2017届高考英语一轮复习限时训练:8-3 Inventors and inventions(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习限时训练:8-3 Inventors and inventions(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ⅰ. 短语填空


  up; set

  about; in case; hang

  on; out


  order; dive into; get through; ring off; fill

  in; a



  1. We ________a coffee shop to avoid the rain.

  2. I'm sorry,but I've to ________

  now. I have a train to catch.

  3. They have sent us another form to________.

  4. Planning a project is just ________working out the right order to do things in.

  5. I dialed several times, but I just couldn't________.

  6. He was overlooked when they________choosing a new manager.

  7. ________at your present job until you can get another.

  8. My clock was ________ and woke me up at 3 this morning.

  9. The smell of the sea ________ happy memories of my youth.

  10. You'd better write the telephone number down________ you forget.

  答案:1. dived into 2. ring off 3. fill in 4. a matter of 5. get through 6. set about 7. Hang on 8. out of order 9. called up 10. in case


  1. The man who hit so many people in a row had drunk so much that his mind could no longer distinguish________ fantasy ________reality.

  答案:between; and

  解析:考查动词词义。句意:那个连续撞了很多人的男子喝了太多酒,所以他的大脑分辨不出幻想和现实。distinguish between...and...“区别;辨别”。

  2. The sound of the happy laughter called________memories of his childhood.


  解析:考查短语意义。句意:幸福的笑声唤起了他童年的记忆。call up“使想起”,与句意相符。

  3. The volcano erupted violently, yet the village at the foot of it should come________.


  解析:句意:那座火山剧烈的喷发而山脚下的那个村庄竟然安然渡过了危险。come through“安然渡过(危机;疾病等)”,与句意相符。

  4. You should exercise extreme ________(cautious) when driving in fog.


  解析:句意:在雾中开车要极为小心。exercise extreme


  5. -Have you finished your homework yet?

  -Not yet, I set about________ (do) it just a few minutes ago.


  解析:句意:“你完成作业了吗?”“没有,几分钟前我才开始做作业。” set about“着手做某事”,后跟动词­ing形式。

  6. I can't bear________kept waiting, so I hope you can come on time.


  解析:can't bear doing 不能忍受做……。

  7.Sow some flower seeds in spring,________you will have a garden in summer.



  8.We have worked together like brothers and I feel honored to have the chance to live, work and associate________



  解析:句意:我们曾经像兄弟般一起工作,而且,我觉得很荣幸有机会和他们一起生活、工作和交往。associate with sb.意为“和某人交往”,符合句意。

  9.One________ hour and we'll get everything ready for the taking off.


  解析:句意:再有一个小时,我们将把起飞的一切东西准备好。one more hour再有一个小时。

  10. Put on more clothes, ________you may catch a cold.







  The World Bank says there are about 650 million mobile phone users in Africa. That is greater than the number of users in the United States and European Union.

  Samia Melhem works for the World Bank to increase information technologies in Africa. She says mobile phones are the fastest growing technology on the continent. “More people communicate by phone. More people have Internet access today in Africa than they have access to clean water, or even sanitation(卫生系统). So we can say this has been the most significant revolution in terms of changing how people live their daily life.”

  CNN television says many ways of life have been changed because of mobile phones. They include political activism, education, entertainment, disaster management, agriculture and health.

  Another area is banking. Reports say half or more of the adults use mobile money. Rene Mendy sells goods in the streets. But he never had enough money to open a bank account. Now he uses a mobile phone banking service called Orange Money. With his telephone, he can add or take out as little as one dollar. He can make payments and send money to family members who live far away.

  Orange Money says it serves four million customers in ten countries. The World Bank's Samia Melham says, “The mobile banking is a huge trend. And people in the West don't understand it, because most people have bank accounts and credit cards. It provides cash at a much lower cost. The cost is the cost of sending an SMS, which is almost nothing compared to what traditional transfer(转账) agents, like Western Union, would charge 10 dollars or more for a particular money transfer.”

  1. What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A. Mobile phones users are increasing in Africa.

  B. Mobile phones are changing lives in Africa.

  C. A mobile phone banking service appears recently.

  D. The mobile banking is a huge trend in the world.

  2. According to the passage, we know Orange Money________.

  A. charges less than traditional transfer agents

  B. can't send money to those living far away

  C. has four million customers in African countries

  D. could afford money to consumers in advance

  3. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. There are six areas affected by mobile phones in Africa.

  B. People in the West are against the use of the mobile banking.

  C. The number of phone users in the US is larger than that in Africa.

  D. Traditional banks face great challenges from mobile banking.

  [文章大意] 本文主要介绍了手机在非洲的大量使用改变了非洲人的生活方式。

  1. B。主旨大意题。由本文的内容以及第三段第一句“CNN television says many ways of life have been changed because of mobile phones.”可知本文的主题为“手机改变非洲人的生活方式”。

  2. A。细节理解题。由最后一段最后一句“The cost is the cost of sending an SMS, which is almost nothing compared to what traditional transfer(转账) agents...”可知Orange Money的收费比传统的转账机构低。

  3. D。推理判断题。由最后一段可推出“传统的银行面对着来自手机银行的巨大挑战”。



  One might expect that the ever­growing demands of the tourist trade would bring nothing but good for the countries that receive the holiday­makers. Indeed,a rosy picture is painted for the long­term future of the holiday industry. Every month sees the building of a new hotel somewhere. And every month another rock­bound Pacific island is advertised

  as the ‘last paradise (天堂) on


  However, the scale and speed of this growth seem set to destroy the very things tourists want to enjoy. In those countries where there was a rush to make quick money out of sea­side holidays,over­crowded beaches and the concrete jungles of endless hotels have begun to lose their appeal.

  Those countries with little experience of tourism can suffer most. In recent years,

  Nepal set out to attract foreign visitors to fund developments in health and education. Its forests, full of wildlife and rare flowers, were offered to tourists as one more untouched paradise. In fact, the nature all too soon felt the effects of thousands of holidaymakers traveling through the forest land. Ancient tracks became major routes for the walkers, with the consequent exploitation of precious trees and plants.

  Not only can the environment of a country suffer from the sudden growth of tourism. The people as well rapidly feel its effects. Farmland makes way for hotels,

  roads and airports; the old way of life goes. The one­time farmer is now the servant of some multi­national organization;he is no longer his own master. Once it was his back that bore the pain; now it is his smile that is exploited. No doubt he wonders whether he wasn't happier in his village working his own land.


  the tourist industry is waking up to the responsibilities it has towards those countries that receive its customers. The protection of wildlife and the creation of national parks go hand in hand with tourist

  development and

  in fact obtain financial

  support from tourist companies. At the same time,tourists are being encouraged to respect not only the countryside they visit but also its people.

  The way tourism is handled in the next ten years will decide its fate and that of the countries we all want to visit. Their needs and problems are more important than those of the tourist companies. Increased understanding in planning world­wide tourism can preserve the market for these companies. If not, in a few years' time the very things that attract tourists now may well have been destroyed.

  4. What does the author indicate in the last sentence of Paragraph 1?

  A. The Pacific island is a paradise.

  B. The Pacific island is worth visiting.

  C. The advertisement is not convincing.

  D. The advertisement is not impressive.

  5. The example of Nepal is used to suggest________.

  A. its natural resources are untouched

  B. its forests are exploited for farmland

  C. it develops well in health and education

  D. it suffers from the heavy flow of tourists

  6. What can we learn about the farmers from Paragraph 4?

  A. They are happy to work their own lands.

  B. They have to please the tourists for a living.

  C. They have to struggle for their independence.

  D. They are proud of working in multi­national organizations.

  7. Which of the following determines the future of tourism?

  A. The number of tourists.

  B. The improvement of services.

  C. The promotion of new products.

  D. The management of tourism.

  8. The author's attitude towards the development of the tourist industry is________.

  A. optimistic 

  B. doubtful

  C. objective

  D. negative

  [文章大意] 本文为议论文,题材是世界和环境类。众所周知旅游业可以给当地经济发展带来无限商机,尤其是一些欠发达国家和地区。但是盲目无序地发展旅游业也会给当地环境带来危害,甚至是致命危害。那我们该怎么平衡旅游业和环保之间的关系呢?



  6.B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的Once it was his back that bore the pain;now it is his smile that is exploited.”过去是他的脊背在承受痛苦,现在是人们开发利用他的微笑”推断出现在他们为了谋生不得不用自己的微笑来取悦游客,故选B项。



  Ⅳ. 短文改错

  Nowadays, there is a increasing number of people joining in the activities of volunteering. It's well­known that volunteering jobs are making contribution to society with something in return. It's as the Leifeng Spirit. However, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themselves in this trend. For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has such many volunteers. They make lots of contributions to the success of the Olympics. Moreover, we can often see many students go to visit the old to bring warmth to them. Even though some people's career is a volunteer. They are ready to helping others. Although the volunteers are much more common, we still need to thank they for devoting themselves to society.


  Nowadays, there is

  increasing number of people joining in the activities of volunteering. It's well­known that volunteering jobs are making

  to society with

  in return. It's

  the Leifeng Spirit. However, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themselves in this trend. For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has

  many volunteers. They

  lots of contributions to the success of the Olympics. Moreover, we can often see many students go to visit the old to bring warmth to them. Even

  some people's career is a volunteer. They are ready to

  others. Although the volunteers are much more common, we still need to thank

  for devoting themselves to society.


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