2017届高考英语一轮复习写作指导课件:第7讲 倒装和省略在写作中的应用(牛津译林版)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习写作指导课件:第7讲 倒装和省略在写作中的应用(牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  英语 第7讲 倒装和省略在写作中的应用 一、魔法导航 倒装和省略是强调句意、丰富句式、增加语言表现形式的重要手段。 (一)倒装 在写作中常用的倒装形式主要有以下几种。 1.含有否定意义的词no, not, never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly或短语not only, no sooner, not until, at no time, in no way, by no means, on no condition, under no circumstances等置于句首时,句子用部分倒装。  典句引领 Not only can traveling relax us, but it can also broaden our horizons. 旅游不仅能 使我们得到放松,而且可以开阔我们的眼界。 Hardly had he finished his talk when he was surrounded by the excited fans. ——倒装省略,风景独好 他刚一结束讲话就被兴奋的粉丝们围了起来。  雕词琢句 (1)As far as I'm concerned,      (她的慷慨不仅能够帮助那些生活困 难的人实现梦想),but also it will motivate more people to participate in such a good deed. (2017广东)  答案 not only will her generosity help those in need realize their dreams (2)直到父亲回来,我才上床睡觉。   

      答案 Not until my father came back did I went to bed.

  (3)这种测试不仅能预测严重的疾病和食物偏好,而且也能为人们提供恰当的 运动方式。(2015广东)  

      答案 Not only can the test predict serious illnesses and food preference, but al- so it can present people with proper ways to exercise. 2.only修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句置于句首时,句子/主句使用部分倒装。  典句引领 Only after all the fish died did the villagers realize the importance of protecting the environment.

  直到所有的鱼都死光后,村民们才意识到保护环境的重要性。  雕词琢句 (1)     (只有你意识到英语的重要性)can you put your heart into it.  答案 Only when you realize the importance of English


       答案  Only if we study hard can we make continuous progress.

  3.在so...that和such...that句型中,so或such置于句首时,主句使用部分倒装。  典句引领 So charming is my hometown that it attracts visitors from all over the country ev- ery year. 我的家乡如此迷人,每年都吸引着全国各地的游客。  雕词琢句 (1)Besides,     (我英语掌握得非常好) that I am elected as my English teacher's assistant.(2015陕西)  答案 such a good command of English do I have (2)这个栏目非常受欢迎,我们在空闲时间都喜欢阅读。(2015课标全国Ⅰ)    

     答案  So popular is the section that all of us like reading it in the free time.

  4.as作“尽管/虽然”讲时,引导让步状语从句,从句用倒装。  典句引领 Child as he is, he knows a lot.

  尽管他是个孩子,却懂很多。 Tired as we were, we continued working.

  尽管我们很累,但我们继续工作。  雕词琢句 (1)     (尽管我感到失望)at the shabby campus and the poorly-e- quipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and considerate.

   答案 Disappointed as I felt


       答案  Poor as the little boy was, he tried to find ways to study hard. 5.当副词here, now, off, up, in, out, down, away, there, then等或表方位的介词短 语置于句首且主语是名词时,句子使用完全倒装。  典句引领 On the left side of the road stands our library, where there are various kinds of books. 路的左侧是我们的图书馆,里面有各种各样的书。 Out rushed the boy before I could say a word. 我还没来得及说句话,男孩就冲了出去。  雕词琢句 (1)Just to the south of Tian'anmen Square     (是前门大街), which is a famous street.

   答案 is Qianmen Street


     答案 Here are two suggestions for you. 1.当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句谓语中含有be动词时,可以省 略状语从句中的主语和be动词。  典句引领 Once lost, time can never be made up for. 一旦失去,时间不可弥补。 When walking in the street, I met my good friend. 在大街上散步的时候,我遇到了我的好朋友。  雕词琢句      (面临困难的时候), the child didn't give up but managed to over- come them.  答案  When faced with difficulties/When facing difficulties (二)省略 2.当状语从句中的主语是it,谓语中又含有be动词时,可以把it和be动词同时省 略。  典句引领 I want to smile whenever and wherever (it is) possible. 我想随时随地地笑。  雕词琢句 有可能的时候,你就可以练习说普通话。(2015四川)  

       答案  Whenever possible, you can practice speaking Mandarin.

  二、学以致用 1.完美文章 结合括号中的提示,用合适的倒装或省略形式完成下面的文章。 (1)     (如此美丽)Jiuzhaigou Valley that I had dreamed about traveling there.Last year,I realized my dream,spending three days in Jiuzhaigou Valley, where the charming sights made a deep impression on me.Only then(2)           (我才意识到) that traveling was quite necessary for improving life quality. However,(3)     (当看到一些游客丢垃圾时) here and there,I felt very angry.I thought it was high time that some effective measures were taken to make travelers aware of the importance of protecting the environment.Only in this way (4)     (九寨沟才能变得越来越美丽).  答案 (1)So beautiful was (2)did I come to realize (3)when seeing some visitors throwing rubbish (4)could Jiuzhaigou Valley become more and more beautiful 2.话题写作 [本期话题] 兴趣爱好 [写作要求] 至少运用三种倒装或省略形式。 根据下面的信息提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。 1.说到个人兴趣,我非常喜欢音乐。 2.它不仅能丰富我们的生活,还可以使我们得到放松; 3.在高中学习的时候,我选学了音乐欣赏这门课; 4.我非常喜欢音乐,一有时间就唱各种各样的歌曲并欣赏它们; 5.尽管在无休止的考试后我感到非常累,但仍然没有停止; 6.直到那时我才真正意识到我是多么喜欢音乐。   

     When it comes to my interest, I do like music very much. Not only can it enrich our life, but also it can relax us especially when we are tired. When studying in high school, I took one course called Music Appreciation. So much did I like it that whenever possible I would sing all kinds of songs and appreciate them. Tired as I was after endless exams, I didn't stop doing that. Only then did I realize how much I love music.

   答案 One possible version: 三、美文赏读 假设你是李华,上周你所在的研究性学习小组对你校中学生的健康状况进行 了一次调查。请根据下面的相关信息写一篇英语短文,刊登在你校的英文校 报上。 注意:1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2.参考词汇:肥胖obesity 近视short sight 现状 肥胖、近视等健康问题逐年增多 原因 作业负担重;体育锻炼少;睡眠不足;饮食不均 衡 建议 减轻学生负担;加强锻炼;多吃果蔬,拒绝垃圾 食品 [我来试写]   

      答案 One possible version: Our research group made a survey about the health condition of the students studying in our school. It shows health problems are common among students, such as obesity, short sight and so on.

  There are various reasons for the phenomenon. ①When faced with endless homework and exams, many students have little time to do exercise. ②So busy are they that they find it difficult to have enough sleep. What's worse, a great many students don't have a balanced diet.

  In order to solve the problems, it's suggested that ③not only should the school reduce students' learning load, but also some effective measures should be taken to encourage students to exercise regularly. In addition, students are supposed to eat more fruits and vegetables and refuse junk food④if possible.⑤Only in this way can the health of students be greatly improved.

  文中①—⑤处作者巧妙运用倒装或省略形式,不仅突出了句意的表达而且丰 富了句式,增强了语言的感染力,出色完成了写作任务,值得学习。 【写作点评】


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