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发布时间:2017-03-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * 话题 32 话题词汇狂背 相关单词 1. digital

  adj.数字的;数码的 2. convenient

  adj.方便的 3. comfortable

  adj.舒适的 4. newly-designed

  adj.新设计的 5. practical

  adj.实际的 6. beneficial

  adj.受益的 7. helpful

  adj.有帮助的 8. confident

  adj.自信的 9. machine

  n.机器 10. satisfaction

  n.满意;满足 11. computer

  n.电脑 12. desire

  n.渴望,希望,要求 13. fiction

  n.小说 14. milestone

  n.里程碑 15. obey

  vt&vi.顺从,服从 16. design vt.设计 17. appreciate

  vt.欣赏 18. control

  vt.控制;管理 19. envy

  vt.嫉妒;羡慕 20. program

  vt.为(计算机)编制程序 相关短语

  1. persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事 2. even though 即便,即使 3. suggest doing sth 建议做…… 4. a newly-designed robot 一个新设计的机器人 5. test out 考验,试验 6. enable sb.to do sth.使……能做 7. gain a PhD 获得博士学位 8. benefit from...从……受益 9. of great use 很有用 10. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 11. come into being 出现,产生 12. put into use 投入实践 13. achieve great success 大获成功 14. have a gift for/be gifted in 有着…的天赋 15. be well known for 因为……而出名 16. be famous at home and abroad 享誉 国内外 17. be convenient to sb.对某人来说方便 18. with the development of science and technology 随着科学技术的发展 19. play a more and more important part in sth. 在……起着越来越重要的作用 20. have sb. doing sth. 允许某人做某事(尤用于疑问句和否定句) 相关句子 1. This kind of machine is programmed and controlled by a computer. Once you press the button it will start washing dishes for you.这种机器是由电脑控制的, 只要你按下按钮, 它就可以帮你清洗碗碟了。 2. In order to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary, he suggested that

  they both ask for one day leave and have a romantic candlelight dinner.为了庆祝他们二十年瓷婚, 他建议他们两人都休天假来一个浪漫的烛光晚餐。 3. It was not until Nancy was to leave that he realized he had fallen in love with her.直到南希要离开, 他才意识到自己早已深深地爱上她了。

  4. Even though you have been so polite, you have to be punished I can’t have students arriving

  late.即便你如此礼貌还得受到惩罚——我不能容忍学生迟到。 5. It was embarrassing that he asked me how old I am.他问我多大了, 真是让我尴尬。

  6. He has a great talent for writing,

  which makes him well known at home and abroad.他在很有写作天分, 这使得他享誉国内外。 7. When a new product comes into being, it must be tested out before it is put into use. 当有新产品问世时, 在投入使用之前, 一定要进行检验。

  Born in Russia, Isaac Asimov moved to America with his parents when he was three, where he spent the rest of his life. He had both an extraordinary imagination and an amazing mind,

  with which he could explore the future world, and most of his science fiction stories were based on this.

  语篇模块 What’s more, he liked choosing robots as his characters in his stories, among which I, Robot is the most famous. Not only did he like writing, but also he fulfilled his studies and got his PhD in chemistry in 1948, which made him become a biochemistry teacher at Boston University the next year. All in all, Asimove was a man of many talents, who encouraged us to work hard to realize our dreams. 汉语大意:艾萨克·阿西莫夫出生于俄国,三岁随父母移居美国,并在那里度完余生。他有着异乎寻常的想象力和令人惊奇的睿智,这使得他能够探测未来世界,而他的很多科幻小说也是以此为背景的。并且,他的小说主角一般都是机器人,其中最著名的当属《机械公敌》。在创作的同时,他也完成了自己的学业,并于1948年获得化学博士学位,这也使得他次年在波士顿大学谋得教师一职。总之,阿西莫夫是一个多才多艺的人,他的成就激励着我们每个人努力工作去实现自己的梦想。


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