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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * 话题 18 话题词汇狂背 相关单词

  1. funny adj.滑稽的;好笑的 2. obvious adj.明显的 3. apparent adj.明显的 4. reserved adj.含蓄的 5. humorous adj.幽默的 6. amusing adj.好笑的 7. relaxing adj.令人放松的 8. enjoyable adj.令人愉快的 9. optimistic adj.乐观的 10. pleasant adj.令人愉快的 11. humour n.幽默 12. appreciation n.欣赏 13. understanding n.理解 14. comedy n.喜剧 15. feature n.特点 16. atmosphere n.气氛

  17. delight vt.使愉快 18. please vt.使愉快 19. satisfy vt.使满意 20. entertain vt.娱乐 相关短语 1. deal better with pain 战胜病痛 2. reduce/lessen stress and sorrow 减轻压力与痛苦 3. help sb live longer 有益于延年益寿 4. break a dark mood 打破坏心情 5. regain our smile 重拾微笑 6. develop/cultivate one’s sense of humour 培养幽默感 7. respond with humor 用幽默还击 8. create a humor environment 建立幽默环境 9. compared with 与……相比 10. spread jokes around 给周围的人讲笑话 11. burst into laughter 突然大笑 12. make a difference 有影响 13. make fun of 取笑 14. bring happiness to...给…带来欢乐 15. be beneficial to 有益于…… 16. be of much help to 有益于……

  17. optimistic thinking 乐观的心态 18. increase one’s popularity 提高某人受欢迎的程度 19. promote better communication and understanding 促进更好的沟通和理解 20. create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere 创造一种愉快而友好的气氛 相关句子 1. As the research shows, adults who have a sense of humor live longer than those who don’t find life funny.研究表明,有幽默感的成年人比认为生活无趣的人寿命长。 2. Analysis revealed that men and women have different attitudes to humour.分析表明,男性和女性对于幽默的态度不同。

  3. Humor is the wisdom and resourcefulness

  that can ease an awkward situation.幽默是缓和尴尬局面的智慧和机智。 4. If one has a sense of humor, however, one can mentally adapt to the changing conditions in a wise and healthy manner.如果一个人有幽默感, 他就能用一种明智而健康的方式在心理上适应变化的环境。 5. Humor can reduce distress and unhappiness by creating a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. 幽默通过创造一种愉快而友好的气氛来减轻不幸和苦恼。

  6. A sense of humor can certainly increase one’s popularity.幽默感确实能提高一个人受欢迎的程度。 7. Humor can clearly be of much help to our work, study, and life as it is beneficial to our physical and mental health.因为幽默有益于我们的身心健康,所以对我们的生活、工作、学习无疑都大有帮助。 8. In order to develop a sense of humor, one must have an open mind and the ability to deal with unpleasant events.为了培养幽默感, 一个人必须有开放的心胸和处理不愉快的事物的能力。

  9. Humor requires a broad range of knowledge and optimistic thinking.幽默需要有广阔的知识面和乐观的心态。

  As we know, the most common difference between the British and the American sense of humour

  is that the British use irony on a daily basis, while the American don’t. Besides, compared with American jokes which are more obvious and direct, the British ones with the hidden meaning tend not to be apparent.

  语篇模块 It’s due to the fact that the British culture

  is more reserved than that of the United States. Nowadays, some American comedies have gained huge success in Britain and vice versa. Therefore,

  although there are differences between both comic styles, there is still an appreciation and understanding of the other sense of humour.



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