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发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高考题型提能练(十三) Unit 13



  (2016·邯郸高三质检)Since Henry Ford turned it into a mass­market product a century ago, the car has delivered many benefits. It has promoted economic growth, increased social mobility and given people a lot of fun. But the car has also brought many problems. It pollutes the air, creates traffic jams and kills people. An astonishing 1.24 million people die, and as many as 50 million are hurt, in road accidents each year.

  Drivers and passengers waste around 90 billion hours in traffic jams each year. In some car­choked cities as much as a third of the petrol used is burned by people looking for a space to park.

  Fortunately, a new technology promises to make motoring safer, less polluting and less tendency to hold­ups. “Connected cars” — which may eventually develop into driverless cars but for the foreseeable future will still have a human at the wheel — can communicate wirelessly with each other and with traffic management systems, avoid walkers and other vehicles and find open parking spots.

  Some parts of the transformation are already in place. Many new cars are already being fitted with equipment that lets them keep their distance and stay in a motorway automatically at a range of speeds. Soon, all new cars in Europe will have to be able to warn the emergency services if their on­board sensors (传感器) discover a crash. Singapore has led the way with using variable tolls (道路通行费) to smooth traffic flows during rush hours; Britain is pioneering “smart motorways”, whose speed limits vary constantly to achieve a_similar_effect. These new inventions could create a much more highly effective system in which cars and their drivers are constantly warned of dangers and showed the ways. Traffic always flows at the proper speed and vehicles can travel closer together, yet with less risk of crashing.

  In the past, more people driving meant more roads, more jams, more death and more pollution. In future, the connected car could offer mankind the pleasures of the road with rather less of the pain.

  1.According to Paragraph 2, the problem of parking has resulted in ________.

  A.more time on the road

  B.a great waste of fuel

  C.even heavier traffic jams

  D.increased death and injuries

  2.What does “a similar effect” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

  A.Reducing traffic jams.

  B.Building smart motorways.

  C.Setting proper speed limits.

  D.Keeping steady traffic flows.

  3.What is the author's attitude towards connected cars?




  4.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

  A.The Future of Cars: Wireless Wheels

  B.The Future Traffic Management System

  C.The Benefits and Problems of Cars

  D.The Promising Future of Car Production


  (2016·江西省九校联合考试)If you have an allergy to some food, even a very tiny bit of food can make you sick. Lots of kids have food allergies — about 3 million in the United States alone.

  The foods that cause the most food allergies include peanuts and other nuts; seafood, such as shrimp; milk, particularly cow's milk; eggs; wheat.

  What Is a Food Allergy?

  Food allergies occur when your immune system makes a mistake. Usually, your immune system protects you from germs and disease. It does this by making antibodies that help you fight off bacteria, viruses, and other tiny organisms that can make you sick. But if you have a food allergy, your immune system mistakenly treats something in a certain food as if it's really dangerous to you.

  What's a Reaction Like?

  In the most serious cases, a food allergy can cause anaphylaxis (过敏症). This is a sudden, severe allergic reaction in which several problems occur all at once and can involve the skin, breathing, digestion, the heart and blood vessels. A person's blood pressure can drop, breathing tubes can narrow and the tongue can swell. People at risk for this kind of reaction have to be very careful and need a plan for handling emergencies, when they might need to get special medicine to stop these symptoms from getting worse.

  What Will the Doctor Do?

  If you think you may be allergic to a certain food, let your parents know. They will take you to the doctor to get it checked out. If your doctor thinks you might have a food allergy, he or she will probably send you to see a doctor who specializes in allergies. The allergy specialist will ask you about past reactions and how long it takes between eating the food and getting the symptom, such as hives. The allergist also may ask about whether anyone else in your family has allergies or other allergy­related conditions. The allergist may also want to do a skin test. This is a way of seeing how your body reacts to a very small amount of the food that is giving you trouble.

  5.According to the passage, you will have a food allergy when

  your immune system ________.

  A.recognizes tiny organisms in a certain food

  B.mistakenly makes antibodies to help fight off something in a certain food

  C.prevents something harmful in the food from entering your digestive system

  D.releases chemicals to remove harmful things in a certain food

  6.In the sudden and severe allergic reaction, which of the following may happen?

  A.Blood pressure rising.

  B.Lips swelling.

  C.Breathing difficulty.

  D.Heart beating becoming slow.

  7.Which of the following suggestions is given to those at risk of severe allergic reaction?

  A.Taking medicine as soon as an allergic reaction appears.

  B.Avoiding eating any food when going outside.

  C.Always carrying with special medicine for possible symptoms.

  D.Preparing a plan for dealing with emergencies ahead of time.

  8.What will an allergist do to check your food allergy out?

  A.Ask you about the allergy­associated information.

  B.Give you some medicine right away.

  C.Enquire about your present feeling towards the food.

  D.Give you a shot of liquid extract of food.


  Stressed? It is shown in recent research that walking or cycling to work calms you down (traveling by bus or train is also better than driving).

  Walking to work reduces stress and improves brain power, researchers say. Adults who stopped driving the car and started walking or cycling became calmer and found it easier to concentrate. A study of 18,000 Britons found that going to work by train or bus improved their well­being compared with driving.

  The study, published in the journal Preventive Medicine, also found that the longer people spent walking or cycling, the happier or less stressed they were. However, stress levels and inability to concentrate worsened if they spent more time in the car.

  Lead researcher Adam Martin, from the University of East Anglia's Norwich Medical School, said that despite the crowds and disruption, walking to bus stops or stations and being able to relax on the journey “cheer people up”. Two thirds drive to work, 18 percent use public transport, 11 percent walk and 3 percent cycle.

  A research earlier this year found that commuters (乘公共车辆往返者) had small but statistically significant lower scores on all measures of well­being. The worst effects were witnessed in those whose journeys last between 61 and 90 minutes. But when commuting time reaches three hours or more, the negative effects disappear, the report said.

  “The effects of commuting on personal well­being are the greatest for anxiety and happiness, suggesting that commuting affects day­to­day emotions more than overall evaluations of satisfaction with life or the sense that daily activities are worthwhile,” the report stated.

  Dr Daniel Newman, from Cardiff University's Sustainable Places Research Institute, said, “This report says that many of us, who spend mornings and evenings sitting in traffic jam, already know: commuting can be a chore.”

  9.What can be learned from Paragraph 1?

  A.Driving for long drives people crazy.

  B.Feeling stressed can be predicted.

  C.Walking to work helps reduce stress.

  D.Travelling by bus makes people excited.

  10.Walking to work is something


  A.preferred by most people

  B.easier to perform in daily life

  C.making people more creative

  D.beneficial to the sense of happiness

  11.What does the underlined word “chore” probably mean?

  A.Tiresome task.

  B.Amazing challenge.

  C.Meaningless thing.

  D.Financial trouble.

  12.What type of writing is this text?

  A.A scientific report.

  B.A transportation guide.

  C.A policy announcement.

  D.A new lifestyle introduction.

  Ⅱ.任务型阅读(2016·石家庄市复习教学质量检测)You want your essay to be the one that is passed around the admissions office or not? It's a little bit like the difference between being famous and infamous. Here are some basic tips to avoid that infamous essay:● Don't write the “safe” essay.


  It could be something that others have also experienced, but make sure to say how it affected you. Something personal and unique never fails to stand out.

  ● Avoid the generic and get specific.

  Never write that you're “well rounded” or that “many people have influenced” you. 2.________ Real and specific experiences are a lot more convincing than something you copy from the Internet.


  There is no need to share your participation level (hours per week and weeks per year) because colleges ask for that information on your activity list. It is important for the students to use every opportunity to show who they are and impress the admissions office.

  ● Don't talk about rankings.

  Many students love focusing on the numbers when they are writing their “why this college” essay. They believe they are flattering (讨好) the college by saying the reason why they want to attend is that the college is highly ranked in US News & World Report. Obviously schools are aware of their rankings. 4.________

  ● Don't complain.

  If you have gone through difficult circumstances, you should share your story. Don't point fingers. 5.________

  A better essay will talk about how you have dealt with, and hopefully overcome the obstacles you came across.

  A.It's important to show patience and determination.

  B.This applies to all types of essays.

  C.Don't forget about the activity list.

  D.Pick a topic that only you can write about.

  E.They just want to know why you want to attend.

  F.Don't repeat information that is elsewhere in your application.

  G.Tell the reader what you've done, how you've been influenced, and by whom.


  (2016·河南三市第二次联考)As the railroads and the highways shaped the American West in the past few 1.________

  (century), a new electrical generating and transmission system for the 21st century will leave a 2.________ (last) mark on the West, for better or worse. Much of the real significance of railroads and highways is not in their direct physical effect on the scenery, but 3.________ the ways that they affect the surrounding community. The same is true of big solar plants and the power lines that will 4.________ (lay) down to move electricity around.

  Big solar plants and their power lines will also have effects far beyond their direct footprint in 5.________ West. This is not an argument against 6.________

  (build) them. We need alternative energy badly, and to really take advantage of 7.________, we need to be able to move electricity around far more readily 8.________ we can now.

  So balance will have to 9.________

  (make). Some scenic spots will be sacrificed. Some species will be forced to move or will be 10.________

  (careful) moved to special accommodation. Measures will be taken to reduce the immediate effects.












  1.解析:选B 细节理解题根据第二段“In some car­choked cities as much as a third of the petrol used is burned by people looking for a space to park.”可知在一些拥挤的城市里寻找停车位所耗费的汽油占汽油使用量的三分之一说明停车造成大量汽油的浪费故选B2.解析:选D 词义猜测题根据本段“Singapore has led the way with using variable tolls (道路通行费) to smooth traffic flows during rush hours”可知新加坡通过使用浮动的道路通行费来疏导车流英国也正在采取措施来取得类似的效果故选D3.解析:选C 观点态度题根据第四段“These new inventions could create a much more highly effective system”和第五段“In future, the connected car could offer mankind the pleasures of the road with rather less of the pain.”可知作者认为这种新的发明能创造出一种更有效的交通体制在带给人们驾车的乐趣的同时也会减少事故带来的伤痛说明作者对这项发明是支持的故选C4.解析:选A 标题归纳题根据第三段“a new technology promises to make motoring safer, less polluting and less tendency


  hold­ups. ‘Connected cars’ — which may eventually develop into driverless cars”和第四段“Many new cars are already being fitted with equipment that lets them keep their distance”和第五段“In future, the connected car could offer ...less of the pain.”可知文章主要讲的是未来的汽车而不是未来的交通管理系统故选A

  5.解析:选B 细节理解题根据第三段最后一句“But if you have ... dangerous to you.”可知当你过敏时你的免疫系统会误认为某种食物中的某种物质是有害物质而产生抗体故选B项6.解析:选C 细节理解题根据第四段第二句“This is a sudden ... and blood vessels.”及下一句中的“breathing tubes can narrow”可知过敏严重时可能会使呼吸管变窄出现呼吸困难故选C项7.解析:选D 细节理解题根据第四段最后一句中的“People at risk for this kind of

  reaction have to be very careful and need a plan for handling emergencies”可知过敏者应提前做好应对突发事件的准备故选D项8.解析:选A 推理判断题根据最后一段第四五句“The allergy specialist ... or other allergy­related conditions.”可知过敏症专科医师会询问一些与过敏反应相关的问题故答案为A项

  9.解析:选C 细节理解题通读第一段可以知道步行去上班有利于缓解压力10.解析:选D 细节理解题第二三段的内容告诉我们:研究发现步行上班有助于提高幸福指数11.解析:选A 词义猜测题最后一段中提到乘公交车上下班的人们早晚都遇到交通堵塞那肯定也是一件让人感到讨厌的事情12.解析:选A 推理判断题根据文章多处提到的researchers say, The study以及A research可推测本文应该属于一篇科学研究报告.1~5 DGFEA.

  1.centuries 考查名词的数空格前的“few”用于修饰可数名词复数故空格处应用century的复数形式centuries2.lasting 考查词性转换根据空格前的冠词“a”和空格后的名词“mark”可推知空格处作定语修饰名词故用last的形容词形式lasting3.in 考查介词in the ways为固定搭配意为“以这些方式”符合语境故填in4.be laid 考查动词的语态因该句主语“power lines”和空格处所填动词之间为被动关系故填be laid5.the 考查冠词the West为专有名词意为“西部西方”故填定冠词the6.building 考查非谓语动词空格前的“against”为介词介词后应接名词动名词或代词故用build的动名词形式building7.it 考查代词分析该句结构可知空格处代指该句中的“alternative energy”作介词of的宾语故用it8.than 考查比较级结构根据该句中的“far more”可知此处表示比较的概念空格处填比较级标志词thanfar more than为固定搭配意为“远超过……”符合语境9.be made 考查动词的语态该句主语为“balance”和动词“make”之间是被动关系应用被动语态;根据空格前的“will have to”可知空格处应用be动词的原形故填be made10.carefully 考查词性转换分析该句结构可知空格处修饰动词“moved”应用副词故填careful的副词形式carefully.参考范文:As can be seen from the picture, a big family get together to have a splendid dinner. But when they sit down to table, the young just bury themselves in playing with their cellphones, tablet PCs and other electronic devices, totally ignoring their parents, who feel very lonely and sad.

  There is no doubt that cellphones have a negative effect on our lives. Heavy use of cellphones actually widens the distance between teenagers and their elders, leaving the elders more lonely. Worse still, addiction to cellphones might also lead to teenagers' poor performance at school, which adds to elders' worries. As far as I'm concerned, it's necessary to limit the time we spend using cellphones. And I think it important to communicate with our family members face to face, which helps build a harmonious family atmosphere.


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