2017届高考英语一轮复习课堂检测:unit 4 Cyberspace(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课堂检测:unit 4 Cyberspace(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.Can you hang ________ while I go for some water?

  2.I don't fancy ________ (go) out so far in such bad weather.

  3.________ average,a family will use 5 kg of wood per day to cook on a simple wood stove.

  4.________ view of the above-mentioned facts,we wish to make the following proposals.

  5.If I ________ (be) you,I would seize the chance to go abroad.

  6.It sounds as though you ________(have) a good time.

  7.Reading in the sun is ________ (harm) to your eyes.

  8.It is suggested that he ________ (solve) the problem in another way.

  9.Your smoking can do harm ________ the health of your children.

  10.Most people walk at ________ average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.

  答案 1.on 2.going 3.On 4.In 5.were 6.had 7.harmful 8.(should) solve 9.to 10.an


  1.On his view,in 50 years,the average human life span will be 150 years old.____________

  2.The scientist suggested grow rice on the dried river bed.____________

  3.Mary as well as I have been to the Great Wall.____________

  4.Wherever you go,keep touch with me,please.____________

  5.Brown meat essence is harmful for people's health.____________

  6.They settled down to read the text when they came to the room.____________

  7.There is no harm combining the two mixtures.____________

  8.Let us not lose in touch with reality.____________

  答案 1.On→In 2.grow→growing 3.have→has 4.touch前加in 5.for→to 

  6.read→reading 7.harm后加上in 8.去掉in


  1.________________(真是可惜) he missed the opportunity to travel abroad.

  2.Dad ________________(使早起成为一种习惯) in the morning.

  3.I felt a little dizzy,as if I ________________(刚刚醒来) from a long sleep.

  4.I finally ________________(取得联系) him after getting separated for ten years.

  5.The children are quiet;I wonder ________________(他们在搞什么鬼)!

  答案 1.It is a pity that 2.makes it a habit to get up early 3.had just woken up 4.got in touch with

  5.what they are up to



  1.这个城市发生了地震,毁坏了很多建筑和道路,很显然水电供应被切断。(attack,It is obvious that...)


  2.政府立即采取行动帮助那里的人们。但是起初救援人员不能和那里的人们取得联系。(get in touch with)


  3.很明显当地人的生活受到了极大的影响。因此政府号召全国各地的人们向灾区提供帮助。 (It was clear that...,affect)


  4.到目前为止,很多人已经在他们的新家定居。(up to now,settle)


  答案 1.An earthquake attacked this city,destroying many buildings and roads,and it was obvious that the water and electricity supplies were cut off.

  2.The government took immediate action to help the people there.However,at first,rescue workers couldn't get in touch with the people there.

  3.It was clear that the local people's life was greatly affected.Therefore,the government called on people all over the country to offer their help to the disaster-hit area.

  4.Up to now,many people have settled in their new homes.



  An earthquake attacked this city,destroying many buildings and roads,and it was obvious that the water and electricity supplies were cut off.The government took immediate action to help the people there.However,at first,rescue workers couldn't get in touch with the people there.It was clear that the local people's life was greatly affected.Therefore,the government called on people all over the country to offer their help to the disaster-hit area.Up to now,many people have settled in their new homes.


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