2017届高考英语一轮复习写作指导课件:第17讲 如何写开放类作文(牛津译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习写作指导课件:第17讲 如何写开放类作文(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  英语 第17讲 如何写开放类作文 一、魔法导航 1.仔细观察,认真审题。审题对开放类作文的写作相当重要,通过审题确定文 章的主题、时态和体裁。 2.直奔主题,重点突出。尽管开放类作文考生发挥的空间较大,但一定要紧紧 围绕主题展开写作,在文章结构上必须做到重点突出。 3.内容充实,紧扣主题。全文要紧扣所给信息的主题,进行合理的阐述,并表达 自己的感想。在这一部分,只要用简单的语言讲出道理即可,没必要过深地挖 掘信息,同时要保证文章的立意是积极向上的。 4.过渡自然,结构紧凑。要让一篇文章读起来通顺、流畅,就应该注意段落之 间的过渡衔接。因此,有必要在上下文之间添加一个过渡词或过渡句。 ——收放自如,文采飞扬 5. 全面审核,仔细检查。写完文章后,要注意对照写作要求仔细审核,看所写内 容是否符合题意,内容是否充实,句型是否正确,有无拼写错误等。 二、常用句式 1.分析原因 (1)There are...reasons for... (2)The reasons for this are as follows.

  (3)The reason for this is that... 2.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、(不)可能 (1)It is important/necessary/difficult/convenient/possible for sb. to do... (2)It plays an important role/part in... (3)be of importance/significance to... (4)attach importance to... 3.说影响 (1)have an impact/effect on... (2)do great harm to/be harmful to...

  4.列措施 (1)...can do many things to... (2)A good many/A variety of things can be done to... (3)Strong/Effective measures should be taken to... 5. 展望与呼吁 (1)appeal to sb. to do/urge sb. to do/call on sb. to do... (2)try/do one's best to do... (3)do what/all that sb. can to do... (4)spare no effort to do/make the greatest effort to do... (5)do everything in one's power to do... 6. 表示好处 (1)It has the following advantages. (2)It does us a lot of good. 三、典题示例  真题在线 (2017湖北) 请根据以下提示,并结合具体事例,用英语写一篇短文。 Small things make a big difference.The small things we do can make us a respon- sible member of the society. 注意:①无须写标题; ②除诗歌外,文体不限; ③内容必须结合你生活中的具体事例; ④文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称; ⑤词数不少于120,如引用提示语则不计入总词数。  

     审题谋篇 写作类型 开放类作文 中心人称 第一人称 主体时态 一般现在时 一般过去时 要点 布局 第一段:引入话题,如说明自己经历的一件小事对自己的影响等。 第二段:记叙一件证明自己观点的事例,说明“小事不小”的道理。叙事时一定要紧扣主题,扩展要得当,过渡要自然。 第三段:自己的认识和感想,升华主题。 考场作文:

  From a thing some days ago, I know that it isn' t too hard to become a responsible member of the society.

  I can still remember ①a incident which hap-pened on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I was on my way to the bookstore and was ②waiting the green light at a crossing when a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car,which drove off quickly. A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid. I also joined in without hesitation. ③Comparing with the es-caped driver, I am proud of what I did. As a member of the society, I realize that re-sponsibility plays a very important role in creat-ing a better society. 文章提升: 1.修改错误: 1)incident读音以元音音素开头,故应将①a改 为    。 2)wait是不及物动词,故应在②waiting后加介 词    。 3)compare与其逻辑主语I之间是被动关系,故 将③Comparing改为    。 2.提升建议: 将画线部分改为强调句型:    

   阅卷现场 参考范文: During the last summer vacation I experienced many things but it was one small thing that was the most unforgettable. On a sunny Saturday, I was taking a bus to visit my uncle. So many people were there on the bus that some persons had to stand, including an old woman. On seeing this scene, I offered my seat to her without hesitation because I thought respecting the old is a virtue in traditional Chinese culture. When seeing the smile on the woman's face, I felt very proud.

  From this small thing I came to understand that small things make a difference to the world. Only when everyone places a high value on responsibility for the society can we create a better society to live in.  答案 1.修改错误:1)an 2)for    (3)Compared 2.提升建议:it's responsibility that plays a very important role in creating a better society 四、高分秀场 (2015江西高三十校第一次联考) 北大前任校长王恩哥说过:作为新时代的学生,我们应该插上两个翅膀——理 想和毅力,结交两个朋友——图书馆和运动场。请就以上话题展开想象写一 篇文章,阐述你对此的理解。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.参考词汇:理想 ideal;毅力perseverance    

     答案 One possible version: As Wang Enge, former President of Peking University once put, “Give yourself two wings—ideals and perseverance;make two friends—the library and the play- ground.”

  What he said is surely of great importance and benefit to us. Ideals reflect what we value and cherish in the world, which will shape us in the future. Without them, we may get lost and don't know where to start in life. On the contrary, if you stick to them and persevere, never quitting halfway, you will make it. And then we should have another two friends—the library and the playground. The library is where knowledge is stored. Equipping us with knowledge is a must for us to survive or even fly higher. Meanwhile, the playground is another friend we can't ignore. Without good health, you can do nothing but lie down, sighing all day and left in deep sorrow.


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