2017届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块2.3《amazing people》(解析版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块2.3《amazing people》(解析版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点-1. curious

  【教材原句】He was bright and curious about the world outside his home town.(P42)



  ①Babies are curious about everything around them.

  ②People were curious to know why the accident happened.

  ③It is curious that Billy hasn’t phoned when he promised he would.

  ④The curious neighbor is always talking about the privacy of others.






  curious adj.好奇的,求知欲强的→curiously adv.好奇地→curiosity n.好奇心

  对某事好奇 be curious about sth. 

  很想做某事,渴望做某事 be curious to do sth.

  奇怪的是…… It is curious that…

  out of curiosity 出于好奇

  meet/satisfy one’s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心

  show curiosity about sth 对某事表现出好奇心



  ①Everybody on board was worried and we

  (急于想了解出了什么事) .

  ②The cat



  (奇怪的是)she didn't tell anyone.


  (出于好奇心),She read the letter written to him.

  【答案】①were curious to find out what had happened

  ②felt curious when she saw her own reflection in the mirror

  ③It was curious that

  ④out of curiosity

  考点-2. preserve

  【教材原句】Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the preserved bodies of dead kings. (P42) 在这些坟墓中,他发现了大量的珠宝和黄金,同时还有已故国王经过处理的遗体。


  ①I think the interesting old customs should be preserved.

  ②We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources.

  ③All countries should try their best to preserve the world peace.

  ④You look well preserved.

  ⑤Ice helps to preserve food.

  ⑥We preserve fish in salt.



  protect vt. (一般意义上的)保护,保卫。着重表示“保护或保卫不受外界的伤害或侵害”。

  preserve vt. 保护,保持,保存。着重表示“保持原有的状态”或“保持完好的状态” 因为保存好而保护。它还有“维护、维持、腌制(肉等)”的意思。


  ①Fish are __________ in ice and salt until they are sold.

  ②You need warm clothes to __________ you against the cold.

  ③In times of danger he always ___________ his calmness.

  ④An organization was set up to ____________historical houses in the city.

  ⑤The union was formed to __________ the rights and interests of miners.

  ⑥Policemen are ___________ public order in the streets.








  ①I think these


  ②We have taken effective measures


  ③The laws are made



  【教材原句】Afterwards, all of its contents would go into a museum.(P42)



  ①This is a good book so far as its content is concerned.


  ②The children enjoyed themselves to their heart's content.



  ③He seems to be quite content with his life at present.



  ④We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.



  ⑤I’m more than content that they’ve done everything I asked.









  content n. 内容,目录;容量;含量;容器所装之物;满足



  be content to do sth. 乐于做某事

  be content with对……满足/满意=be satisfied with=be pleased with

  content oneself with 满足于;使(某人)自己对……感到满足

  to one's heart's content 心满意足地、尽情地


  ①I can swim in the river


  ②That rich man is tired of city life, so he

  live in the country.

  ③I can’t

  the work I've done this past year.


  【教材原句】Then, a few months after Carter had opened the tomb, Lord Carnarvon, who was also present when

  the tomb was opened, fell ill with a fever and died in Egypt. (P43) 接着,在卡特打开陵墓数月后,



  ①There were 200 people present at the meeting.

  ②The Golden Globe Awards will be presented on January 18.

  ③He often gave his neighbor's kids little presents.

  ④We don't need it at present.

  ⑤On his retirement, his friends presented him with a gold watch.

  ⑥The committee will present its final report to Parliament in July.

  ⑦Let's stop doing it for the present.

  【答案】①出席会议 ② 颁发 ③小礼物 ④现在 ⑤赠给他 ⑥向……提交它最后的报告 ⑦暂时/暂且


  be present at 出席/在场=attend

  at present 现在、目前、眼下=now

  for the present 暂且,暂时=for the time being

  present sb. with sth. 赠送给/呈献给/颁发给=present sth. to sb.


  ①Teaching a pronunciation class to a mixed group of learners can __________ a teacher with many challenging problems.

  A. provide

  B. produce

  C. present

  D. offer

  ②The mayor will personally ________the gold medal________ the winning athletes at the sports meeting.

  A. present; by

  B. present; with C. present; to

  D. present; for

  ③Your idea sounds inspiring, but it’s not practical


  A. present at

  B. at present

  C. at last

  D. at a loss


  考点-5. disturb

  【教材原句】When a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses.(P43)



  ①If you get up early, try not to disturb everyone else.



  ②He was disturbed by the news that his mother fell ill suddenly.



  ③It is disturbing that the housing price is rising very fast.







  disturbing adj.令人不安的→disturbed adj.感到不安的

  disturb, interrupt的区别



  Sorry to interrupt, but there's someone to see you.

  Please don't disturb the child while he is doing his homework.


  ①You needn’t have ________ the speaker when he was speaking; there was enough time afterwards for you to ask questions.

  A. affected

  B. interrupted

  C. encouraged

  D. disturbed

  ②The mother opened the door quietly so as not to ______ the sleeping children.

  A. trouble

  B. disturb

  C. interrupt

  D. annoy

  考点-6. result

  【教材原句】If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.(P43)



  ①If you obtain good results, you have to work hard.

  ②He was ill. As a result, he was absent from school.

  ③As a result of politics, they had to leave for America.

  ④She telegraphed from Beijing to Shanghai for news of her son, but without result.

  ⑤His failure resulted from not working hard enough.

  ⑥His carelessness resulted in two deaths.




  ④没有着落/结果/徒劳(=in vain)




  result in的同义语:lead to/contribute to/cause

  result from ... 由……造成,因……而产生

  as a result结果

  as a result of ... 由于……的结果 

  without result没有结果;白费

  with the result that ... 其结果是……


  ①Last night, their house was broken into. _________, they suffered heavy losses.

  A. Result in

  B. As a result

  C. Result from

  D. As a result of

  ②Jenny nearly missed the flight _________ doing too much shopping.

  A. as a result of

  B. on top of

  C. in front of

  D. in need of

  ③There in the corner happened an accident, which _________the death of two passengers

  A. resulted from

  B. devoted to

  C. reached to

  D. resulted in


  考点-7. remain

  【教材原句】What is certain, though, is that ‘the curse of the mummy’ remains a riddle to this day.(P43)



  ①Peter became a manager but John remained a worker.

  ②Whatever great progress you have made, you should remain modest.

  ③In fact, the work remained unfinished.

  ④They remained listening.

  ⑤Whether it will do us good remains to be seen.

  ⑥I have remained in touch with the Greens for more than 10 years.

  ⑦The remaining 10 computers belong to me.









  remaining 与left都有“剩余的、剩下的”的意思,注意它们的不同用法。


  There are only 5 books left. 只剩下五本书了。 

  He bought me a gift with the remaining money. 他用剩余的钱给我买了一件礼物。



  ①(2010高考重庆卷)The palace caught fires three times in the last century, and little of the original building


  A. remains

  B. is remained

  C. is remaining

  D. has been remained


  a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project. A. It has

  B. They have

  C. It remains

  D. There remains

  ③(2009高考四川卷)Ladies and gentlemen, please remain __________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.

  A. seated

  B. seating

  C. to seat

  D. seat

  考点-8. apply

  【教材原句】①Only experience that is in connection with the job being applied for is listed.(P54)


  ②In 1998, he applied to be a member of Project 921, which is now called Shenzhu.(P58)



  ①We decided to apply a new method.

  ②In this way we can better apply theory to practice.

  ③These methods apply to learning English.

  ④More than 30 people applied for the position.

  ⑤Last year he applied to join the Party.

  Last year he applied for membership in the Party.

  ⑥They applied to the government for financial help.

  ⑦She applied herself to/applied her mind to learning English.









  将……运用到…… apply…to

  申请得到某东西 apply for sth.


  apply to do sth

  向……申请(得到)…… apply to...for...

  专心致力于,专心从事apply oneself to/apply one’s mind to


  ①The result of the scientific research has ______________________ (应用于癌症的治疗).

  ②Nowadays many people prefer to ______________________ (申请工作) on the Internet.

  ③The staff ______________________ (正致力于准备工作) for China’s first aircraft carrier.

  ④What the teacher said ___________________ (只适用于你们当中的一些人).

  考点-9. desire

  【教材原句】He always had a strong desire to learn how to fly.(P58)他总是强烈渴望能学习飞行。


  ①We have a strong desire to live in harmony with our neighbors.

  ②My desire is that I should come to China again soon.

  ③Our teacher desires us to learn to adapt to the new environment.

  ④It is most desirable that you (should) both come.

  ⑤The people expressed their desire that the war (should)come to an end soon.







  desire sth.=wish for渴望/希望得到某物

  have a strong desire to do sth.迫切想要做某事

  have a strong desire for sth.急于想得到某物

  desire to do sth. 渴望做某事

  desire sb. to do sth. 渴望/想要某人做某事

  desire that sb.(should) do sth.希望某人做某事

  It is desirable that sb.(should) do sth.希望某人做某事

  one’s desire that sb.(should) do sth. 某人的愿望……


  ①We desire that immediate help ________to the local villagers who have been trapped by the flood.

  A. be given

  B. will be given

  C. should give

  D. is given


  ②(2009高考福建卷)We are at your service. Don’t

  to turn to us if you have any further problems.

  A. beg

  B. hesitate

  C. desire

  D. seek

  考点-10. pay off

  【教材原句】All my years of training as an explorer finally paid off.(P45)


  【例句研读】请看下面的例句,注意短语pay off在句中的意义和用法

  ①You mustn't lose heart, sooner or later your effort will pay off.

  ②Soon after he left school, he paid off all his debt.

  ③The boss paid off the employees.

  ④They are usually paid off at weekends.






  pay for 为付钱;赔偿;因……受罚,因……受痛苦

  pay back 偿还;报复; 报答


  ①I am sure that he will

  every cent he owes you.

  ②How can I


  all your kindness?

  ③We got to the hotel, and I

  the taxi.

  ④I have to

  150 dollars

  the sewing machine.



  his mistake.

  ①pay back

  ②pay … pack

  ③paid for

  ④pay … for

  ⑤paid … for


  ①(2017高考安徽卷)The athlete’s years of hard training

  when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.

  A. went on

  B. got through

  C. paid off

  D. ended up

  ②—Mum, I can’t see any point in studying hard.

  —Come on, dear. Years of hard study will surely______ in your future career.

  A. make sure

  B. pay off

  C. bring back

  D. pay back

  考点-11. come across

  【教材原句】There, they came across the tomb of King Tutankhamun.(P42)

  在那里,他们意外地发现了图坦卡蒙国王的 陵墓。

  【例句研读】译出下列句中的come across的意义

  ①They came across a polar bear on his expedition toward the North Pole.

  ②Your speech didn't come across and nobody understood your opinion.

  ③He is not a good speaker. His words can’t well come across to others.






  ①Can you tell me how the accident came about?

  ②You can’t always trust him to come up with a solution to any difficult problem.

  ③When will his new novel come out?

  ④When did the universe come into being?

  ⑤Her dream has come true at last.

  ⑥When it comes to politics I know nothing.








  ①We are making efforts

  a practical idea.


  !Don't just sit there daydreaming.

  ③Learning English

  once a week.

  ④When it

  English,he has much to say.

  ⑤At that time,I could hardly realize how all this


  ⑥He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not


  考点-12. go out

  【教材原句】At the moment of Carnarvon’s death, the lights went out in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. (P43)



  ①Let's go out for a breath of fresh air.

  ②He decided to go all out to complete the task.

  ③She piled on more coal before the fire go out.

  ④The car went out of control and crashed.






  go away 走开;离去;(岁月)流逝

  go back to


  go by经过,过去

  go in for 从事、参加

  go on 继续,接下去

  go over 审查,复习,重温从头到尾检查一遍

  go up 上升,上涨,攀登

  go through 经历,详细检查;完成


  ①We had a hard time the last time we went camping, because the fire _____during the freezing night.

  A. went out

  B. went over

  C. went on

  D. went through


  【解析】句意:上次我们野营的时候过得很艰难,因为在寒夜里火熄灭了。go out外出;熄灭;go over复习;检查;go on继续;go through经历,遭受。

  ②(2011高考四川卷)To get a better grade, you should __________the notes again before the test.

  A. go over

  B. get over

  C. turn over

  D. take over


  【教材原句】We can add suffixes to verbs, nouns and adjectives to form nouns.(P46)



  ①The soup will taste more delicious if you add a little more salt to it.



  ②These flowers and trees add to the beauty of the schoolyard.



  ③The cost of the party adds up to more than 500 dollars.



  ④He added up all his marks in the exam.









  add to增加;增添

  add up加起来

  add up to总共;总计



  his name

  (加到) the list.

  ②Many new words

  (增加了) the new edition of the dictionary.

  ③The snowstorm

  (增加了) our difficulties.

  【答案】①Add;to ②have been added to

  ③added to

  考点-14.refer to

  【教材原句】Sometimes we use a different suffix,usually-ess,when referring to a woman.(P46)



  ①This paragraph refers to the events of last year.



  ②When I said some people are stupid,I wasn't referring to you.



  ③There is no direct reference to her own childhood in the novel.



  ④Winston made no reference to what had happened.



  ⑤Keep your notes for future reference.



  ⑥Don't refer to your father as a millionaire.










  refer to涉及;提及;指的是;说的是

  refer to...as...把……当做……

  make (a) reference to谈到,参照

  in reference to关于,就……而论

  for future reference以供将来参考


  It was unwise of him to

  the unreliable data in his speech.

  A. refer to

  B. add to

  C. belong to

  D. point to

  考点-15. in control of

  【教材原句】Yang was described by his superiors as hardworking and always in control of himself.(P58)



  ①Jim made me so mad, I just lost control and hit him.



  ②All the newspapers were taken under government control.



  ③He was working hard to keep control of himself and not to lose his temper.



  ④Don't worry, we have everything under control.



  ⑤A lorry ran down the hill out of control.



  ⑥Their quarrel has achieved the situation beyond control.



  ⑦There has been some violence after the match, but the police are now in control of situation.

  比赛后发生了暴力事件, 但是警方已经


  ⑧The city is in the control of enemy forces.









  ⑦比赛后发生了暴力事件, 但是警方已经控制住了局势。



  keep control of控制住

  in control of控制住

  take/gain control of ... 得到/取得对……的控制

  in the control of在……控制之下

  have/bring ... under control使……得到控制

  under control被控制住

  lose control of … 失去对……的控制

  out of control失去控制

  beyond control无法控制


  ①The report said a bus went out of

  control on a highway

  south of the city and rushed into a river.

  A. the ,the

  B. / ,the

  C. the, /

  D. /,/

  ②He has got himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to ______ the plan.

  A. gain control of

  B. beyond control

  C. lose control of

  D. out of control

  【教材原句】The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei and young people all over the world can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream. (P58)


  【例句研读】请看下面的例句,注意短语look up在句中的意义和用法

  ①Colin looked up from his comic strip as Mr. Black entered the classroom.

  ②Dialed the wrong number? Look up the right one in the telephone directory.

  ③Remember to look me up the next time you are on business in Hangzhou.

  ④Young people all over our country look up to Yang Liwei as a hero.

  【答案】①抬头,仰视 ②查找,查阅 ③看望,接触 ④尊敬,敬重(常和介词to连用)


  look after


  look around 东张西望,环顾

  look at 看,注视(某人或某物)

  look out向外看;注意;当心,提防

  look for 寻找

  look down on/upon俯视;看不起,轻视

  look forward to 盼望,期待

  look into


  look on/upon …as…把……看作

  look through 透过……看去;看穿;浏览,彻底调查

  look up to sb. 尊敬某人,敬重某人


  ①(2011高考四川卷)I often_______ the words I don’t know in the dictionary or on the Internet.

  A. look up

  B. look at

  C. look for

  D. look into

  ②(2017高考安徽卷)Before you pay a visit to a place of interest, look in your local library

  a book about it.

  A. on

  B. at

  C. for

  D. to



  【教材原句】He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day.(P43)


  【句法分析】only to do sth.用作结果状语, 意为“不料……,竟然……”。

  She ran to the station only to find that the train had left. 她跑到火车站,不料火车却开走了。


  He went out of the room with few clothes on, thus feeling rather cold.


  I arrived at the shop only to find I’d left all my money at home.



  ①(2017高考山东卷) George returned after the war, only _______ that his wife had left him. A. to be told

  B. telling

  C. being told

  D. told

  ②(2017高考四川卷) Tom took a taxi to the airport, only _____ his plane high up in the sky.

  A. finding

  B. to find

  C. being found

  D. to have found

  ③(2017高考天津卷)He got up late and hurried to his office, _________the breakfast untouched.

  A. left

  B. to leave

  C. leaving

  D. having left


  【教材原句】If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. (P43)


  【句法分析】If breathed in 是状语从句的省略,相当于If they are breathed in。



  When asked about the plan(=When he was asked), he didn't make an answer.


  ①(2017高考陕西卷) All the photographs in this book, _______ stated otherwise, date from the 1950s.

  A. unless

  B. until

  C. once

  D. if

  ②(2009高考湖南卷)Every evening after dinner, if not

  from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.

  A. being tired

  B. tiring

  C. tired

  D. to be tired


  【教材原句】What is certain, though, is that ‘the curse of the mummy’ remains a riddle to this day.(P43)


  【句法分析】what is certain为“what”引导的主语从句,是本句话的主语,“what”在主语从句中充当主语。that后面引导的是表语从句做连系动词“is”的表语。整句话虽然包含两个从句,但是整体是主系表结构



  ①(2017高考课标卷)It is by no means clear

  the president can do to end the strike.

  A. how

  B. which

  C. that

  D. what

  ②(2017高考上海卷)—We've only got this small bookcase. Will that do?


  I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger.

  A. who

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which




  makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.

  A. That

  B. What

  C. Who

  D. Which

  考点-4.not only…but also句型

  【教材原句】They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut but also learnt survival skills and

  all about how spaceships and rockets are built. (P58)他们不仅学习成为宇航员所必修的全部科目,还学习生存技巧,以及关于飞船和火箭制造的所有知识。

  【句法分析】not only… but also 意为“不仅……而且……”,通常连接两个并列结构。本句中,“not only … but also”连接的是两个并列的谓语。

  【考点聚焦】“Not only + 分句,but also + 分句”句型中的前一分句要部分倒装

  Not only was Churchill a statesman, but a poet. 丘吉尔不仅是个政治家,而且还是个诗人。

  但not only...but also...连接主语时,不倒装。例如:

  Not only the mother but also the children are sick.


  ①(2009高考全国卷I)The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only_______, but students became more interested in the lessons.

  A. saved was teachers’ energy

  B. was teachers’ energy saved

  C. teachers’ energy was saved

  D. was saved teachers’ energy

  ②Not only ________ give people relaxation and pleasure, but ________ increase their knowledge of any kind.

  A. can travel; it can

  B. travel can; can it

  C. can travel; can it

  D. travel can; it can


  【教材原句】Although Yang did not get the best scores on every single test, it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of China’s first astronaut. (P58)虽然杨利伟并非每项测试都得了最高分,但他各项心理测试所得的高分最终为他赢得了中国首位宇航员的身份。

  【句法分析】此句中使用了强调句,强调的是his high scores on the psychological tests。


  强调句的基本结构:It is/was +被强调部分+that/who+其他成分。

  强调句一般疑问句式:Is/Was it +被强调部分+that/who+其他成分?

  强调句的特殊疑问句式:疑问代词/疑问副词+is/was it +that +其他部分?


  ①(2009高考浙江卷)—I’ve read another book this week.

  —Well, maybe

  is not how much you read but what you read that counts.

  A .this

  B. that

  C. there

  D. it


  【解析】由句中" not how much you read but what you read"做动词count 的主语,选D项构成强调句型。

  ②(2011高考四川卷)Was it on a lonely island ________ he was saved one month after the boat went down?

  A. where

  B. that

  C. which

  D. what

  ③(2011高考重庆卷)—Have you seem the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?

  — Of course, I have. It was in our village _______ it was made.

  A. that

  B. where

  C. when

  D. which

  ④(2017高考课标卷II)It was only after he had read the papers

  Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.

  A. when

  B. that

  C. which

  D. what


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