ziyuanku.com ziyuanku.com ziyuanku.com ziyuanku.com * * 主题:禁止乞丐在地下人行道行乞留宿
[引出主题] Recently, Guangzhou passed a law to ban beggars from begging and sleeping in the subways and our class had a discussion about it last Monday.
[反对及其理由]56% of the students don’t agree with the idea
because they think some beggars really have difficulty in making a living and
have to play music in the subway to survive.
[赞成及其理由]However, 44% of the students favour the idea
because they think beggars bring a lot of trouble for the city.
What’s more, some beggars are just taking advantage of people’s compassion to make easy money.
[个人看法] Personally, I think it is a good idea to forbid beggars in public places and we should take some measures to help them. 一、篇章结构 1.开头: 提出问题或引出讨论或辩论的主题。 Recently we have had a discussion / debate on /about (whether)...
灵活运用超级模仿 2.主体: 陈述不同观点及其理由。 表示赞同:⑴ agree with ⑵ favour the idea ⑶ be for the idea ⑷ be in favour of
⑸ approve of
表示反对:⑴ don’t agree with ⑵ be against the idea ⑶ disagree (4)be opposed to 理由:⑴ because ⑵ for ⑶ they say ⑷ saying that ⑸ for the reason that
3.结尾:表明个人观点。 ⑴ Personally, I think
⑵ As for me⑶ In my opinion
⑷ As I see it
⑸ if you ask me 二、句式模板 1.开头: 提出问题或引出讨论或辩论的主题。 ⑴ We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college. 我们就上大学是否是高中生的唯一出路进行了讨论。 ⑵ Recently our class have held a discussion on how to carry out the Citizens Basic Moral Standards and become a successful young man.最近我班就如何实施公民的基本道德规范和做一个有为青年进行了讨论。 ⑶ Recently, in our class there has been a heated discussion about whether the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city.最近我班就北京动物园是否应迁出市区进行了讨论。 ⑷ I’m writing to tell you about a recent discussion our class have had on whether or not university students should be financially independent. 我写信是要告诉你, 我班最近就大学生是否应该经济独立进行讨论的情况。 注: 有时还会用Opinions are divided on the question.之类的过渡句, 然后再引出不同观点。 2.表示赞同及理由。 ⑴ Some of my classmates are in favor of the move.
They say large crowds of tourists to the zoo will result in traffic jams. They also say ...有的同学赞同迁出。他们认为参观动物园的旅客太多会造成交通拥挤。他们还说…… ⑵ The minority of the students hold the opinion that punishing the passengers helps to reduce traffic accidents and increase traffic safety. 大多数学生持这种观点:惩罚(乘坐酒醉驾车的)乘客有助于减少交通事故和提高交通安全。 3.表示反对及理由。 由正及反常用however, on the other hand等过渡。 ⑴ 60%of the students are against the idea of entrance fee.
They believe ... 有60%的人反对公园收费, 他们认为…… ⑵ Nearly 70% of us disagree
since it makes us fall into the habit of dependence, so that we won’t form the good habit of studying. 我们中将近有70%的人不同意(父母陪读), 因为这会让我们养成依赖习惯, 结果将不会形成良好的学习习惯。 4.结尾:表明个人观点。 ⑴ In my opinion, … 依我看,…… ⑵ Personally, I prefer to …就我而言, 我宁愿…… 三、超级仿写 30% 30% 40% 要补课,因为高考6月举行,要抓紧时间复习。 不要补课,因为休息好才能提高效率。 学习,休息都重要,周末一天学习,一天休息。 最近,你学校组织高三学生开展了一场讨论。讨论的主题是: 周末要不要补课。讨论情况如下:
[写作内容] 请根据上表用英语写一篇短文,内容包括:
1.讨论的时间、主题与参加人员; 2.讨论得出的三种观点及原因; 3.你的观点。
[引出主题]Recently, Senior 3 students in our school have had a discussion about whether we should have classes on weekends. As can be seen from the table above, [赞同及其理由]30% of them approve of it because the College Entrance Examination is coming in June and students should make full use of their time.
[反对及其理由]Another 30% are against the idea for the reason that students should have a good rest on weekends so that they can study more effectively during the weekdays. The rest don’t agree with either of the ideas above for they believe study and rest are both important, so one day can be used to study and the other day for a rest. [个人看法]As for me, I prefer to have a rest on weekends.