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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * 话题 24 话题词汇狂背 相关单词

  1. accurate

  adj.正确的;精确的 2. rewarding

  adj.有回报的 3. acquire vt.取得;获得;学到 4. appointment

  n.约会;任命 5. journalist

  n.记者 6. concentrate vt.集中;聚集 7. case n.事实;事例;案件 8. fundamental adj.基本的 9. course n.路线;方向;过程 10. inform vt.告知;告诉 11. update vt.更新 12. eager

  adj.热心的;热切的 13. edition n.版;版本 14. gifted adj.有天资的;有天赋的 15. intention n.意图;目的 16. meanwhile n.& adv.其时;其间 17. normal adj. 正常的;正规的 18. occupation n.工作;占领 19. journalism n.资讯业 20. commit vt.致力于;从事 相关短语 1. concentrate on 全神贯注于 2. inform sb of 告知某人某事 3. so as to 为了(做) 4. get sth straight 把……弄清楚

  5. have a nose for 对……非常敏感 6. take a photograph 拍照 7. keep up with 跟上 8. ahead of time 提前 9. last of all 最后 10. be eager to do 渴望做 11. current affairs 时事 12. get absorbed in 专心于 13. set to work 开始工作 14. cover/go on a story 去采访 15. depend on 依靠;取决于 16. tell the truth 说出真相 17. look forward to 期待 18. make an appointment 约会 19. work experience 工作经验 20. arrange an interview 安排采访 相关句子 1. Being a journalist, you need to keep up with the current affairs and be devoted to

  writing.作为一个记者, 你需要紧跟时事, 并致力于写作。

  2. Whether you can become a successful journalist depends on whether you work hard enough.你是否能成为一名成功的记者取决于你是否足够努力。 3. As a journalist, he has a nose for news.作为一名记者, 他对资讯非常敏感。

  4. The key to becoming a journalist is work experience, perseverance and creative thinking. 成为一名记者的关键是经验、坚持和创造性的思维。 5. If you are committed to the journalism field, you are bound to become a successful journalist. 如果你致力于资讯行业, 你一定能成为一名出色的记者。

  6. It was the first time for him to cover a story by himself, which made him so excited.这是他第一次独自去采访, 这令他非常激动。 7. Of all the factors contributing to a good journalist, hard work is the most fundamental one.在所有使你成为一名好记者的因素中, 努力是最基本的因素。

  8. It’s reported that

  the number of the people suffering from the flood is still rising.据报道, 遭受水灾的人数还在上升。 9.

  To get things straight, you need to get more details and get the interviewee to tell you the truth.为了把事情弄清楚, 你需要得到更多的细节信息, 让被采访人告诉你真相。 语篇模块

  To be a journalist is my dream. However, I know the key to becoming a journalist

  is work experience, which is why I am working for the school paper now. Now and then

  I will be sent to cover the stories

  happening in the campus, because they think I have a nose

  for news.

  To write a good story, not only should I interview many people, but also I should take many photographs, which is really

  a demanding job. Hard as it is, I find the job fun and rewarding. I’ll keep going,

  for I believe becoming a journalist is a job I’ll enjoy for the rest of my life.



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