2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 Module 2《Traffic Jam》(外研版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修4 Module 2《Traffic Jam》(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ①He tired to earn more money to provide for a large family. 他设法多挣钱以供养一个大家庭。 ②Provided/Providing(that) circumstances permit, we shall hold the meeting next week. 只要情况允许,我们下周将举行会议。 [高考寻踪] (2015·江苏阅读D)What the people wanted was a government which would provide a comfortable life for them. 人们想要的是一个能够给他们提供舒适生活的政府。 [归纳拓展] (1)It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事是方便的。 sth. be convenient to/for sb. 对某人来说某事是方便的。 (2)convenience n.方便;便利 at one's convenience 在某人方便的时候 for convenience 为方便起见 ①Delivery times are arranged at your convenience. 送货时间会安排在您方便的时候。 ②I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. 为了方便,我把参考书放在我的书桌前。 提示:convenient作表语时,不可用人作主语,而要用物作主语或用it作形式主语。“当你方便的时候”应翻译成when it is convenient for you,而不是when you are convenient。 [高考寻踪] (2017·天津阅读D)The car is a convenient means of transport, but we have made it our way of life. 轿车是一种便捷的交通工具,但我们把它变成了生活方式。 [归纳拓展] in time 及时;最终 in good time 不失时机地;在适当的时候,按时,及早 in one's own time 在有空的时候 at no time 在任何时候都不,从来没有 at all times 随时,总是 at a time 每次,一次 at one time 曾经;一度 注意:at no time置于句首时,主句部分倒装。 ③She's trying to get around her father to buy her a new car.() ④It's wrong of you to get around the regulation.() ⑤By relying on the masses we can get around all sorts of difficulties.() 答案:①四处走动;旅行 ②传播 ③说服 ④回避  ⑤克服 [归纳拓展] get along with和……相处,进展 get across 讲清楚;被领会 get down to开始认真做 get over克服;控制;恢复过来 ②My neighbour ________ both his legs ________ in the traffic accident.=My neighbour's legs were broken in the traffic accident. 在这起交通事故中,我邻居的双腿断了。 ③They're going to ________ their house ________.=Their house will be painted. 他们打算把房子粉刷一下。(“他们”可能参与粉刷工作,也可能没有) 答案:①had;repaired ②had;broken ③have;painted 提示:have sth. done 结构有三种不同的含义 (1)“请/让/叫别人(为自己)做某事”。强调主语的意志。 (2)“遭遇到某种(不幸的)事情”。宾语往往是无意识的受损害者。 (3)“使完成某事”。此事可以是别人完成的,也可以是自己参与完成的。 [归纳拓展] have sb.do sth. 让某人做某事 have sb.doing sth. 让某人不停地做某事 ①I had him arrange for a car. 我叫他(为我)安排一辆车。 ②He had us laughing all through lunch. 他让我们在整个午餐过程中笑个不停。 基础知识巩固 5.Most of us choose to use credit cards to buy things because of their ________ (convenient). 6.It's difficult to predict his reaction because he is so ________ (mood). 7.His parents' ________ (react) to the news was surprisingly calm. 8.How many students have ________ (registration) for English classes? 答案:1.permission 2.explorer 3.solution 4.impressive  5.convenience 6.moody 7.reaction 8.registered 4.His father encouraged him to ________________ during the summer vacation. 他的父亲鼓励他在暑假里到处走走。 5.His family is a big one. ________________, his mother died years ago. 他的家庭是一个大家庭,此外,他的妈妈几年前去世了。 6.The film ________________ twice or more. 这部电影值得看两遍甚至更多。 7.To have a party, ____________________. 为了开一个晚会,他让人粉刷了一遍房子。 8.Make sure you ______________all the lights before you leave. 务必在你走之前关掉所有的电灯。 答案:1.in no time 2.am stuck in 3.no way 4.get around 5.What's more 6.is worth watching 7.he had his house painted 8.switch off 2.句型转换 (1)He's going to have someone paint their house. →He's going to have their house ________. (2)Much of the west of China is worthy to be developed. →Much of the west of China is worth ________. (3)If you stand there, you'll have a good view of the city. →________ there and you'll have a good view of the city. 答案:1.(1)improved 2.reading 3.is 2.(1)painted (2)developing (3)Stand 答案: Weather permitting, we will go on a trip to the suburb next weekend, where there is a variety of plants on display. The quiet and relaxing environment will bring us a good mood. Besides, the environment will leave a good impression on us. We will leave for our destination at 5:00 p. m. next Saturday and if it is convenient for you, you can come and join us. 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 外研版 · 高考总复习 Module 2 Traffic Jam 必修四 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 核心必记 1.________(vt.) 展示;陈列 2.________(vt.) 提供 3.________(n.)执照;许可证→__________(n.)允许;许可 4.________(vt.)限制→________(adj.)有限的→________ (adj.)无限的 5.__________(adj.)给人印象深刻的→________(vt.)给……留下印象;使铭记→__________(n.)印象 display provide permit

  permission limit limited unlimited impressive impress impression

  6.__________(adj.)方便的→___________(n.)方便;便利 7.________(vt.)探索→__________(n.)探索→________(n.)探索者 8.________(vi.)反应→________(n.)反应 9.________(n.)解答;答案→________(vt.)解决 10.________(n.)心情;心境→________(adj.)喜怒无常的 convenient convenience explore exploration explorer react reaction solution solve mood moody 高频必知 11.________(n.)收据 12.________(n.)车费 13.__________(n.)目的地;终点 14.________(adj.)郊区的;市郊的→________(n.)郊区 15.__________(n.)执照;登记→________(vt.)记录;登记 receipt fare destination suburban

  suburb registration register [情景活用] 用所给词的适当形式填空 ①The ________ went to the desert to ________ oil. His ________ will do good to the development of our society.(explore) ②How did he ________ to the teacher's words? I don't know his ________.(react) ③He wanted to ________ his audience. So he used some ________ words. His words left an ________ on all of them.(impress) ④Today he is in a bad ________ . So he seems ________.(mood) ⑤He doesn't get a driving ________. That's to say, he doesn't get any ________ of driving.(permit) 答案:①explorer;explore;exploration ②react; reaction ③impress;impressive;impression ④mood;moody ⑤permit;permission Ⅱ.短语互译 1.与……相连____________________ 2.被困在……____________________ 3.马上;一会儿____________________ 4.到处旅行;四处走动;(消息等)传播开来 ____________________ 5.清楚地看到____________________ be connected to be/get stuck in in no time get around have a good view of 6.under construction____________________ 7.switch off____________________ 8.keep cool____________________ 9.in a good mood____________________ 10.no way____________________ 11.drive sb. mad____________________ 12.what's more____________________ 正在建设之中 关上(电灯、电视等);断掉(电源) 保持冷静 情绪、心情好 (俚语)肯定不;没门儿 使某人发疯 而且;此外 [情景活用] 选用上面所给的短语填空 ①A new large library is ____________________. It will be used in October. ②The bad news __________________. He went moody. ③Wait a moment and I will finish the work ___________. ④The printer ____________________ the computers. ⑤Last night he ______________________ a heavy rain and was wet through. 答案:①under construction ②drove him mad ③in no time ④is connected to ⑤was/got stuck in Ⅲ.典句析练 1.Simply ________ you hand, ______________ in no time. 只要你招招手,马上就有出租车开过来。 [解析] 本句为“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”句式。 [仿写] 和快乐的人在一起,你就会每天都快乐。 ________ with happy people _____________________. 2.Tricycles ________________ if you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old Beijing. 如果想去北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。 [解析] be worth doing“值得做”,其中doing的主动形式表示被动意义。 [仿写] 他的建议值得考虑。 His suggestion _______________________________. 3.It's a good idea to ________________ in Chinese. 把你的目的地用汉语写出来是一个不错的办法。 [解析] have...done“让……被做”。 [仿写] 你最好把那颗坏牙拔掉。 You'd better _____________________________. 4.You should __________ listen to the teacher's and your classmates' pronunciation, __________ to tapes and broadcasting. 你不但应听老师和同学们的发音,而且还要听录音带和广播。 [解析] not only...but also...“不但……而且……”,连接两个并列成分。 [仿写] 不但我父母,而且我也喜欢体育运动。 ____________ my parents ____________ I am fond of sports. 答案:1.raise;and a taxi appears;Stay;and you will be happy every day 2.are worth using;is worth considering 3.have your destination written;have that bad tooth pulled out 4.not only;but also;Not only;but also Ⅳ.单元语法 祈使句 语法填空 1.No matter how old you are, head back to the classroom, ________ you may get your career and even your brainpower improved. 答案:and 考查句式。句意:无论你有多大,重返课堂可能会提升你的事业,甚至是智力。从句意的连贯来看,这里是“祈使句+and+陈述句”句式。 2.Mike and Tom, please don't eat out here on the road where everyone can see, ________you? 答案:will 考查反意疑问句。表请求的祈使句的反意疑问部分要用“will you?”。 3.Sow some flower seeds in spring, ________ you will have a garden in summer. 答案:and 考查句式。句意:春天撒下一些花种,夏天你将拥有一个花园。前后分句为顺承关系,故用and连接。 4.For more information about Cambridge, ________ (visiting) our website at www. cambridge. org. 答案:visit 句意:要得到更多关于剑桥的信息,请访问我们的网站www. cambridge. org。根据句意及句子结构可知,该句为祈使句,所以用动词原形visit。 5.________(knocking) at the door before you enter my room, please. 答案:Knock 考查祈使句。句意:在你进入我的房间之前,请先敲门。本句是祈使句,所以用动词原形。 考点探究演练 [构建→导图助记] If weather permits, we will go to the Great Wall tomorrow. =Weather permitting, we will go to Great Wall tomorrow. 如果天气允许,明天我们去长城。 提示:permit既可以用于permit doing sth.,也可用于permit sb. to do sth.。有相同用法的动词还包括:advise, allow, forbid等。 [高考寻踪] (2015·天津阅读A)Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted to cook in the kitchen. 住在带有厨房的公寓里面的学生只允许在厨房里面做饭。 [归纳拓展] (1)limit...to... 把……限制到…… be limited to 局限于…… (2)beyond the limit 超过限度 within the limits of 在……范围内 set a limit to sth. 对……规定限度 There are no obvious limits to the escalation of demands for quality. 对质量要求的提高没有明确的限制。

  [高考寻踪] (2015·湖北阅读A)Some of them are also later sold, in order to limit the number of ponies according to the rules set by Natural England. 为了限制马驹的数量,根据Natural England制定的规矩,有些马驹后来被卖掉了。 [构建→导图助记]


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