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发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

  第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


  1.What dessert will the man order?

  A.Ice cream.

  B.A chocolate cake.C.Nothing.

  2.What will the man do this weekend?

  A.Go to the movies with the woman.

  B.Celebrate his sister's birthday.

  C.Go skiing with his parents.

  3.What does the man ask the woman to do?

  A.Help him paint his bedroom.

  B.Make lunch for him.

  C.Take care of his brother.

  4.Who is the woman?

  A.A waitress.

  B.A doctor.

  C.A driver.

  5.What is the man doing?

  A.Having an interview.

  B.Talking with his boss.

  C.Writing a résumé.

  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



  6.What size shoes did the woman wear last year?




  7.Why have the woman's feet been hurting?

  A.Her shoes are too small.

  B.She walks too much each day.

  C.Her shoes are of very low quality.


  8.Where is the woman going?

  A.To her house.

  B.To an appointment.

  C.To West 22nd Street.

  9.What can we learn from the conversation?

  A.The woman is in a rush.

  B.It is going to rain soon.

  C.The traffic is heavy at the moment.


  10.Who are the speakers?

  A.Girlfriend and boyfriend.

  B.Teacher and student.

  C.Director and actor.

  11.How does the man appear to the woman?




  12.What does the woman want the man to do?

  A.Express his sad feelings.

  B.Show more anger.

  C.Take a break.


  13.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A.The origin of soccer.

  B.Their understanding of soccer.

  C.The difference between football and basketball.

  14.How long has the man been in London?

  A.One year.

  B.Two years.

  C.Three years.

  15.What does the man think of soccer?

  A.It is a confusing sport.

  B.It's not fast enough.

  C.It's not violent enough.

  16.What does the woman say about the Euro 2015?

  A.There are a lot of goals.

  B.She has watched every game.

  C.She likes the variety of playing styles.


  17.Who is the speaker?

  A.A TV host. B.A radio host. C.A professor.

  18.What did the study conducted by Harvard University find?

  A.Fast readers get the best grades.

  B.Parents' education is important to kids' success.

  C.More books at home most relate to kids' success in school.

  19.According to the speaker,what is the best part of reading?

  A.It's a fun activity.

  B.It's relaxing at bedtime.

  C.It's a great way to communicate.

  20.When should parents start to read to their kids?

  A.As early as possible.

  B.When their kids learn to speak.

  C.As soon as their kids can hold a book.


  Text 1

  M:I think I'll have ice cream for dessert.What would you like to have?

  W:The chocolate cake looks delicious to me.But I want to lose weight.

  Text 2

  W:Do you have any plans for this weekend,John?

  M:I'm actually supposed to go out of town with my parents.It's my dad's birthday,and they invited my sister and I to go skiing with them.

  W:Oh,that sounds nice!I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the movies with me.

  M:How about next weekend?

  Text 3

  M:Josie,would you mind helping me paint my bedroom tomorrow?My brother was going to help me,but he broke his arm yesterday.I will make you lunch...what do you say?

  W:Of course I will help you,Oliver.I am sorry to hear about your brother's arm.I hope he feels better soon.

  Text 4

  M:How do you figure out the fare?

  W:Well,the first five kilometers are $5,and every extra kilometer costs you $3.

  Text 5

  W:Do you have any experience of doing this kind of work,Mr.Jacobs?

  M:I'm afraid I don't,madam,but I've always been interested in this type of work.And I have a lot of other experience,as you can see from my résumé.

  Text 6

  M:Hello,madam.What can I do for you?

  W:My feet hurt.I think I need some new shoes.

  M:What size do you wear?

  W:The last time I bought new shoes was about a year ago,and at that time,my size was 7.

  M:Well,once you get to be in your twenties,your feet will stop growing,so your size is probably still 7.But let's measure them just in case.

  W:OK...so,that does it say?

  M:Well,it looks like your size is 8.No wonder your feet have been hurting.You've been wearing shoes that are one size smaller!

  Text 7

  W:Whew!Thanks for stopping.Sometimes it can be impossible to get a cab in the rain.

  M:No worries.Where to?

  W:I'm going to Fifth Avenue and East 22nd Street.No rush hour.I'm one of the lucky ones.Usually, I would have an appointment around this time,but today I get to go home early!

  M:That's great,madam.I'll try to get you home as early as possible.

  Text 8

  W:OK,that's a cut!Let's take it from the top,everyone.

  M:What is the problem this time?

  W:The feeling is all wrong,Mike.She is telling you that she doesn't want to see you anymore,and I want to get more anger from you.You're acting hurt and sad,but that's not how your character would act in this situation.

  M:But Jason and Laura have been together for three years.Don't you think his reaction would be both anger and sadness?

  W:At this point,no.I think he would react the way most guys would, and then later on,we would see his real feelings.

  M:I'm not so sure about that.

  W:Let's try it my way,and you can see how you feel when you're saying your lines.After that,if it still doesn't feel right,we can go back to the drawing board.

  Text 9

  W:Have you been watching the Euro 2015 football tournament?

  M:Just a bit.Why,have you?

  W:Of course!I've really started to like football since I came to London.Just think,a year ago,I was still in Montreal and didn't know anything about it.

  M:Well,I'm from New Jersey.Americans aren't so into football.Actually,we call it soccer.When Americans say “football”,what we mean is American rules football.I've been here two years now,and I still get confused when people call soccer “football”.

  W:I know all about America.For you,“football” means the sport where those big guys wear helmets and violently run into each other.

  M:Yeah.Americans prefer watching sports that are fast,like basketball.I think basketball players are the greatest athletes on earth.What they can do just amazes me.But when I watch a soccer match,I just get bored.There aren't enough goals.

  W:Well,I see what you're saying,but there's so much more to “soccer”,as you call it,than goals.There're a lot of strategies involved.And in a tournament like the Euro 2015,it's fascinating to see how the different countries have different styles of playing.

  Text 10

  Welcome back to Modern Parenting.We've already talked about being open and honest with your kids,but there is one thing that all good parents do,and it's surprisingly simple:read to your kids.Studies show that children are better prepared for school and tend to get better grades later on if their parents have a habit of reading to them from a young age.One study from Harvard University found that the number of books in the home was the single biggest factor related to success in school,more than the education or income of the parents!Reading is fun,and it can be an important part of relaxing at bedtime.Best of all,it gives parents an opportunity to communicate with their children and teach them about the world.It's never too early to start reading to your children.Many parents buy books for their kids long before they can talk,and some even start reading to their children before they are born!Trips to the library or the bookstore can be fun activities. or young families to do together.So parents,if you're wondering what to do with your kids tonight,remember:all you need is a good book!That's all for Modern Partenting.This is Lesley,on 105.7 FM,saying good night.

  答案 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.A

  9.C 10.C 11.A 12.B 

  13.B 14.B 15.B 16.C

  17.B 18.C 19.C 20.A

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  Personal money-management website Mint.com suggests recently that responsible parents should give their kids credit cards—possibly starting as young as middle school.The website says a credit card will help children master responsible spending habits and give parents the opportunity to teach them some valuable lessons.

  It's absolutely true that kids should learn about how a credit card works and how to use it responsibly.But the idea that they need a card of their own to practice this is questionable.

  Yes,credit cards are a teaching tool,but it's the time






  money management that does the teaching,not the piece of plastic.Sit down with your child—here we are referring to preteens or teens—and walk them through your credit card statements.Point out important things like the due date,late fee warning,and APR(年贷款利率).

  Provided you have good credit,adding a child as an authorized user onto one of your credit cards also provides teachable moments.An authorized user can use the credit card,but is not legally responsible for paying it.Allow kids to use the card to make specific purchases and require their participation in payment.Since the card is still in your name,you can take them off it at any point and cut off their access if they're not able to handle the responsibility.

  Another option is to set them up with an account at a local bank that offers free use of a debit card.The overdraft(透支) function of a debit card,unlike a credit card,is turned off.Children can use the card to pay for things and the money is taken directly from their bank account.If the account is empty,the worst that will happen is the card being declined at a cash register(收银机) rather than charging overdraft fees.A debit card won't help build their credit history but it will give them practice budgeting and managing their money.

  With this foundation,when it's time for your child to get a credit card of their own—preferably by the time they're heading to college—they'll be well-equipped to use it responsibly.

  【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。文章主要讨论了家长应该对孩子使用信用卡持何态度。

  21.For whom is the text mainly written?





  答案 C [推理判断题。由第三段中的Sit down with your child和最后一段中的With this foundation,when it's time for your child...可知,本文主要是写给家长们的。]

  22.What is the author's attitude towards the suggestion of Mint.com?





  答案 B [推理判断题。由第一段可知,Mint.com建议家长们让孩子们拥有信用卡,从而成为负责任的信用卡使用者。联系第二段的But the idea...is questionable和第三段的Yes,credit cards...the piece of plastic可知,作者不赞成让孩子们直接拥有信用卡,建议家长们多花时间教给孩子们用卡常识。故选B项。]

  23.What is the purpose of adding a child as a credit card authorized user?

  A.To avoid extremely high overdraft fees.

  B.To help them buy more necessary things.

  C.To teach them to be responsible credit card users.

  D.To encourage them to share household expenses.

  答案 C [推理判断题。第三至五段提供了一些信用卡常识教育方法。联系全文大意可知,这些方法都是为了让孩子们将来成为负责任的信用卡使用者。那么让孩子们成为信用卡特许用户也是出于这个目的。]


  This day will be remembered in American history, wrote John Adams in 1776.People will honor it with fireworks and celebrations.He was talking about the second of July.That is the day that America got independence from the British.But the date written on the Declaration of Independence is July 4.So, since 1776, Americans have honored July 4 as the country's Independence Day.

  Several early U.S.presidents died on July 4.They include John Adams, who became the second U.S.president, even though he made a mistake about the country's most important national holiday.John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the country's third president, both died on the country's 50th anniversary of Independence Day.James Monroe, the country's fifth president, died on July 4,1831.

  Most Americans celebrate Independence Day with barbecues(烧烤晚会), parades and fireworks.But a few celebrate by eating all the hot dogs they can.In 1970, a restaurant called Nathan's Famous has hosted a competition to see who can eat the most hot dogs in a short time.The event is now shown on major sports channels.It includes a women's contest and a men's contest.Both are held in New York City.For the last eight years, a man named Joey Chestnut has won the men's contest.In 2017, he ate 61 hot dogs in 10 minutes.The 2017 women's winner, Miki Sudo, ate 34 hot dogs.

  Let's go back to those fireworks, probably the most common image related to Independence Day.Americans really love fireworks.Americans spent $675 million on fireworks last year.Most ordinary people buy about $100 worth.Cities and towns spend between $5,000 and $30,000 to put on a public show.The biggest fireworks show is in New York City.It costs about $2 million.

  24.What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A.The history of America Independence Day.

  B.Interesting stories about American presidents.

  C.Things about the 4th of July in America.

  D.Some contests held on July 4th in America.

  答案 C [主旨大意题。本文说明了一些与美国独立日相关的一些情况,包括独立日的时间、在独立日去世的总统和独立日庆祝活动。故选项C正确。]

  25.What do you know about July 2nd in American history?

  A.America got independence from the British.

  B.It was determined to be American Independence Day.

  C.John Adams became the first American president.

  D.Americans honor the day with fireworks and celebrations.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据短文第一段中的He was talking about the second of July.That is the day that America got independence from the British.可知,7月2日是美国从英国获得独立的日子。故选A。]

  26.When did Americans begin to celebrate the Independence Day by holding a competition?

  A.In 2017.

  B.In 1970. C.In 1776.

  D.In 1831.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第三段中的But a few celebrate by eating all the hot dogs they can.In 1970, a restaurant...可知,在1970年,美国的一些人开始用吃热狗比赛的方式庆祝独立日。故选B。]

  27.What do Americans like most to celebrate the Independence Day?


  B.Barbecues. C.Parades.


  答案 A [细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,美国人最喜欢用燃放烟花的方式庆祝独立日。故选A。]


  If you're planning to travel overseas, the most common form of transportation is by airplane.Knowing the whole procedure(程序) from buying plane tickets to dealing with in-flight emergencies(紧急事件) can ensure that you have a pleasurable trip.

  First of all, choosing an airline carrier might depend on a number of factors including the company's service record, price of the ticket, length of time to destination, and even in-flight service.

  Now, once you've bought your ticket, you still need to make the long journey through the airport.Once you arrive, you usually check your bags at the main ticket counter.Then, you have to pass through the security checkpoint, where you will have to walk through an X-ray machine, and they will check your carry-on bags for any forbidden items, including firearms, explosives, and knives.Of course, this is for everyone's safety.You might also be asked to open your bags to be carefully checked.

  Once you pass through this checkpoint, then you will go to the appointed boarding area and gate to wait for your plane.Just wait there until they say that your flight is here for you to go boarding.

  Of course, once you are aboard the plane, no one ever wants to experience any emergencies, but the plane is equipped with emergency exits in case you have to leave the plane.There are also life jackets under the seats, and oxygen masks in case the plane's cabin(机舱) unexpectedly loses pressure.Be sure to read the safety instruction card located in the pocket of the seat in front of you.

  【语篇解读】 出国时所选择的最好的交通工具当然是飞机。如何使你的旅行更为愉快?了解从买飞机票到处理紧急情况的程序将对你很有帮助。

  28.The first step for you to travel by plane is to ________.

  A.choose an airline carrier

  B.buy a plane ticket

  C.deal with in-flight emergencies

  D.check your bags at the main ticket counter

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二段中的可知,乘坐飞机的第一个步骤是首先了解你所乘坐的飞机的一些信息,然后选择你要乘坐的飞机。]

  29.Where do you have to go through an X-ray machine?

  A.At the ticket office.

  B.At the main ticket counter.

  C.At the appointed boarding area.

  D.At the security checkpoint.

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据第三段中的Then, you have to pass through the security checkpoint, where you will have to walk through an X-ray machine可知答案。]

  30.If the plane loses pressure, you should ________.

  A.leave the plane at once

  B.wear the life jacket and the oxygen mask

  C.read the safety instruction card

  D.wait in your seat silently

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据最后一段中的There are also life jackets under the seats, and oxygen masks in case the plane's cabin(机舱) unexpectedly loses pressure.可知答案。]

  31.The purpose of the passage is to ________.

  A.introduce some steps for you to travel by plane

  B.tell passengers how to keep safe on a plane

  C.show people some good ways to travel overseas

  D.explain why planes have X-ray machines

  答案 A [推理判断题。从文章内容来看,这篇短文的目的是向人们介绍乘坐飞机旅行时的一些步骤。]


  How to judge a piece of news? Is it good or bad? It depends on how you see things.You can be bitter after being cheated.Or you can choose to move on with your life.

  Robert De Vincenzo, the great Argentine golfer, once won a tournament(锦标赛) and, after receiving the check and smiling for the cameras, he went to the club house and prepared to leave.Some time later, he walked alone to his car in the parking lot and was approached by a young woman.

  She congratulated him on his victory and then told him that her child was seriously ill and near death.She did not know how she could pay the doctor's bills and hospital expenses.

  De Vincenzo was touched by her story, and he took out a pen and wrote on his winning check for payment to the woman.“Make some good days for the baby,” he said as he put the check into her hand.

  The next week he was having lunch in a country club when a Professional Golf Association official came to his table.“Some of the boys in the parking lot last week told me you met a young woman there after you won that tournament.” De Vincenzo nodded.“Well,” said the official, “I have news for you.She's a cheat.She has no sick baby.She's not even married.She robbed you by a trick, my friend.” “You mean there is no baby who is dying?” said De Vincenzo.“That's right,” said the official.“That's the best good news I've heard all week.” De Vincenzo said.

  【语篇解读】 自己被别人骗了,这是好消息还是坏消息?

  Robert De Vincenzo,这位著名的阿根廷高尔夫球手是怎样认为的呢?

  32.The best title for this passage probably is ________.

  A.A Smart Woman Cheat B.Good News Or Bad News

  C.A Great Argentine Golfer D.Never Believe In Anyone

  答案 B [主旨大意题。本文通过Robert De Vincenzo被骗但却认为是个好消息这个故事,向人们说明了确认好消息与坏消息的原则是一个人如何去看待这个消息,文章的第一段也说明了这个问题。故文章标题应该是B。]

  33.We may infer from the passage that Robert De Vincenzo ________.

  A.would ask his money back from the woman

  B.would never trust anyone from then on

  C.often donated his money to the poor

  D.was a kind-hearted and helpful man

  答案 D [推理判断题。从文章第四段和最后一段的最后可以看出,Robert De Vincenzo是一位心地善良而又乐于助人的人。故选D。]

  34.Why did Robert De Vincenzo give the check to the woman?

  A.Because he wanted to get a good name.

  B.Because he was moved by the woman's words.

  C.Because he was congratulated by the woman.

  D.Because he knew her well.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第四段中的De Vincenzo was touched by her story可知,Robert De Vincenzo因为被这位妇女的话所感动,所以给了她钱。]

  35.What was the best good news Robert De Vincenzo had heard in the week?

  A.He was cheated by a young woman.

  B.He won a tournament.

  C.No baby was dying in the hospital.

  D.He received a check.

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据最后一段“You mean there is no baby who is dying?” said De Vincenzo.“That's right,” said the official.“That's the best good news I've heard all week.” De Vincenzo said可知,Robert De Vincenzo认为一周以来最好的消息是“医院里没有要死亡的孩子”。]

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Some advice for making yourself more likeable

  1.They pay attention.Listen more to other people than you speak, and people will feel valued.Even if you're asking questions, people won't warm up to that if it seems you're not listening to what they're saying.__36__ They will find the conversation more memorable and positive if they find the others pay attention to what they are talking about.People appreciate undivided attention, because it makes them feel like you're truly listening to them.It makes them feel that you value their presence and time.

  2.They remember names.__37__ Bringing their names up in the conversation will not only make them feel good, but they'll also appreciate the fact that you remember their names.

  3.__38__ Sometimes in an effort to relate to others, you can go overboard with comparisons.When someone tells you about their dog dying, you should listen with concern, because that's what they are seeking.If you chime in with a story of how your own dog died and how you were sad so you know how they feel, the other person may feel that you're switching the topic back to you.

  4.They don't keep interrupting.You may get overexcited and interrupt people while they are talking, which can annoy them.__39__

  5.They accept that other people will disagree with them.Everyone has different opinions so learn to be OK with that.Your way may not always be the right way for others.__40__ Embrace your differences.

  A.They take responsibility.

  B.Names are such a center part of people's identity.

  C.So don't try to convince them that they're wrong.

  D.Give advice to people when they ask you for it.

  E.They don't make comparisons all the time and make it all about them.

  F.It makes them feel that what they are saying is not that important to you.

  G.There's nothing people love more than to have others listen to them attentively.


  36.G [本段标题为They pay attention.说明让人喜欢的人注意力集中。选项G意为“人们更喜欢让其他人专注地听他们说话”,与标题意思相符。故选G。]

  37.B [本段标题为They remember names.选项B说明名字是人们身份的中心部分,符合标题。故选B。]

  38.E [本段内容主要说明不要盲目作对比。选项E 中的They don't make comparisons...正是涵盖了本段的内容。故选E。]

  39.F [打断别人正在说的话就会产生让对方感觉所说的话对你来说是不重要的。故选F。]

  40.C [本段标题说明让人喜欢的人接受对方的不同意见,选项C说明他们不使别人确信是错误的,与标题相符。故选C。]

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  Two years ago,my best friend Gina was killed in a car accident.__41__,her husband was badly ill with cancer.He wanted to be sure their two sons would be cared for when he was gone.At that time,I made a __42__ to take on their two sons,which changed the __43__ of my life.I didn't __44__ for a moment,even though I was a single mother to three children myself.I know I have done the __45__ thing.I don't see myself as a saint (圣人),just a good __46__.I know Gina would have done the same for my children.How many other people are __47__ enough to experience a friendship like ours?

  From then on,I __48__ to take care of her sons as best I could.With five __49__ and two houses to look after,life was not so __50__.It's exhausting,but I would like to be busy.It would split my family in two and force me to __51__ my favorite job.I just get by in finance.My part-time job __52__ a dinner lady helps pay the bills.I also receive child benefit for the boys.Two years went by,and I did make __53__.We love each other and help each other.Nothing can __54__ us from each other.

  Gina's boys don't call me Mum.I'm __55__ Jane,their mum's best friend.To my great __56__,they are so close to me and my children.My __57__ times are when we all sit round the table for a family dinner.We try to __58__ that happens twice a week.In those moments,I feel Gina and her husband are there with us.How could I ever

  __59__ a decision like that? I get to feel __60__ to my best friends every day.Through the boys,they live on.

  【语篇解读】 当最好的朋友遭遇车祸和她的丈夫又罹患癌症相继去世后,“我”毅然决定收养他们的两个儿子。尽管生活很不容易,但“我”从来没有后悔过。

  41.A.In a word

  B.Or rather

  C.What's worse

  D.That's to say

  答案 C [根据上文“Two years ago,my best friend Gina was killed in a car accident.”可知,“我”的好朋友Gina遭遇车祸去世。更糟的是,她丈夫又罹患癌症。]





  答案 A [根据下文“take on their two sons”可知,“我”许诺收养他们的两个儿子。]





  答案 D [根据第二段“It's exhausting,but I would like to be busy.It would split my family in two and force me to ________ my favorite job.”可知,收养这两个孩子,改变了“我”的生活进程。course进展,进程。]





  答案 B [根据下文“even though I was a single mother to three children myself”可知,即便“我”是个三个孩子的单身母亲,但对于收养这两个孩子,“我”从未犹豫过。]





  答案 C [“我”只是做了正确的事情。作为朋友,应该做的事情。]





  答案 C [根据上文“my best friend”可知答案。]





  答案 B [根据上文“I know Gina would have done the same for my children.”可知,当Gina出事时,“我”会毫不犹豫地替她照顾孩子;“我”知道Gina也会为“我”这样做的,可见我们难能可贵的真挚友情。故此处用lucky来强调有多少人会如此幸运拥有这样的情谊。]


  B.needed C.wanted


  答案 D [既然收养了他们,“我”就下定决心把他们照顾到最好。]





  答案 A [根据第一段“He wanted to be sure their two sons would be cared for when he was gone.”及“I was a single mother to three children.”可知,“我”有5个孩子要照顾。]





  答案 A [根据上下文内容可知,“我”要照顾5个孩子2个家庭,生活肯定很不容易。]

  51.A.set aside

  B.give up

  C.get down to

  D.go over

  答案 B [根据下文“I just get by in finance.My part-time job ________ a dinner lady helps pay the bills.”可知,“我”放弃了自己喜欢的工作,只能做个兼职工作。]





  答案 A [as“作为”符合语境。]





  答案 C [make it成功干成某事,达到预定目标。这里指“我”照顾好了孩子们。]





  答案 D [根据上文“We love each other and help each other.”可知,什么都不能把我们分开。]





  答案 D [根据下文“their mum's best friend”可知,“我”是Gina的好朋友,所以她儿子喊“我”Aunt。]





  答案 A [根据下文“they are so close to me and my children”可知,Gina的儿子和我们相处很好,这当然让“我”很高兴。]





  答案 B [根据下文“we all sit round the table for a family dinner...”可知,这是“我”最喜欢的时刻。]





  答案 D [我们保证每周两次聚会。ensure确保,保证。]





  答案 C [根据上文“In those moments,I feel Gina and her husband are there with us.”可知,在我们家庭聚餐时,“我”感觉好朋友和我们在一起,所以“我”很欣慰收养了他们的孩子。“我”怎么会后悔当初的决定呢?]





  答案 B [根据下文“Through the boys,they live on.”可知,看到Gina的儿子,“我”就感觉好朋友和我们在一起,离他们很近。]


  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  Several days before my 15th birthday,my dad told me that he had bought me a car.He said that __61__ would be delivered on the morning of my birthday.

  That morning,I __62__ (stand) in the driveway waiting for my car.__63__ my surprise,I saw a tow truck(拖车) coming to my home with an ugly truck.It wasn't a red sports car like what I had pictured in my mind.This truck had nearly 20 different __64__ (color) on it.There were no words to describe the __65__ (ugly) of this truck.My dad saw the __66__ (disappoint) in my face and told me that we had one year to remove all the paint on the truck.

  Throughout the next year I worked on the truck every weekend.One year __67__,the moment finally arrived—all the colors were cleaned up.

  You may be wondering __68__ that ugly truck taught me.One thing I know for sure is that the truck made my dad and me closer.We spent many hours together __69__ (work) on the truck and it gave him the opportunity to do what he loved to do—teach his son some __70__ (value) lessons about life.


  61.it [it指代前面出现的名词a car。]

  62.stood [根据前面的时间状语That morning可知是发生在过去的事情,故动词用过去式。]

  63.To [to one's surprise是固定短语,意为“让某人惊奇的是”。]

  64.colors [空格前有数字 20,故名词用复数。]

  65.ugliness [空格前有the,故知应该用所给单词的名词形式。]

  66.disappointment [空格前有the,故知应该用所给单词的名词形式。]

  67.later [time+later意为“多长时间之后”。]

  68.what [what引导宾语从句并作宾语从句中的宾语。]

  69.working [spend time (in) doing sth是固定短语。]

  70.valuable [空格处的单词应该修饰后面的名词lessons,故用所给单词的形容词形式。]

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







  During the summer of 2017,I started reading books in English,most stories.I would learn a lot of new words from these books,but I had terribly problems memorizing them.I had to look up to the same word many times,which were quite troublesome.I realized I do need a way to remember all this vocabulary.It was a great achievement for myself.I started writing down words from books that I read.I would come back from school,and then sit for an hour and two.I wrote down new words and added it to my collection.By the end of last year,my collection has grown to 3,000 words.


  During the summer of 2017,I started reading books in English, stories.I would learn a lot of new words from these books,but I had

  problems memorizing them.I had to look up

  the same word many times,which

  quite troublesome.I realized I

  need a way to remember all this vocabulary.It was a great achievement for .I started writing down words from

  books that I read.I would come back from school,and then sit for an hour

  two.I wrote down new words and added itthem to my collection.By the end of last year,my collection

  grown to 3,000 words.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  你(Li Ming)的新加坡笔友Mike于5月5日给你写了一封信,询问你的学校生活情况。请给他写一封回信,主要内容包括:









  Dear Mike,

  Yours truly,

  Li Ming



  I was very glad to receive your letter on May 5th.At your request,I'll tell something about my school life.

  In senior three at school,I have six subjects:Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry and P.E.Now,I am busy preparing for college entrance exams.School hours usually begin at 8 a.m.and end at 4 p.m.After class,we have sports,such as ball games and so on,or do some reading in the school library.Then I go home.

  It's spring now in Beijing.It's really very beautiful.Welcome to Beijing,Mike.

  I'll appreciate it if you can tell me something about your school life in your next letter.I am looking forward to it.

  With best regards.




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