed to (doing) sth.致力于(做)某事 (2)commitment n.承诺,保证;承担义务;献身,投入 make a commitment to do...作出……的承诺 (1)This is the reason why more and more people always commit a crime. 这就是有越来越多的人犯罪的原因。 (2)There are unconfirmed reports that he tried to commit suicide. 有未经证实的报道说他曾企图自杀。 (3)This proves that,with commitment and determination,all obstacles can be overcome. 这证明,只要全心全意地投入并有决心,就能克服所有的障碍。 多维训练 (1)用所给词的适当形式填空 ①On balance,I think I would rather not commit myself to

  (go) with you. ②We made a

  (commit) to keep working together. going commitment 答案 (2)The local government has made a

  to the public that it will improve air quality and give them a blue sky within three years. A.compromise

  B.comparison C.competence

  D.commitment 解析 句意为:当地政府已经向公众作出承诺,在三年内改善空气质量,还他们一个蓝天。compromise 妥协,折衷;comparison 比较;competence 能力;commitment 承诺。 D 解析答案 reward vt.奖励,给以报酬;报答;n.回报,报酬,奖励 2. 应试指导 in reward for作为高级词汇替换in return for (1)in reward for为奖赏…… as a reward for作为对……的奖赏 (2)reward sb.with sth.用某物回报某人 (3)rewarding adj.有益的,值得的;有报酬的,报答的 (1)He was given a medal as a reward for his service. 作为对他所提供服务的奖赏,他得到了一枚奖章。 (2)When it comes to the selling of houses,businesses also use highly rewarding tactics. 当说到房产销售,这些行业同样也使用一些回报丰厚的策略。(2015·重庆) 词义辨析 词义辨析 reward,award,prize (1)reward n.& vt.报酬,奖励,指对某人的工作或服务等的回报,也指因做好事而得到的奖金或报酬。reward后只接一个宾语。 reward sb.with sth.用……酬谢某人 (2)award vt.授予,颁发,判给;n.指一种官方的奖励行为,给在工作、学习等中表现优异的人的一种奖励。award后可接双宾语。 be awarded for...因……而受奖 award sb.sth.颁发给某人某物 (3)prize n.多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽彩中所赢得的奖。 be awarded a prize for因……而获奖 win the Nobel Prize for Peace获诺贝尔和平奖 the first prize in lottery中头彩 多维训练 (1)用reward,award,prize的适当形式填空 ①He received a

  of 900 from the police for catching the criminal. ②He won the first

  in the singing contest. ③He was

  a scholarship as an

  ,which was also a


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