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发布时间:2017-03-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高考英语重点单词复习专项训练 (七) 1. September is the n________ month of a year.

  2. Where we will go swimming d_________ on the weather..

  3. The boat is sailing a________ the wind, so it is moving very slowly.

  4. He tried to e ________the reason why he was late.

  5. Going a_______ means going to work or live in a foreign country

  ninth depends against explain abroad 6.Recently our factory succeeded in________(采用) a new method to deal with industrial wastes.

  7. The underground trains carry more p_________ than the buses do.

  8. Bob and John are in the same school but in d_________ grades.

  9. It’s a s________ for a young man like you not to study hard.

  10.He said he p_________ drawing to painting.

  adopting passengers different shame preferred 1. The ___________(特征) I like best in him is his honesty.

  2. He _________(答应) that the roof should be repaired within two days.

  3. _________(彩排) the play before you perform it on the stage

  4. You can’t ________(可能地)run a mile in two minutes.

  5. The gold ring is kept in a _________(秘密的)hiding place.

  characteristic promised Rehearse possibly secret

  6. I think I must make an a________ to her for not going to her party.

  7 This road is about 1,000 meters in l_________..

  8.People who live with________________(残疾) should have equal access to public facilities.

  9.The teachers were busy ____________(分析) how to improve the students’ spoken English.

  10.We were married on 20 May 1986 , so every year we have a party on our____________(周年纪念).

  apology length disability/ disabilities analysing/ analyzing anniversary 1.It’s bad ________ (礼貌) to talk with your mouthful.

  2. He became ____________(有经验)at learning English.

  3. Don’t be __________(泄气), try again.

  4. The water in the wet clothes is being turned into v______(水蒸气)and they get drier and drier.

  5. As the storm became nearer, black clouds were ________(聚集)over the sky.

  nanners experienced discouraged vapour gathering 6. Something is wrong with my bike. I’ll have it r_________.

  7. He wrote one of his great______( 著作) , “The Civil War in France”.

  8. The boy is interested in ______(生物), isn’t he?

  9. Don’t draw a c________ before you think it over.

  10.The police ________( 控告) him of stealing.


  works biology conclusion accused 1. He made a few mistakes in g_________(语法) in his composition.

  2. The _______(灿烂的) jewels are glowing in the shop window.

  3. Usually children are ______(好奇的)about everything they see and meet.

  4. Jane was lucky that she was just _______(轻微)hurt in the accident.

  5. She was a ______(模范)worker in the factory.

  grammar splendid

  curious slightly model 6. Wood is becoming ______(紧缺)in the country and a new material must be found to replace it.

  7. She was well known as an _______ (出色) dancer

  8. ______(成百万) of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun.

  9. Go ahead with your________(音乐会).

  10 However, his __________(知识) of French remained very weak.



  millions concert

  knowledge 1. The doctor’s treatment gave the patient some ________(减轻痛苦) .

  2..When you’re busy ,it’s important to give yourself time to________(放松)

  3. Every time you go to the __________(超市),you go away with your purchases packed in plastic bags.

  4. Water was found at a ________(深度) of 25 feet. 5. “Am I to carry it _________(楼上).”

  “Please don’t , just leave it here.”

  relief relax supermarket

  depth upstairs 6. The boy is always late for school, so he is f________ punished.

  7. The m________ team was made up of four doctors and five nurses.

  8. She was not aware, however, of the ______________________(环境).

  9. This story will be t__________ from English into Chinese.

  10.The hospital receives and treats _________(精神病的)patients.

  frequently medical



  mental Thank



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