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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编










  1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。

  2. 回答第Ⅰ卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在试卷上无效。

  3. 回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案填写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。

  4. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。


  第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)



  1. What was the result?

  A. Italy won the game.

  B. France won the game.

  C. Both were winners.

  2. Where does the man think the keys are?

  A. In the woman’s purse.

  B. In the woman’s car.

  C. In the restaurant.

  3. What probably is the woman?

  A. A student.

  B. A nurse.

  C. A teacher.

  4. How many hours does the park open on Saturdays?

  A. 9.

  B. 10.

  C. 13.

  5. What does the man mean?

  A. The woman has got a lot of shoes.

  B. He will buy the woman a pair of shoes.

  C. The woman’s shoes match her new dress well.




  6. What is the boy doing now?

  A. Reading.

  B. Watching TV.

  C. Doing his homework.

  7. What’s the mother doing now?

  A. Watching TV.

  B. Cooking.

  C. Doing some cleaning .

  8. What can we infer from the dialogue?

  A. The boy is untidy.

  B. The boy is naughty.

  C. The boy is diligent.


  9. Why does the man choose to bike to work?

  A. He works in a park near his home.

  B. He has no train to take near his home.

  C. He wants to do his part for the environment.

  10. How long does it take the woman to go to work?

  A. Half an hour.

  B. An hour.

  C. Two hours.


  11. What does the man think of the woman?

  A. She’s a little overweight. B. She’s too thin.

  C. She’s too heavy.

  12. What did the woman want to do at first?

  A. Work out in a gym.

  B. Go on a diet.

  C. Play tennis with the man.

  13. What does the man think of most diets?

  A. They’re effective.

  B. They’re healthy.

  C. They’re useless.


  14. Why does the woman want to resign?

  A. She doesn’t like full-time jobs.

  B. She needs more time for study.

  C. She is not satisfied with the pay.

  15. When is help needed in the man’s restaurant?

  A. Only on weekdays.

  B. Only at weekends.

  C. Late in the week.

  16. What is the result of the conversation?

  A. The woman got the job.

  B. The woman got a pay rise.

  C. The man let the woman be a trainee.


  17. Where does the speaker most probably make the speech?

  A. At a family get-together. B. At a reception.

  C. In a class.

  18. What is Mr Brown?

  A. An assistant manager.

  B. A clothing businessman.

  C. A government official.

  19. When did the speaker start do business with Mr Brown?

  A. In 1998.


  In 1989.


  In 1988.

  20. Why are Mr Brown and his party coming to England?

  A. To visit some business partners.

  B. To pay an informal visit to some cities.

  C. To seek new opportunities for cooperation.

  第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分)


  单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


  21. It is really important for parents to reach a ______ between what they want and what their

  kids desire.

  A. conclusion

  B. compromise

  C. communication

  D. consensus

  22. International situation is currently undergoing great changes ________ UNESCO plays an irreplaceable role in promoting international cooperation.

  A. which

  B. what

  C. where

  D. that

  23. —Alice, you have won the first place!

  —Pardon? I ______ I would fail the exam this time.

  A. think

  B. thought

  C. have thought

  D. am thinking

  24. More consumers are waiting for the further drop of housing prices with money in their hands


  buying houses, according to a report.

  A. no better than B. little more than C. other than

  D. rather than

  25. The manager needs an assistant that he can _____ to take care of problems in his absence. A. count on

  B. count in

  C. count up

  D. count out

  26. —Tom, your foreign teacher speaks Chinese fluently!

  —Oh, she has lived in China for six years, otherwise she _______ such good Chinese.

  A. didn’t speak

  B. would not have spoken

  C. would not speak

  D. hadn’t spoken

  27. Obviously the only way to make people realize that an action is morally wrong is to punish them if they ________ it.

  A. confirm

  B. create

  C. commit

  D. compensate

  28. —Life is hard these days.

  —At least we have some money left. That's ________, isn't it?

  A. everything

  B. nothing

  C. something

  D. anything

  29. One of the characteristics that make me different from many people is my adaptability-l'm


  and comfortable in new or unusual situations.

  A. acceptable

  B. respectable

  C. reliable

  D. flexible

  30.—You’ve been in college for half a year. Are you familiar with your president?

  —Yes. He is an outstanding leader who _____ his reputation.

  A. looks out for

  B. comes up with

  C. lives up to

  D. looks forward to

  31. The Prince and the Frog is a fairy musical that

  the days when Walt Disney was a person, not a brand.

  A. was dated back to

  B. dates back to

  C. has been dating from

  D. had dated from

  32. Our company is going on very well. ____dozens of local women, we produce handmade

  goods with unique designs that sell well overseas

  A. To employ

  B. Being employed

  C. Employed

  D. Employing

  33. Loulan city is not at all

  a traveler who has never seen the desert before can imagine.

  A. that

  B. what

  C. which

  D. where

  34. Alice was so excited ______ she received an ticket from her friend to attend the concert.

  A. where

  B. that

  C. why

  D. when

  35. — You shouldn’t have told everybody my secret.

  — Wait a minute! I didn’t tell anyone... I swear!

  — Oh, ________! You big mouth!

  A. I don’t buy it

  B. I mean it

  C. You don’t forget it

  D. You got it

  第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


  Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces. Each of us must choose which we want to


  our future and our expectations. We can choose to laugh or cry, bless or

  37 . It’s our decision: From which perspective do we want to view life? Will we look up in


  or down in desperation? I believe in the upward look. I choose to


  the positive and skip right over the negative.

  An optimistic attitude is not a luxury; it’s a(n)

  40 . The way you look at life will determine how you feel, how you perform, and how well you will get along with other people.

  41 , negative thoughts, attitudes, and expectations


  themselves; they become a self-fulfilling prophecy (预言). Pessimism creates a dark place where no one wants to live.

  Years ago, I drove into a service station to get some gas. It was a beautiful day, and I was feeling great. As I walked into the station to pay for the gas, the attendant said to me, “How do you feel?” That seemed like a(n)


  question, but I felt fine and told him so. “You don’t look well,” he replied. This


  me completely by surprise. A little


  confidently, I told him that I had


  felt better. Without hesitation, he continued to tell me how bad I looked and that my skin appeared yellow.

  By the time I left the service station, I was feeling a little

  47 . About a block away, I

  48 over to the side of the road to look at my face in the mirror. How did I feel? Was I affected with jaundice(黄疸)? Was everything all right? By the time I got home, I was beginning to feel a little nauseous(恶心). Did I have a bad liver? Had I


  some rare disease?

  On another beautiful day, when I went into that gas station, feeling


  again, I figured out what had happened. The place had recently been painted a bright, distasteful

  51 , and the light reflecting


  the walls made everyone inside look as though they had hepatitis(肝炎)! I wondered how many other folks had


  the way I did. I had let one short conversation with a total


  change my attitude for an entire day. He told me I looked sick, and before long, I was actually feeling sick. That single


  observation had a great effect on the way I felt and acted.

  The only thing more powerful than negativism is a word of optimism and hope. When a whole culture adopts an upward look, incredible things can be accomplished.

  36.A. shape

  B. decide

  C. preview

  D. transform

  37.A. forgive

  B. curse

  C. praise

  D. regret

  38.A. vain

  B. anger

  C. action

  D. hope

  39.A. highlight

  B. analyze

  C. evaluate

  D. introduce

  40.A. necessity

  B. opportunity

  C. quality

  D. identity

  41.A. Actually

  B. Consequently

  C. Accordingly

  D. Contrarily

  42.A. rely on

  B. feed on

  C. go on

  D. take on

  43.A. familiar

  B. ordinary

  C. odd

  D. easy

  44.A. got

  B. took

  C. stopped

  D. made

  45.A. more

  B. less

  C. quite

  D. too

  46.A. never

  B. ever

  C. once

  D. always

  47.A. uneasy

  B. unconcerned

  C. unsatisfied

  D. unaffected

  48.A. got

  B. came

  C. took

  D. pulled

  49.A. come up

  B. brought up

  C. picked up

  D. put up

  50.A. fine

  B. upset

  C. sick

  D. calm

  51.A. gray

  B. blue

  C. yellow

  D. red

  52.A. in

  B. over

  C. off

  D. through

  53.A. quit

  B. adapted

  C. answered

  D. reacted

  54.A. liar

  B. onlooker

  C. attendant

  D. stranger

  55.A. positive

  B. negative

  C. careful

  D. rigid

  第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  MONTAGNE: In the summer of 2011, the world first heard of a small island in Norway under the most terrible of circumstances. Utoya Island was a youth camp run by Norway's Labor Party. One day in July, a heavily armed, right-wing extremist stepped onto the island and began shooting at random. Sixty-nine people died, over 100 were wounded; almost all, young people. This month, artist Jonas Dahlberg was appointed to create a memorial. He described to us the experience he imagines for those who come to the island.

  DAHLBERG: You start your walk through a forest of evergreens on a wooden pathway. After a while, this pathway starts to go down into the landscape.

  MONTAGNE: Down into the landscape, and into a short tunnel. When you come out, you are unable to go any farther. You can't get to the tip of the island because it has been cut off. So all you can do is look across a narrow channel of water at what is now a wall of polished stone, carved with the names of the dead.

  DAHLBERG: It becomes almost like a gravestone. You cannot reach it. It's close enough to be able to read, but it's forever lost for your possibility to reach.

  MONTAGNE: It's being called a memory wound. Exactly what do you mean by that?

  DAHLBERG: During my first site visit, the experience of seeing those gunshots—and you can see it was like being in an open wound. And it took me to a stage of deep sadness where it was hard to breathe. So I didn't want to illustrate loss; I wanted to make actual loss. It's just a cut through the island.

  MONTAGNE: On the day of the massacre, just hours before launching his shooting on the island, the killer set off a bomb in downtown Oslo, leaving eight people dead. As those events were unfolding, artist Jonas Dahlberg had been out with his brother, and stopped in at a seaside village.

  DAHLBERG: In the harbor, it was silent, and this is the higher end of summer. So, it's normally a very lively place. And it was total silence there; and it was a very, very strange feeling in the whole small village. And it's totally impossible to grasp what is going on. And then it just kept on. It's still almost impossible to understand it. It's also one of the reasons why it's so important with memorials for these kind of things. It's to maybe help a little bit to understand what was happening. So it's not just about remembering. It's also about trying to just understand.

  MONTAGNE: Artist Jonas Dahlberg designed the memorial for the 69 who died at a youth camp on Utoya Island. The attack was the deadliest in Norway since World War II. That memorial will open in 2015. And to see a virtual version of what it will look like, go to our website, at npr.org. This is Renee Montagne at NPR news.

  56.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. Utoya Island was the only bloody shooting spot planned by the killer.

  B. Utoya Island used to be a youth camp site and now has been reduced to total silence.

  C. Dahlberg and his brother witnessed the shooting on Utoya Island.

  D. Visitors to Utoya Island can touch the names of the victims carved on the polished stone.

  57.By the underlined phrase “a memory wound”, Dahlberg means all the following EXCEPT that ________.

  the artist plans to slice through the end of an island to make actual loss

  memorials are supposed to be not only about remembering but helping people to

  understand what was happening

  this memorial shows the gunshots vividly to the visitors for them to understand

  what was happening

  the space between is meant to symbolize how those who were killed are gone

  but are not forgotten

  58.Which of the following pictures shows the design of the memorial?






  DNA left at a crime scene could be used in the future to build up a picture of an offender’s face, it was revealed tonight.

  A first step towards genetic mugshots has been taken by researchers in the US who link specific DNA markers with face shape. To identify the genes, they focused on known mutations(突变) that cause changes of the face and head. Normal versions of these genes were found to influence individual features. For instance, one gene affected the lips, another the shape and configuration of bones around the eyes, and a third the appearance of the mid-face and skull. In total, 20 genes had “significant effects” on facial appearance.

  Lead scientist Professor Mark Shriver, from Pennsylvania State University, said: “We use DNA to match to an individual or identify an individual, but you can get so much more from DNA. Currently we can’t go from DNA to a face, or from a face to DNA, but it should be possible.” The implications are far reaching, raising the possibility of creating a data bank of facial types based on genetic markers. DNA from a crime scene could then be used to produce a rough image of the face of an offender or victim. Such genetic mugshots may be more reliable than computer-generated “e-fits” based on witnesses’ recollections. Other uses of the technique might include proving the identity of fathers in paternity cases, or visualising our remote ancestors from fossil DNA.

  The scientists wrote in the online journal Public Library of Science Genetics: “Such predictive modelling could be forensically useful; for example, DNA left at crime scenes could be tested and faces predicted in order to help to narrow the pool of potential suspects. Further, our methods could be used to predict the facial features of descendants, deceased ancestors, and even extinct human species. In addition, these methods could prove to be useful diagnostic tools.” The team developed a model which first established a range of physical face shapes from people of mixed West African and European ancestry from the US, Brazil and Cape Verde. Measurements were taken of thousands of point co-ordinates on grids placed over 3D images of the faces.

  Statistical methods were then used to determine the relationship between facial differences and the effects of gender, ethnic ancestry and individual gene variants.

  59.The underlined word “mugshots” in the second paragraph most probably means _________.

  A. different faces

  B. characteristics C. pictures of faces

  D. genders

  60.What can be inferred from the passage?

  A. DNA has been used to build up a picture of an offender’s face.

  B. It may be much easier to catch criminals with the help of DNA.

  C. In all, 20 genes had “significant effects” on facial appearance.

  D. One gene can affect more than one part of your face.

  61.According to Professor Mark Shriver, we know_________.

  A. they can merely match to an individual or identify an individual

  B. there is a possibility of going from DNA to a face

  C. DNA could be used to produce a rough image of an offender’s face

  D. this technology is more reliable than computer-generated “e-fits”

  62.What is the most possible title of the passage?

  A. Creating a data bank of DNA

  B. Recognizing the DNA of criminals

  C. Predicting the location of offence using DNA

  D. Building image of offender’s face from DNA


  British writer John Bunyan was born at Elstow, Bedfordshire, England, in November, 1628. His father was a maker and mender of pots and kettles, and the son followed the same trade. Though he is usually called a tinker, Bunyan had a settled home and place of business. He had little schooling, and he describes his early surroundings as poor and mean. He became much interested in religions, but it was only after a tremendous spiritual conflict, lasting three or four years, that he found peace. His struggles are related with extraordinary vividness and intensity in his “Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.” His writing began with a controversy against the Quakers (教友派), and shows from the first the command of a homely but vigorous style.

  Like most working men at the time, Bunyan had a deep hatred for the corrupted, hypocritical rich who accumulated their wealth “by hook and by crook.” As a stout Puritan(清教徒), he had made a conscientious study of the Bible and firmly believed in salvation (拯救) through spiritual struggle.

  Bunyan’s style was modeled after that of the English Bible. With his concrete and living language and carefully observed and vividly presented details, he made it possible for the reader of the least education to share the pleasure of reading his novel and to relive the experience of his characters.

  Bunyan’s works include Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (1666), The Life and Death of Mr. Badman (1680), The Holy War (1682) and The Pilgrim’s Progress (1684).

  The Pilgrim’s Progress is the most successful religious allegory (寓言) in the English language. Its purpose is to urge people to observe Christian doctrines and seek salvation through constant struggle with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils. It is not only about something spiritual but also bears much relevance to the time. Its predominant metaphor — life as a journey — is simple and familiar. The objects that Christian meets are homely and commonplace, and the scenes presented are typical English ones, but throughout the allegory a spiritual significance is added to the commonplace details. Here the strange is combined with the familiar and the trivial joined to the divine, and, a rich imagination and a natural talent for storytelling also contribute to the success of the work which is at once entertaining and morally instructive.

  “The Vanity Fair,” is an excerpt from The Pilgrim’s Progress. The story starts with a dream in which the author sees Christian the Pilgrim, with a heavy burden on his back, reading the Bible. When he learns from the book that the city in which he and his family live shall be burnt down in a fire, Christian tries to convince his family and his neighbors of the oncoming disaster and asks them to go with him in search of salvation, but most of them simply ignore him. So he starts off with a friend, Pliable. Pliable turns back after they stumble into a pit, the Slough of Despond. Christian struggles on by himself. Then he is misled by Mr. Wordly Wiseman and is brought back onto the right road by Mr. Evangelist. There he joins Faithful, a neighbor who has set out later but has made better progress. The two go on together through many adventures, including the great struggle with Apollyon, who claims them to be his subjects and refuse to accept their allegiance to God. After many other adventures they come to the Vanity Fair where both are arrested as alien agitators. They are tried and Faithful is condemned to death. Christian, however manages to escape and goes on his way, assisted by a new friend, Hopeful. Tired of the hard journey, they are tempted to take pleasant path and are then captured by Giant Despair. Finally they got away and reach the Celestial City, where they enjoy eternal life in the fellowship of the blessed.

  63.According to the passage, Bunyan hated the rich people mainly because ______.

  A. his father was making and mending pots and kettles

  B. Bunyan had poor and mean early surroundings

  C. the rich usually got their wealth in dishonest ways

  D. Bunyan studied the Bible to save the human souls

  64.What are the main characteristics of Bunyan’s works?

  ① The languages are concrete and living.

  ② The stories are carefully and vividly described.

  ③ The plots are romantic and twisting.

  ④ The works are easy to understand.

  A. ①②③

  B. ②③④

  C. ①③④


  65.John Bunyan wrote the book The Pilgrim’s Progress in order to ______.

  A. advise people to obey religious principles for salvation

  B. tell people that life is a simple and familiar journey

  C. add spiritual significance to the commonplace details

  D. to combine the strange things with the familiar things

  66.What moral does the story of the last paragraph convey to us?

  A. Any imaginable things might happen in a pilgrim’s dream.

  B. Christian the Pilgrim likes reading the Bible with a burden.

  C. People can struggle against weaknesses and evils for salvation

  D. People can enjoy eternal life in the fellowship of the blessed.


  This is my world now; it’s all I have left. You see, I’m old. And, I’m not as healthy as I used to be. I’m not necessarily happy with it, but I accept it. Occasionally, a member of my family will stop in to see me. He or she will bring me some flowers or a little present, maybe a set of slippers—I’ve got eight pairs. And then they will return to the outside world and I’ll be alone again. Oh, there are other people here in the nursing home. Residents, we’re called. The majority are about my age. I’m 84. Many are in wheelchairs. The lucky ones are passing through—a broken hip, a diseased heart, something has brought them here for rehabilitation(康复). When they’re well they’ll be going home.

  The help here is basically pretty good, although there’s a large turnover of staff. Just when I get comfortable with someone he or she moves on to another job. I understand that. This is not the best job to have. I don’t much like some of the physical things that happen to us. I don’t care much for a diaper(尿布). I seem to have lost the control acquired so diligently as a child. The difference is that I’m aware and embarrassed, but I can’t do anything about it. I’ve had three children, and I know it isn’t pleasant to clean another’s diaper. My husband used to wear a gas mask when he changed the kids. I wish I had one now.

  Why do you think the staff insists on talking baby talk when speaking to me? I understand English. I have a degree in music and am a certified teacher. Now I hear a lot of words that end in “y”. There is little need for anyone to position their face directly in front of mine and raise their voice with those “y” words. Sometimes it takes longer for a meaning to sink in; sometimes my mind wanders when I am bored. But there’s no need to shout.

  I’d love to go out for a meal or travel again. I’d love to go to my own church, sing with my own choir. I’d love to visit my friends. Most of them are gone now or else they are in different “homes” of their children’s choosing. I’d love to play a good game of bridge, but no one here seems to concentrate very well. My children put me here for my own good. They said they would be able to visit me frequently. But they have their own lives to lead. That sounds normal. I don’t want to be a burden. They know that. But I would like to see them more. One of them is here in town. He visits as much as he can.

  Something else I’ve learned to accept is loss of privacy. Quite often I’ll close my door when my roommate—imagine having a roommate at my age—is in the TV room. I do appreciate some time to myself and believe that I have earned at least that courtesy(礼貌). As I sit thinking or writing, one of the aides invariably opens the door unannounced and walks in as if I’m not there. Sometimes she even opens my drawers and begins searching around. Am I invisible? Have I lost my right to respect and dignity? I am still a human being. I would like to be treated as one.

  Back to my semiprivate room for a little semi-privacy or a nap(午睡). I do need my beauty rest; company may come today. What is today, again? The afternoon drags into early evening. This used to be my favorite time of the day. Things would wind down. I would kick off my shoes. Put my feet up on the coffee table. Pop open a bottle of Chablis and enjoy the fruits of my day’s labor with my husband. He’s gone. So is my health. This is my world.

  67.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

  A. The staff at the nursing home mistreated the elderly people.

  B. Nursing home workers sometimes stole items from her drawers.

  C. Her children did not often visit because they felt guilty for having put her in the nursing home.

  D. The staff used baby talk with her because they assumed her mind had aged as her body had.

  68.The author concluded her essay with a tone of ________.

  A. dignity

  B. sadness

  C. disappointment D. confusion

  69.How will the author’s son most probably feel after he reads this essay?

  A. Sympathetic.

  B. Regretful.

  C. Angry.

  D. Relieved.

  70. The best title for the passage would be ________.

  A. The Disadvantages of Growing Old

  B. If Only I could be getting better

  C. The Elderly: A Forgotten Generation

  D. The Place That Changed My Life

  第II卷(两部分, 共35分)

  第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  Do you know your uneasy adolescent might be experiencing teen depression? Of course. Teen depression isn’t just bad moods and occasional sadness—it’s a serious problem that affects every aspect of a teenager’s normal life. The negative effects can lead to problems, such as smoking, violence and even suicide. But depression can be treated. So if your teen’s unhappiness lasts for more than two weeks and he or she displays other symptoms of depression, it may be time to seek help from a health doctor.

  There are multiple reasons why a teenager might become unhappy. For example, teens can develop feelings of worthlessness over their school performance. And unsatisfied family life can have a major effect on how a teen feels. Sometimes, teen depression may result from environmental stress. But whatever the cause, when friends or family—or things that the teen usually enjoy—don’t help to improve his or her sadness or sense of isolation, there’s a good chance that he or she has teen depression.

  There are certain signs when teenagers are suffering from teen depression. Often, kids with teen depression will have a noticeable change in their thinking and behavior. Kids with teen depression may have a change in eating habits. Teenagers are likely to eat too much or not to eat enough for long periods of time, which should not be mistaken for an eating disorder. Parents should distinguish this change from eating disorders.

  Changing in sleeping habits is another indication of adolescent depression. All teenagers love to sleep. However, a sudden change in sleep behavior for no good reason is what parents should be paying attention to.

  A reduction of favorite activities, such as sports or chatting with friends, is another sign that cannot be neglected. If a teenager loves a sport and during the middle of the season suddenly decides to stop, there is a reason to be concerned about this change.

  When teenagers suffer from depression, they easily get annoyed or react badly to negative things. They may become defiant as there is potential depression. The depressed teenagers may get into rude or offensive remarks as well as fighting.

  Making statements of despair is another sign. They have no hope for their studies, their life and their future. This is very serious since it is estimated that every year approximately 10 teenagers from every 100,000 commit suicide.

  How is it treated? Here are methods, including medications and psychotherapy. Family therapy may be helpful if family conflict is contributing to the depression. The depressed teens will also need support from teachers. Occasionally, hospitalization may be required for teenagers with severe depression.

  Title Teen Depression

  Introduction ◆It is a condition that makes teenagers unhappy for a long time and prevents them from living a(n)



  ◆Teenage depression can cause serious problems.

  ◆It is important for a teen whose depression symptoms last over two weeks to


  a health doctor.


  ◆Worthless school performance

  ◆Unsatisfied family life

  ◆Environmental stress

  Phenomena Changes in behaviors and feelings



  to overeat or eat less for long when suffering from depression, and parents should tell the


  between this change and an eating disorder.

  ◆Depressed teenagers change their sleeping habits suddenly


  a good reason.

  ◆A teenager who suddenly stops his favorite sport might be depressed.



  reactions to things and becoming defiant.

  ◆Making offensive


  and getting into fighting.

  ◆Depressed teenagers feel


  for life, study and future.

  Solutions ◆Medications and psychotherapy are common methods.

  ◆Family or school therapy may also be helpful.

  ◆Hospitalization for those severe patients is also a(n)



  第五部分 书面表达 (满分25分)

  There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

  The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

  Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

  The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave scars just like these. And no matter how many times you say you're sorry, the wounds will still be there.”


  1. 以“Anger management”为题约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

  2. 谈谈你的想法(120词),内容包括:




  1. 不得直接引用原文中的句子。

  2. 作文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称。



  Anger management





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