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发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高考英语重点单词复习专项训练 (十) 1. Peter was born on D________ 12, 1988.

  2.These poor children have to go out for food in ________(冰冻的) weather.

  3. She went to the party with a n________ around her neck.

  4. He went to the hospital last Sunday and had his eyes e__________.

  5. We must p________ the factories from sending out bad gases.

  December freezing necklace examined prevent 6. The _________(宇航员) landed on the moon.

  7. There are some notes and ________ (解释) after the text.

  8.You managed the project well, _________(考虑到) your inexperience..

  9.To be honest, it will take about three hours if everything goes________(顺利) .

  10.When I arrived I saw the place was already __________ (传播)by two strangers in uniforms.

  astronaut explanation considering smoothly occupied 11.The snow-capped mountain and beautiful flowers are really a________ (享受,盛宴) for eyes.

  12. Don’t take a taxi; the bus can take you there more ________ (便宜).

  13. Our government announced every citizen enjoy the freedom of ________ (宗教).

  14. There are no _______ (钢琴) in the school for the poor children to play.

  15. Don’t be frightened by the television camera. Just speak _________(自然的).

  feast cheaply religion pianos naturally 16.The___________(重大突破) in fighting cancer gives hope to cancer patients all over the world.

  17. No one knows the ________ (原因) of his sudden death.

  18. He is ________ (可能的) to come here tomorrow.

  19. The ________ (发现) of radium has helped many people.

  20. Factory 798 was________ (装饰) with small round windows, bent roofs and twenty-foot high of buildings.

  breakthrough cause likely discovery decorated 21. A________ earnings in the state are about $ 1,5000 a month.

  22. We have received i________ that Grant May have left the country.

  23. Her teacher _________ (影响) her decision, for what he said was very persuasive.

  24. A baby c___________ its needs by crying.

  25. I won’t waste any more of your p________ time.


  information influenced communicates precious 26. We are not allowed to________ (靠近) the forbidden area.

  27.The government is ________ (呼吁) to everyone to save water.

  28.By practicing good thinking ________ (策略) , we become more creative.

  29. Most of the world’s ________ (人口) don’t get enough to eat.

  30.He has got a ________ (独特) opportunity to study abroad.

  approach appealing

  strategies population unique 31. Chinese history is filled with great ___________ (成就) in science and


  32 . I’d like to write him a letter, but I don’t know his _______(地址).

  33. At that time in the southern states, blacks were not treated as equal __________(公民) in the USA.

  34 . Annie Sullivan was a lively young woman with __________(耐心)and imagination.

  35. Officers can’t work properly without certain important pieces of ___________ (仪器)

  achievements address citizens patience equipment

  36. Modern _________ (体操) began in the nineteenth century.

  37 I think reading English newspaper is a good way of ________(改进)your English.

  38 To be a ________ (侦探) seemed like to a hero to me.

  39. Antonio was a __________(商人) of Venice who was liked by everyone.

  40. At the end of the nineteenth century, foreign ___________( 侵略者 ) destroyed Yuanmingyuan.

  gymnastics improving detective merchant invaders 41.Mike’s family used to live in a __________(欧洲的) country.

  42. Take the __________ (伞) with you, Tom. It’s raining outside.

  43. She was __________(满意的) with her birthday presents from her friends.

  44. They met with a traffic accident during the ride. ________(幸运地) nobody was injured.

  45. It was too noisy. He had to _________(抬高)his voice when speaking.


  umbrella satisfied Fortunately raise

  46. The nurse took the boys temperature

  to see if he had a _______(高烧).

  47. In the school l_______, I found lots of books I was interested in.

  48. To his d________, his daughter won the first prize in the competition.

  49. Talking of his father’s death, she kept on w_______ her eyes with a handkerchief.

  50.While watching the game, the football fans often make a sign with fingers which means v______.

  fever library delight wiping victory Thank



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