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发布时间:2017-03-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高考英语重点单词复习专项训练 (五) 1. We should take some measures to prevent the river from being further p________.

  2. After saying “ Good-bye ”, they all went off s__________.

  3. I know you are very busy. Would you mind s__________ me a few minutes?

  4.He is a teacher by ________(职业) .

  5. There is a beautiful carved f__________ on the stone.

  polluted separately sparing profession figure 6. You’d better speak h__________, not tell lies.

  7. As everybody knows, Thursday is the f__________ day of a week.

  8. Textbooks were

  ________(分配) free of charge .

  9. “ Heavy ” is the o__________ word of “ light ”.

  10. I should ________(确保) myself to reporting the facts.


  fifth distributed opposite


  11. I could hear them ________(私语)under the tree over there .

  12. The question is which model of telephone is ________ (灵巧),this one or that one?

  13. This hotel can ____________ (供给住宿)300 guests.

  14. He has no_________(资格) for this job.

  15. We’ve got to be ________(实际) and buy only what we need.

  whispering smarter accommodate qualification practical 16. The teacher nodded with a _________(满意的) smile.

  17. China is sure to turn all her wishes into________(现实) as we all know.

  18. Stick stamps on the ________(信封) and post the letters.

  19. The professor will fly ________(直接) to Tokyo tomorrow morning.

  20.It’s not ________(自然) for a child of his age to be so quiet.

  satisfied realities envelopes directly natural 21.The government is taking measures to improve the living c________ of the people in that area.

  22. Tom always d_____________ of becoming a pilot when he was a boy.

  23. Our library is a big one. There are all kinds of m________, books,

  and even newspapers for us to read.

  24. There is no more money needed for f________ research into this matter.

  25. The prisoners a__________ to escape but failed at last.

  conditions dreamed/dreamt magazines further attempted 26. He went to ________(德国)twice on business last year.

  27. The mother bear ________(生)two baby bears in the zoo last year.

  28. All the teachers went ________(楼下)to have a meeting.

  29. My father was once the great physicist’s ________(助手).

  30.The dustbin near the building hasn’t been _________(倒空) for almost

  three weeks. German bore downstairs assistant emptied 31. ________(旅游业)has brought much money to the mountain village.

  32. The meat in the bowl ________ (变)bad because of the hot weather.

  33. The students need to be able to read ________(积极地)and thoughtfully.

  34. He was ________(守时的) for breakfast.

  35. The ________(女)doctors in this hospital are very kind o to the patients.

  Tourism went actively

  punctual women 36. Her cheeks burned; she was fearfully ________(口渴).

  37. I have no idea how long the walk ________(实际上)took.

  38. Students visited the war________ (纪念碑).

  39. Miss Green lives on the _______(十二)floor. We’d better take the lift.

  40._________(相比)with other women, she was really lucky to get such a good job.


  actually memorial twelfth Compared 41. The computer is one of the most important___________(发明) in this century.

  42.How much liquid do you think this bottle_________(容纳).

  43. He works in the government. We say he is an o_________.

  44. Smoking is f_________ at the gas station.

  45. Parents shouldn’t always tell children what to do and how to do it.

  They should be encouraged to be i____________ thinkers.


  inventions contains forbidden independent 46. The teacher criticized him because he didn’t come to school for no p_________ reason.

  47. Since Eric listened to the talk about space, he has d________ and interest in science.

  48. The City Government of Wuhan has just begun a new p_________

  to build a tunnel(隧道)through the Yangtze River

  49. The old gentleman put on his glasses, u_________ the letters and began to read it.

  50.She must be_________(坚韧的) to have survived such difficult life.

  proper developed project unfolded tough Thank



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