2017届高考英语一轮复习知识点精练:2.7 特殊句式 Sectiont Ⅱ(新人教版含解析)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习知识点精练:2.7 特殊句式 Sectiont Ⅱ(新人教版含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Part .单句语法填空


  1.[2015·天津十二区县联考]Only when our project has been approved of by the committee ________ we start to carry it out.

  答案:can 考查倒装句。“only+状语”位于句首,主句要部分倒装,根据句意可知填can。句意:只有我们的项目被委员会批准了,我们才可以执行。

  2.[2015·江苏扬州一中质检]Try hard ________ I might, I can attach no definite meaning to this rather grand sentence.

  答案:as/though 根据结构可知考查as/though引导让步状语从句引起的倒装。其中的名词/形容词/副词/动词提前。句意:尽管我尽力去做,我仍不能明确这个复杂句子的含义。

  3.[2015·江苏南京市盐城市二模]My voice was so little, and the shop owner had to bend down to hear ________ it was that I wanted to buy.

  答案:what 考查强调句型中的宾语从句。从句式结构it was that可知该题中含有强调句型,可直接去掉,使句子结构简单化。从句中缺少宾语,故填what。句意:我的声音太小,以致于店主不得不弯下腰听我要买什么。

  4.[2015·福建龙岩毕业班联考]________ he ________ (predict) the disaster, he couldn't have taken his girl friend to the 2015 New Year's Celebration at the Bund, Shanghai.

  答案:Had; predicted 根据句子结构可以判断该题考查虚拟语气中省略if后引出的倒装,主句使用“wouldn't have done”可知该虚拟条件表示与过去相反,省略if后要提前Had。句意:如果他能预见灾难发生,他就不会带他女朋友去上海外滩参加新年庆祝活动了。

  5.[2015·陕西西工大附中二模]Little ________ we know that the region was rich in natural resources about four decades ago.

  答案:did 根据句式结构分析。可以判断该题考查否定词位于句首而引起部分倒装,结合下文中的“was”使用一般过去时,可知答案是did。句意:四十年前我们几乎不知道这个区域有丰富的自然资源。

  6.[2015·江苏四市一模]“Not until I knew much about the Nanjing Massacre”,the foreigner says“________ I understand the significance of setting the National Memorial Day”.

  答案:did 根据句式结构分析,可以判断该题考查否定词位于句首引起的部分倒装句,从上文中的knew可知答案是did。句意:“直到我了解了南京大屠杀,我才明白设立‘全国哀悼日’的重大意义。”那个外国人说。

  7.[2015·湖南郴州质检二]It doesn't matter if they want to come to your birthday party, ________ it?

  答案:does 考查反意疑问句。根据反意疑问句的原则,反意疑问句一般以主句为依据,根据it doesn't matter转换为反意疑问句,故用does。句意:他们来不来参加你的生日派对并不重要,对吗?

  8.[2015·浙江温州二模]It's not what you love in your life but ________ you have in your life ________ matters.

  答案:what; that 第一空考查“not...but...”句式,强调句型强调的主语被“not...but...”连接起来,主语从句中缺少宾语,故用what;第二空为强调句型中的that。句意:在人生中不是你喜欢什么重要,而是你人生中拥有什么重要。

  9.[2015·陕西宝鸡联考]It was the culture,

  rather than the language, ________ made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.

  答案:that 考查强调句型。强调的是句子的主语,主语被rather than连接起来。句意:是文化而不是语言,使他很难适应国外的环境。

  10.[2015·安徽黄山质检二]If you go to the wildlife park, you'll find the places there more dangerous than commonly ________ (suppose).

  答案:supposed 考查省略句。suppose与逻辑主语places之间为被动关系,因此填过去分词supposed。句意:如果你去野生动物园,你会发现那些地方比认为的危险很多。

  11.[2015·四川德阳二诊]________ (give) a push, an object will move forward and do work.

  答案:Given 考查非谓语动词用法。该结构从外形上看与“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”相似,但本句没有连词,所以要注意。give与an object的关系为被动,故应填过去分词。句意:给一件物体一个推力,它就会向前移动而运行起来。

  12.[2015·天津河东区一模]-Did you finish your work?

  -No. I wasn't able to, ________ you?

  答案:were 考查反意疑问句。句子主语I在反问时换为you, 动词为were,故答案是were。句意:——你完成工作了吗?——没有,我不会,你呢?

  13.[2015·北京朝阳区一模]Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when ________ (see) alone.

  答案:seen 考查省略句。省略的是“主+be”,其中see与something之间为被动关系,故填seen。句意:对比会使一些事物看起来比单独被看时的本色更美。

  14.[2015·北京西城区一模]So heavy ________ the load that I felt great relief after taking it off.

  答案:was 考查“so...that...”句式中把so的整体部分提前放在句首时的倒装。正常顺序“The load was so heavy that...”。句意:这个负担很重,以致于在卸下来后,我感到如释重负。

  15.[2015·陕西渭南一模]On the top of the hill ________ (stand) a temple ________ the old man once lived.

  答案:stands; where 第一空考查全部倒装,主谓颠倒,主语是a temple,故谓语用单数;第二空考查定语从句,先行词表地点,且从句中不缺主语和宾语,故填where。句意:山顶上有一座庙,庙里曾住着一位老人。

  Part .语篇语法填空(重点考查特殊句式)


  Joyce:What do you think of the lead teacher's speech?

  Caroline:I think it was ___1___ (interest).

  Joyce:___2___ do I. I hear Mike is likely to win all the prizes in the exams this year.

  Caroline:Yes, his teacher says so. He ___3___ (work) hard at his lessons every evening for months. He wants to go to Oxford University next year.

  Joyce:I hope he will realize his goal.

  Caroline:I hope so. ___4___ I think he works too hard. I hope he'll go out and enjoy ___5___ for a change. How about your son Carl?

  Joyce:Don't mention him. Carl never starts studying.

  Caroline:You're joking. I heard that Carl ___6___ (win) the composition prize.

  Joyce:You have made ___7___ mistake. That is White Carl. My son is Brown Carl. The Whites live in the same community ___8___ we do. White Carl has always been so hard working. He wants to be a ___9___ (write). My son likes going to the concert. He only likes singing.

  Caroline:___10___ he practices singing, he will become a singer in the future.

  Joyce:Not all people can become a singer. I don't think he has the talent.

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

  5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

  9.________ 10.________


  1.interesting 考查形容词作表语。指老师的发言有趣,所以填interesting。

  2.So 考查so的倒装用法。根据句子意思“我也是这样认为的”所以用so。

  3.has been working 考查现在完成进行时。分析句子结构空处是作谓语,根据“is likely to win”和时间状语“for months”知一直在准备直至现在还在进行中,所以用现在完成进行时。

  4.But 根据前后完整的两个句子之间的逻辑关系知是转折,所以用but。

  5.himself 分析句子结构是作宾语,根据意思是让他自己放松一下,所以用himself。

  6.had won 分析句子结构可知空处是作从句的谓语,根据句子的语境知在heard之前发生,表过去的过去,用过去完成时。

  7.a 考查固定搭配。make a mistake“弄错了”。

  8.as 考查连词。分析句子结构可知空处引导定语从句并作从句的宾语,根据意思用as。

  9.writer 考查名词。分析句子结构知在冠词后用名词。

  10.If 考查连词。分析句子结构知前后句子结构完整,根据意思是“如果……”,引导条件状语从句,所以用if。


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