2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业:unit 5 Rhythm(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业:unit 5 Rhythm(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.When you visit Hunan,you will be impressed ________ natural beauty of Zhangjiajie.

  2.The government's new laws have had little effect ________ rising prices.

  3.The first prize was awarded ________ the best competitor of the annual sports meeting.

  4.In no way am I responsible ________ what has happened.

  5.________ your permission I should like to open another chain store in the city.

  6.He had represented himself ________ an employee in order to gain access to the files.

  7.Teachers should impress the children ________ the virtue of always telling the truth.

  8.Combined ________ a foreign firm,they think theirs is most likely to become stronger.

  9.He has a talent ________ saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

  10.________ our disappointment,the trip we had been looking forward to started in the pouring rain.

  答案 1.by 2.on 3.to 4.for 5.With 6.as7.with 8.with 9.for 10.To




  12.自从我离开这所学校以来已经有三年了。(It is...since)


  13.每次我打开电视都是足球节目。(every time)


  14.在某种程度上,你说的有道理。(in some ways)


  15.经理让他离开——也就是说,他被解雇了。(in other words)


  答案 11.My mother didn't buy me a piano until I was five.

  12.It is three years since I left the school.

  13.Every time I switch on the TV,there's football program.

  14.In some ways,what you said was reasonable.

  15.The manager asked him to leave—in other words,he was fired.


  Alanis,a Canadian singer and songwriter,is a real superstar. Jagged Little Pill,which __16__(publish) in 1995,made her worldfamous. Last Thursday night,__17__ (hundred) of her fans saw her perform in the Corn Exchange in Cambridge,England. Her song “Uninvited” won this year's Grammy Award for the best rock song. It was __18__ (extreme) cold that night,but the audience were enthusiastic. During the concert,she __19__(play) a few songs from her new album and gave a __20__ (create) and powerful performance in another song “Utopia”. In __21__ of the cold weather,__22__ (impress) by Morissette's brilliant music and singing,the people present __23__ excited. At the end of the __24__ (perform),she ended the evening __25__ a new song about the life of a superstar.

  答案 16.was published 17.hundreds 18.extremely19.played 20.creative 

  21.spite 22.impressed23.were 24.performance 25.with








  Last summer I spent two-week vacation at my aunt's.She lived in a small mountain village,with a river winding its course nearby.Early in one morning,I went swimming in the river,when some women were doing some washing.I found a most favorable point.I was just about to jump into the river while there came a crying,“Help! Help!” I looked for the direction of the cry.I found that the little boy had fallen into the river.I rushed over without any delay,jumping into the water and swam quickly towards the boy.Hold on to him over the water,I struggled to the bank.

  At last,the boy was saved and his parents came up and were thank to me.


  Last summer I spent

  two-week vacation at my aunt's.She

  in a small mountain village,with a river winding its course nearby.Early

  one morning,I went swimming in the river, some women were doing some washing.I found a most favorable point.I was just about to jump into the river

  there came a cry,“Help! Help!” I looked

  the direction of the cry.I found that

  little boy had fallen into the river.I rushed over without any delay, into the water and swam quickly towards the boy. on to him over the water,I struggled to the bank.

  At last,the boy was saved and his parents came up and were

  to me.



  体裁:记叙文 话题:爱 词数:270 时间:17′

  My father died when I was five.It was hard on us all.My brother, who is eight years older than me, began to__1__ my mother and me.

  Taking on many more__2__ than was expected of him, I remember he made sure the rubbish was__3__, and the yard mowed(修剪).He did on his__4__, without being told to do so.

  Because of my father's death, my mother was__5__ to get a full-time job.My brother took it upon himself, to get up early every morning.He would__6__ me up for school, and make me__7__.While I was eating he would__8__ my school uniform, make my bed, and gather my school__9__ up.

  When I arrived home from school, he had already__10__ cookies and a glass of milk for me.If I had homework, this was time for me to do it.Although my brother couldn't cook himself, he would find something for supper, and have__11__ ready for mom, so she could start__12__.

  It was a Saturday in June.My mother and I were at the__13__.There were all kinds of Father's Day cards on the counter.I asked my mother,“Why don't they have__14__ Day cards?” She smiled and said, “Your brother has__15__ been a father to you.Go ahead__16__ a card.”

  __17__ I did, and on Father's Day morning, my mother and I gave my brother the__18__ as a Father's Day present.

  As he read it, I saw the tears__19__ in his eyes.I heard the crackling in mom's voice as she said, “Son, your father is__20__ of you.We love you, and thank you.”

  1.A.watch over

  B.deal with

  C.hunt for

  D.watch out

  答案 A [watch over“守护;看护”,父亲死后,作者的哥哥看护照料妈妈和作者。deal with“处理;对付”;hunt for“寻找”;watch out“当心;注意”。]





  答案 D [通过下文对哥哥所做事情的描述,可以判断作者的哥哥承担了太多的责任。]

  3.A.made out

  B.taken out

  C.held out

  D.left out

  答案 B [make out“看出;辨认出”;take out“拿出;把……拿出去”;hold out“维持;坚守”;leave out“遗漏”。句子的意思是“将垃圾带出去B。]





  答案 D [on one's own“单独地;独自地”,根据下句without being told to do so可知哥哥是自己主动做这些事情的。]





  答案 C[根据Because of my father's death可知,父亲死后,妈妈不得不(被迫)做专职工作(养家糊口)。]





  答案 B [哥哥早起叫醒我去上学。stand up“起立”;make up“化装”;take up“占据”,皆不符合句子意思。]





  答案 A [由于是早晨,再结合While I was eating可知,哥哥给我做的是早餐。]





  答案 B [我吃早饭时,哥哥在熨烫我的衣服。look后应该加for表示寻找;哥哥不可能在洗(wash)我的校服,更不可能在穿(wear)我的校服。]





  答案 D [哥哥将我的学校用书聚集在一起。]





  答案 B [根据后面的for me可知此处应该填prepared。]





  答案 C [哥哥为妈妈做晚饭准备好所有的东西。anything用于疑问句或否定句。 ]





  答案 B [根据上面一句Although my brother couldn't cook himself可知,哥哥将所有做饭的材料准备好,等妈妈回来开始做饭。]





  答案 A [下文中提到柜台上有各种各样的父亲节的卡片,可知我和妈妈是在一家商店里。]





  答案 C [上句提到柜台上有各种各样的父亲节的卡片,所以作者不会再问为什么没有父亲节的卡片了。根据下句妈妈的话可知,作者问的是“为什么没有‘哥哥节’的卡片?”他想买一张卡片送给哥哥。]





  答案 A [妈妈的意思是“你的哥哥无疑(确实)就像你的父亲,他照顾你,关心你”。definitely“无疑;确实”。]

  16.A.pick up

  B.come across

  C.make of

  D.pick out

  答案 D [pick out“挑选”;pick up“拾起”;come across“偶然遇见”。根据句子意思,可知选D。]





  D [so I did“我就这样做了”,作者去挑选了一张卡片。]





  答案 B [上文提到我和妈妈在商店为我哥哥挑选了一个卡片,所以在父亲节这天把它作为礼物送给了哥哥。]





  答案 B [眼泪在眼中形成。指作者的哥哥非常感动,热泪盈眶。]





  答案 A [后面的We love you, and thank you提示出该空格的答案。“父亲为你骄傲”。]



  体裁:记306 时间:6′

  You may be familiar with some of ancient Chinese musical instruments called Erhu or Guzheng, but you may be not familiar with some other ancient Chinese music instruments, such as the Hujia.These instruments are gradually dying out because of a lack of attention and preservation for them.But now, a young man in Northeast China's Shenyang City is hoping to change that.

  Liu Da was born in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China and graduated from Tchaikovsky Music University in Ukraine two years ago, where he majored in piano.But rather than a pianist, Liu is now more like a carpenter for most of the day.And it's all for one thing:to recreate the musical instruments of ancient China.

  “In Ukraine, during major festivals, the artists from around the world would dress up in their own traditional clothes and use their own musical instruments to play.I had an opportunity to see a lot of music instruments in these festivals.So I was inspired to present our culture, our music as well, from where I'm from,” Liu said.

  Liu Da started to recreate ancient Chinese music instruments after he graduated from university.It usually takes him between six to eight months to make one ancient instrument.Liu Da has even learned the Manchu and Mongolian language, so he could consult historic files to make accurate designs.

  During the last two years, he has recreated 23 different kinds of musical instruments from ancient China, some dating back over thousands of years.“This musical instrument is called a Hujia, a reed ripe(牧笛).It dates back to 3,000 B.C. It's very old and it has a very interesting history,” Liu Da said.

  Liu Da's next plan is to form a band with these 23 instruments to get an authentic flavor for ancient music.

  21.Why are some ancient Chinese musical instruments dying out?

  A.They have lost their value in the modern society.

  B.People in China are not able to play them.

  C.People pay no attention to preservation for them.

  D.People in China don't know how to recreate them.

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据短文第一段中的These instruments are gradually dying out because of a lack of attention and preservation for them.可知,由于人们很少关注和保存这些古老的乐器,所以它们濒临灭绝。]

  22.What inspired Liu Da to recreate ancient Chinese musical instruments?

  A.No artists were invited to play in major festivals in Ukraine.

  B.Musicians played their own musical instruments in festivals.

  C.Artists from other countries knew little about Chinese culture and music.

  D.Chinese modern musical instruments were not popular with artists.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第三段中的the artists from around the world would dress up in their own traditional clothes and use their own musical instruments to play.可知,因为见到世界各地的艺术家在节庆时演奏自己的乐器,这激起Liu Da重新制作中国古代乐器的欲望。]

  23.It can be known from the passage that ________.

  A.Liu Da began making musical instruments when he was in the university

  B.Ancient Chinese musical instruments are easy to recreate for Liu Da

  C.Liu Da has recreated 23 different kinds of musical instruments from the world

  D.Liu Da has made great efforts to recreate ancient Chinese musical instruments

  答案 D [推理判断题。根据短文内容可知,Liu Da每天都像一个木匠,学习满族语和蒙古语查阅资料来制作这些古代乐器。由此可知,他付出了巨大努力来重新制作这些古

  24.What does Liu Da plan to do in the near future?

  A.To form a band with instruments he recreated.

  B.To recreate more musical instruments.

  C.To go for further study in Ukraine.

  D.To perform all around the world.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据短文最后一段可知,Liu Da想用自己重新制造的中国古代乐器来组成一个乐队。故选A。]


  体裁:记叙文 话题:人物和文化 词数:327 时间:7′

  At 17, Gao Bowen started to learn Pingtan, an ancient Chinese art form of singing and storytelling originated from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, with a history of more than 400 years.Today, at 45, he is the president of Shanghai Pingtan Troupe that trains young students in the narrative(叙述的) musical tradition.He has been promoting Pingtan with a modern touch for the past ten years.

  “Elderly people enjoy the tradition of sitting for days or even weeks to hear an entire story adapted from a legend or a historical event.However, young audiences like shorter stories and creative plots,” Gao says.“I try to appeal to young audiences with varied tastes while serving the older generations with classic tales.”

  Pingtan, unlike Peking Opera, has just two performers, one male and the other female, who play the sanxian and pipa, while singing and telling stories in the Suzhou dialect at local teahouses or small theaters.

  Born in Shanghai, where Pingtan was very popular, Gao grew fond of the art form by listening to radio programs.He attended Shanghai Traditional Opera School to learn Pingtan as a teenager, and ever since then he has been determined to find new ways to tell the world about the tradition.

  In 2008, he mixed Pingtan with rock music, which helped bring people closer to the old art form.Gao also points out that young students are easily distracted by today's various forms of entertainment.To train them, he starts with teaching the art of making and drinking tea, because “it needs patience to enjoy a cup of tea, which is similar to enjoying Pingtan”.

  Pingtan is a symbol of the slow and calm way of life.“For people who live in a fast-paced society, it's a luxury to spend a few hours sitting in a teahouse to enjoy the old art,” Gao says.But it makes you slow down and relax, he adds.“That is what is needed.”

  25.What do you know about Pingtan?

  A.It usually has more than two performers.

  B.It is an ancient Chinese art form.

  C.It has a history of less than 400 years.

  D.It is specially popular with young students.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据短文第一段中的an ancient Chinese art form of singing and storytelling originated from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province,可知,评弹是一种古老的中国艺术形式。故选项B正确。]

  26.What is Gao Bowen's contribution to Pingtan?

  A.He created it when he was 17 years old.

  B.He founded Shanghai Pingtan Troupe.

  C.He spreads it to all the countries in the world.

  D.He promoted it with a modern touch.

  答案 D [细节理解题。根据短文第一段最后一句He has been promoting Pingtan with a modern touch for the past ten years.可知,在过去的10年间,Gao Bowen把古老的评弹艺术与现代艺术相融合,这是他对评弹的贡献。故选D。]

  27.According to Gao Bowen, ________.

  A.elderly people have different tastes of arts from young audiences

  B.Pingtan will disappear soon because few people can understand it

  C.elderly people are tired of today's various forms of entertainment

  D.it is hard for Pingtan to be popular because it is singing in dialect

  答案 A [推理判断题。根据短文第二段内容可知,老年人喜欢传统的艺术,而年轻的听众喜欢短故事和创造性的情节,由此可以推知,老年人和年轻人对艺术的欣赏口味是不同的。故选A。]

  28.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A.Pingtan was very popular in Shanghai when Gao Bowen was born.

  B.Gao Bowen started to learn Pingtan by listening to radio programs.

  C.Gao Bowen mixed Pingtan with rock music in the year 2008.

  D.Gao Bowen starts with teaching Pingtan of making and drinking tea.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据Born in Shanghai, where Pingtan was very popular,可排除A;根据In 2008, he mixed Pingtan with rock music,可排除C;根据To train them, he starts with teaching the art of making and drinking tea可排除D。他是在Shanghai Traditional Opera School学习评弹的,不是跟着收音机学习的。故选B。]


  An antique(古董) collector saw a cat drinking milk from a bowl at the door while he was passing a small shop.On the first sight of the bowl,the man 29__ (immediate) realized that the bowl was very old and __30__(value).He walked into the shop with an uninterested look and asked to buy the cat.“I'm sorry,” the shopkeeper said,“but the cat is not for __31__ (sell).” “Please, the man urged,looking much __32__(worry).“I need a cat around my house to catch __33__(mouse).”“How much can you give me?” the shopkeeper asked.“I'll give you 20 dollars.” The shopkeeper was __34__ (satisfy) with the price and gave the cat to the man after __35__ (take) the money.

  “Listen,” the man added.“I wonder __36__ you could give me that old bowl as well.The cat seems like __37__ very much.”

  “Sorry,” the shopkeeper answered,“but that bowl brings me good __38__ (lucky).I have sold 68 cats this week!”


  29.immediately [副词修饰后面的动词realized。]

  30.valuable [用形容词形式是要与and前面的形容词old保持一致。]

  31.sale [for sale是固定短

  32.worried [look为系动词,意为“看起来”,后面跟形容词作表语。]

  33.mice [mice为mouse的复数,空格之前没有冠词,故用复数形式。]

  34.satisfied [be satisfied with是固定短语,意为“对……满意”。]

  35.taking [aftering形式。]

  36.if [I wonder if...是固定句型结构,意为“我想知道是否……”。]

  37.it [it指代前面出现的that old bowl。]

  38.luck [空格处的单词应该作宾语,lucky为形容词。]


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