2017届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块7.2《fit for life》(原卷版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块7.2《fit for life》(原卷版)

发布时间:2017-03-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高考英语一轮复习精品资料(译林牛津版)——模块七 Unit 2 (讲练篇)

  Unit 2 Fit for life


  考点-1. beneficial

  【教材原句】Both of these medicines have saved millions of people’s lives and have proved beneficial to mankind since they were invented. 自这两种药被发明以来,它们已挽救了数百万人的性命,并已证实对人类有益。

  【例句研读】①A balanced diet and proper exercise is beneficial to health.


  Both sides have benefited from/by the talks.


  The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.



  ④I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way.

  我希望我写的这些。⑤For the benefit of the public, do not litter here and there.


  【自主归纳】beneficial adj .有益的,有用的→ n. 利益,好处 v. 有助于,受益

  对……有益= 从……中受益为了……的利益【即时巩固】I know that it may cost me quite some time to do the voluntary work,but it is ________to my future career.

  A. beneficial

  B. useless

  C. brief

  D. casual

  The students union was founded for the ________ of them.

  A. value

  B. advantage

  C. interest

  D. benefit

  ③Mr. Smith invested a large amount of money in the city of Qingdao,from which he will ______a lot in the future.

  A. result

  B. benefit

  C. contribute

  D. devote

  考点-2. possess 【教材原句】Nearly 3,500 years ago, people chewed on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves possessing a special chemical to reduce body pains and fever.将近3500年前,人们咀嚼一种含有特殊化学物质的树叶或饮用由这种树叶制成的茶,以减轻身体疼痛或退烧。【例句研读】①I'm afraid he doesn't possess a sense of humour.


  ②She was suddenly possessed by fear.


  ③He was caught in possession of stolen goods.


  ④—Does the young man standing there take possession of the company?—No.The company is in the possession of his father.


  【自主归纳】be possessed by/with

  be possessed of

  in possession of sth.

  in the possession of sb.

  take possession of

  [关键一点] in possession of 表示主动,其主语通常是人,意为“”

  in the possession of 表示被动,其主语通常是物,意为“”

  类似短语还有:in charge of in the charge of

  in control of

  in the control of

  【即时巩固】Whoever ________ the knowledge of this field will also have the opportunity to be admitted to this company.

  A. possessed

  B. owned

  C. enjoyed

  D. appreciated

  ②You must keep the news a secret and don’t put it ______anybody else.

  A. in possession of

  B. in the possession of C. in charge of

  D. in the charge of

  考点-3. vital 【教材原句】Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.(18)结果证明是阿司匹林不仅对退烧和镇痛极为重要,而且对其他病症也有辅助作用。【例句研读】The police play a vital role in our society.


  It is vital to get the victim to the hospital at once.

  把受害者立刻送到医院。It is vital that a middle school student should learn English well.


  Enough sleep is vital to/for the students' well­being and health.


  【自主归纳】对……极为重要It is vital to do sth.

  是极重要的……在句型中,从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即可省略。【即时巩固】①(2017高考安徽卷)Interest is as

  to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.

  A. vital

  B. available

  C. specific

  D. similar

  ②It is vital that he_________ to the new environment as soon as possible. A. adapt

  B. adapts

  C. must adapt

  D. adopts

  考点-. potential

  【教材原句】Lawrence Craven, a doctor from the USA, introduced the idea in 1953 that aspirin had the potential to reduce the risk of heart attacks, because it helped the blood circulate better. (P) 美国医生劳伦斯·克雷文在1953年提出一个观点,即阿司匹林可能有助于降低心脏病发作的风险,因为它能改善血液循环。


  ①Although she has singing potential, she needs more special training.



  ②Our common goal is to maximize our potential for economic growth.


  ③The disease is a potential killer.




  have the potential to do sth.

  potential for (doing) sth.

  achieve/realize one's (full) potential

  a potential disaster

  【即时巩固】 The research lacks ________ evidence, and therefore , its conclusions are doubtful.

  A. solid

  B. fierce

  C. severe

  D. potential

  ②You do need to be aware of

  students’ great _______ potential for learning English.

  A. preferential

  B. confidential

  C. influential

  D. potential


  【教材原句】It astonished him to see the bacteria surrounding the mould deadwhich meant that the mould had killed them.(P19)令他十分惊讶的是,他发现这种霉周围的细菌都死了,这意味着这种霉杀死了它们。

  【例句研读】①I was astonished at the news.


  ②I was astonished to find he was so rude to his father.


  ③To my astonishment, the keys were in the door.


  ④I am astonished that you should be so ready to think your own children silly.


  ⑤Mary looked at her father in astonishment.



  (be astonished +从句)




  【即时巩固】①It is believed that if an event is _______, it will surely ______ the readers of the paper.

  A. astonished; astonish

  B. astonishing; be astonished

  C. astonishing; astonish

  D. astonished; be astonished

  ②You may find it _______ that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak.

  A. astonishing

  B. astonished

  C. to be astonished

  D. to be astonishing


  【教材原句】He immediately realized that the mould might have an application in treating illnesses caused by bacteria. (P) 他立刻意识到这种霉或许能用于治疗由【例句研读】This is the application of new technology to teaching.


  He made an application to the manager for this post.

  他。These principles apply to learning foreign languages.


  They will apply the money to building up a little library.

  他们将一个小图书馆。⑤Who can apply for this position?


  ⑥One must apply oneself to his work or else he will not enjoy it.

  一个人必须,否则他就无法喜爱他的工作。【自主归纳】application n. 应用,运用;申请,申请表;涂抹,外敷→ vi.申请 vt.应用;涂,敷→

  n. 申请人apply to

  apply … to

  apply (to...)for...

  apply oneself to

  make an application to sb.for sth.

  【即时巩固】Those who continuously acquire new knowledge that they can ________ their work are more likely to succeed.

  A. contribute to   

  B. correspond to           

  C. submit to        

  D. apply to    

  ②After a short holiday,he ______ himself once more to his studies.

  A. applied

  B. converted

  C. engaged

  D. exerted

  ③Many people have had to make an __________for a housing loan as a result of the increased housing price.

  A. attempt

  B. access

  C. admission

  D. application


  【教材原句】Since the new drug was needed for World War Ⅱ,the government approval process for penicillin was acceleratedand mass production began in 1944.(P19)因为二战期间需要这种新药,所以政府审批青霉素的程序加快,并于1944年开始批量生产。

  【例句研读】Kate eventually submitted her project to the school board for their approval of the speech contest.

  凯特最后把她的计划递交给学校委员会。Most of his advice failed to meet with his father's approval.


  economic reforms.



  ④Our leader has approved of my attending the conference.



  【自主归纳】meet with one's approval

  give one's approval to

  approve v.

  disapprove v.

  approve/disapprove of(doing)sth.



  I'm afraid they won't __________________________________.


  If ____________________________all my work will have wasted.


  【教材原句】adjusting lighting arrangements()调整照明设施

  【例句研读】①What exactly are the arrangements for the wedding?


  I'll make arrangements for you to be met at the airport.


  ③We finally came to an arrangement over the price.


  I've arranged for a window cleaner to come on Thursday.

  我已经。【自主归纳】make arrangements for

  come to an arrangement

  arrange(for sb.)to do sth.

  arrange sth.for sb.


  I have arranged ________________________ her.


  It is said that they have already _________________________ their vacation.

  ③我们试图达成一个关于谁应支付法律费用的协议。We're trying to ________________________ about who should pay the legal fees.


  【教材原句】The main needle now used for acupuncture is fine and sharp. (P)如今,用于针刺疗法的主针细而锋利。


  You must be very careful with this sharp knife.

  ②The driver found the sharp left turn very difficult.

  ③She studied the young man with her sharp bright eyes.

  ④The photograph is not sharp enough.

  ⑤She’s got a sharp tongue.

  ⑥This cheese has a sharp flavor.

  ⑦She is a sharp businessman.

  ⑧The lecture started at three o’clock sharp.

  【自主归纳】sharp adj. 锋利的;陡的,急转的;敏锐的,机警的;轮廓鲜明的;苛刻的,严厉的,易怒的;


  sharp adv. 整(时刻)

  sharply adv.急剧地

  sharpen vt.


  ①The roads turn very


  ②Please be here at 7 o’clock


  ③He was

  his knife when I entered his room.

  【即时巩固】(2011高考福建卷)Nowadays, ________ increase in children’s creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents.

  A. sharp

  B. slight

  C. natural

  D. modest

  ②Recently stock prices have been falling _____ because of the influence of the global financial crisis.

  A. absolutely

  B. sharply

  C. narrowly

  D. automatically


  【教材原句】Some people have also used acupuncture to treat smokers, alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs. (P) 有些人也用针刺疗法来治疗吸烟者、酗酒者以及对毒品上瘾的人。


  ①Her addiction to alcohol ruined her life.

  她的毁了的一生②His son addicts himself to playing computer games.

  他儿子。③Cocaine is a highly addictive drug.

  可卡因是一种。I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly addicted.

  我知道,如果我开始看肥皂剧,我会立刻变得。【自主归纳】addicted adj.上瘾;入迷→ vt.使沉溺,使上瘾 n. 入迷的人,有瘾的人→

  n. 沉溺;上瘾;入迷→ adj.使人上瘾的



  His ____________ drugs caused his family much grief.


  The little boy is ________________ detective novels.

  李明是一个游戏迷,他父母一直试图让他不要沉迷于让人上瘾的电脑游戏。Li Ming is a game

  ,and his parents have been trying to prevent him from computer games which are very



  【教材原句】Another theory relates acupuncture to the production of chemicals in the body which reduce pain.另一种理论则将针灸和人体内减少疼痛的化学物质的生成联系起来。


  ①I love technology and try to keep up with it so I can relate to my students.


  ②Can you relate what happened in your childhood to

  present situation?


  ③He had no comments to make in relation to this matter.

  ,他没有做任何评论。④What he does can't be related to what he says.


  【自主归纳】relate vt.& vi.联系,把……联系起来;叙述,讲述→ adj.有关的,相联系的→

  n. 联系,关联,关系;亲戚,亲属;亲戚关系,亲属关系→

  adj. 相关的;相对的;相互有关的;比较而言的


  relate ... to/with...

  in/with relation to

  be related to=be relative to

  be connected with/be linked to


  The host related the whole event to the audience in a vivid way.



  【即时巩固】’t agree more. It’s great to have the two


  A. linked

  B. related

  C. connected

  D. combined

  ②Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly ________ to the nuclear power station.

  A. referred

  B. devoted

  C. contributed

  D. related

  ③There is no need for you to go on a diet; you are only slightly overweight ________ your height.

  A. in case of

  B. in relation to

  C. in return for

  D. in response to

  考点-.try out

  【教材原句】Fleming tried this mould out on another bacterium and found that it killed the bacterium too. (P)

  弗莱明将这种霉用在另外一种细菌上做试验,发现它同样杀死了那种细菌。【例句研读】①The new product has been tried out in this area.



  ②John was tried out in the marketing section before a decision was made about his future.


  ③Over fifty boys came to try out for the football team.


  Try the shoes on before you buy them.

  买鞋之前要先。He said he was going to try for first place next year.


  【自主归纳】try out

  try sth. out on...

  try out for

  try on

  try for

  【即时巩固】________ the new medicine for a year and we'll see how well it works.

  A. Try outB. Make out

  C. Give out

  D. Pick out

  ②—What attracted you to our university?

  —You have a great basketball team and I can _______ for it.

  A. work out

  B. look out

  C. try out

  D. carry out

  ③The sweater looks beautiful ________ you. May I ________?

  A. at; try on it

  B. with; put it onC. on; try it on

  D. on; try on it

  考点-.due to

  【教材原句】Due to the widespread use of penicillin, many lives were saved during the war. (P)



  ①He made a big mistake in his exam due to carelessness.

  ②Her absence was due to the storm.

  ③The force due to gravitation causes objects to have weight.

  【自主归纳】due to意思为:由于。在句中做状语,表语,后置定语

  与due to类似的短语on account of

  because of

  owing to

  as a result of

  thanks to

  【即时巩固】—Did you look up the time of the high-speed trains to Shanghai?

  —Yes, the early train is

  to leave at 5:30 a. m.

  A. likely

  B. possible

  C. due

  D. about

  ②This accident was ______his careless driving.

  A. due to

  B. thanks to

  C. because of

  D. so as to

  考点-.wear out

  【教材原句】Today I feel worn out.今天我感到筋疲力尽。

  【例句研读】①You'll wear yourself out if you carry on working like that.


  ②She was worn out after three sleepless nights.

  三天三夜她都没合眼,。③In the course of centuries, the wind has worn the rocks away.

  经过几个世纪,风已经把岩石。The strangeness will wear off with time.


  As the hours wore on(=passed slowly), he grew more and more impatient.

  随着时间,他越来越不耐烦了。The kids are always making noise and they have totally worn me out.


  He wore out two pairs of shoes this summer.


  The overall wears well.


  【自主归纳】使筋疲力尽;使厌烦穿破;用坏(指人)疲惫不堪的,(指物)破烂不堪的(因重复使用)磨光,磨平(使)磨损耐穿,耐磨,耐用wear well

  消退慢吞吞地进行【即时巩固】013高考江西卷)Mother always complains that children _______ their shoes very quickly.

  A. find out

  B. wash out

  C. wear out

  D. set out

  ②________after a long walk, Henry had a rest.

  A. Having worn out

  B. Being worn out

  C. To be worn out

  D. Worn out

  重要词汇-let out

  【教材原句】...and a needle like a small sword,used for letting liquid out of body parts which had swollen up...()形似小剑的针,用于将液体从身体的肿胀部位导出……

  【例句研读】She let out a scream when seeing the spider.

  看到蜘蛛时她。If the fuel is burnt,heat is let out.

  燃料如果被燃烧,。Who let out the exam results? They were supposed to be confidential until tomorrow.

  谁? 在明天之前它们应该是保密的。She’s getting so fat that the trousers have to be let out around the waist.



  ⑤The baby can’t even crawl, let alone walk.



  ⑥Please come and support me. Don't let me down.


  Open the window and let in some fresh air.


  【自主归纳】放出;发出;放大(衣服);泄露不打扰;更不用说把……放下来;使……失望放进-16. let off

  【教材原句】However,many other human activities also let off carbon gases.()

  然而,人类的许多其他活动也会释放出二氧化碳。【即时巩固】Somehow, the old man had ________ a dangerous secret, one which could not be discussed in a room on a military base.

  A. put out

  B. let out

  C. set out

  D. cut out

  ②The Chinese football team had experienced a series of reforms. However, its performances in Shenzhen in October ________ all the people, especially the crazy fans.

  A. knocked down

  B. let down

  C. pulled down

  D. brought down

  考点-.subscribe to

  【教材原句】A lot of people now subscribe to these theories. (P)很多人现在都认同这些理论。【例句研读】Which journals does the library subscribe to?

  ②The rest of us do not subscribe to this theory.

  ③They started to subscribe to local charities.

  ④He subscribed his name to the contract.

  【自主归纳】subscribe vi.同意;订阅

  vt.签署(文件); 捐助。常用搭配:subscribe to... 在……上签署;向……捐……;订阅;赞成;同意

  表示“同意,赞成”的短语还有:be for,approve of,be in favor ofsubscribed for认购


  without hesitation. 签署协议

  Each of us

  500 shares. 认购五百股He

  Reader's Digest. 订阅《读者文摘》The rest of us

  . 赞成这个计划

  【即时巩固】"People of all walks of life are welcome to ________ the hope project," said the poster.

  A. subscribe to

  B. correspond to

  C. adjust to

  D. relate to.

  ②If you _______ this newspaper, you’ll get an extra magazine.

  A. correspond to

  B. subscribe to

  C. take to

  D. apply to



  【教材原句】Have you ever seen a doctor?If sowhat happened?()


  【句法分析】If so是一个省略句。在复合句特殊省略的现象中,当省略一个从句或从句的一部分时,常用so或not代替省略部分。

  【】if anyif not

  if ever

  if possible

  if necessary

  【即时巩固】It sounds like something is wrong with the car's engine.________, we'd better take it to the garage immediately.

  A. Otherwise B. If notC. But for that

  D. If so

  ②—Are there any English story-books for us students in the library?

  —There are only a few, _______________.

  A.if much

  B. if some

  C. if many

  D. if any

  考点-. it is likely that句型

  【教材原句】it is likely that you will find aspirin and

  penicillin.(P18)只要打开世界上任何一个药柜,你很可能就会发现阿司匹林和青霉素。【句法分析】在“it is likely that you will find aspirin and penicillin.”【】【即时巩固】I think he is ______to win,but I am not sure.

  A. possible

  B. likely

  C. impossible

  D. certain

  考点-. prove用作连系动词句型【教材原句】’s lives and have proved beneficial to mankind since they were invented.(P18)自这两种药被发明以来,它们已挽救了数百万人的性命,并已证实对人类有益。



  这本手册证明很有用The handbook


  结果证明这药疗效令人满意The medicine





  但他的努力结果都失败了His efforts, however,



  也许这本书会对你的研究有用处Perhaps this book will

  to you in your studies.

  这座发电站建成了证明质量符合标准The power station was completed and


  ④prove+动词不定式随着时间的推移爱因斯坦的理论证明是正确的As time went on, Einstein's theory



  She may


  【即时巩固】During the long­term cooperation, Mr.Li ________ a smart, honest and trust­worthy man.

  A. appeared

  B. made

  C. turned

  D. proved

  ②The new method Mr. Wang has been devoted to _______ effective.

  A. is proved

  B. to prove

  C. being proved

  D. proves


  【教材原句】For example,Alexander Fleming was not looking for penicillinbut was doing research on something else.(P21)例如,亚历山大·弗莱明并没有在寻找青霉素,而是在其他事物上面做研究。





  From himI realize the secret to success is

  ______________________________________________________in your life.


  to blame.

  考点-. suggest+宾语从句的句型

  【教材原句】theory explaining this phenomenon suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching

  the brain.(P31) 一解释这种现象理论,针疗法疼痛信号到达大脑。【句法分析】Xiao Wang suggested a way that can solve the problem/to solve the problem.

  小王提出了一个解决这个问题的办法【】suggest表示“提出、暗示、表明她建议班会不要在星期六举行She suggested that the class meeting

  on Saturday.

  他脸上的表情表明他很The expression on his face suggested that he


  【即时巩固】Who do you ______we send to cover the bank robbery?

  A. know

  B. suppose

  C. think

  D. suggest

  ②Off the east, the sky looked pale enough to

  the storm was coming quickly.

  A. suggest

  B. report

  C. prove

  D. explain

  ③—What can he do?

  —I ________that he follow my advice.

  A. suggestB. hopeC. wish

  D. believe


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢