2017届高考英语一轮复习专题强化训练:专题6 短文改错 跟踪训练(含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习专题强化训练:专题6 短文改错 跟踪训练(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (2015·太原二模)ust graduated from the Physics Department of Shanxi University.I’ve done well in all subject and I’m especially good at computer studies and English.I can read science books in English and doing some writing in English as well.Besides,I know a few French.And in my spare time,I like to play the basketball very much.It is said that you company is very famous and is well managed.I’ll be very glad whether I can work with you.

  I’m looking forward to hear from you soon.

  Yours sincerely,

  Wang Ping

  答案: wanted in your company.I am eager to be one of them.So I am writing the letter.My name is Wang Ping.I was born

  Shanxi Province and I’m in good

  .I抳e just graduated from the Physics Department of Shanxi University.I抳e done well in all

  Wa and I抦 especially good at computer studies and English.I can resad science books in English and

  some writing in English as well.Besides,I know a

  French.And in my spare time,I like to play basketball very much.It is said that

  company is very famous and is well managed.I’ll be very glad

  I can work with you.

  I’m looking forward to

  from you soon.

  Yours sincerely,

  Wang Ping


  (2015·河南郑州质量监测三) It is three years when I became a high school student. Looking back on the progresses that I have made so far, I really appreciate for your support. I know that without your properly guidance, I would not have done so well. However, what still makes me puzzling is how to make my dream to go to the top university come true. Please continue to lend I

  a hand. I really need your help.


  答案: list what our parents had done for us. I

  down a lot of good sides.

  Time passes quickly,

  it? It is three years

  I became a high school student. Looking back on the

  that I have made so far, I really appreciate

  your support. I know that without your

  guidance, I would not have done so well. However, what still makes me

  is how to make my dream to go to

  top university come true. Please continue to lend

  a hand. I really need your help.



  (2015·石家庄一模)One year ago, we had no textbooks, no blackboard or no fixed seats.

  Gathering at the entrance of the station, we told to collect as many English words and sentences as possible here.Curious and excited,







  looked everywhere, search for any information in English.Whenever an English word comes into sight, the class would burst into the cheers as if we had discovered a new world.With the Chinese translation and vividly pictures, we could figure out its meaning with ease.

  Now, this unforgettable lesson still encourages me to be an active learner where I go.

  答案: at the railway station. It was quite different from the regular English classes we were familiar , for we had no texbooks, no blackboard

  no fixed seats.

  Gathering at the entrance of the station, we

  told to collect as many English words and sentences as possible . Curious and excited, we walked around the station and looked everywhere,

  for any information in English. Whenever an English word

  into sight, the class would burst into cheers as if we had discovered a new world. With the Chinese translation and

  pictures, we could figure out its meaning with ease.

  Now, this unforgettable lesson still encourages me to be an active learner

  I go.


  (2015·太原检测一)Good morningng my early age,but I’ve developed a great interest in arts and sports.I’m easy-goingemic and personal life.Being admitted in your university has always been a beautiful dream for me.I dream constantly that I,along with mine classmates,will study happy with the help of the respectable professors.I dream that I will swim freely in the sea,enjoying the waves of knowledge.I hope all my dream will come true in the near future.Thank you.

  答案: great honor for me to speak here.My name’s Li Xiang,born in a harmonious family.My father and mother are


  high school teachers.Influenced by them,I read widely during my early age, I’ve developed a great interest in arts and sports.I’m easy-going along well with my classmates.It is this personality

  helps me win over all my classmates’ friendships,and also

  me overcome many difficulties both in academic and personal life.Being admitted

  your university has always been a beautiful dream for me.I dream constantly that I,along with

  classmates,will study

  with the help of the respectable professors.I dream that I will swim freely in the sea,enjoying the waves of knowledge.I hope all my

  will come true in the near future.Thank you.


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