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发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  假如你叫Li Hai,是一名国际学校的学生。你最近对200名同学(男女各半)的择业理想做了一次调查,现将调查结果(如下图所示)用英语向校长Mr.Green写一篇报告。




  假设你是李明,请你的美国朋友Mike到温州和你共度中秋节。简短介绍你和他共度中秋节的安排并谈谈你对此传统节日的看法。字数: 80—100。要点如下:

  1. 上午, 参观五马街。街上将装点着花,灯笼(lantern)等。

  2. 下午参加聚会。人们聚集赏诗。

  3. 接着,与家人吃饭,此乃自古以来的传统。

  4. 晚上,吃月饼, 赏月,缅怀祖先,向往未来。

  Dear Mike,

  How time flies. It has been nearly half a year since I spent Thanksgiving day with you in US . I miss you so. Chinese traditional festival, the mid-autumn festival, which takes place on the 15th of the 8th lunar month, is drawing near. So , why not fly to Wenzhou to enjoy a totally different Thanksgiving in Chinese style?

  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Come and join me!


  Li Ming







  参考词汇:文明行为civilized behaviour;和谐harmony

  Good afternoon,teachers and students._________________________________________




  That’s all.Thank you!

  4.请根据以下表格所提供的内容, 写一篇短文。

  时 间 2017年5月27日

  地 点 市区一十字路口红绿灯处

  经 过 一名中年妇女骑车带着女儿闯了红灯, 并辱骂交警。半小时后, 女儿返回, 递上一封道歉信

  你的看法 ……


  1. 简述此事;

  2. 就此事谈谈你的看法(至少两点)。


  1. 对所给要点逐一陈述, 适当发挥, 不要简单翻译。

  2. 词数150个左右。开头已经写好, 不计入总词数。

  3. 作文中不得提及有关个人身份的任何信息, 如校名、人名等。

  A middle-aged woman ran the red light while riding her bicycle with her teenage daughter seated at the back on May 27, 2017. _______________________________




  5.你是高二(1)班的李华。最近你校举行了一次英语读书演讲比赛。请你结合自身经历,以“What Can Reading Bring Us?”为题写一篇英文演讲稿,呼吁大家多读书、读好书。

  注意:1. 字数120单词左右;

  2. 可适当添加内容,以使行文连贯。

  1.Dear Mr. Green,

  I have recently made a survey among 200 boys and girls about their future jobs.

  What boys like to do most is to become scientists and their second choice is to become businessmen. While the largest group of girls would like to be teachers. Only a few boys want to do this job. It is interesting that the number of boys and girls who want to be doctors are equal. As for lawyer, more boys expect to have this job. However, there are still some students who are not clear about their future.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hai


  2.Dear Mike,

  How time flies. It has been nearly half a year since I spent Thanksgiving day with you in US. I miss you so. Chinese traditional festival, the mid-autumn festival, which takes place on the 15th of the 8th lunar month, is drawing near. So , why not fly to Wenzhou to enjoy a totally different Thanksgiving in Chinese style?

  Early on that morning, we can visit Wuma Street, which will be decorated with followers, lanterns and flags and full of festival atmosphere. In the afternoon, we may try joining in a get-together , where people gather to appreciate a lot of Chinese ancient poems. Then we can have a feast with my family members which has been a traditional event since ancient times. Late in the evening, we may enjoy mooncakes and admire the moon hanging high up in the sky to honour our ancestors and look forward to a year of harvest. The sweetness of mooncakes, the clear bright moon and the laughter of family members and close friends make a peaceful and romantic Chinese experience.

  Come and join me!


  Li Ming




  Good afternoon,teachers and students.I feel honored to make a speech here.The title is “Be a Civilized Student,Construct a Harmonious School”.

  As everybody knows,civilized behaviour is of great importance for a student.It not only shows our good quality but also makes ourselves enjoy the harmony of school life,in which we can gain a better result of study.

  How can we develop civilized behaviour?The first important thing we should do is to be a student who is with good manners and a student who is always ready to help people in need.Besides,we should keep the school environment clean.Never destroy the plants in our school,such as flowers,trees and grass.Most importantly,we should remember working hard and obeying the school rules make up the most necessary civilized behaviour as a student.

  That’s all.Thank you!



  A middle-aged woman ran the red light while riding her bicycle with her teenage daughter seated at the back on May 27, 2017. Stopped and fined by the policeman on duty, she was so angry that she abused the policeman. However, half an hour later, the daughter came back to the policeman, handing him a letter to apologize for her mother’s behavior.

  People with bad manners can often be seen in our daily life, like the mother mentioned above. They have fallen into the habit of blaming others even when they themselves have behaved badly. They are self-centered, and don’t feel ashamed of what they have done. It is difficult for them to make a change unless they are educated properly.

  Luckily, we are also surrounded by many virtuous people. When they have made a mistake carelessly or hurt others unintentionally, they feel guilty and will apologize for their behavior, like the daughter. How I hope all of us are kind, polite and helpful to each other so that we can enjoy a better life.


  What Can A Good Book Bring Us

  As we all know, there are plenty of famous sayings about good books and reading. such as “Reading a good book is like talking with a great many wise and noble people in the past”, “Books are the stepping stones to human progress.” From these famous sayings we can draw a safe conclusion that a good book can bring us not only wisdom of the wise people in history, but also the progress and development of both ourselves and we human beings.

  In order to benefit from reading good books, we should first learn to tell good books from bad ones. In most people’s opinion, books that may have bad influence over our healthy growth and development, or books that may mislead us are all bad books. We should of course avoid reading such books. On the contrary, those books involved in practical skills and technologies, good advice on our study, work and life, and books that are considered to be “Masterpieces of world literature” and so on are good books. While reading good books, we can get not only the pleasure of reading and rich knowledge, we can also broaden our horizons and enrich our spiritual world. On the contrary, those books involved in practical skills and technologies, good advice on our study, work and life, and books that are considered to be “Masterpieces of world literature” and so on are good books.

  “Reading makes a full man,” Francis Bacon once said in his famous essay.Therefore, if you intend to become a full man, friends, let’s try hand in hand to read good books together.



  【亮点说明】范文中出现一些高级短语draw a conclusion 得出结论;benefit from从。。受益;avoid doing sth 避免做某事; On the contrary相反;At the same time,同时;be of great help 有所帮助;Reading a good book is like talking with a great many wise and noble people in the past这个句子中动名词做主语,谓语动词用作第三人称单数;On the contrary, those books involved in practical skills and technologies, good advice on our study, work and life, and books that are considered to be “Masterpieces of world literature” and so on are good books.这个句子involed 分词做后置定语修饰those books,that引导books的定语从句。On the contrary, those books involved in practical skills and technologies, good advice on our study, work and life, and books that are considered to be “Masterpieces of world literature” and so on are good books.这个句子中what引导主语从句;



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