2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Module 5《Newspapers and Magazines》(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Module 5《Newspapers and Magazines》(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [归纳拓展] go aboard 上船;上飞机 All aboard![口] 请大家上船/车/飞机! Welcome aboard! 欢迎乘坐! on board(=aboard) 在船上;在飞机上 ①The plane crashed killing all 200 people aboard. 飞机失事,机上200人全部遇难。 ②Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. 后来我们才听说,飞机上有位非常重要的人物。 [辨析→明晰异同]

  aboard 副词、介词,表示“在(船、飞机、火车、公共汽车)上”。 abroad 副词,指“在国外”。 board 动词,表示“登机;上船;膳宿;用木板做”,也可以是名词,表示“木板;董事会等”。 broad 形容词,意为“宽阔的”。 答案:①replaced;with ②replaced;on

  [高考寻踪] (2015·广东阅读C)Another argument against television is that it replaces reading as a form of entertainment. 另外一个反对电视的观点是它作为一种娱乐形式代替了读书。 [归纳拓展] (1)be delighted at/with/by对……感到高兴 be delighted to do sth.很高兴做某事 be delighted that­clause很高兴…… (2)delight n.[U]快乐,高兴;[C]使人高兴的事,乐事 vt.& vi.(使)高兴;以……为乐 have/find/take delight in高兴……;以……为乐 to one's delight令某人高兴的是 with/in delight高兴地;乐意地

  ①To her great delight she passed the examination with firstclass honours. 让她非常高兴的是,她以优等成绩通过了考试。 ②Jacelin seems to have/find/take delight in making other people suffer. 杰斯林似乎以使他人痛苦为乐。

  [高考寻踪] (2015·福建单选)To my delight, I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. 令我感到高兴的是,我被从几百申请人中选出来参加开幕式。

  [归纳拓展] up to now/until now 到目前为止 (every) now and then 不时,时而 from now on 从现在起 in that 因为 ①We go to the movies every now and then. 我们常常去看电影。 ②She was fortunate in that she had friends to help her. 她很幸运,因为有一些朋友帮助她。 [辨析→明晰异同]

  because 意为“因为”;表示直接原因,语气较强,原因构成句子的最主要部分。why提出的问题常由because回答。 as 意为“由于;鉴于”;语气比because弱,主、从句同等重要。 now that 与since意义接近,意为“既然,由于”;多表示显然或已知的原因,语气最弱,语意侧重主句。 for 意为“因为;由于”;表示附加或推断的理由。because,as,now that,since都是从属连词,引导原因状语从句,可置于主句之前或之后;for为并列连词,连接两个并列分句,置于两个分句之间,for前常有逗号。

  [高考寻踪] (2015·湖南阅读B)Now that Chicago's waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River, the city's next step was to clean the polluted river. 既然芝加哥的废水被有效地抽到芝加哥河里,这个城市接下来就是治理被污染的河流。

  ③You should take your toys off the table.() ④I want to take next Friday off.() ⑤They are taking 5% off all goods in the supermarket. () 答案:①起飞 ②脱下 ③拿走 ④请假 ⑤打折

  [归纳拓展] take away 拿走;减去;解除 take in 收留;使……上当;欺骗;领会;明白;包容;容纳;订阅(报刊) take out 拿出,去掉;扣除 take on 承担,从事;呈现;同……较量;接受……的挑战 take...for 把……误认为……;把……看作…… take up 开始从事;占据;着手处理;把……继续下去 7.Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise. 昨天晚上业余天文学家大卫·贝茨用天文望远镜观看月球,突然他有一个惊人的发现。 答案:①were having a meeting when ②was walking in the street when

  [归纳拓展] when作并列连词用,意为“正在这时”。可用于下列句型: be doing sth. when... 正要做某事这时…… be about to do sth. when...正要做某事这时…… be on the point of doing sth. when...正在做某事这时…… had done sth. when...刚做了某事这时……

  ①I was about to go out when the telephone rang. 我正要出门,这时电话响了。 ②He had just finished his homework when his friend Tom called him. 他刚做完家庭作业,这时他的朋友汤姆给他打来电话。 基础知识巩固 6.The high official was put into prison for __________ (finance) reasons. 7.The __________ (history) research on ancient Chinese buildings has been carried out. 8.They repaired the desk instead of __________ (replace) them with new ones. 答案:1.production 2.achievement 3.delighted 4.economic 5.congratulations 6.financial 7.historical 8.replacing

  4.哦,得了吧,别对我撒谎。 Oh, __________________, don't lie to me. 5.知道父亲信任我,这使我更自信了。 Knowing that my dad ____________ me gave me permission to ________________ myself. 6.她是第一位赢得奥运会金牌的女士。 She was _________________ the gold medal in the Olympic.

  7.我们正在讨论那个问题时突然停电了。 We _________________ there was a power failure. 8.这是他们第一次到这里也会是最后一次。 This is the first time that ______________ and it'll be the last. 答案:1.Now that 2.in total 3.concentrating on 4.come on 5.believed in;believe in 6.the first woman to win 7.were discussing the problem when 8.they have been there 答案: As is known to us all, China has become the third country to send man into space in the world. On June 11, 2017, Shenzhou X took off successfully. There are three cosmonauts aboard it in total, including a female taikonaut Wang Yaping. To my delight, she is also from Shandong. While orbiting, she delivered our country's first­ever video lecture in space. When Shenzhou X was being sent up, many national leaders watched the whole process and offered their congratulations to the staff on their achievements. I believe in our scientists and believe our skylab will be founded in 2020.

  路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 外研版 · 高考总复习 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines 必修二 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记

  Ⅰ.单词速记 核心必记 1.__________(vt.)欢迎 2.__________(vt.)代替;取代 3.__________(adj.)高兴的;快乐的 4.__________(n.)评论 5.__________(vt.)创立;建立 6.____________(n.)祝贺 →___________(vt.)祝贺

  welcome replace delighted review found congratulation congratulate

  7.__________(adv.)在船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上 →___________(vt.)上船(飞机、火车、公共汽车) 8.___________(n.)成就;功业;伟绩 →___________(vt.)取得(成就) 9.__________(vt.)创作 →___________(n.)创作,生产 →___________ (n.)产品 aboard board achievement achieve produce production product 高频必知 10.__________(n.)轨道 (vt.) 绕轨道飞行 11.__________(adj.) 业余的 12.__________(adj.) 金融的 13.__________(n.)经济 →____________(adj.)经济的,节约的 →____________(n.)经济学家 →____________(adj.)经济的 orbit

  amateur financial economy economical economist economic

  14.__________(adj.)政治 →____________(adj.)政治的 →____________(n.)政治家 15.__________(adj.)历史性的 →____________(adj.)有历史意义的 →____________(n.)历史

  politics political politician historical historic history

  16.__________(n.)不信;怀疑;疑惑 →____________(n.)信念;信条 →____________(vt.)相信 →____________(adj.)可以相信的 17.__________(n.)证据 →____________(adj.)显然的 18.__________(adj.)文化的 →____________(n.)文化 →____________(adj.)多元文化的 disbelief belief believe believable evidence evident cultural culture multicultural

  [情景活用] 用所给词的正确形式填空 ①Don't admire his __________. You will __________your ambition if you work hard.(achieve) ②A __________ is one who is __________ and interested or involved in __________ and holds strong beliefs in it.(politics) ③It is __________ that it was his __________ in God that gave him hope during difficult times and it sounds __________. (belief)

  ④Australia has its own __________ identity. That's to say, its __________ is different from that of other countries.(culture) 答案:①achievement;achieve ②politician;political;politics ③believed;belief;believable ④cultural;culture Ⅱ.短语互译 1.起飞______________________ 2.总共;合计

  ______________________ 3.既然

  ______________________ 4.相信

  ______________________ 5.集中注意力

  ______________________ 6.in space

  ______________________ 7.in the history of

  ______________________ 8.take photographs of

  ______________________ 9.come on

  ______________________ 10.be similar to

  ______________________ take off in total now that believe in concentrate on 在太空 在……的历史上 拍摄……的照片 加油;得了吧;赶快 和……相似 [情景活用] 选用以上短语填空 ①_________ there is a new tunnel, the road is less dangerous. ②If you __________________ him, I certainly will also. ③There was a delay of two hours before the plane _______. ④We should __________________ our study now, because lost time never returns. ⑤Your opinion about this matter _______ ours in many ways. 答案:①Now that ②believe in ③took off ④concentrate on ⑤is similar to

  Ⅲ.典句析练 1.When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday, China became _____________________into space. 昨天上午9点,杨利伟在中国西北部的酒泉起飞,中国成为世界上第三个把人送入太空的国家。 [解析] 当表示“做某事的第一/二/三……/最后一个人/物”时,要用the first/second/third...last person/sth. to do sth.。 [仿写]约翰是第一个想出这种办法的人。 John was ________________________________the way.

  2.Amateur astronomer David Bates looking at the moon through his telescope last night __________ he got a big surprise. 昨天晚上,业余天文学家大卫·贝茨正在用天文望远镜观看月球,就在那时他有了一个惊人的发现。 [解析] 句中的when是并列连词,意为“就在那时”。 [仿写] 他们眼看就要放弃了,这时救援赶到了。 They ____________________________________ help came.

  3.__________________ I have made this first visit, I hope I can come many more times. 既然我已经有了这第一次参观,我希望我能多来几次。 [解析] now that引导原因状语从句。 [仿写] 既然你已长大,就必须停止这种幼稚的行为。 ______________________________, you must stop this childish behaviour.

  4.__________________ he's seen aliens landing on the moon? 这是他第一次看见外星人登陆月球吗? [解析] This is the first time...“这是第一次……”,从句中用现在完成时。 [仿写] 这是他第三次赢得金牌。 It is the third time that he __________________.

  答案:1.the third nation to send a man the first person to think of 2.when;were about to give up when 3.Now that;Now that you have grown up 4.Is this the first time;has won the gold medal

  Ⅳ.单元语法 时间状语从句和原因状语从句 语法填空 1.Air pollution is getting more and more serious, so we must take action __________ it is too late. 答案:before 句意:空气污染越来越严重,所以我们必须趁还来得及的时候采取行动。根据句意可知,应用before,表示“在……以前”。

  2.By 6∶00 pm,______ it was almost closing time, all the cars had been sold out. 答案:when 句意:截至下午六点,当几乎要停止营业的时候,所有的汽车都卖出去了。分析句子结构可知,第二个逗号前后是两个完整的简单句,不缺少任何句子成分,故用when。when在此引导时间状语从句,起连词的作用。

  3.Now__________we have lost all the money, it's no use turning on me and saying it's all my fault. 答案:that 考查连词。句意:既然我们已经丢失了所有的钱,抨击我说都是我的错没用。now that“既然”,引导原因状语从句。

  4.—May I go and play with Dick this afternoon, Mum? —No, you can't go out __________ your work is being done. 答案:as 此题容易误认为是考查not...until...结构。句中的your work is being done表明“你正在做作业”,故用as表示原因。

  5.__________ I saw the beautifully decorated house, I really wondered how she could manage that all by herself. 答案:When 句意:当看到这座装饰漂亮的房子时,我真的想知道她是怎样独自做到的。when引导时间状语从句,符合句意。 考点探究演练 答案:congratulations on;congratulated him on [归纳拓展] (1)Congratulations! 祝贺!恭喜! offer/send one's congratulations to sb. on sth. 为某事向某人祝贺 (2)congratulate v.祝贺 congratulate sb. on(doing) sth. 向某人祝贺某事 congratulate oneself on sth. 为……庆幸/感到自豪 ①You've passed your driving test! Congratulations! 你驾驶测验合格了!恭喜! ②I congratulated myself on my good fortune. 我为自己的好运气感到高兴。 [辨析→明晰异同]

  congratulate congratulate sb.on sth.“庆祝或祝贺某人某事”,指向某人祝贺、希望他人幸福或走运。congratulate的名词形式是congratulation。 celebrate celebrate sth.“庆祝(仪式、胜利、典礼等)”,通常指举行盛大、隆重的仪式庆祝或纪念有意义的日子或某件事情,多暗示节日般的欢乐场面。celebrate的名词形式是celebration。

  [一言辨异] They celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in Florence and all their old friends went to congratulate them on their silver wedding, which moved them deeply.

  他们在佛罗伦萨庆祝他们25周年结婚纪念日,所有的老朋友都前去祝贺他们的银婚,这使得他们极为感动。 答案:①aboard ②go/get aboard


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