2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 Module 1《Life in the Future》(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 Module 1《Life in the Future》(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  [归纳拓展] (1)shape...into... 把……加工成/塑造成…… be shaped like 外形像…… (2)in shape 在形状上;处于良好状态;健康 out of shape 变形;身体不好 in the shape of 以……的形式,呈……形状 take shape 成形;形成 The children have been playing with my hat—they're knocked it out of shape. 孩子们一直玩着我的帽子——把它弄得不成样子了。

  [高考寻踪] (2015·湖北阅读C)The building has a remarkable shape and looks like a combination of “blocks”. 这个建筑物有着不平常的形状,看起来像是一些石头组合起来的。 [归纳拓展] run out of 用完(及物动词短语) run across 偶然遇到 run after 追赶 run away from 逃避;逃跑 提示:run out,run out of,use up,give out四个短语均可表示“用完,用光,耗尽”之意,但用法上有所区别: run out和give out在表示此意时为不及物动词短语,以物作主语,无被动形式;而use up和run out of则为及物动词短语,其主语为人,宾语为物。 [高考寻踪] (2015·全国Ⅱ阅读第二节)You have to rely on your experience and on the feel of each pair as you shop. 你在买鞋时需要根据你的经验和对每一双鞋的感觉。 [归纳拓展] get away from 避免;离开;逃离 get across 使被理解 get over 克服 get through 通过,完成,接通(电话) get down to 开始着手做…… ①No one knows how the prisoners managed to get away from the prison. 没有人知道那些犯人是如何从监狱中逃跑的。 ②Don't you think it's time we got down to work? 难道你不认为我们该开始工作了吗? 8.Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live. 每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,无论他们生活在什么地方,这个号码都不会改变。 [归纳拓展] (1)no matter+what/who/which/where/when/how也可替换成what/who/which/where/when/how+ever的形式。 (2)“no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,而whatever, whichever, whoever除了引导让步状语从句外,还可引导名词性从句。 Whatever was said here has left us much to think. 这里所说的一切都让我们深思。 [高考寻踪] (2017·福建阅读,D)No matter who you are, you would be more human. 不管你是谁,你都将更加人性化。 基础知识巩固 5.He was ________ (disable) from walking by the accident. 6.The tribunal ________(command) that all copies of the book be destroyed. 7.They ________(load) the ship with coal. 8.There is a ________(limited) to the amount of pain we can stand. 答案:1.optimistic 2.risk 3.attached 4.predict 5.disabled 6.commanded 7.loaded 8.limit 4.无论你什么时候来,我们都会很高兴见到你。 ____________________ you come, we'll be glad to see you. 5.这种类型的手机即将过时。 This type of cellphone is ____________________. 答案:1.get rid of 2.are running out of 3.doesn't rely on 4.No matter when 5.on the way out 2.完成句子 (1)这门太窄了,小汽车无法通过。 The door is too narrow ________. (2)并非所有的美国人都喜爱啤酒。 ____________ the people in America like beer. 答案:1.(1)difficult for me to work out (2)No matter where 2.(1)for a car to get through (2)Not all 答案: To get rid of any practice that wastes energy, we must know for sure what we should do. First, alternative energy should be exploited. Second, cars should be powered by electricity, solar energy or wind power. Definitely, if everyone attaches importance to saving energy, we can predict that human beings will have a wonderful future eventually. 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 外研版 · 高考总复习 Module 1 Life in the Future 必修四 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 核心必记 1.________(adj.) 替换的;供选择的 2.________(n.)(常作复数)范围 3.________(n.) 命令;指令 4.________(n.) 费用;价钱 5.________(vt.)造成……形状 alternative limit command charge shape

  6.________(vt.)依赖;依靠→________(adj.)可信赖的;可依靠的 7.________(vt.)装;装载→________(vt.)卸载→________ (vt.)下载 8.________(vt.)系;贴;连接→__________(n.)依恋;附件 9.________(vt.)预言;预料→__________(n.)预测 rely reliable load unload download attach attachment predict prediction 高频必知 10.________(n.)(常作复数)资源 11.________(vt.)逮捕;拘留 12.__________(adv.) 最后;终于 13.________(n.)罪;罪行→________(n.)罪犯;犯人 14.________(n.)失去能力;伤残→________(vt.)使人丧失能力;使残废→________(adj.)残废的;有残疾的 15._________(adj.)乐观的;乐观主义的→________(n.)乐观主义 resource arrest eventually crime criminal disability disable disabled optimistic optimism [情景活用] 用所给词的适当形式填空 ①He is a ________ person so you can ________ on him.(rely) ②Li Siguang ever ________ an earthquake in Sichuan and in fact his ________ proved right.(predict) ③We should be ________ and we should stick to ________.(optimistic) ④The driver was driving a lorry ________ of bananas on the way to Guangzhou, where the bananas would be ________.(load) 答案:①reliable;rely ②predicted;prediction ③optimistic;optimism ④load;unloaded Ⅱ.短语互译 1.(某物)用完;不多了;没有了_______________ 2.依靠____________________ 3.除掉;处理掉____________________ 4.首先____________________ 5.开展;执行;进行____________________ 6.free of charge____________________ 7.use up____________________ 8.look out____________________ 9.on the way out____________________ 10.for sure____________________ run out rely on get rid of for a start carry out 免费 用完 小心;当心 即将被淘汰;即将过时 肯定地;确切地 [情景活用] 根据语境用以上短语填空 ①Natural resources will ________ in the future ________ with the development of economy. ②We should ________ our government to ________ some bad system. ③________, the student must ________ this experiment in the lab. 答案:①run out; for sure ②rely on; get rid of ③For a start; carry out Ⅲ.典句析练 1.Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change ________________. 每个人在出生时都会被给予一个电话号码,将来无论他们居住在哪儿,这个电话号码都不会改变。 [解析] no matter where引导让步状语从句,表示“无论在什么地方都……”。 [仿写] 无论她走到哪里,都有成群的人等着见她。 ________________, there are crowds of people waiting to see her. 2.I'm ________ busy enjoying my life now ________________ the future! 我现在忙于享受生活,而无暇为未来担忧! [解析] too...to do sth.“太……而不能做某事”。 [仿写] 他年龄太小,还不懂得生活的艰辛。 He is still ________________ the hardship of life. 3.________ predictions come true. 并不是所有的预言都会成为现实。 [解析] not all表示“部分否定”。 [仿写] 不是所有的鸟都会飞。 ____________ birds can fly. 答案:1.no matter where they live;No matter where she goes  2.too;to worry about;too young to know 3.Not all;Not all Ⅳ.单元语法 将来进行时 语法填空 1.At this time next year, I hope I______in this university. (study) 答案:will be studying 句意:“在明年这个时候,我希望自己在这个大学学习。”用将来进行时。 2.—Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you? —Why that early? I ________(sleep). 答案:will be sleeping 考查时态。句意:——明天早上六点打电话给我,好吗?——为什么那么早?那个时候我正在睡觉。根据语境可知,此处表示“将来的某个时间正在做某事”,应用将来进行时。 3.—Is it OK that I call you at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning? —I'm afraid not. I ________(have) a very important meeting then. 答案:will be having 考查时态。句意:——明天早上九点我打电话给你,好吗?——恐怕不行,那个时候我正在参加一个非常重要的会议。根据句意可知,明早九点是将来的时间,那个时间正在开会,故用将来进行时,答案为C。 4.—Will you be able to see Jennifer's parents when the first class is over? —I'm afraid not. I ________(attend) a lecture on British literature in the hall. 答案:will be attending 考查时态。根据第一句“Will you be able to...”提示,可知时态为将来时,同时根据“我那时候将正在大厅听有关英国文学的讲座呢”可知,表示“将来某个时刻正在进行”,用将来进行时。 考点探究演练 ②The boss commanded that his workers ________________ ________ their office before dark. =The boss commanded his workers ________ ________ ________ their office before dark. 老板命令他的员工们天黑之前不能离开办公室。 答案:①in command of;in the command of ②(should) not leave;not to leave [归纳拓展] (1)in command of 统率;指挥 in/under the command of 由……统率/指挥 at one's command 听某人支配 take command of控制 have a good command of 对……掌握熟练;精通 (2)command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 command that... (should) do sth. 命令…… ①If you do not serve others, you cannot take command of them. 不能服务他人者,无法指挥他人。 ②Applicants must have a good command of computer skills. 申请人必须熟练掌握电脑技能。 提示:command后接的宾语从句中用虚拟语气“should+动词原形”,其中的should可以省略。 b.The shop was ________ ________ ________ while the manager was away. c.He ________ ________ ________ the shop while the manager was away. d.He was ________ ________ ________ the shop while the manager was away. 答案:a.in the charge of b.in his charge c.took charge of d.in charge of [构建→导图助记] ①All the patients are now being treated free of charge in the city. 在这座城市里所有的病人都正在接受免费治疗。 ②Who is in charge of the office? 谁负责办公室? 提示:charge表示“控告”时,要用charge sb. with sth.,而如果用accuse一词表达相同意义,则应为accuse sb. of sth.。 [构建→导图助记] Why did you attach yourself to only one club when you want to learn more skills? 既然你想学习更多的技能,为什么只参加了一个俱乐部? [高考寻踪] (2015·四川阅读E)Long­ago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones and rolled them across the sand, the scientists say. 科学家说以前的建筑者能够在石头上绑上木杆然后在沙子上滚。


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