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发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编













  1. What are the two speakers talking about?

  A. An old photo

  B. A nice hair style.

  C. A wonderful wedding.

  2. Where will the speakers probably go right now?

  A. To a travel agency.

  B. To Macao.

  C. To a bank.

  3. What will Lisa do after work?

  A. Pick up her friends.

  B. Go for a drink with her friends.

  C. Meet her friends at a repair shop.

  4. What does the woman mean?

  A. She doesn’t agree with the man.

  B. She is good at finding a place to stay.

  C. She has no travel experience in Russia.

  5. Why did the man fail to answer the phone?

  A. The TV was too noisy and he didn’t hear it.

  B. Its sound control was turned off and he didn’t hear it.

  C. His phone was accidently powered off.




  What seems to be the man’s problem?

  A. Keeping his room clean every day.

  B. Getting along with his roommate.

  C. Having trouble making friends.

  7. What does the woman suggest the man do?

  A. Try to get more sleep.

  B. Help to do the homework.

  C. Have a word with Charlie.


  8. Where are the two speakers talking?

  A. At the man’s home.

  B. In the man’s office.

  C. At the railway station.

  9. What is the woman about to do?

  A. Have a stay in Edinburgh.

  B. Pay a visit to York.

  C. Go home for a party.


  10. When is the report due?

  A. Today.

  B. Tomorrow.

  C. In two weeks.

  11. What did the woman think of the man’s work?

  A. Unsatisfactory.

  B. Quite good.

  C. Creative.

  12. What does the man promise to do?

  A. Finish the report in time.

  B. Make improvement in his work.

  C. Work hard day and night.


  13. What do we know about the grandma?

  A. She lives by herself.

  B. She feels a bit lonely.

  C. She often goes shopping.

  14. How long has the grandma lived alone?

  A. Since she was born.

  B. Since her husband died.

  C. Since her son moved away.

  15. What does the grandma enjoy about her present life?

  A. Being busy with housework.

  B. Being with relatives.

  C. Being with friends.

  16. How often does the woman’s family visit her grandma?

  A. Every week.

  B. Every other month.

  C. Once a year at least.


  17. Who is the Speaker?

  A. A radio announcer.

  B. A police officer.

  C. A taxi driver.

  18. What makes the taxi driver become the hardest job in London?

  A. Confused street names and ways.

  B. Bad traffic and picky passengers.

  C. Large population in London.

  19. Why is driving a taxi in London a most tiring job?

  A. Drivers have to learn all the streets and ways.

  B. Drivers have to drive as quickly as possible.

  C. Drivers need to drive day and night.

  20. What does the speaker suggest you do if stuck on the road?

  A. Read a city map.

  B. Think about the taxi drivers.

  C. Change the driving direction.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



  AObesity(肥胖) has rapidly increased in young rural Chinese, a study has warned, because of socioeconomic changes originally. Researchers found 17% of boys and 9% of girls under the age of 19 were obese in 2017, which is 1% for each in 1985.

  The study used a stricter standard of the Body Mass Index (BMI) than the World Health Organization standard. "It is the worst explosion of childhood and adolescent obesity that I have ever seen," Joe Perk from the European Association of Cardiology(心脏病协会) told AFP news agency(法新社).

  The study said China’s rapid socioeconomic and nutritional transition had led to an increase in energy intake and a decrease in physical activity. The traditional Chinese diet had shifted towards a diet "with high fat, high energy density and low dietary fibre".

  The percentage of overweight children has also grown from 0.7% to 16.4% for boys and from1.5% to nearly 14% for girls, the study said. The data was taken from six government surveys of rural school children in Shandong aged between

  and 18.On the reason for the higher percentage of overweight and obesity in boys, the study said, "The traditional, social preference for sons, particularly in rural areas, may mean that boys are likely to enjoy more of the family’s resources."

  government and parents want to control the obesity, the researchers recommend that " strategies should include annual monitoring, education on the pattern of nutrition, physical exercises and healthy dietary behavior".. What can we infer from the passage?

  A. The Chinese diet system is healthy now.

  B. Adolescent obesity problem is very serious in China.

  C. There are more physical activities in Chinese school children now.  

  D. 17% of girls under the age of 19 were obese in 2017.

  22. How many ways are there to control obesity in the text?

  A. 3.  

  B. 4.  

  C. 5.  

  D. 6.

  23. Why is there a higher percentage of obesity in boys in China?          

  A. The girls often lose weight in China.

  B. The boys exercise more than girls in China.

  C. The boys have an unhealthy diet in China.

  D. The parents prefer boys, so they can get more resources.

  24. Which is the basic reason of obesity increasing so fast in China?

  A. Socioeconomic changes.

  B. Unhealthy dietary behavior.  

  C. Lack of exercises.

  D. Air pollution.


  He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock(码头). On the day before the bass season(禁捕鲈鱼季)opened, it was 6 p.m., he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching some other kinds of fishes. When his pea pole(鱼竿) doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. Finally, he lifted the exhausted fish. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass.

  The boy and his father looked at the handsome fish. It was 8 p.m.— two hours before the season opened.

  "You’ll have to put it back, son,"he said.

  "Dad!"cried the boy.

  "There will be other fish,"said his father.

  "Not as big as this one,"cried the boy.

  He looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were anywhere around in the moonlight. But the boy could tell by his father’s voice that the decision was not changeable. He slowly put it into the black water.

  The bass disappeared. The boy suspected that he would never again see such a large fish.

  That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is a successful architect in New York City. He often takes his own son and daughters to fish from the same dock.

  He has never again caught such a large fish as the one he landed that night. But he does see that same fish 梐gain and again ?every time he comes up against a question of ethics.

  As his tyfather taught him, ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. But it is only the practice of ethics that is difficult. Do we do right when no one is looking? If we were taught to put the fish back when we were young, we would have learned the truth. The decision to do right lives fresh in our memory.

  25. Which statement can be used to describe his farther?

  A. Honest.

  B. Brave.

  C. Selfish.

  D. Bad-tempered.

  26. What’s the exactly time of the bass season opened?

  A. 6 p.m.

  B. 8 p.m.

  C. 10 p.m.

  D. 11 p.m.

  27. What can we infer from the passage?

  A. The boy is 45 years old now.

  B. The boy disobeyed his father’s order that night.

  C. The boy caught that large bass several years later.

  D. Someone saw the boy catching that big bass that night.

  28. What does the story tell us?

  A. We should respect our parents.

  B. We should do right things.

  C. Don’t forget the past.

  D. Don’t miss the lost things.


  "Can I hug you?" community nurse Joyce asks with a smile as she welcomes me back to her village."Of course," I say as I put my arms around her. It’s an unbelievable moment. Just at the height of the outbreak more than a year ago, there was an "avoid body contact" rule here. It’s now been removed. One of the most challenging parts of reporting this outbreak over the past 18 months is that I haven’t been able to touch anyone in the worst-affected countries. When Ebola(埃博拉病毒) survivors described in tears describing losing their families, I had to almost sit on my hands to avoid reaching out to comfort them.

  The outbreak was declared over in Sierra Leone on November 7. I returned for the celebrations. But despite reaching this long-awaited milestone, all is not well.

  Ibrahim Korma, 21, holds his survivor’s certificate outside the home. All 17 of his family are now dead. The certificate is one of his most valuable possessions. "He does not pose any risk to the community" it reads. Ibrahim tells me how his landlord has allowed him to stay in one of the rooms of his former family home until the end of the year. He says he doesn’t know what he’ll do after that. He does some part-time work, relying heavily on help from neighbors. His two little sisters and little brother died in the very room where he now sleeps. He says he often lies awake thinking about them, feeling very bad.

  The Ebola outbreak in West Africa was the worst on record. In past outbreaks there had only been a few hundred deaths and a few hundred survivors. It was thought Ebola could live for only three months. But research has now shown it can linger for at least nine months. Scientists are still trying to find how long it could be infectious.

  29. What does the author think of hugging Joyce?

  A. Illegal.

  B. Supporting.  

  C. Unbelievable.

  D. Ordinary.

  30. When interviewing Ebola survivors the author _______.    A. couldn’t touch them with hands    B. kept comforting them with hands    C. held their hands to show sympathy    D. couldn’t help comforting them with hands

  31. Why is the certificate so important to Ibrahim Korma?    A. It is a sign of his contributions.    B. It shows he is a healthy person.    C. It is the only thing he owns.    D. It is a great honor to have it in his village.

  32. What can we infer from the passage?

  A. Ebola can not kill any person.    B. Ibrahim’s neighbors treat him badly.    C. Ebola still influences West African’s life.    D. There are some other people survived in Ibrahim’s family.


  The Harvard Student-led Walking Tour

  We welcome our neighbors to stop by the Harvard University Events & Information Centre, located in the Holyoke Centre Arcade at 1350 Massachusetts Avenue in the heart of Harvard Square in Cambridge.

  Let a student take you and your family, school, or organization on an engaging, hour-long free historical tour of the Harvard campus. The tours leave from the Events & Information Centre. Not only will you discover the location of fascinating exhibition and programmers on campus, you will also see Harvard’s rich sampling of American history and architecture from the colonial period to the present.

  Schedule of Tours

  Tours leave the Events & Information Centre at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, and at 2 p.m. on Saturday through the academic year (February 4 through May 2; September 23 through December 16).Summer tours (June 24 through August 15)are offered at 10 a.m.,11:15 a.m., 2 p.m., and 3:15 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Reservations for special tours of 20 or more people may be made by calling the Events & Information Centre at (617)495-1573 or emailing icenter@ camail.Harvard.edu.

  NOTE:Prospective(未来的) students may take tours originating at the Harvard Admission Office, located at Byerly Hall on 8 Garden Street in Cambridge. From April through August, the Admissions staff conducts an information session at l0 a.m., followed by an 11 a.m. tour. Monday through Friday. For more information on tours for prospective students, please call at(617)495-1551.

  Harvard University Events & Information Centre.

  33. The above ad is mainly intended for ________.

  A. foreign visitors

  B. high school students

  C. teachers

  D. Harvard University’s students

  34. How many summer tours are offered every week?

  A. 4.                

  B. 6.

  C. 20.             

  D. 24.

  35. A student who wants more information on tours may _________.

  A. call (617)495-1573          

  B. call (617)495-1551              

  C. email icenter@ camail.Harvard.edu

  D. go to the Events & Information Centre

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  You’ think the human race would have understood sleeping very well by now, but many of us are still sleeping poorly. Part of the problem is that we have wrong information and beliefs about this important health need. Let’s set the facts straight. ____36____

  1. More sleep is better for you.

  There could be such a thing as too much sleep. The amount of sleep we need varies by person and also changes as we age. Harvard researchers found that a lot of sleep (9 hours or more) is linked with poor sleep quality. ___37____ Aim for better sleep.

  2. ____38____

  Alcohol can help most people fall asleep. However, it also can cause you to wake up more during the night, decreasing your sleep quality. Consider drinking non-alcoholic drink before bed instead.

  3. If you wake up in the middle of the night, lie in bed until you eventually fall back asleep.

  ___ 39____We all hope to quickly fall back asleep. So we tend to stay in bed hoping it’ll happen at any minute now. If that doesn’t happen, though, within 15 minutes, most experts recommend getting out of bed to do something that occupies our bodies and brains without overstimulating us. Try not to check the clock either.

  4. You can catch up on sleep on weekends.

  When we lose sleep during the week, we accumulate a kind of sleep "debt". Not so fast. This might actually make you sleepier the next week. Instead of waking up later on the weekends, you’d better go to sleep earlier or perhaps take a nap in the afternoon.

  A. Alcohol helps you sleep.

  B. Here are some things you might have been told about sleeping but aren’t completely true.

  C. Everyone should get 7—8 hours of sleep per night.

  D. So don’t aim for more sleep — even on the weekends.

  E. Waking up in the middle of the night is the pits (烦心事), but it happens to all of us.

  F. You’ll have a better day and perhaps sleep better at night.

  G. Can you pay that debt back by sleeping on Saturday or Sunday?


  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)



  , but the boys ran straight up the grassy hill, at the top of which sat a long wooden fence. Without


  the boys ahead of me jumped over the fence bravely.

  What should I do? Take the stairs and


  a girl, or jump the fence and look ___44

  _? Then I took my chance with the fence. I placed both


  on the top and jumped, feeling uneasy.

  I didn’t


  it. As I tried, my foot


  _on the top of the fence. Down I went! I landed on my backside. I tried to


  off the accident, but then I felt something moving


  me. Just then I saw what seemed like hundreds of bees 50

  toward me. I had landed on a beehive(蜂巢)! I


  up and rushed as fast as I could. But the bees flew faster. What a(n)


  situation I was in!

  My clothes were covered with


  . I parked


  in the camp and I was at a loss. At this, my teacher quickly took


  all my clothes but underwear. Bees flew out of my clothes and


  out of my mouth!

  I had gained the


  of all the campers, but I didn’t feel cool. I had been


  almost 40 bees stings(蛰) all over my body. I learned a most __ 59

  _lesson that day. When we are led by the _


  _ to show off, we might find ourselves sitting on a beehive.

  41. A. stairs

  B. floors

  C. road

  D. land

  42. A. fear

  B. fun        

  C. help       

  D. luck 43. A. look after   

  B. look like    

  C. care about  

  D. wait for 44. A. excited     

  B. worried     

    C. strong     

  D. cool 45. A. hands      

  B. feet      


  C. arms       

  D. legs  46. A. do         

  B. climb       

  C. make     


  D. succeed 47. A. arrived    


  B. got         


  C. caught     

  D. stepped 48. A. fall      


  B. laugh        

  C. put         

  D. take 49. A. above    

  B. beside      


  C. for  


  D. under 50. A. driving   

  B. flying   


  C. shooting     

  D. running

  51. A. sat      


  B. put       


  C. picked       

  D. jumped 52. A. difficult  


  B. hopeless  


  C. embarrassing  

  D. pleasing 53. A. bees       

  B. grass        

  C. dust      


  D. tears 54. A. itself       

  B. myself       

  C. herself     


  D. himself

  55. A. off      

  B. on         

    C. In          

  D. up 56.A. almost    


  B. again       


  C. even       


  D. still 57.A. attention   

  B. experience   


  C. knowledge    

  D. respect 58. A. got    


  B. given     


  C. found        

  D. put 59. A. successful 

  B. deepest     


  C. difficult      

  D. valuable 60. A. courage   

  B. desire       


  C. goal         

  D. teacher






  One day, Mr. Dongguo drove a donkey carrying many books to the State of Zhongshan to seek an ___61 __ (office)post. Suddenly, a wounded wolf rushed to him and ___62_

  _(beg),"Sir, I am being pursued(追捕)__63__ a hunter. I was shot by ___64_ _ arrow and almost lost my life. I beg you to hide me, and I’ll reward you well in the future." Mr. Dongguo said" I’ll surely try to save you. This is something I ought to do." Mr. Dongguo tied it up with rope, put it into his sack, and drove the donkey to the roadside to let the hunter pass by. A moment__65_ _(late), the hunter came up and found the wolf ___66__ (miss). He asked Mr. Dongguo, "Have you seen a wolf?"Mr. Dongguo said "I haven’t seen any wolf." The hunter could do nothing ___67__believe this to be true. So he turned around and left. When the wolf heard the sound fade in the distance, it said in the sack:"Sir, please let me out of the sack, __68

  (tie) the rope and let me escape." The kindhearted Mr. Dongguo, released the wolf. But___69_(expect), the wolf said to him,"Please, sir, now I am so starved. Please let me eat you." Mr. Dongguo fought the wolf bare-handed and kept on __70__(shout)"You ungrateful wolf! You ungrateful wolf!"

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







  I’m glad to hear that you are coming for a holiday in our city the next month. I’m such happy that you will stay in my house.

  There have been greatly changes in the last three year in my home. First, we have rebuilt your house, which now has four private rooms. You can choose any of them to live when you come. Second, my parents have set up a small restaurant in our village, that you can eat healthily. I’m really willing to be your guide to make your journey interested and meaningful.

  If you had any requests, don’t hesitate to let me know.

  Looking forward to hear from you.


  Zhang Ming

  第二节 书面表达 (满25分)





  注意:1. 词数:100词左右;



  Dear John,

  I am Zhang Ming, from the Internet I have learned that____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________



  Zhang Ming


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