2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业:unit 22 Environmental Protection(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业:unit 22 Environmental Protection(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.Increased production will,________ turn,lead to increased profits.

  2.Apart ________ the occasional visit,what does Alar do for his kids?

  3.All ________ all,it has been a pretty bad year for him.

  4.________ coincidence,we arrived here at the same time.

  5.You really should be more considerate ________ your neighbors so that you can get on well with them.

  6.His nationality isn't relevant ________ whether he's a good teacher.

  7.The boss was rough ________ him,which made him angry.

  8.The criminal was condemned ________ ten years in jail.

  答案 1.in 2.from 3.in 4.By 5.of 6.to 7.on



  9.________________(考虑到你生病了),we'd better put off

  the meeting.

  10.I'm here ________________(代表) my class to give you a speech.

  11.Do you ________________(提倡禁止) cars in the city centre?

  12.Due to circumstances ________________(超出我们的控制范围),the lecture was cancelled.

  13.It is easy to ________________(拆钟表) but it is difficult to reassemble it.

  答案9.Given that you are sick 10.on behalf of11.advocate banning 

  12.beyond our control 13.take apart a clock


  It is reported that Earth's climate is being changed and human beings will face __14__ (globe) warming.Global warming refers to __15__ average increase in the Earth's temperature __16__,in turn,leads to climate change.The global average temperature __17__ (increase) by 1℉ over the last 100 years because of human activities.If the situation __18__ (continue),we are condemning life on Earth and should face terrible climate changes,serious diseases and bad effects __19__ some industries as well as the __20__ (rise) sea levels.So how can we stop these disasters from __21__ (happen)? Governments all over the world have a responsibility to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide __22__ (produce) by their countries.Everyone can play his __23__ by making small changes in his daily life.

  答案 14.global 15.an 16.that/which 17.has increased 18.continues 19.on 20.rising 21.happening 22.produced 23.part/role








  Dear Mike,

  In your last letter,you told me you want to go hiking in the coming summer vacation.Like any adventure of nature,we should be prepared for your hike.The followings are my advices:

  Firstly,hike with a partner for safety and leave word whether you will be traveling in case of the emergency.Secondly,carry a cell phone with you.Thirdly,be sure have the right clothing and footwear for the hike.Fourthly,carry a plenty of water because you can become quickly thirsty without it.Meanwhile,have a few snacks can give you energy,too.Fifthly,take a small first-aid box with you,particular on longer hikes in case you get injure.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


  Dear Mike,

  In your last letter,you told me you

  to go hiking in the coming summer vacation.Like any adventure of nature, should be prepared for your hike.The followings are my :

  Firstly,hike with a partner for safety and leave word

  you will be traveling in case of

  emergency.Secondly,carry a cell phone with you.Thirdly,be sure

  have the right clothing and footwear for the hike.Fourthly,carry

  plenty of water because you can become quickly thirsty without it.Meanwhile, a few snacks can give you energy,too.Fifthly,take a small first-aid box with you, on longer hikes in case you get .

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua



  体裁:记叙文 话题:爱 词数:268 时间:16′

  Normally in a parent-child relationship,the responsibility for care falls on the parent.But when__1__ circumstances(情况) strike,the roles can quickly be__2__.This was the case for Dan Steinberg,who was along with sister,Molly.

  When Peg Steinberg was 36,she was__3__ with breast cancer.Ten and a half years__4__,it had reappeared in her skin,but she__5__ to get through it.

  “Two years ago,I was examined with cancer,” Peg says.“But I now feel__6__ good,and so far,the cancer is not there.”

  She remembers a time when Dan and his sister,Molly,went to the__7__ when she first had her__8__.Dan and Molly crawled in bed with her,saying,“Mom,we were young before and you wanted to__9__ us,but now we're here for you.We're__10__ and we want to know what you're feeling so we can help you,” Peg recalls.“And that was very__11__.”

  “You're still my mother,Molly's mother.” Dan says.“I guess what's been hard for me is just__12__ up to the fact,I know I have to say__13__ to you and I hope that's not soon.”

  Peg says that if there was anything she could change14__ her illness,it would be to have been able to give Dan more__15__ things in life,so that he would not have had the__16__ of losing his mother.

  Dan says,“I love you and you have always been a role__17__ of how I should attack life,how I should__18__ life.”

  “I'm very__19__ that you feel that way,and I can't__20__ having been through any of this without all of you,” Peg says.




  答案 D [根据后面内容的叙述可知,当不幸的情况发生时,原来的角色会改变。]





  答案 D [角色发生快速的改变。exchange“交换”,不符合句子意思。]





  答案 A [Peg Steinberg被发现患有癌症。]





  答案 B [一段时间后面接later,表示多长时间以后。]





  答案 D [根据to get through it和下面的内容可知,她的病好了,是指她通过努力做成了某事。attempt to do“企图做……”;succeed后面应用in doing; pretend to do“假装做……”。]





  答案 A [pretty=quite,表示“非常”。rather修饰一些表示“不好”的形容词。]





  答案 C [根据后面的动手术可知,他们是去了医院。]





  答A [在医院里做第一次手术。]





  答案 C [以前孩子们小,需要母亲的保护。]





  答案 B [此处用adults与young作对比,说明他们已经是“大人”了。]





  答案 A [孩子说的话让母亲很感动,她认为这些话给了她战胜疾病的力量。]





  答案 C [对孩子们来说很难“面对”他们的妈妈要死去的事实。]





  答案 C [孩子们认为妈妈要死去,所以只得对妈妈说再见了。]

  14.A.in terms of

  B.in spite of

  C.in case of

  D.in need of

  答案 A [in terms of=considering“考虑到”。in spite of“尽管;虽然”;in case of“以防”;in need of“需要”。]





  答案 D [给孩子一些更积极向上的东西,让他们摆脱对母亲死亡的恐惧。]





  答案 A [面对母亲的死,孩子是害怕的。]





  答案 B [孩子将母亲作为自己的榜样。]





  答案 D [how I live life“我该怎样生活”。]





  答案 A [母亲对孩子有这样的认识应该感到“高兴”。]





  答案 B [母亲感到如果没有孩子(的鼓励)不能想象自己怎样战胜自己的病魔。]



  体裁:记叙文 话题:人物与事件 词数:311 时间:7′

  Khachamgyal's hometown in China's Qinghai Province is famous for producing learned scholars and literary legends,and the college student is determined to follow in their footsteps.

  The 26-year-old,who is only the second blind person to ever be enrolled at Tibet University,has already won many awards for his poems and articles in Tibetan.“I want to achieve my dream,which is to live without needing to admire other people and without other people needing to discriminate against(歧视) me,” said the college student,who lost his sight because of illness at age 16.

  Khachamgyal's native Regong County is the birthplace of famous Tibetan writer Gendun Chopel and other artists,and is known for its thangka painting,a traditional Tibetan Buddhist art.Yet,his true inspiration was a French woman known in Tibetan as Konchok Pemo.In 2005,she helped him enroll at Braille Without Borders in Lhasa.“Konchok Pemo is my benefactor(恩人),she showed me a path of brightness in my life,” he said.

  At the specialist school,he studied Chinese,Tibetan and English.He said he picked up the Lhasa dialect in weeks,and was speaking good English within six months.He went on to complete junior and senior middle school in Lhasa,and in 2017 was accepted by Tibet University,where he majors in translation.

  Khachamgyal said he studies with the help from his classmates.“They take turns to read the books to me,and some books have audio versions so I can listen again and again,” he said.“As well as my classmates helping out with many things in daily life,the university gives me a sponsorship of 3,000 yuan a year,” he said.

  In the past two years,he has read more than 20 books and written 16 essays,including five that have been published in magazines and newspapers.

  21.What does Khachamgyal dream to be in the future?

  A.A teacher.

  B.An editor.

  C.A translator.

  D.A scholar.

  答案 D [推Khachamgyal决心跟随他们的脚步,亦即在未来成为一名博学的学者。故选D。]

  22.What do you know about Khachamgyal?

  A.He has already won many awards while studying at Tibet University.

  B.He is the only blind student who is studying at Tibet University.

  C.He lost his sight in an accident when he was still a little boy.

  D.He has published more than 16 essays in magazines and newspapers.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的has already won many awards for his poems and articles in Tibetan.可知,在上大学期间,Khachamgyal就已经获得了许多大奖。故选A。]

  23.Who truly inspired Khachamgyal in his life?

  A.A famous writer.B.A French woman.

  C.His classmates.D.His college teachers.

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第三段中的Yet,his true inspiration was a French woman known in Tibetan as Konchok Pemo.可知选项B正确。]

  24.The story of Khachamgyal inspires people to ________.

  A.face difficulties bravelyB.treasure what they have

  C.help others selflesslyD.care for the disabled

  答A [推理判断题。尽管Khachamgyal是个盲人,但他考取了大学,两年的时间内读了20本书,写了16篇论文,获得了许多奖项。由此可知,他的故事激励人们要勇敢地面对困难。故选A。]


  体裁:说明文 话题:自然灾害 词数:289 时间:5′

  It's a good idea for families to talk about what they would do to escape a fire.You'll want to talk about escape plans and escape routes,so let's start here.

  An escape plan can help every member of a family get out of a burning house.The idea is to get outside quickly and safely.Smoke from a fire can make it hard to see where things are,so it's important to learn and remember the different ways out of your home.

  If you live in an apartment building,you'll want to know the best way to the stair or other emergency exits.If you're in a room with the door closed when the fire breaks out,you need to take a few extra steps:

  • Check to see if there's heat or smoke coming in the cracks(裂缝) around the door.

  • If you see smoke coming under the door—don't open the door!

  • If you don't see smoke—touch the door.If the door is hot or very warm—don't open the door!

  • If you don't see smoke—and the door is not hot—then use your fingers to lightly touch the doorknob(门把手).If the doorknob is hot or very warm—don't open the door!

  • If the doorknob feels cool,and you can't see any smoke around the door,you can open the door very carefully and slowly.When you open the door,if you feel a burst of heat,or smoke pours into the room,quickly shut the door and make sure it is really closed.If there's no smoke or heat when you open the door,go toward your escape route exit.

  【语篇解读】 如果不慎发生火灾,你将如何逃生?作者给出了逃生的5条建议。

  25.The best title for the passage is ________.

  A.How to make an escape plan and an escape route

  B.Steps on how to escape a fire in a room with the door closed

  C.The best way to find the stair or other emergency exits

  D.How to deal with smoke from a fire

  答案 B [主旨大意题。根据短文内容特别是第三段中的If you're in a room with the door closed when the fire breaks out,you need to take a few extra steps:可知,文章的B合适。]

  26.If you are in a room where there is a fire,the writer suggests that you should ________.

  A.get outside quickly and safely

  B.stay in the room and wait for help

  C.try to put out the fire by yourself

  D.jump out of the room through windows

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据短文第二段中的The idea is to get outside quickly and safely.可知答案为A。]

  27.What should you do if you find heavy smoke goes into the room?

  A.Escape from your room as quickly as possible.

  B.Open the door very carefully and slowly.

  C.Close the door as quickly as possible.

  D.Find the nearest stair and run down.

  答案 C [细节理解题。根据短文中的if you feel a burst of heat,or smoke pours into the room,quickly shut the door可知,发现烟进入你的房间时,应该立即关门。]

  28.Where does this passage probably come from?

  A.A safety guide book.B.A traffic guide book.

  C.A science fiction.D.A science report.

  答案 A [推理判断题。这篇文章是向读者说明发生火灾时如何逃生的,


  Simple tips to help you say no with love

  We say yes for many reasons.But if we're in the habit of saying yes too often,we may find ourselves overwhelmed,depressed,or angry.__29__

  1.Say thanks and think it over.

  Don't allow people to bully you into making quick decisions.You may feel uncomfortable,hate the other person,and make some anger towards yourself.__30__ Give them a time or date that you'll follow up with them.

  2.Three breaths and two questions.

  If we are in the habit of saying yes out of thinking,every question can cause stress.__31__ Then ask yourself these two questions:Am I able to? Do I want to? Just because we're able to do something it doesn't mean we should or that we need to.When we do things out of obligation it feels like a chore.When we do things out of love,they feel like a joy.


  The actual saying no can be the hardest step because your mind's program may tell you that you're selfish or you're a bad person for saying no.This is not true.You are saying no because you value yourself,your time,and your energy.Saying no like this:I appreciate you thinking of me to watch your dog but unfortunately I'm not able to this weekend.” You can offer other dates that might work.

  4.Simply say no with a smile.

  __33__ When you're able to say no easily and without guilt,you might even find that you are more willing to volunteer and/or participate because when you do,it will be out of joy,not obligation.

  A.What will they think if I say no?

  B.Avoid this by saying you'll check your schedule.

  C.Turn them down like this and offer choices.

  D.It shows self-respect by being able to say no in a loving way.

  E.Learning to say no protects our energy,time,and priorities.

  F.Take three deep breaths before you answer which will ground you.

  G.Laughing is one of the most therapeutic things you can do for yourself every day.


  29.E [本文介绍了一些拒绝别人的简单建议。E项说明说“不”的一些好处,属于主题段内容。故选E。]

  30.B [根据空格后面的句子Give them a time or date that you'll follow up with them.可知,空格处的句子内容应该是“检查一下自己的时间安排”B。]

  31.F [本段标题为Three breaths and two questions.选项F中的Take three deep breaths与标题内容相符。故选F。]

  32.C [根据本段中的Saying no like this:“I appreciate you thinking of me to watch your dog but unfortunately I'm not able to this weekend.”以及You can offer other dates that might work.可知,本段标题应该是“怎么样拒绝别人并提供选项”。故选C。]

  33.D [本段标题为Simply say no with a smile.选项D中的by being able to say no in a loving way与标题内容相符合。故选D。]


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