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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Using a Mobile Phone to Improve Mother and Child Health

  People around the world are working to expand the uses for mobile technology in health care.

  In the world, there are six billion mobile phone users in a population of seven billion people.


  Africa has widespread use of mobile phones. Three or four years ago the penetration(进入市场)rates were 20 percent or 30 percent, and now they're getting upwards of 60 percent in some countries.


  Earlier research has been conducted to look at mobile technologies and HIV and AIDS. And so we have some great evidence on the effectiveness of mobiles.

  During the first week of December, 2017, more than 4,000 people from 50 countries met for the fourth annual mHealth Summit. It brought together experts from what the organizers call the mHealth ecosystem.

  In 2011 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton started a public private partnership called the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action, or MAMA. There are about 800 women a day and about three million babies a year dying from pregnancy and childbirth­related causes.


  The messages cover pregnancy and the first year of a baby's life. These health messages may also be sent to a pregnant woman's husband and mother­in­law.


  Messages can be text or voicemail. You can have a pregnant woman in Bangladesh registered into a system that provides messages that help her know what to do and when to do certain things.

  Simple text messages can be important sources of information to people without Internet access.


  They have to be able to read through thousands of entries that come back to them on Google, for example, and then figure out what that information means to them. And that's not something that someone in a poor and uneducated kind of situation can do.

  A. They have no access to the relevant information.

  B. That way they too can understand what needs to be done.

  C. Millions of messages about baby care are received every day.

  D. A lot of work has been done to use mobile technology for health.

  E. And the most rapidly growing markets are those in developing countries.

  F. The program sends messages to women to educate them about their health.

  G. Besides, online users may sometimes not understand all the information available.

  答案: 36-40





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  A powerful earthquake __61__ (strike) Nepal on April 25, 2015, claiming at least 7,000 lives. Many people were injured and even __62__ (trap) under the ruins.

  It was the worst earthquake to hit Nepal in 80 years. Residents ran out of homes and buildings in panic. For some people, they lost their homes entirely and became __63__ (home). Various sectors including industry, agriculture, tourism, health and education were __64__ (bad) hit. A number of historic buildings __65_


  Why does Nepal often have earthquakes? The reason is __66__ Nepal lies in the famous global seismic belt(地震带), the Mediterranean(地中海), Himalayan seismic belt. About 85% of the earthquakes happen in these places.

  Many countries and international charities have offered aid to Nepal to deal with the disaster. The Chinese government decided to provide supplies of 20 million yuan to them, such as tents, blankets and many other things __67__ people there needed. __68__ the morning of April 28, the first supplies were delivered to Nepal. The ___69__ (volunteer) from CARE Canada are on the ground providing people with temporary shelter, ready-to-eat meals, water purification(净化)and toilet __70_____ (construct).

  We hope the people in Nepal will recover from the disaster soon.

  语法填空答案:61. struck

  62. trapped

  63. homeless

  64. badly

  65.were destroyed



  67. that/which.

  68. On

  69. volunteers

  70. construction




  增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。

  删除:把多余的词用斜线 (\) 划掉。



  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  Patience is of great important in our daily life. Once I was waiting at a stop for Bus No. 20, which regularly came every 20 minutes. Although half an hour passed,

  but no bus came. Both upset and annoyed, I decided go home on feet. But hardly had I left while the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught them. However, if I had chosen to take the next bus, I would have had to wait for other 30 minutes. What a pity! It was impatience that wasted all the efforts I had made. Only then did I realized the value of patience.

  That is really an useful lesson for me. Now whenever I am to lose my patience, I’ll think of this experience of wait for a bus.

  短文改错答案:Patience is of great important in our daily life. Once I was waiting at a stop for Bus No. 20, which regularly came every 20 minutes. Although half an hour passed,

  but no bus came. Both upset and annoyed, I decided∧ go home on feet. But hardly had I left while the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught them. However, if I had chosen to take the next bus, I would have had to wait for other 30 minutes. What a pity! It was impatience that wasted all the efforts I had made. Only then did I realized the value of patience.

  That is really an useful lesson for me. Now whenever I am to lose my patience, I’ll think of this experience of wait for a bus.






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