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发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Ⅰ. 阅读理解

  AAs the thrills of the London 2017 Olympic Games fade, the focus now is on the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil. Over the next two years it hosted the FIFA Confederation Cup in June 2017 and will host the FIFA World Cup in 2017. Brazil has taken steps to increase the economic profits by safeguarding the interests of broadcasters and funders.

  In 2009, the Brazil passed the Brazilian Olympic Act and the so-called World Cup Law in 2017, which are designed to fight ambush(隐性)marketing and digital piracy(盗版), and regulate advertising in and around official sporting sites.

  The Brazilian World Cup Law goes much further in protecting the interests of right owners than Brazil’s pre-existing legislation(立法)in this area, the so-called Pele Law. For example, the World Cup Law bans anyone but the official broadcaster from using images of events. However, it does permit use for non-commercial purposes. It also requires that FIFA or its local broadcaster provide highlights up to two hours after each match. Other items allow protection of trademarks associated with the event and ban unauthorized association with the event’s marks.

  The Pele Law permits, as an information right, both access to sporting sites and the use of images for journalistic purposes. It is, however, unlikely that such an understanding will be gained in relation to the World Cup Law which governs access to and use of images specifically in relation to the FIFA World Cup 2017. Although the Brazilian Olympic Act regulates the IP(知识产权)relating to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, it remains silent on broadcasting rights.

  Whatever the benefits, it seems clear that IP rights in general, and broadcasting rights in particular, will continue to play a key role in bringing in funds. If past experience is anything to go by, Rio 2016 not only promises new sporting achievements, but also the breaking of new records in terms of profits produced from the sale of broadcasting and other media rights.

  【文章大意】文章主要介绍了巴西保护知识产权的World Cup Law和Pele Law。

  1. The 2016 Olympics .

  A. promises to break many records

  B. will experience challenges in funding

  C. promises to be the greatest in history

  D. will bring great benefits to Brazil

  【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第一段的Brazil has taken steps to increase the economic profits by safeguarding the interests of broadcasters and funders. 可知, 巴西将会从2016年奥运会中获得经济增长。故选D。

  2. The World Cup Law and the Pele Law are different in that .

  A. the former is stricter than the latter in protecting IP rights

  B. the World Cup Law allows the media more freedom to use the images

  C. the former applies to advertising while the latter marketing

  D. the Pele Law bans more unauthorized association with the event’s marks

  【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第三段的The Brazilian World Cup Law goes much further in protecting the interests of right owners than Brazil’s pre-existing legislation in this area, the so-called Pele Law. 以及下文可知, the World Cup Law比the Pele Law在保护知识产权方面更严厉。

  3. The passage mainly talks about .

  A. the advances that Brazil has made in hosting sporting events

  B. the efforts that Brazil is making to protect the interests of IP right owners

  C. the preparations that Brazil is making for the 2016 Olympics

  D. the challenges that Brazil is facing in investment to fund the sporting events

  【解析】选B。主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了巴西的保护知识产权的World Cup Law和Pele Law, 这说明了巴西正在在保护知识产权方面做出努力。故选B。

  4. The writer’s attitude toward Rio 2016 is .

  A. indifferent B. positive

  C. negative

  D. unclear

  【解析】选B。观点态度题。根据最后一段的Rio 2016 not only promises new sporting achievements, but also the breaking of new records in terms of profits produced from the sale of broadcasting and other media rights. 可知, 作者对Rio 2016充满希望。故选B。


  Once upon a time, on his way to the Himalayas, was a saint(圣徒). He came across a shallow river he had to cross. Just when he was about to wet his feet, he saw a scorpion(蝎子)helplessly trying to come out of the river. It was almost touching the bank but not enough to gain hold of the ground. The saint saw scorpion’s struggle and decided to save it.

  He picked up the scorpion in his right hand with the intention to place it on the dry surface. No sooner did he do that than the scorpion stung and rushed off the hand, landing in the water again. It struggled to come out of water again. The saint’s body was in pain but his mind, calm.

  Seeing that the scorpion could lose its life, the saint used left hand this time to lift the scorpion out of water. However, it panicked and stung again. Once again, it sped off the hand and fell in water. He was left with both hands filled with pain. He was not the one to give up either.

  He tried again. This time, he cupped his hands together and lifted the scorpion in one swift movement. Before it could react, he safely dropped it on the land. The scorpion disappeared into the pebbles that lay near the bank. He felt happy, for he succeeded in carrying out his rescue, for saving another life. It was worth the pain he thought.

  At a distance, a man, surprised and shocked, had watched the whole process. He approached the saint and said, “Can I ask you a question please? ”

  “Yes, you may. ”

  “First of all, there was no need to save a scorpion. It does no good to anybody. Secondly, if you must save it, you could have simply tried once. I’m surprised that even after it stung you, you still went on. Why? ”

  “Oh! That’s pretty simple, ”he replied softly rubbing his stung hands against each other. “This was a scorpion, a creature really low on the food chain, a creature whose nature is to sting(蜇), to panic, to harm. It is supposed to be weak. However, I am supposed to be a saint, a person whose job is to love everybody, to offer love. I am supposed to be the strong one, the one higher up on the food chain. With my principles, my philosophy(人生观)and practice, I am supposed to save other creatures. Right? ”

  The man nodded.

  【文章大意】一个圣徒从河里拯救一只蝎子时, 先后被蜇了两次, 但他仍旧努力把它救了出来。这让一位路人非常不理解。这位圣徒告诉他: 作为一个圣徒, 我的职责是向所有的生命传达爱, 拯救其他的生命是我最大的幸福。

  5. When a saint saw a scorpion struggling to come out of the river, he .

  A. was in the shallow river

  B. was climbing the Himalayas

  C. was on the river bank

  D. had just crossed the river

  【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段可知, 从前, 有一个圣徒, 他徒步行走在前往喜马拉雅山的路上。途经一条小河, 当他正要踏入小河时, 一只挣扎想逃离水面的蝎子映入眼帘。由此可判断出答案为C。

  6. Why did the scorpion sting and rush off his right hand?

  A. Because it was full of panic at that time.

  B. Because it wanted to get to the bank itself.

  C. Because the saint harmed it badly.

  D. Because the saint tried to kill it.

  【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的However, it panicked and stung again. 可知, 当时是因为惊慌失措, 蝎子才对他进行攻击。故答案为A。

  7. How did the man nearby feel at the saint’s behaviour of saving the scorpion?

  A. Happy.

  B. Angry.

  C. Frightened.

  D. Puzzled.

  【解析】选D。观点态度题。根据第七段内容: 首先, 拯救一只蝎子是没有必要的, 对谁来说这都是没有好处的。其次, 您救它一次就够了。令人惊讶的是, 即便它蜇了您, 您却仍旧努力去救它。这是为什么? 由此可判断出他对圣徒的行为感到迷惑不解。故答案为D。

  8. From the passage we can infer .

  A. the saint regretted having saved the scorpion later

  B. the scorpion stung the saint three times in all

  C. the man thought the saint a fool and left angrily

  D. the saint thought it his duty to save other creatures

  【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段内容: 作为一个圣徒, 我的职责是向所有生命传达爱。我的原则、人生观和生活历练告诉我, 我应该拯救其他的生命。由此可判断出答案为D。

  . 阅读第二节

  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

  Are you simply moving through your day without fully living? I think many of us have done this. Everyone wants to fully live every day.  1 So I’ve decided to share with you some ways to help you enjoy every moment.

  Sit in the morning. When you wake up, in the quiet of the morning, sit on the floor. I often use this opportunity to stretch. I feel every muscle in my body.  2 

   3 I like to take breaks from work, and go outside for a slow walk. Pay attention to your breathing, to everything around you, to the sounds and light of objects.

  Read in silence. Find a quiet time, and a quiet place, and read a good novel. Have no television or computers on nearby.  4 It might seem difficult to let your mind move from the present into the time of novel, but it’s a great patience in focus. Also, I love a good novel more than almost anything else.

  Look at someone in a grateful way.  5 If you want, you can tell that person how thankful you are to him.

  A. Work with force.

  B. Walk slowly.

  C. But this is easier said than done.

  D. And just put yourself in the world of the novel.

  E. It’s a way of building something good into your life.

  F. I also just sit, and focus on my breathing going in and out.

  G. Find someone you care about and be grateful for his existence.

  答案: 1~5. CFBDG


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