2017届高考英语一轮模块复习单元训练:模块6.2《what is happiness to you》(解析版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮模块复习单元训练:模块6.2《what is happiness to you》(解析版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高考英语一轮复习精品资料(译林牛津版)——模块六 Unit 2 (检测篇)

  Unit 2 What is happiness to you


  1.If you have the right

  (motivate), you will realize your own dream.

  2.The delicious pain in her heart was almost


  3.They launched a campaign,

  (advocacy)a low-carbon life, which definitely helps save our earth.

  4.If trained, you can have a better

  (appreciate) of music.

  5.Though the task was difficult, they managed to

  (accomplishment) it in time.

  6.Just now a team of nurses

  (assistant)the doctor in performing the operation.

  7.The reason why the programme is designed is that the designer wants to

  (entertainment) the audience.

  8.The room was flooded with warm and _______ (gold)sunlight.

  9.The UN wants to send food aid to 10 countries in Africa

  (severe) affected by the drought.

  10.His wound caused him great



  1.The ________(生动的) description struck the readers of different countries.

  2.She started as a

  (低职的) clerk in the office, but now is the manager of the company.

  3.Could you look after my baby

  (临时) when I go and fetch some money?

  4.Unfortunately, many people do not express their needs


  5.He used to live in a village s

  by mountains, which was cut off from the outer world.

  6.The old methods weren't a

  to meet current needs.

  7.The boss praised me for my o


  8.They had required that we should a

  them on the trip.

  9.It is necessary that one should o

  the law.



  10.The team members also include a military s

  and a human rights lawyer.


  1.(2015届江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高三上12月月考)Every country will have to develop its own system, based on its culture, social ______ and the degree of danger it’s facing.

  A. trends

  B. structure

  C. surroundings

  D. factors

  2.(2015届湖北武汉市武昌区高三元月调考)The way he acted towards people was to keep on good terms with them ______ principle, which was usually thought little of.

  A. at the mercy of

  B. at the risk of

  C. at the expense of

  D. at the bottom of

  3.(2017江苏南京第十二中学调研)Our failure to ________ ourselves to modern life often causes us trouble in our work.

  A. adopt

  B. apply

  C. adapt

  D. appoint

  4.(2015年高考英语原创预测卷 03)Many people _______building more nursing homes so that more serious can be taken care of.

  A. admire

  B. advocate

  C. agree

  D. allocate

  5.He told me that he _________between further study and looking for a job.

  A. felt like

  B. felt caught

  C. caught up

  D. was caught choosing

  6.(改编)The examinations are around the corner. Some fans in our class are persuaded to________ playing football to focus on their studies.

  A. neglected

  B. escaped

  C. quit

  D. denied

  7.(2017届江苏省淮安市高三5月信息卷)To ensure that children from poor areas can receive fair education, the government has planned to _______ more money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools.

  A. announce

  B. allocate

  C. advocate

  D. accumulate

  8.(2017湖北荆州一检)He graduated from a key university with great honors and I think he is _______ to the job.

  A. delicate

  B. compulsory

  C. adequate

  D. suitable

  9.(改编)If you set aside some time every week to

  your children, the relationship between you will be improved.

  A. defend

  B. protect

  C. accompany

  D. guard

  10.(2017届黑龙江省泰来县第一中学高三上学期基础知识调研)Judging by the ________ he keeps, Mark must be an extremely wealthy man.

  A. cooperation

  B. characteristic

  C. motivation

  D. company

  11.(2017高考浙江卷)No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected will happen.

  A. prove

  B. imply

  C. demand

  D. predict

  12.(改编)The young nurse was very nervous when she ________ in her first operation.

  A. resisted

  B. insisted

  C. accepted

  D. assisted

  13.(2015届高考英语大一轮复习)—Did you recognize your former classmate whom you hadn’t seen for many years at the party yesterday?

  —Yes, I recognized him ________I saw him.

  A. frequently

  B. constantly

  C. quickly

  D. instantly

  14.(改编)The two of them are always in high ________, and they never feel ________.

  A. spirits; depressing

  B. spirits; depressed C. spirit; depressing

  D. spirit; depressed

  15.(改编)They make you feel understood, and they encourage you to ________ your goals and pursue your dreams.

  A. go through

  B. go after

  C. go against

  D. go ahead

  16.(改编)His essay, having been polished up many times, was brief and to the point, and therefore won the first prize in the writing competition.

  A. at this point

  B. off the point

  C. on the point

  D. to the point

  17.(湖北省八校2015届高三第二次联考) He made up his mind to enjoy his guitar and to accumulate as many happy experiences as he could so that when he retired he wound be able to ______his life with satisfaction.

  A. get away with

  B. make up for

  C. look back on

  D. put up with

  18.(湖南省怀化市2015届高三第一次模拟考试)Some hard-working students always keep a torch in their dormitories _____ there is a power failure.

  A. if

  B. unless

  C. so that

  D. in case

  19.(2015年浙江省高考英语模拟) ______ my absence, you may ask Mr. Li to help you!

  A. In case of

  B. In front of

  C. In charge of

  D. In place of

  20(上饶县中学2015届高三年级第一次月考)__________ in a new country, I was scared and feeling pretty anxious.

  A. It was the first time

  B. I was the first time

  C. Being the first time

  D. This being my first time

  21.(2017高考陕西卷)It’s quite hot today. Do you feel like _________ for a swim?

  A. to go

  B. going

  C go

  D. having gone

  22.(2017安徽江南十校联考)Lost in the mountains for three days, what the three men were able to do was ________ the help of helicopter.

  A. expected

  B. expect

  C. being expected

  D. to be expected

  23.(2015届江苏东台三仓中学高三12月考)This was just the first stage of the robot design challenge, the finals _____ for 2015.

  A. will be set

  B. being set

  C. set

  D. having set

  24.(2015届江苏连云港东海第二中学高三上期中)The lecture, ________ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by a


  A. beginning

  B. began

  C. begun

  D. to begin

  25.(2015届江苏连云港赣榆海头高级中学高三上期中)When ______to danger and conflict, men tend to increase blood pressure, ___nervous or anxious.

  A. exposed; felt

  B. exposed; feeling

  C. exposing; feeling

  D. exposing; felt

  26.(2015届江苏省射阳县第二中学高三上期中英语)I will spend a whole evening _____ in your room waiting for the thief to arrive.

  A. locking

  B. in locking

  C. being locked

  D. locked

  27.(2015届江苏省射阳县第二中学高三上期中英语)The police and the locals joined together to look for the missing boy, ______his families a ray of hope.

  A. gave

  B. to give

  C. giving

  D. having given

  28.(2015届湖南娄底高中名校高三9月联考)Alcohol can damage the liver and do great harm if

  in large quantities.

  A. to be consumed

  B. to consume

  C. consuming

  D. consumed


  【解析】句意:酒精可能会损伤肝脏,如果喝酒过量对人的危害极大。A. to be consumed表示将来的时间、被动关系;B. to consume不定式的一般式表将来和主动;C. consuming表示和主语是主动关系;D. consumed表示动作已发生,和主语是被动关系,;consume和主语Alcohol是逻辑上的被动关系。故选D。

  29.(2015届湖南娄底高中名校高三9月联考)The unemployment rate has continued to rise, ________ 9.8 percent in September.

  A. have reached

  B. reaching

  C. to reach

  D. to be reached

  30.(2015届湖南益阳箴言中学高三上第三次模拟)______ before bed, cellphones can result in a restless night.

  A. To use

  B. Using

  C. Used

  D. Having used


  (改编自2015高考新课标全国卷I)My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend. On the way ,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said, “ __1__ my job. Family to Feed.”

  At this store, a __2__ like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and make a __3__ on how bad it must be to have to stand ___4___ in the cold wind.

  In the store, I asked each of my kids to __5___ something they thought our “friend” there would __6__. They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a ___7___. I thought about it. We were __8__ on cash ourselves, but… well, sometimes __9__ from our need instead of our abundance is __10__ what we need to do! All the kids __11__ something they could do away with for the week.

  When we handed him the bag of __12__, he lit up and thanked us with __13__ eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for __14__his family might need, he burst into tears.

  This has been a wonderful __15__ for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can __16__! Things would have played out so __17__ if I had simply said, “No, we really don’t have __18__ to give more.” Stepping out not only helped a brother in __19__, it also gave my kids the __20__ taste of helping others. It’ll go a long way with them.


  1. A. Lost

  B. Changed

  C. Quit

  D. Finished

  2. A condition

  B. place

  C. sight

  D. show

  3. A. suggestion

  B. comment

  C. decision

  D. call

  4. A. outside

  B. proudly

  C. by

  D. angrily

  5. A. allocate

  B. say

  C. arrange

  D. pick

  6. A. order

  B. supply

  C. appreciate

  D. discover

  7. A. dollar

  B. job

  C. hot meal

  D. gift card

  8. A. adequate

  B. low

  C. soft

  D. loose

  9. A. giving

  B. saving

  C. spending

  D. begging

  10. A. yet

  B. even

  C. still

  D. just

  11. A. declared

  B. shared

  C. ignored

  D. predicted

  12. A . toys

  B. medicine

  C. food

  D. clothes

  13. A. sleepy

  B. watery

  C. curious

  D. sharp

  14. A. whoever

  B. whatever

  C. whichever

  D. whenever

  15. A. experience

  B. example

  C. message

  D. adventure

  16. A. rely on

  B. go after

  C. learn from

  D. help

  17. A. suddenly

  B. vividly

  C. differently

  D. perfectly

  18. A. time

  B. power

  C. patience

  D. money

  19. A. fear

  B. love

  C. need

  D. memory

  20. A. strong

  B. sweet

  C. strange

  D. simple


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