2017届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块2.2《wish you were here》(原卷版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块2.2《wish you were here》(原卷版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点-1 arrange

  【教材原句】I've been quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother, Colin.我最近一直忙着和哥哥科林安排我们的假期。

  【例句研读】①I've arranged for Mrs. Smith to look after you for a few days.


  ②I have arranged to meet her at ten o'clock.


  ③We were asked to make arrangements for everything.


  We arranged a big party for Debbie’s birthday.



  ⑤Arrange the chairs in a circle.




  为……安排/准备好某事 安排做某事

  为……作准备/安排【即时巩固】①Tom is indeed a good child; he often helps his parents clean and ________ the bedrooms on Sundays.

  A. move

  B. manage

  C. arrange

  D. serve

  ②In their efforts to persuade us to buy the product, shopkeepers have made a close study of human nature and have ________all our little weaknesses.

  A. divided

  B. arranged

  C. classified

  D. separated


  【教材原句】Colin and I plan to spend a few weeks travelling before he goes to university. (P22)

  【例句研读】This book cost me ten dollars and I spent one month reading it through;in other words,I paid $10 for this book(=I bought this book for $10=I bought this book at the price of $10) and it took me one month to read it over.









  常见结构为sb. spend...on sth;

  sb. spend...(in)doing sth


  常见的句型是:It takes sb. some time to do sth;

  Sb. take(s)some time to do sth


  常见的结构为pay sb/money for sth

  另请注意:buy sth. for money, buy sth. at the price of money


  The dictionary

  me twenty yuan.


  twenty yuan on the dictionary.


  twenty yuan for the dictionary.


  the dictionary for twenty yuan.


  the dictionary at the price of twenty yuan.

  【即时巩固】①It ________ me 5 hours ________ from here to Edinburgh.

  A. spend;driving

  B. will take;drive

  C. took;drove

  D. took;to drive

  ②Mr Smith ________ $ 30,000 ________ the new car.

  A. takes;on

  B. costs;on

  C. pays;in

  D. spends;on

  考点-3. advance

  【教材原句】Since we’ll be walking for almost two weeks, I’ll need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water. (P23) 既然我们要步行大约两周时间,我需要事先买个大一点的背包来装食品和水。

  【例句研读】He is far in advance of his class.



  ②We benefit from the continuous advance of civilization.



  ③He advanced many reasonable proposals.



  ④The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Monday.



  ⑤Please give us advance warning of any changes to the schedule.




  advance n.v.前进,促进;提出;使提前


  advanced adj.

  advance on/towards sb/sth

  in advance(=beforehand=ahead of time)

  in advance of...

  make an advance in(doing) sth

  【即时巩固】Our soldiers

  (向……前进) the enemy bravely.

  ②America is one of the most

  (advance) countries in technology.

  考点-4. supply

  【教材原句】Since we’ll be walking for almost two weeks, I’ll need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water. (P23) 既然我们要步行大约两周时间,我需要事先买个大一点的背包来装食品和水。


  The manager promised us fuel, but can she guarantee its supply?

  ②Planes are carrying food and medical supplies for flood-hit areas.

  ③An American soldier supplied hundreds of secret documents to a website.

  ④In summer, electricity can’t supply the increasing demand in most cities.










  ①The media

  every day.

  ②The media

  every day.

  ③The media

  every day.

  ④The media

  every day.

  考点-5. scare

  【教材原句】Our guides will have guns with them for defence — they can use the guns to scare the animals away if they come too near.(P23) 为了防卫,我们的导游都随身带枪,如果动物靠我们太近,导游就可以用枪把它们吓跑。


  ①I was scared to death when I found I was alone in the big building.



  They managed to scare the bear away/off.



  She was scared of going out alone.



  ④People are scared to take the buses late at night.



  ⑤Local businesses were scared into paying protection money.



  ⑥The terrible noise scared her out of leaving her room.







  吓得某人不敢做某事对……感到恐惧, 害怕=

  害怕/不敢做某事 =

  【即时巩固】Seeing the ________ fire spreading in the building, she was too________ to cry for help.

  A. scaring, scared

  B. scared, scaring

  C. scared, scared

  D. scaring, scaring

  ②The fierce tiger _________ but she succeeded in_________.

  A. scared her away, scaring herself to death

  B. scared her to death, being scared off

  C. scared her to death, scaring it away

  D. scared her into dying, being scared out of dying

  考点-6. view

  【教材原句】Take a night train to Fenghuang to view a traditional way of life.(P33)乘坐夜班火车去凤凰城,去观看传统的生活方式。



  The new building ruins the fine view of the Swan Lake from our window.

  ②A good thing about mini-blog is that you can hear different people’s views.

  ③The famous footballer was shot in full view of a large crowd in Madrid.

  ④We can take a night train to Fenghuang to view a traditional way of life.

  ⑤The practice adopted by the city appears to be viewed favorably by most people.


  ①Most educators hold the view that children should be given enough time to play.

  ②Soon after we arrived, my father’s car came into view.

  ③In view of the nuclear leakage, many tourists cancelled their trips to Japan.

  ④She is viewed as an ideal candidate for the job.

  ⑤In my view, he is the best person for this job.



  -7. bury

  【教材原句】Take a bus to Qufu, where Confucius was buried.乘坐公共汽车去曲阜,那里葬着孔子。


  ①She buried her face in her hands and wept.


  ②Since she left, he's buried himself in his work.


  ③Buried in reading his newspaper, he didn't take notice of his dad.



  be buried in,,,:

  be lost in ...be caught in ...

  be devoted to ...

  be absorbed in ...

  be occupied in ...

  be involved in ...

  此类词组常考查去掉be, 以非谓语动词形式出现在句中作状语。【即时巩固】________ deep down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.

  A. Burying

  B. Buried

  C. To bury

  D. Having buried

  ②When ______ to work, which he often was, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.

  A. caught

  B. buried

  C. devoted

  D. lost

  考点-8. common

  【教材原句】Today, Shangri-la has become a common English word meaning heaven on earth. (P38)香格里拉成人间天堂英语单词。【例句研读】

  ①This is just common sense. Anyone with head knows it.


  Despite our disagreements, we can find some common ground.


  Jane and I have nothing in common./I have nothing in common with Jane.


  commonordinary, usual, normal, average的区别





  average: 平均的,一般的。强调平均水平(指是能力,类型,特征的一个平均水平)。用上述词填空

  He is an

  worker with outstanding thought.

  ②Jack is a

  English name.

  ③After the earthquake, everything returned to


  ④Tom is an

  student while Jack is an excellent student


  chair has been moved from its usual place.

  【即时巩固】Even students with ________ intelligence can be excellent students after bettering their study habits.

  A. average

  B. unusual

  C. splendid

  D. popular

  ②Calling an adult Mr. or Ms. signals the adult’s authority. When a kid uses a grown-up’s title, it shows that the adult is ______.

  A. in common

  B. in turn

  C. in charge

  D. in height

  考点-. announce

  【教材原句】In September 1997, the government of Yunnan Province announced that Zhongdian was the Shangri­la of Hilton's story.1997年9月,云南省人民政府宣称,中甸就是希尔顿小说中描述的香格里拉。【例句研读】①Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition.


  ②It was announced that new speed restrictions would be introduced.


  ③Silence please!Mr. Dave has an announcement to make.


  ④The accident was announced to his family by telephone. 已将事故。

  ⑤Fighting has been going on for a year, but war has not yet been declared. 仗已打了一年,但。

  ⑥The chairman declared this meeting (to be) closed.




  n. 广播员;宣告着→

  n. 公告,宣告;通告

  make an announcement

  It is/was announced that ...


  announce更接近于汉语“公布”、“告知”的意思,它所涉及的是一件对方原来不知道的事。如: The date of his visit has not been announced. 他来访的日期尚未公布。declare含有庄严宣告或交代清楚的意思,含有正式地,来自官方的意思。比方说宣战就得用declare宣布会议、仪式、典礼等开始或结束也用declare所涉及的事不一定是对方所不知道的。如:The accused declared himself to be innocent. 被告宣称自己无罪。以上句中的announce与declare不可互换。但有时两个词用在同一句中都说得通。如: The government announced(declared) the danger to be past.


  declare + sth/sb + (to be) adj/noun (其中括号内的内容可省略)而“announce”则没有这种用法The leader declared the meeting (to be) open. (to be可以省略)领导宣布会议开始。

  announce后面只能接名词和从句作宾语。而declare【即时巩固】①In order to increase their vote, they ________ another candidate a traitor to the country.

  A. announced

  B. declared

  C. thought

  D. conquered

  ②While doing shopping, people often can't help purchasing the goods ________ through media.

  A. advocated

  B. announced

  C. advertised

  D. competed

  考点-. reflect

  【教材原句】Below the mountains, the sunshine reflects on the many lakes, making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside.山脚下,阳光照在星罗棋布的湖面上,使它们在富丽乡村景色的映衬下,如钻石般闪耀璀璨。【例句研读】She angled the mirror so as to reflect light from a window.


  ②Their questions forced me to reflect on why I made the choice I did.


  These subjects reflect their daily lives.


  ④The latest unemployment figures reflect badly on the government's policies.

  最近的失业数字The cat felt curious when she saw her own reflection in the mirror. 小猫看到,感到很好奇。 On/Upon reflection, I determined to go there for myself.


  考虑,反思,反省,思考,仔细考虑对……有好的/坏的看法经再三考虑,经深思熟虑【即时巩固】A. resembles

  B. strengthens

  C. reflects

  D. shapes

  ②Your performance as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of ______ how you learn.

  A. depending on

  B. basing on

  C. reflecting on

  D. relying on

  考点-11. think of

  【教材原句】Can you think of any other exciting places to visit?(P21)【例句研读】

  ①We should think of a good way to solve this problem.



  He is such a selfish person that he only thinks of himself.



  I think of this place as my home.



  ④What do you think of the film we saw last night?




  think of

  think of a(n) way/plan/idea

  think of…as…

  What do you think of…?

  think highly of


  think out:认真考虑出(计划/方案等),侧重于思考结果。

  think over:仔细考虑(侧重过程),over 为副词,接名词宾语时可前可后,接代词宾语时只能放当中,如“think it over”。

  think about:思索;考虑到。about为介词,宾语只能放在about之后, 如 “think about it”。【即时巩固】用think的恰当词组填空

  We can do nothing until we have

  a new plan.

  ②Why don’t you


  and give me a call in a couple of days.


  it and give you a reply this Saturday.

  ④This picture makes me _______ my childhood.

  考点-12. be busy doing

  【教材原句】I have been quite busy planning my holiday with my elder brother, Colin. (P22)我最近一直忙着和哥哥科林安排我们的假期。


  He was busy/occupied with his homework when I came.

  ②Prof. Hopkins is busy writing a report on his research on DNA.

  ③The coming final exam keeps the students busy going over their lessons.

  ④Tom was kept busy practicing typing on the keyboards as there was a typing test the next day.






  The students

  for the coming mid-term English exam.

  -13. set off

  【教材原句】They set off at 9 and would reach the airport an hour later.(P30【例句研读】译出下列句子中的划线部分

  If you want to catch that train we'd better set off for the station immediately.

  ②Be careful that you don't set the fireworks off by mistake.

  ③Whatever you say will set her off crying.

  ④She set aside her book and lit a cigarette .


  be set in

  set about(doing)

  set an example to sb.

  set fire to (= set…on fire)

  set out

  set aside

  set up


  firecrackers a traditional way to celebrate the New Year in China.

  ②We need

  finding a solution.

  ③This novel

  London in the 1960s.

  ④The police have

  to look into the case.

  ⑤The police hasn't found out who

  the storehouse.

  考点-14.be tired of

  【教材原句】Are you tired of seeing the same view out of your window?你厌倦了窗外相同的风景吗?

  【例句研读】译出下列句子①I'm tired of the endless advertisements on TV.

  ②She is tired of what some so­called famous stars have done.

  ③He was tired out from/with the long walking.

  ④A tiring journey will makes you tired.

  ⑤At last he got home, tired and hungry


  be tired out (from/with ...)

  be tired from/with ...

  be tired of

  特别注意:tired and hungry等形容词短语作状语以及上述词组中不用“be”被省略的情况。

  【即时巩固】(2009高考浙江卷)_______and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.

  A. To be tried B. Tired

  C. Tiring

  D. Being tired

  ②(2009高考湖南卷Every evening after dinner, if not 

   from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.

  A. being tired

  B. tiring

  C. tired

  D. to be tired

  考点-1. reach to

  【教材原句】Hilton described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.(38) 希尔顿描绘了一个美丽的国度,那里三流 交汇,奇峰高耸,深草如茵盖大地。


  When will they reach Los Angeles?

  ②An agreement was finally reached between the two sides.

  ③This street reaches to the beach.

  ④Tom's salary reached to 5,000 dollars per month.

  ⑤The boy reached out for book on the top of the shelf, but couldn’t reach it.

  ⑥I keep the medicine on the top shelf, out of the children’s reach.



  达成协议 延伸到某处






  【即时巩固】The boy ________ the apple on the table but couldn’t _______it.

  A. reached for, reach

  B. reached, reach for

  C. reached, reach

  D. reached for, reach for

  ②Please leave matches or cigarettes on the table out of the ________of the children.

  A. hand

  B. reach

  C. space

  D. distance

  ③I would like to put my dictionary _____.

  A. out of my reach

  B. beyond my reach

  C. within my reach

  D. reaching me

  ④This new model of car is so expensive that it is________ the reach of those with average incomes.

  A. over            

  B. beyond  

  C. within                   D. below

  考点-16. in harmony with

  【教材原句】In this peaceful land, people live in perfect harmony with nature far away from the noise and worry of the outside world.(P38) 在这片宁静的土地上,人们和大自然和谐相处,远离外界的喧嚣和烦恼【例句研读】译出划线部分

  The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.

  ②The sky and the sea make a harmonious picture.

  ③They have Been living in harmony with each other for many years.

  ④They are out of harmony with each other. They often quarrel.

  ⑤The new building doesn’t harmonize with its surroundings.


  harmony n. 和谐,协调,融洽→ adj.和谐的,友好和睦的→






  There is great need for us to

  our environment.


  The violin

  the rest of the instruments.


  Could you tell me how

  others?.wish+(that)宾【教材原句】Wish you were here (Page 21)如果你在这里就好了!


  【】意义 从句谓语形式

  表示现在的愿望 be 动词用

  表示将来的愿望 +动词原形

  表示过去的愿望 +过去分词


  Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be completely ruined.

  —I wish they

  always late.

  A. weren’t

  B. hadn’t been

  C. wouldn’t be

  D. wouldn’t have been

  ②I wish that you _____ such a bad headache because I’m sure that you would have enjoyed the concert.


  A. hadn’t 

  B. didn’t have had

  C. hadn’t hadD. hadn’t have


  【教材原句】Colin and I plan to spend a few weeks travelling before he goes to university. 我和科林打算在他上大学之前外出旅游, 玩上几个星期。

  【句法分析】before 在此译为“在……之前”,引导时间状语从句。

  【】beforeIt won't be+一段时间+before ...……(before从句用一般现在时)

  It will be+一段时间+before ...……(before从句用一般现在时)

  It wasn't +一段时间+before ...……(before从句用一般过去时)

  It was+一段时间+before ...……(before从句用一般过去时)

  【即时巩固】You can’t borrow books from the school library _______ you get your student card.

  A. before

  B. if

  C. while

  D. as

  ②The girl had hardly rung the bell

  the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her .

  A. before

  B. until

  C. as

  D. since

  ③You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason ________ you reach any decision.

  A. although

  B. before

  C. because

  D. unless

  考点-3. as…as possible句型【教材原句】We’ll try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they are dangerous, so that I can take some really good photos.尽管这些动物很危险,但是我们还是要尽可能地靠近它产,以便能拍到一些真正好的照片。

  【句法分析】…as possible表示“

  ……”,可以和“as…as one can”转换。

  We’ll try to get as close as possible to the animals= We’ll try to get

  to the


  【】as + as本来表示同级比较,而我们这儿所讲的是构成一定的句式或是构成固定的短语,表示程度。这两个方面都是高考的重点。

  【即时巩固】In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled

  the local market.

  A. longer than

  B. more than

  C. as much as

  D. as far as

  ②This training program can give you a lift at work, ____ increase your income by 40%.

  A. as well as

  B. so long as

  C. so much as

  D. as soon as

  ③A typhoon swept across tiffs area with heavy rains and winds _______strong as 113 miles per hour.

  A. too

  B. very

  C. so

  D. as

  考点-4. This/It +连系动词+the ... time (that) ...句型【教材原句】I was very excited because this was the first time I had seen one wildlife.我很兴奋,因为这是我第一次见到野生动物。

  【句法分析】This/It is the first time ...为常用句型,表示“这是第一次……”。

  It/Thisthe first/second ...time that从句(现在完成时)

  It/This was the first/second...time that从句(过去完成时)

  This is the second time that I Beijing.这是我第二次来到北京。

  It was the first time that China

  her own aircraft carrier.


  【】It's (high) time that sb. should do/did sth.到某人应该做某事的时候了It's (high) time that we should do/did something to stop pollution.

  该是我们做些什么制止污染的时候了。The first time I saw her, she looked like an old woman.


  【即时巩固】This is the first time I

  a film in the cinema together as a family.

  A. see

  B. had seen

  C. saw

  D. have seen

  ②Jack is a great talker. It’s high time that he

  something instead of just talking.

  A. will do

  B. has done

  C. do

  D. did

  考点-5. be about to do ...when ...句型

  【教材原句】Colin was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him.科林正打算从骆驼上下来,这时一个小孩向他跑来。

  【句法分析】be about to do ...when ... 是一个常用句式,意为“”。我们正要出发,这时天开始下雨。We

  it began to rain.


  the telephone rang.。

  【】这时……这时……这时……【即时巩固】Tom was about to close the window ________ his attention was caught by a bird.

  A. when

  B. if

  C. and

  D. till

  ②We were just ________ calling you up ________ you come in.

  A. about; when

  B. on the point of; while

  C. on the point of; when

  D. on the point of; as


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢