2017届高考英语一轮复习限时训练:1-5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero(新人教版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习限时训练:1-5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero(新人教版)

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. Russia won the bid for the 2018 World Cup because they got most________(投票).

  2. This business company was ________ (建立) in 1724.

  3. He examined the ________ (质量) of the books carefully.

  4. How much are they w______ to pay?

  5. The boy was r______

  for bringing back the lost dog.

  6. He was s______

  to three years in prison.

  答案:1. votes 2. founded 3. quality 4. willing 5. rewarded 6. sentenced

  Ⅱ. 选词填空

  in trouble; blow up; turn to; lose heart; as a matter of fact

  1. Disney didn't________ though he failed many times.

  2. A police officer was killed when his car________.

  3. He will________

  his teacher for help when he meets some difficulties in English.

  4. If you can't pay the bill, you're going to be________.

  5. I won't go with him;________, I hate staying with him.

  答案:1. lose heart 2. blew up 3. turn to 4. in trouble

  5. as a matter of fact


  1.Through the reform, the economic situation of China________ ________(turn) much better than it used to be.

  答案:turned out

  解析:考查动词短语。turn out结果是;证明是。

  2.In the great fire,he was fortunate to escape________ ________(kill).

  答案:being killed

  解析:考查escape的用法。句意:在大火中,他很幸运地逃脱了死亡。escape doing sth.“逃脱做某事”,kill与he之间为被动关系。

  3. He is a man who lacks experience and determination, and I think he is not equal ________ the job.



  4.With the victory at the French Open, Li Na has reached NO. 4 in the world,________(equal) the previous Asian record.


  解析:考查非谓语动词。根据主语一致原则,Li Na与equal为主动关系,所以用现在分词,意为与以前的亚洲记录持平。

  5.________ ________ ________(第一次) I saw Bob, he was surfing the Internet at home.

  答案:The first time

  解析:the first time引导时间状语从句,起连词作用。句意:我第一次看到鲍勃的时候,他正在家上网。

  6. Elias went to see Nelson Mandela, a black lawyer then, for advice when he was________ trouble.


  解析:考查介词短语in trouble“处于困境中”。

  7.The time he has devoted in the past ten years________ ________(help) the disabled is now considered________ ________(be) of great value.

  答案:to helping; to be

  解析:考查非谓语动词。devote time to doing sth.句型中to为介词,后接动名词,意为“花时间干某事”;be considered to be...“被认为是……”。

  8.As part of the exam, the headmaster ________ ________(set) a situation to test the students' ability of making decisions.

  答案:set up

  解析:句意:作为考试的一部分,校长设立了一种情形来考查学生作出决定的能力。set up意为“创设;设立;成立”,符合句意。

  9.Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent______ ______ ______ ______ ______(病人才能被治疗)properly in this hospital.

  答案:can the patients be treated


  10.—What do you want to do next? The opening ceremony of the games is starting.

  —______ ______ ______ ______.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.

  答案:It's up to you

  解析:考查情景交际。根据下一句Whatever you want to do is fine with me(不管你想做什么对我来说都可以)可知,It's up to you“你来决定吧”。




  My father­in­law, Mr.

  Lucky, was thankful for the simple things in life.

  His wife, Flora, allowed him to__1__one scratch­off ticket per week.


  that ticket always__2__being the winning one.

  “Send some of that magic dust our way, Lucky,”

  his coworkers laughed as they carried off their__3__tickets.

  “We're all lucky to be living,”

  he'd reply.

  As Mr. Lucky grew older, he__4__from hearing loss. It would have been a great problem to others. Not Mr.Lucky, however.

  He was seated in the break room one afternoon when a weather announcement came.

  “A tornado(龙卷风) warning has been issued for the area.Please be __5__of the conditions!”

  Dad looked up. “A tomato warning! What's wrong with the tomatoes?” he shouted in__6__.

  His coworkers simply __7__their heads.

  “You really need to see about some hearing aids, Lucky!

  Get yourself to a doctor!”

  That afternoon as Dad drove home through the__8__,

  he found it impossible to see. A mile up the road, he__9__into the back of a physician's car.

  With his license revoked(吊销), there was no__10__but to move our parents to Virginia where we could drive them around town.

  I found Dad a part­time job at a mall within walking distance.

  Before the mall opened each day, Dad would__11__Dillard's department store. There, he'd clean the floors and__12__all the trash cans.

  “I'm the __13__man on the Earth,” he'd comment on the rainy or cold days.

  “I have a wonderful wife, two terrific sons and their families, a job that I love, and a little spare__14__in my pocket.

  It doesn't get any__15__than that!”

  I often wondered why the manager at Dillard's__16__to keep Dad on.

  His eyesight was so bad that he couldn't possibly see well enough to clean__17__.

  One morning, I looked through the perfume counter__18__for Dad to get off work.

  I could hear him singing in the distance as he__19__. Suddenly, one of the sales clerks chuckled(轻声地笑).

  “Come on, Mr.


  tell me another joke to brighten my morning.”

  I spotted the manager of the store quietly chuckling nearby.

  Suddenly, I__20__. Mr. Lucky spread magic dust all over Dillard's department store.

  1. A.




  C. order



  2.A. ended up

  B. began with

  C. took up

  D. turned up

  3.A. valuable

  B. expensive

  C. worthy

  D. worthless

  4.A. learned

  B. suffered

  C. fell

  D. retired

  5.A. tired

  B. afraid

  C. aware

  D. fond

  6.A. delight

  B. hurry

  C. general

  D. surprise

  7.A. shook

  B. nodded

  C. turned

  D. raised

  8.A. crowd

  B. storm

  C. street

  D. cloud

  9.A. drove

  B. went

  C. crashed

  D. got

  10.A. alternative

  B. need

  C. possibility

  D. use

  11.A. drive to

  B. head for

  C. break into

  D. call up

  12.A. fill

  B. buy

  C. empty

  D. bring

  13.A. oldest

  B. luckiest

  C. poorest

  D. richest

  14.A. change

  B. ticket

  C. book

  D. house

  15.A. worse

  B. better

  C. longer

  D. colder

  16.A. stopped

  B. asked

  C. continued

  D. regretted

  17.A. carefully

  B. properly

  C. quickly

  D. slowly

  18.A. waiting

  B. watching

  C. caring

  D. intending

  19. A. walked

  B. shopped

  C. danced

  D. worked

  20.A. laughed

  B. understood

  C. remembered

  D. recovered

  [文章大意] 一位老人,听力下降,视力也出现了问题,但他一直对生活充满希望,从不抱怨,十分满足,正是这种乐观向上的生活态度,使得他成为了一个真正幸运的人,也感染了周围的人。


  2.A。Mr.Lucky似乎比其他人更幸运,因为他的彩票往往最终获奖。end up“最终成为”符合语境。



  5.C。这里是天气预报,提醒人们“注意天气情况”,用be aware of。

  6.D。Mr.Lucky由于听力不好,把tornado warning(龙卷风警报)听成了tomato warning(西红柿警报),因此他自己也感到“奇怪”。


  8.B。由前文提到的龙卷风警报可知,Mr. Lucky在回家途中应该是遇到了“风暴”,故用storm。

  9.C。因为风暴,所以视线不好,结果“撞在”一位医生的汽车上。crash into“碰撞,撞击”。

  10.A。Mr. Lucky驾照被吊销,无法开车,因此作者没有“选择”,只能将父母接到Virginia,由作者夫妇开车接送。

  11.B。Mr. Lucky在一个购物中心做兼职,每天购物中心开门前,他就往那儿赶,故此处应用head for“前往……到……去”。


  13.B。根据Mr. Lucky下文的话可知,他对自己的生活非常满足,认为自己是“最幸运的”人。


  15.B。这个情况已经是最好,不可能“更好”了,说明Mr. Lucky非常满足。“否定词+比较级”相当于最高级,故选B。

  16.C。作者纳闷儿,Mr. Lucky视力不好,打扫卫生的工作“质量”可能会受到影响,那家店的经理为什么还要“继续”让他留任呢?


  18.A。由后面的“get off work”可知,这里指作者在等待Mr. Lucky下班。

  19.D。作者在等Mr. Lucky下班,故此处是在描写Mr. Lucky工作时的情形,故选worked。

  20.B。作者终于明白了,是Mr. Lucky乐观的精神感染了这个店铺,大家都离不开他。

  Ⅴ. 阅读理解


  For as much as I love nature, it's remarkable that I grew up in a family that didn't spend a lot of time there. The Ludlows weren't campers, hikers, or beachgoers.

  That's not to say we didn't go outdoors.

  We just didn't stay there long.

  My dad's favorite way to relax was to sit on the patio(露台) with a glass of iced tea. He'd preside over his freshly mowed lawn,

  enjoy the birds and watch for the fox. But when the sun went down, he went inside.

  Lots of kids grow up gazing at the stars, knowing the constellations(星座).

  Me? I never noticed the stars.

  In my early childhood, the darkening shadow of evening was the signal that it was time to hightail it home from the park on my bike.

  Then I met the sky.

  I saw it the summer before my seventh grade when we took a family trip to Wyoming. In my mental photo album, I feel the mist of Old Faithful, I smell the store where my dad bought a cowboy hat and I shiver in my sleeping bag on the overnight rafting trip down the Snake River.

  One night, Dad had arranged for us to sleep in a tepee.When the flames died down after our campfire dinner, he kept my little sister,



  and me outside, wrapped us in blankets and told us to look up, wait, and watch.

  As my eyes adjusted, the stars appeared.

  The black was filled with white. Dad revealed the universe.

  Decades later,


  crave walks

  in the





  sit by a lake for hours, and a sunset mesmerizes(使着迷) me.And everywhere I go, I look up and search for the heaven I saw that night. I haven't yet to see that sky again, so utterly aglow.

  I don't know whether that's because my kid memory blew it out of proportion or because our lit­up world makes seeing the true sky all but impossible. I just know I haven't stopped looking.

  1.Which of the following can be inferred from the first paragraph?

  A.The Ludlows like travelling and camping.

  B.The Ludlows never go out to nature.

  C.The author has a love for nature because of his family.

  D.It's noticeable for a nature lover to be born into the Ludlows.

  2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

  A.That night sky in Wyoming impressed the author.

  B.The author has no chance to walk in the woods decades later.

  C.Few kids grow up gazing at the stars and knowing the universe.

  D.The author has to give up his search of the sky he met in Wyoming.

  3. What's the autor's main purpose in writing the text?

  A.To look back on her childhood.

  B.To express how much she is attached to her father.

  C.To declare how much she loves nature in Old Faithful.

  D.To recall an inspiring summer night spent gazing at the sky.

  [文章大意] 作者讲述了一个夏天的晚上与父亲一起凝望星空的感人故事。

  1.D。推理判断题。由第一段中的“For as much as I love nature, it's remarkable that I grew up in a family that didn't spend a lot of time there.”可推知D项正确。 remarkable意为“值得注意的”,与D项中的noticeable对应。


  3.D。写作意图题。文中作者主要回忆了在Old Faithful的一个夜晚与父亲一起凝望天空的事,故选D项。

  Ⅵ. 书面表达




  With the development of economics as well as the improving life standard, more and more people possess private cars._______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  One possible version:

  With the development of economics as well as the improving life standard, more and more people possess private cars.There are advantages, of course. It will bring great convenience to us. Besides, it is good to the development of economics in turn.

  But as each coin has two sides,there are disadvantages as well. First of all,the air and noise pollution is undoubtedly going from bad to worse. It is not only of great harm to the environment around us,but also to our human bodies. In addition, it may cause more traffic accidents.

  Such being the case,some immediate measures must be taken to prevent it in my opinion. For instance, we should pay more attention to the environmental protection to refresh the air. What's more, stricter rules should be made to avoid more traffic accidents.


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