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发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

  第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


  1.What are the two speakers talking about?

  A.How to kill the time. 

  B.How to keep fit.

  C.How to handle pressure.

  2.Where does the conversation take place?

  A.At the woman's home.

  B.On the phone.

  C.On a bus.

  3.How did the man buy his last car?

  A.From a second-hand shop.

  B.From a friend.

  C.Through a newspaper ad.

  4.What do we know about John?

  A.He is ill.

  B.He's always on time.

  C.He's back from hospital.

  5.What will they probably do next?

  A.Have a rest.

  B.Go back home.C.Go to the bookstore.

  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



  6.What can we learn about Susan?

  A.She's traveled to many places around the world.

  B.She's traveled to many places in China.

  C.She's traveled to many places alone.

  7.What kind of tour does she like now?

  A.Package tour.

  B.Specific tour.

  C.Do-It-Yourself tour.


  8.What can we know about the suit that the man bought?

  A.It's light brown.

  B.It's more than $150.

  C.It will be delivered in 24 hours.

  9.How many shirts does the man buy?



  10.How did the man get the car probably?

  A.He made it by himself.

  B.He bought it from a car store.

  C.He bought it from another person.

  11.What does the price of the car include?

  A.All fees but no taxes.

  B.Free service for one year.

  C.A one-month service agreement.

  12.What will the man probably do next?

  A.Test out the car by himself.

  B.Get the car keys for the woman.

  C.Get the contract ready to sign.


  13.What makes the garden so untidy?

  A.The dead trees.

  B.The dead flowers.

  C.The new trees.

  14.What is the man going to do this Sunday?

  A.To cut off the tops of the dead flowers.

  B.To pull up the roots of the flowers by the wall.

  C.To dig up that dead tree at the bottom of the garden.

  15.Why will the man not water those new fruit trees?

  A.Because he just watered them.

  B.Because they don't need watering.

  C.Because it is going to rain.

  16.What will the man and woman put on?

  A.Gardening coat.

  B.Gardening boots.

  C.Gardening gloves.


  17.Why are works of art displayed in the New York's subway?

  A.To brighten riders' trip.

  B.To attract artists to the city.

  C.To keep them in a good state.

  18.How many works of art are there in the underground art museum?


  19.What can be seen on the ceiling of Grand Central Terminal?

  A.Native plants and flowers.

  B.A huge painting of the night sky.

  C.Small,rounded,and metal creatures.

  20.What can we learn from the talk?

  A.Artists are active in creating works of art.

  B.Visitors show little interest in the art collections.

  C.Riders think highly of the underground art museum.


  Text 1

  W:When I'm playing the piano,I don't worry about anything.How about you?

  M:I go to the gym every day.It helps me deal with stress.

  Text 2

  W:Hi,I'm calling about the three-bedroom house you said in yesterday's paper.It sounds really nice.

  M:It is,especially if you have children.

  Text 3

  W:Can you help me figure out the best place to buy a second-hand car?

  M:There are a lot of different ways to go.I bought my last one from an advertisement in the paper.

  Text 4

  W:Will John be coming to class this afternoon?

  M:He's supposed to.But actually he won't come to this class from the hospital until next week as the doctor has said.

  Text 5

  M:Oh,darling,I am so tired.Shall we go back?

  W:But we'll have to buy some cartoons for our boys.

  M:I would rather do it tomorrow.

  W:OK,if you insist.

  Text 6

  M:Hi,Susan!I heard you've been to many places in China during the past year.

  W:Yes,I have.I love traveling.

  M:Which do you prefer?Going on a package tour with a tour agency or going on your own—a “Do-It-Yourself” tour?

  W:When I first came to China,I usually took package tours but now I've found Do-It-Yourself tours are more interesting.

  M:Yes,they are.I like traveling independently.There's not so much freedom in a package tour.

  Text 7

  W:Yes,sir.What can I do for you?

  M:I'm shopping around for a suit.

  W:Yes,sir.What size do you wear?

  M:I think my size is 42.I'd like something in light brown.

  W:I have something here that might suit you.

  M:That's nice.It must be expensive.

  W:It's only $150.00,plus tax.

  M:How long will it take to alter it by the tailor?

  W:You can pick it up in 24 hours.

  M:Good.I also need a couple of shirts.

  W:Yes,sir.Right over here,please.Do you know your neck size?

  M:No,I'm not familiar with American sizes.

  W:Well,I can easily measure you...The shirts on this shelf are your size,sir.

  M:I'll take this one and this one.


  Text 8

  M:So,as you can see,she's a beauty.One previous owner kept it in the garage the whole time,and only drove it on weekends.

  W:That's why it only has about 25,000 miles on it,even though it's ten years old.

  M:Exactly.The owner also kept all the service records.So you can tell it's been taken care of.

  W:Does this car come with a service contract?

  M:All our cars come with a 30-day agreement,so you won't pay for anything within the first month.But since this car is used,we can't offer anything beyond that.

  W:I see.The price of almost $15,000 seems a little high.Is there any way we can bring that down?

  M:This car is in very good condition,madam.And based on our research of similar cars being sold in the area,we believe it's a fair price.All taxes and fees are included as well.

  W:OK.Can I take it for a test drive?

  M:Absolutely! Let me just get the keys.

  Text 9

  W:What are you going to do on this beautiful warm Sunday?

  M:I think I shall do a bit of gardening.Will you help me?

  W:Of course,I will.Shall I put on my gardening boots?

  M:Yes,do and so will I.I am going to dig up that dead tree at the bottom of the garden.

  W:Shall I be able to help you?

  M:No,I don't think you will.You can be cutting off the tops of the dead flowers—they make the garden look so untidy.And all those flowers by the wall you can pull up by the roots.We want the ground to be quite clear before the winter.

  W:Are you going to water those new fruit trees?

  M:No,I shan't do that.Because I think it will rain tomorrow.But I am going to cut the grass.

  W:I will cut it if you like.

  M:No,you just clear the flowerbeds and then we will see.

  W:I say how black those clouds are getting! I think it is going to rain.

  M:Then we shall leave to put off our gardening until this afternoon.

  Text 10

  Millions of New Yorkers and visitors ride the city's subway each day.The public transportation system offers more than just a trip,however.It also has one of the most public art collections in the world.Some people call it New York's “underground art museum”.It includes 265 works of art.They are meant to brighten everyone's ride around the city.

  There is a huge painting of the night sky on the ceiling of Grand Central Terminal.New Yorkers have been looking up at that artwork for 100 years.For the past 30 years,works that relate to city life around a train station have been made.There are small,rounded,metal creatures of the Atlantic Ocean.Native plants and flowers can be found in a garden scene in Brooklyn.

  Many riders praise the underground art.Tonya Pierre says,“I think it's nice when you see these kinds of attractive things in places like the subway stations that seem a little bit dull.Even on cloudy winter days,the works in New York's underground art museum can also bring life into the dark passage.”

  答案 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.C 16.B17.A 18.B 19.C 20.B

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  My daughter has been in karate (空手道) since the first grade, and has been in high honor and gifted classes her whole life.She is always a joy, and at 15, though people tell me we should be fighting and she should be hanging out at malls and chasing boys, she is none of that.My 11-year-old son, Tom, for years would fight with me over everything.If I said the sky was blue, he would say it was black.For years he was failing several subjects.We took games away and then TV; we tried a reward program, but nothing worked long.He would bring a grade up to get his stuff (物品) back, and then go back to where he had been.

  My daughter told me one day to bring him to her karate class, and maybe life in the martial arts (武术) would help him turn around.At first he didn't like it because he had to ask permission to do anything, and he had to say “yes, sir” and “no, sir” for everything.He even had to respect his sister, because she was of a high rank.So he wanted to stop.However, my husband told our son,“If I can do this at 40 something years old, so can you.”And then I would take my whole family three or four times a week to learn martial arts.

  My son learned so much about a better way of living:respecting others, following the rules, and above all respecting himself.I am proud to say both of my kids are now high honor students, and we could not be closer than we are.

  There is always an answer to your problem.If you do your research or just ask another person, or even a kid for help, you will find it.And when it comes to our kids, the right answer is always worth finding.

  【语篇解读】 作者通过自己的经历告诉父母们,在教育孩子的过程中遇到困难不要放弃,只要努力总会找到解决问题的办法。

  21.Before Tom learned karate,________.

  A.he didn't have a good sense of color

  B.his parents had tried many ways to change him

  C.he studied very hard to please his parents

  D.he didn't show any interest in physical exercise

  答案 B [考查推理判断。根据第一段内容可知,作者曾经试过很多办法改变儿子,但是都不奏效。]

  22.How many people in the writer's family learned karate?





  答案 C [考查细节理解。根据第一段第一句和第二段的最后两句可知,作者家里学习空手道的有三个人:她的丈夫和两个孩子。]

  23.Tom didn't like his karate class at first because________.

  A.it was too hard for him

  B.he thought he was too young

  C.he didn't get much freedom

  D.he hated being in the same class as his sister

  答案 C [考查推理判断。根据第二段第二句可知,TomTom做任何事情都需要得到许可,言外之意没有太多的自由。]


  Mary and her husband Jim had a dog named “Lucky”.Whenever Mary and Jim had friends come for a weekend visit, they would warn their friends not to leave their luggage open because Lucky would steal something from their luggage and he always hid his finds in his toy box in the basement.

  It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer.She felt she was going to die of this disease.The night before she was to go to the hospital, a thought struck her, “What would happen to Lucky?” “If I die, who will look after Lucky?” Mary thought.The thought made her sadder than thinking of her own death.

  Mary stayed in the hospital for two weeks.Jim took Lucky for his evening walk every day, but the little dog just looked sad and miserable.

  Finally the day came for Mary to leave the hospital.When she arrived home, Mary was so tired that she couldn't even make it up the steps to her bedroom.Jim made his wife comfortable on the bed and left her to sleep.

  Lucky stood watching Mary but he didn't come to her when she called.It made Mary sad.But she felt so sleepy that soon she fell asleep.

  When Mary woke, for a second she couldn't understand what was wrong.She couldn't move her head and her body felt heavy.But panic(惊慌) soon gave way when Mary realized the problem.She was enclothed with a blanket, and with every treasure Lucky owned!

  While she had slept, the sorrowing dog had made trip after trip to the basement bringing his beloved hostess all his favorite things.He had covered her with his love.

  It's been 12 years now and Mary is still living.Lucky? He still steals treasures and hides them in his toy box but Mary remains his greatest treasure.

  【语篇解读】 这只名叫 “Lucky” 的小狗真不简单,它对自己的主人情真意深。它的主人住院回来时,它将自己最珍贵的财宝献给了主人。

  24.The underlined word “enclothed” in Paragraph 6 means ________.





  答案 A [词义猜测题。根据画线her body felt heavy以及with a blanket可以猜测,画线单词的意思应该是“覆盖;盖着”。]

  25.It can be inferred from the passage that Mary ________.

  A.was tired of her dog

  B.cared about her dog very much

  C.was so sad about her disease that she never thought of her dog

  D.Mary took her dog for the evening walk every day when she was in hospital

  答案 B [推理判断题。根据第二段不难看出,Mary对这条叫做Lucky的小狗非常关心。]

  26.What made Mary sad when she got home from the hospital?

  A.Her husband left her alone in bed.

  B.Her disease became even worse.

  C.Her dog didn't come to her when she called.

  D.She couldn't sleep well.

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据短文Lucky stood watching Mary but he didn't come to her when she called.It made Mary sad.可知C为正确答案。]

  27.Lucky went to the basement again and again in order to ________.

  A.bring his treasures to Mary

  B.watch out his favorite things

  C.take the things he had stolen there

  D.examine what was wrong with his treasure

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据短文倒数第二段内容可知,Lucky一次次去储藏室的目的是为了把自己的“财宝”弄来给女主人。]


  Dodgeball(躲避球) is a traditional team sport often played in physical education classes.It is typically played in elementary school, but has emerged as a popular middle school, high school and college sport as well.It is also popular in informal settings and is often played on a playground, in a gym, or in organized recreational leagues.There are many variations of the game, but generally the main objective of each team is to eliminate(逐出) all members of the opposing team by hitting them with thrown balls, catching a ball thrown by a member of the opposing team, or forcing them to move outside the court boundaries when a ball is thrown at them.

  Four to ten players start on each team's side of the court, though six players per side is most common.Rules dictate both a minimum amount of players needed to start the game and a maximum amount of players allowed on the court at any one time.The maximum amount of players per side is typically the same as the number starting the game.

  After a player is eliminated, he may re-enter the match if another player on his team catches an opponent's thrown ball (provided his team does not already have the maximum amount of players on the court).Players must re-enter the game in the order in which they were eliminated.

  Some leagues allow players that have been eliminated to assist their team by directing thrown balls back to the players on the court, while other leagues confine eliminated players to a designated area off the court and prohibit them from participating in the game until they are allowed back on the court.

  【语篇解读】 听说过躲避球吗?本文介绍了这种球的一些比赛规则。

  28.What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A.The history of dodgeball. B.The original of dodgeball.

  C.The rules of dodgeball.D.The development of dodgeball.

  答案 C [主旨大意题。从短文第二、三、四、五段可以看出,本文主要说明了躲避球的一些规则,故C可作文章标题。通读全文可知,文章没有提到躲避球的起源,也没有说明躲避球的历史和

  29.We know from the first paragraph that dodgeball ________.

  A.is a popular physical exercise among students

  B.is mainly played by adults who want to relax themselves

  C.is a difficult physical exercise only played indoors

  D.is played by two people like table tennis or tennis

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据第一段内容中的is typically played in elementary school, but has appeared as a popular middle school, high school and college sport as well可知,躲避球是学生中流行的一项体育活动。]

  30.Which of the following can NOT eliminate a member of the opposing team out of the court?

  A.You throw a dodgeball and hit him.

  B.You catch a dodgeball thrown by him.

  C.He moves outside the court boundaries.

  D.He catches a ball thrown to him.

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,A、B、C三个选项都是将对方队员逐出比赛的方式。故选D。]

  31.An eliminated player can go back to the court only when ________.

  A.his team has fewer players than the opposing team on the court

  B.one of his teammates catches a ball thrown by an opposing team member

  C.the opposing team has got more scores than his own team

  D.he is allowed back on the court by the opposing team members

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知B选项正确。]


  Parker Nettles is only 3 years old, but he knows what love looks like when he sees it.While walking with his parents in downtown Charleston, America on Sunday in a gathering to honor the victims(受害者) of a shooting last week, the little boy passed two women giving out free hugs.The city was full of emotion that day, with over 10,000 people gathered to honor the victims of the shooting.All of the churches rang their bells together at 10 a.m.

  Nettles said, “To him it's just a hug.He doesn't understand that he's hugging two black women and that he's a white boy.He doesn't understand that just last week there was another white boy who decided to murder several black people—just because they're black.There is still the color bar(种族歧视) here in America.Some white people turn__up__their__nose__at the black.”

  Nettles and his wife say they've made an effort to expose their son to love since the day he was born.Teaching him that there are both “loving hands” and “angry hands,” they've encouraged him to use his hands for positive actions.Last year, Nettles saw Parker rubbing a black student's arm, and says that was the first time his son became aware of the concept of skin color.

  Even with all the hate the city has seen recently, everyone came together later that day to hold hands and march across the Arthur Ravenel Bridge to honor the victims.The family drove over the bridge as Parker looked out the window in amazement.He even learned the peace sign signal and enjoyed waving and saying “peace” to everyone walking by.

  “I'm glad Parker gets to see our city respond in this way and prove that love wins,” Nettles said.“Going through these experiences will shape him into a much better person than my wife and I could have ever done.”

  32.People gather in downtown Charleston on Sunday to ________.

  A.ask for and give hugsB.fight for equal rights

  C.celebrate a festivalD.honor some victims

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据短文第一段中的in a gathering to honor the victims(受害者 of a shooting last week可知,Charleston的人们聚集在市中心的目的是为了纪念上个星期被射杀的受害者。故选D。]

  33.What did Parker Nettles do in the gathering?

  A.Striking the bell in the church.B.Giving free hugs to two women.

  C.Marching in his mother's arms.D.Sitting in the car with his father.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第一段中的the little boy passed two women giving out free hugs.可知,Parker Nettles在聚会中给了两个妇女拥抱。故选B。]

  34.The underlined part “turn up their nose at” most probably means ________.

  A.drive away

  B.think highly of

  C.look down upon

  D.depend on

  答案 C [推理判断题。根据画线部分前面的句子There is still the color bar(种族歧视) here in America.可知,在美国仍然有种族歧视存在,由此可以推测,一些白人看不起黑人。故选C。]

  35.What does Nettles think of the experience to his son?

  A.It will hurt him too much.B.It will make him a good person.

  C.It will let him understand love.D.It will help him become brave.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据最后一段特别是最后一句“Going through these experiences will shape him into a much better person than my wife and I could have ever done.”可知选项B正确。]

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  What you should do before and after an interview

  Wear the right outfit and bring copies of your résumé.__36__ One good idea is to check with human resource before the interview to get a feel of what you should wear.Although you're sure the company has your résumé, it never fails to bring copies of yours just in case your interviewer needs to look at it and doesn't have it in front of her.

  __37__ Be aware of how you're carrying yourself during an interview, because your posture, eye contact, and relaxed position can impress your interviewer.Remember to sit still and straight and don't fidget(坐立不安).

  Be on time or slightly early.__38__ Showing up too early can make things awkward, and showing up too late is a red flag.But just because you only have to get there shortly before the interview starts it doesn't mean that you can leave your house later.Plan to be near the interview spot a lot earlier than when it starts to account for unexpected delays like traffic, and hang around in a nearby coffee shop until it's close to the interview time.

  __39__ Make sure you've prepared a list of good questions to ask your interviewer at the end.Pay attention throughout the interview, so you'll have questions related to what the hiring manager talked about.This shows that you're actively listening.

  Send a thank-you note.__40__ This is something that's appreciated by a lot of recruiters(招聘人员).It's also your chance to make a final impression or clarify anything you didn't get around to in your interview.

  A.Give the right answer to the question.

  B.Have the appropriate body language.

  C.Prepare the right questions for the interviewer.

  D.Always send a thank-you note after the interview.

  E.Try to take part in as many interviews as possible.

  F.Make sure you know what the dress code is for the office.

  G.Turning up five to 10 minutes early is the sweet spot for interviews.


  36.F [本段标题为“穿着得当和带几份简历”,选项F意为“确保知道办公室的着装要求”,符合标题内容。故选F。]

  37.B [your posture, eye contact, relaxed position以及sit still and straight, fidget等都是身体语言。故本段标题应该是“身体语言要适当”。故选B。]

  38.G [本段标题为“准时或稍微早点到”,选项G意为“面试提前5~10分钟到是最好的。”符合标题内容。故选G。]

  39.C [本段第一句意为“确保你准备了很多最后问面试官的好问题。”说明本段标题应该为“准备好问面试官的问题。”故C。]

  40.D [根据本段标题Send a thank-you note.(寄一封感谢信。)可知,空格处的内容应该为“面试后要发感谢信。”故选D。]

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  I hired a worker to help me restore an old farmhouse the day before yesterday.I was not satisfied with his work at all:a flat tire made him


  an hour of work, his electric drill(钻头) didn't __42__.When he finished his work, his __43__ one ton truck refused to start.I had to drive him home.

  While I drove him home, he sat in stony __44__.I was angry with him and I didn't say a word.On arriving, he


  me in to meet his family.As we walked toward the __46__ door, he paused in front of a small tree, __47__

  the tips of the branches with both hands.When opening the front door, he __48__

  into another person.His brown-colored face was full of smiles and he

  __49__ his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.__50__

  he walked me to the car.We passed the tree and my __51__

  got the better of me.I asked him about what made him so


  after he arrived home.

  “Oh, that's my trouble

  __53__,” he replied.“I know I can't


  having troubles in the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't


  in the house with my wife and the children.So I just hang them up on the tree every

  __56__ when I come home.Then in the morning I


  them up again.Funny thing is,” he smiled, “when I come out in the morning to get those

  __58__, there aren't nearly as many as I


  hanging up the night before.”

  Everyone will have troubles in life, but don't

  __60__ them too much.Let's believe in the following words:tomorrow is another day.Just hang your troubles up on the tree and welcome tomorrow with smiles.





  答案 A [轮胎漏气耽误了他一个小时的工作,也就是说,他“失去了(lose)”一个小时的工作时间。故选A项。其他三项意思均不合文意。]





  答案C [根据上文,“我”对他的工作不满意可以推测是他的电钻坏了。机器坏了应该说doesn't work。charge“收费;要价”;transfer“转移”;recover“恢复”,不符合语境。]





  答案 D [四个选项中,D项 “ancient”最能表达这位工人的卡车不能启动的原因是因为车太“旧”了。advanced“高级的;先进的”。]





  答案 A [根据后面的 and I didn't say a word可知,这位工人也没说话,坐在车里像石头一样保持“沉默”。]





  答案 D [到家了,这位工人邀请我进家。后面的句子提示了答案。]





  答案 C [下文中的When opening the front door提示了该空格答案。]





  答案 B [根据后面的 with both hands可知是用双手触摸。]





  答案 A [change into“变成”,通过前面的沉默寡言和后面的满脸笑容对比,这位工人好像换了一个人似的。]





  答案 D [因为满脸笑容,所以推测他拥抱了孩子并给妻子一个吻。]





  答案 C [做完这些事情(拥抱了孩子并给妻子一个吻)之后,他送我去我停车的地方。]





  答案 A [下文提到“我”问他问题,说明我对他回家以后像变了个人似的感到非常好奇。]





  答案 B [根据上文他满脸笑容并拥抱孩子还给妻子一个吻,作者想知道到底是什么让他如此高兴。]





  答案 A [下文的So I just hang them up on the tree提示出答案。]





  答案 C [can't help doing sth“情不自禁;不免”。工作中不免会有麻烦。]





  答案 D [即使在工作中有了麻烦,也不能将麻烦带到家里,带给孩子和妻子。]





  答案 B [用night与下面的morning作时间上的对比。]





  答案 A [pick up与前面的hang them up相对应,“获得;得到”。]





  答案 A [前面的句子So I just hang them(troubles) up on the tree给出提示。]





  答案 D [那些麻烦比我“记得”挂在树上的要少了。故选D。]

  60.A.think about

  B.worry about

  C.make up

  D.point out

  答案 B [即使生活中有了麻烦,也不要太担心。think about“思考”;worry aboutmake up“编造;化妆”;point out“指出”。]


  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  Having a goal based on love is the greatest life insurance in the world.If you had asked my dad __61__ he had always smiled,you would have found his answer __62__ (especial) simple:“To make my wife happy.”

  Mom and Dad met when they __63__ (be) nine.Every day before school,they met on a park bench with their homework.Mom corrected Dad's English and he did the same with her math.Upon __64__ (graduate),their teachers said that the two of them were the best “students” in the school.They took their time building their relationship,even though Dad always knew she was the girl for him.Their first kiss occurred __65__ they were 17,and their romance continued to grow into their 80s.

  Just how much power their relationship created was brought to light in 1964.Dad was __66__ (tell) by the doctor that he had cancer and estimated that he had six months to one year __67__ (leave) at the most.“I'm sorry to disagree with you,Doctor,” my father said.“__68__ I'll tell you how long I have.One day __69__ (long) than my wife.I love her too much to leave the planet without her.”

  And so it was,to the __70__ (amaze) of everyone who didn't really know this love-matched pair,that Mom passed away at the age of 85 and Dad followed one year later when he was 86.


  61.why [考查连词。根据后面的回答“To make my wife happy.”可知,询问者询问的是“他为什么总是微笑着”。]

  62.especially [考查词性转换。空格处所填单词应该修饰后面的形容词simple,故用especial的副词形式。]

  63.were [考查时态。故事发生在过去,主语为名词复数,故用were。]

  64.graduation [考查词性转换。upon为介词,后面应该用名词形式。]

  65.when [考查连词。they were 17是时间状语从句,故用when引导。]

  66.told [考查动词形式。被动语态,用过去分词形式。]

  67.left [考查动词时态。Have some time left表示“还有多长时间”。]

  68.But [考查连词。I'm sorry...,but...是固定口语搭配。]

  69.longer [考查词性转换。根据空格后面的than可知应该用比较级。]

  70.amazement [考查固定结构。to the amazement of相当于to one's amazement意为“使某人吃惊的是”。]

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







  September 28 SundayFine

  Meeting my classmates at bus stop at the eight in the morning,we were all excited about go to the exhibition of the developments of science and technology.

  There were so many students in the exhibition center but I was most excited to see the robots,that could talk with people and could do nothing people wanted them to do.

  I could wait to get back school in the afternoon to read the book in robots I bought before we left and wrote about this unforgettable experience.Such that I have seen the technology of the future,I know I must work hardly so that I can use the technology in the future.


  September 28 Sunday


  Meeting my classmates at the bus stop at

  eight in the morning,we were all excited about

  to the exhibition of the developments of science and technology.

  There were so many students in the exhibition center

  I was most excited to see the robots,thatwhich could talk with people and could do

  people wanted them to do.

  I could

  wait to get back to school in the afternoon to read the book inon robots I bought before we left and

  about this unforgettable experience. that I have seen the technology of the future,I know I must work

  so that I can use the technology in the future.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


  In an English speech competition,you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it.


  From the picture I can see an old man sitting in the sofa lonely while his three sons are busy making telephone calls.Since the old man lives alone and feels lonely,he called his sons back home and wanted to talk with them.But his sons don't understand the old man,they are talking with others on the phone.In my opinion,children,no matter how old they are and how busy they are,they should save their time talking to their parents from time to time.We should often pay a visit to our parents and talk to them as many times as possible because the old needs love and care,too.


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