2017届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块6.1《laughter is good for you 》(原卷版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块6.1《laughter is good for you 》(原卷版)

发布时间:2017-03-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高考英语一轮复习精品资料(译林牛津版)——模块六 Unit 1 (讲练篇)

  Unit 1 Laughter is good for you


  考点-1. laughter

  【教材原句】Everyone agrees that laughter is good for you.(P1) 每个人都认为笑对身体有好处【例句研读】翻译句中的划线部分

  That night, his party was full of laughter.

  ②After his little daughter’s words, they burst into laughter.

  ③Seeing the funny scene, the people howled with laughter.




  laugh at sb./sth.

  play jokes on

  have a good laugh over

  【注意】laughter与laugh均可用作名词,意为“笑,笑声”。但laughter为不可数名词,而laugh为可数名词。 【即时巩固】No one enjoys________.

  A. laughing at B. being laughed at

  C. being laughing at

  D. being laughed

  One minute she burst out ________and the next burst into________.

  A. crying; laughter

  B. tears; laughing

  C. tear; laughter

  D. crying; laughing


  【教材原句】While this kind of humour may sound cruel,it usually only works if both the comedian and the audience have affection for or admire the person being made fun of.()这种幽默可能听起来有点刻薄,但是通常只有当喜剧演员和观众都喜欢或者崇拜这个被取笑的对象的时候,这种幽默才奏效。

  【例句研读】As we know, children need lots of love and affection.


  I have a deep affection for my hometown.


  Every mother has affection towards her children.


  She gazed with affection at her sleeping child.


  ’t show much affection for animals/show animals much affection .


  Does second hand smoke affect the health of all of us?


  【自主归纳】affection n.喜爱,钟爱→ v. 影响;打动;感染;喜欢


  have affection for/towards with affection

  向某人表示关爱喜爱 (=show...affection)【即时巩固】She brought up her little brother and had great _______for him.

  A. attention

  B. affection

  C. attitude

  D. ambition

  ②This kind of medicine has a bad ________on our brains.

  A. affection

  B. affect

  C. effect

  D. result

  考点-. perform

  【教材原句】Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV.(P2) 每次主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼直播的时候,他都会在数百万观众面前表演他的单口喜剧节目。


  Our team performed well in the match yesterday. 

  ②It is a very big challenge for her to perform such a role in the play.

  ③The surgeon was performing a dangerous operation.

  ④Do we have enough equipment to perform the experiment with?

  ⑤He made a promise that he would help me with the difficult job, but he didn’t perform his promise.

  ⑥Lin Dan put on a good performance in the match.

  【自主归纳】performance n表演;演出;表现,业绩→ vt. & vi.表演,做,履行;工作,运转→

  n.表演者I’m sure that The Chinese Opera Mulan

  next week in Japan will be a success.

  ②This kind of absurd humour is hot very funny if you are only listening and not watching the comedian’s


  ③Only a few stand-up comedians have become famous as a television and film

  later on in life.

  perform/behave well/badly

  perform one’s duty

  perform one’s promise

  perform/carry out an operation

  perform/do/make/conduct/carry out an experiment

  put on a performance/performances

  【即时巩固】Everyone's attention was drawn to the eight­year­old girl who was ________ perfectly at the piano.

  A. acting

  B. behaving

  C. doing

  D. performing

  ②We went to Canada to travel and my cousin _________ as our guide.

  A. played

  B. showed

  C. acted

  D. performed

  ③Everyone's attention was drawn to the eight­year­old girl who was ________ perfectly at the piano.

  A. acting

  B. behaving

  C. doing

  D. performing

  考点-. live

  【教材原句】Each time, he performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV.(P2)每次主持奥斯卡颁奖典礼直播的时候,他都会在数百万观众面前表演他的单口喜剧节目。【例句研读】翻译句中的划线部分

  The aged live a happy life in this village.

  ②The people in the south of china live on rice.

  ③The international football match will be broadcast live this evening.

  ④We watched a live television show. 

  ⑤You know your history better than any other person alive today.

  ⑥The wilderness is a living museum of natural history.

  ⑦The opposition speaker made a lively speech.

  【自主归纳】live, alive, living, lively用法辨析live活的;现场直播的/地,实况的/地定语,表语a live fish一条活鱼be broadcast live现场直播a live television match电视现场直播的比赛

  We will live up to the expectations of our people.我们决不辜负全国人民对我们的希望。alive活着的(与dead相对)后置定语,表语,宾补a fish alive一条活鱼be caught alive被活捉

  living活着的,健在的定语,表语a living fish一条活鱼His grandfather is still living.他的祖父仍健在


  Young children are usually lively活泼lively and interesting lessons生动有趣的课The teacher had a gift for making his lessons


  ②His grandfather is the only soldier

  after the war was over.

  ③John caught a

  fish this morning.

  ④This show is being broadcast


  【即时巩固】Our chemistry teacher is good at making his lessons__________.

  A. alive

  B. living

  C. live

  D. lively

  ②Some of the latest news about the meeting


  from Beijing .

  A. was; direct

  B. were; straight

  C. were; alive

  D. was; live

  ③Water is vital _______every living thing ______, without which the world would be a dead place.

  A. to keeping; alive

  B. to keep; living

  C. to keeping; lively

  D. to keep; alive

  ④So seriously polluted is the lake that all the

  things died out gradually.

  A. alive

  B. living

  C. lively

  D. live


  【教材原句】Crystal is popular with all age groups and has the ability to amuse people all over the world.克里斯托深受各年龄段人群的喜爱,而且他有能力让世人感到开心。

  【例句研读】①It was too rainy to play outside, so she amused herself with a book.


  ②We were greatly amused to hear about him sitting on the wet paint.


  ③To everyone's amusement, the actor fell off the stage.

  演员从舞台上跌了下来,。④We are amused at his amusing stories.

  我们⑤The little girl looked at me in amusement.

  女孩看着我。【自主归纳】amuse oneself with be amused at(with/by)

  to one's amusement

  in/with amusement

  amused (指人的自身感受)感到很好笑 amusing (指给他人的感觉) 有趣的,好笑的,逗人发笑的【即时巩固】 Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues

  with her stories.

  A. amused

  B. amusing

  C. to amuse

  D. to be amused

  ②The coach’s great _______ is to make all the players into a united team and win the final success.

  A. achievement

  B. amusement

  C. statement

  D. argument

  考点-. participate

  【教材原句】As you laugh, the muscles participating in the laugh become active.当你笑的时候,参与笑的肌肉就变得活跃。

  【例句研读】①The teacher encouraged me to participate with other students in the discussion.


  ②I participate in your suffering and joy.


  ③All the participants in the debate will have an opportunity to speak.


  【自主归纳】participant n.

  participation n.

  participate with sb. in sth.

  participate in

  participate, attend, take part in, join, join (sb.) in的辨析

  participate“参加,参与”,侧重参加某一项活动,常与in搭配,即participate in sth.


  take part in“参加”, 侧重参加集体性的大型活动,并强调参加者持积极的态度并在其中起一定的作用join“参加”,侧重参加某一机构或组织并成为其中的一员join(sb.)in指参与某种活动①About 400 students

  the protest.

  ②We couldn't wait to

  the fun.


  the army in 2010.

  ④We want to encourage students to

  the running of the class.


  the meeting tomorrow.

  【即时巩固】013高考湖北卷)Poetry written from the ________ of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.

    A. perspective     

  B. priority  

  C. participation   

  D. privilege

  ②Our headmaster will _______us in the discussion this afternoon.

  A. take part in

  B. join in

  C. join

  D. attend

  考点-. guarantee

  【教材原句】Practising is the only way to guarantee a successful performance.练习是保证演出成功的唯一的方法。【例句研读】I guarantee that you’ll love this film.


  I offer my land as a guarantee.


  The law guarantees equal rights for men and women.


  The recorder is guaranteed for a year.


  The TV set has a year’s guarantee.


  I cannot guarantee to work here for more than a year.

  我不能The policy guarantees us against any loss.


  If you send the application form, I can guarantee you an interview.

  如果你递交申请表,我。Your car is still under guarantee.


  【自主归纳】guarantee 可作名词,表示“”。guarantee sth. / to do sth. / that从句

  guarantee sth. for some time

  guarantee sb.sth./guarantee sth.to sb.

  guarantee ... against /from...

  guarantee to do sth.

  be guaranteed to do sth.

  give sb.a guarantee that...

  (be) under guarantee

  【即时巩固】①Even when I am able to get in touch with the manager and tell him your request, I cannot ______ he will reply.

  A. stress

  B. appeal

  C. inform

  D. guarantee

  ②The digital camera in our shop is of high quality. If there should ______ be something wrong with it while it is still under guarantee, we would repair it at our expense.

  A. under control

  B. under observation

  C. under way

  D. under guarantee


  【教材原句】He has instructed students from over 70 different countries.()


  【例句研读】The water companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water any more.


  All our staff have been instructed in sign language.


  Everyone in that firm has to carry out the instructions of the boss.


  Students enjoy the training under the instruction of their coach.


  【自主归纳】instruct vt. 教授;传授;指示;命令;告知instruction n.命令;说明;操作指南[U]教导;指导instruction意为“命令,说明书”时要用复数形式。

  instructive adj. 有教育意义的;有启发的instruct sb.to do sth.

  instruct sb.in sth.

  as instructed

  follow/carry out instructions

  under one's instruction


  ①She finished all the tasks well


  ②Her uncle

  (教她法语)when she was young.


  ③Do read the instruction before you use the machine.

  考点-. tear

  【教材原句】No, you fool! (tears the paper in two) I must have my important papers RIGHT NOW!!!(P15)



  Upon hearing the news, she suddenly burst into tears.

  ②When I entered the room, the boy was in tears.

  ③I tore his letter into pieces two before he could get in a word.

  ④They will tear down these torn buildings to make room for the new highway.

  ⑤This material tears easily.


  Be careful, the paper is very old and .小心点,那纸很旧了,很容易被撕破。tear up

  tear down

  tear into/to pieces

  tear… in half= tear…in two

  tear sth. Apart

  in tears

  tear oneself/sb. from sth./sb.

  【即时巩固】His story must be very amusing because you can see the

  on the girl’s face.

  A. tear of laughter

  B. tears of laughing

  C. tears of laughter

  D. tear of laugh

  ②He just couldn’t

  the beautiful painting.

  A. tear off

  B. tear up

  C. tear down

  D. tear myself from

  ③The government has taken measures to _________ the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.

  A. take down  

  B. bring down  

  C.  hand down  

  D. tear down

  考点-. point to

  【教材原句】Another comedian points to a

  tennis game and says …(P2)


  【例句研读】It’s rude to point your fingers at people.

  是不礼貌的。He pointed out that they were mistaken.

  他。The hands of the clock now point to half past three.

  时钟的指针。I was on the point of leaving room when the telephone rang.

  我,电话铃响了。There’s no point in getting angry when things have happened.

  对已发生的事生气I'm afraid what you're saying now is off the point.

  恐怕你现在所说的。He spoke briefly but to the point.




  用……指着指出a point of view

  to the point


  the point

  There is no point in doing sth.

  be on the point of doing sth. when…

  【即时巩固】There's no point in ________ him to me, I'm the best at golf.

  A. compared

  B. compare

  C. comparing

  D. being compared

  ②(2011江西卷)What’s the ________, in your opinion, of helping him if he doesn’t make an effort to help himself?

  A. sympathy

  B. theme

  C. object

  D. point

  ③Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher

  with patience .

  A. picked them out

  B. found them out

  C. point them at

  D. pointed them out

  考点-.make fun of

  【教材原句】The last kind of comedian does impressions — he or she will act or speak like a well­known person in order to make fun of that person. 最后一种喜剧演员是做印象模仿,他或者她的动作或说话方式都像某个名人,目的是取笑他。

  【例句研读】①Don't make fun of the disabled; everyone has his self­respect.

  ,每个人都有自尊。②He is serious, so we never play jokes on /play a joke on him.


  ③They used to make jokes about their bad performance in the party.


  ④He only said it in /for fun — he didn't really mean it.


  【自主归纳】make fun of

  play jokes on sb./play a trick/joke on sb.

  make jokes(a joke) about

  tease sb.about sth.

  toy with

  Have fun!

  for fun/in fun

  【即时巩固】①After ________, the litter girl was depressed and kept silent all the day.

  A. being made fun

  B. making fun of

  C. making fun

  D. being made fun of

  ②—Excuse me, Dad, but I am going to the club to meet my friends in the football team.

  —OK. ________.

  A. Good luck

  B. Congratulations

  C. With pleasure

  D. Have fun

  考点-. come up with

  【教材原句】One reason Crystal has become so famous is that he is very quick thinking, and is often able to come up with new jokes about the people and things around him.克里斯托之所以如此出名,原因之一就是他思维非常敏捷,常常能就身边的人或事即兴编排笑话。


  He first came up with the good idea of going to visit a factory.

  ②The subject came up in conversation.

  ③When is his novel coming out?

  ④She came across some old photographs in a drawer.

  ⑤He came up to me and asked for a light.

  ⑥Your work doesn’t come up to the requirements.

  ⑦How did the dangerous situation come out?

  【自主归纳】come up with

  come up

  come about

  come to

  come across

  come on

  come out


  I came up with a proposal and it soon came up at the meeting.

  我想出一条建议,很快这条建议在会上被提出来了。【即时巩固】①Berners-Lee ________ the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while working in Switzerland.

  A. caught up with B. came up with

  C. looked forward to

  D. put off

  ②I ______ an old letter while I was searching my drawer.

  A. came up

  B. came across

  C. came on

  D. came about

  ③—What on earth are the police busy with?

  —They have been looking into how the plane crash _______.

  A. came out

  B. came up

  C. came down

  D. came about

  考点-.take on

  【教材原句】In an interview, he told us that he is always happy to take on new foreign students.(P13)

  【例句研读】翻译句中的划线部分,注意take on的意义

  He was finally taken on by the professor.

  ②The bus stopped to take on more passengers.

  ③We’ll take on another three workers to help us.

  ④I’m afraid we can’t take on any more work—we are already very busy.

  ⑤Our school now takes on a new look..

  【自主归纳】take down 拆除;记下,病倒take in


  take off

  脱下;起飞;成功take over


  take up

  占据(时间、空间);开始处理,从事;学着做,开始做;接着讲take after 与……相像,性格类似于,效仿take apart分辨take for把……当成……用填空注意动词形式的变化


  the story where Tim had left off.

  ②Don’t be

  the advertisement. It doesn’t tell the truth.

  ③Workmen arrived to

  the old houses.

  ④Her singing career

  after her TV appearance.

  ⑤His son

  the family business after his death.

  【即时巩固】(2011陕西卷)Some insects ________the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.

  A. take in

  B. take off

  C. take on

  D. take out

  ②The film she starred in turned out to be a great success which showed her career as an actress ________.

  A. came about

  B. took off

  C. broke down

  D. ran out

  考点-1.glare at

  【教材原句】He glares at Queen.(P15)【例句研读】翻译句中的划线部分,注意与“看”有关的词组的意义

  They didn’t fight, but stood there glaring at one another.

  ②It is not polite to stare at others in public.

  ③She is gazing at the film star with worship.

  ④He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncle's handwriting.

  【自主归纳】glare at, stare at, gaze at, glance at的区别指“目不转睛的注视,盯着看”时,用



  指“瞥见,一瞥,浏览,(粗略地)看一下;(有意识)扫了一眼”时,用The young lady

  the young man

  her and was so angry that she


  【即时巩固】The little child was curious about drawing. He ______ the young man and his hands.

  A. glared at

  B. stared at

  C. glanced at

  D. laughed at

  ②After the doctor

  at the patient quickly he rang for an ambulance.

  A. glanced

  B. glared

  C. stared

  D. gazed

  ③_________her and then try to copy what she does.  

  A. mind 

  B. see 

  C. stare at   

  D. watch

  考点-15. hold out

  【教材原句】Sir?(holds out a roll of toilet paper)()陛下?(拿出一卷卫生纸)

  【例句研读】He held out his hand and stopped a taxi in front of the cinema.


  I think he held back some very important information.


  They managed to hold on until help arrived.



  马克思主义 列宁主义 原则

  ⑤we hope the rain will hold off till evening.

  我们希望这场雨能晚上再下Hold up your hands if you have any question.

  如有问题请【自主归纳】hold out递出;伸出;拿出hold back 阻拦;隐瞒;抑制

  hold on (在困境或危险中)坚持住/挺住;别挂断;等一下

  hold on to 抓紧;不放开;保留不卖或不送

  hold off 推迟;拖延;阻止;抵挡住hold up 举起;支撑;延迟;阻塞①The boss was unable to

  his anger any longer.


  that house for the time being,for house prices are rising sharply at the moment.

  ③They will

  making their decision until Monday.

  ④How long will our food supplies


  ⑤There are two large wooden supports that

  the roof.

  【即时巩固】Don’t worry. We can stay here as long as our supplies


  A. hold up

  B. hold out

  C. hold on

  D. hold back

  ②__________, and everything will be all right.

  A. Hold off

  B. Hold on

  C. Hold out

  D. Hold up

  ③A local woman didn’t _______ her tears when she saw her store destroyed by the fire.



  【教材原句】Which of the events above do you think will be the funniest?(P1)

  你认为上面哪件事是最有趣的?【句法分析】疑问词+do you think+其余部分(陈述语序)?意为你认为……?能用于此句型的动词还有:believe,suppose,imagine,suggest,expect等。

  你认为你正在做什么? you are doing?

  你认为他们能如何回答这些问题? they can answer these questions?

  你期望他们什么时候回来? they will come back?

  【】【即时巩固】________be sent to work here?

  A. Who do you suggest

  B. Whom do you suggest that should

  C. Do you suggest who should

  D. Do you suggest whom should

  ②How long do you think ________the computer company brings out a new product?

  A. will it be when B. will it be untilC. it will be before

  D. it will be that


  【教材原句】They say this is because when you laugh, your brain sends chemicals around your body that are good for you.(P3)他们说这是因为当你笑时,你的大脑就会向全身传递一种对身体有益的化学物质。【句法分析】该句中“because”引导的表语从句。【】be动词后面的表语从句什么时候用because,什么时候用why,这要根据前面句子所提供的信息。通常,前句出现的某种现象,是后句所造成的,这时用because;反之,由前句的原因,推断后句是由此原因产生的现象,这时用why。

  Li Ming looks unhappy. That is

  he failed in the English exam yesterday.

  Li Ming failed in the English exam yesterday. That’s

  he looks unhappy.

  【即时巩固】________ she couldn’t understand was ________ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.

  A. What; why

  B. That; what

  C. What; because

  D. Why; that

  ②I am afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ______ he never finishes anything.

  A. that

  B. because

  C. where

  D. why


  【教材原句】He says it is because when he started practising stand-up as a child, he told himself jokes while standing in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth! (P3) 他说,这是因为在他小时候开始练习单口喜剧时,他会站在镜子前面边刷牙边对自己说笑话。【句法分析】句中的现在分词standing前用了连词while,表示“当……的时候”,while standing也可

  转换成状语从句:while he was standing当分词或分词短语用作状语时,有时为使分词短语与主句关系更清楚,根据语义的需要可以在其前加上相应的连词,如when, while, as, after, before, till, until, if, unless, although, though, even if, even though, once等。如:

  If () accepted for this post, you will be informed next week.


  When() heated, ice will be changed into water.


  Once ()seen, it can never be forgotten.


  Unless () changed, this law will make life difficult for farmers.


  Although () built before the war, the engine is still in perfect order.


  【】【即时巩固】013浙江卷)There are some health problems that, when ______ in time, can become bigger ones later on.

  A. not treated

  B. not being treated

  C. not to be treated

  D. not have been treated

  ②(2017江西卷)If _____ to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.

  A. asked

  B. to ask

  C. asking

  D. having asked

  考点-4. It seems +adj.+ that...【教材原句】He said,“It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films!”()他说:“看来,他不愧是无声电影起家的呀!”

  【句法分析】It seems +adj.+ that...是主从复合句,It是形式主语,that从句是真正的主语,seem在句中是连系动词,意思是“似乎,好像”。


  he has solved the problem.

  他竟不知情,令我感到奇怪。 he should be ignorant of it.

  【】seem to do sth.好像要做某事

  seem(to be)+adj./n.好像是……

  seem like +n.像……

  It seems as if /as though好像要……

  It seems as if/as though 好像要……

   He seems to know everything.=.


  It seems that it will snow.=.


  It seemed like a good idea at the time.





  考点-.as if省略句

  【教材原句】Of course.(moves over as if to make room for Tony) (P14)【句法分析】当as if 从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,并且从句的谓语动词是动词,可以主语和动词,只留下名词、不定式、形容词短语、介词短语或分词。

  He acts as if () a fool. 他做事像个傻子。He paused as if(

  )expecting her to speak.. 他停下来,好像是在期待她说话。

  She left the room hurriedly as if()angry.她匆匆忙忙离开房间好像生气的样子。

  【】【即时巩固】The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if______ whether he was going in the right direction.

  A. seeing

  B. having seen

  C. to see

  D. to have seen

  ②②He looks so weak and pale_______ suffering from a serious illness.

  A. as if

  B. as long as

  C. now that

  D. even if


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